DSi/DSi XL Problem and Solution Master List (In Progress)

This is a list I've been compiling for some time now, and I thought it was to a point where it may be useful to others. It does contain a lot of anecdotes and guessing, so use this information with that in mind and do additional research where necessary.

Note that this is an incomplete project that is subject to change when I learn new Information and search through more resources. If you have any forums, webpages, videos or other resources that may be useful, then I'd greatly appreciate them.

This is a Problems and Solution Master List for Nintendo DSi and DSi XL consoles.

Due to the complexity, fluidity, and variables involved with Homebrewing I’ll cover what I can, but any questions would be better suited on the GBAtemp’s Noob Paradise thread.

Sources for this information can be found at the bottom of the document under the “Resources” header. When adding a source to a possible fix, I'll hyperlink the source to a number in an effort to save space. The numbers do not mean anything.

Labeling Convention
The listed solutions are labeled (Confirmed), (Theoretical), No Solution Found, (Personal Stories), and (Information), and will be in that order.

Currently working on rewriting this list with this new labeling convention in mind. I will post what I have, but it is a work in progress.
  • Confirmed: a known solution to the problem. The original poster or commentor of the problem was able to confirm the fix as valid.
  • Theoretical: Fixes that weren’t confirmed. The original poster or commentor was unable to confirm the fix. Not because the fix didn’t work or wouldn’t work, but there was no confirmation of either conclusion. However, based on the evidence, it is highly probable the proposed solution would work.
  • No Solution Found: The default entry until a theoretical or confirmed fix is found. This is usually due to either not enough information was provided by the OP, or the problem doesn’t have a known good solution as confirmed by other sources.
  • Personal Stories: Any cases that I come across while working on DSi and DSi XL. I will try to add any niche cases that I come across that aren’t very well described by other sources.
  • Information: Any source that points to more general information about the issue. This could mean defining what the error is without providing a solution.
  • Any unmarked solutions are me spitballing ideas and possible fixes that aren’t attracted to a link.
  • (DSi XL) and (DSi) are based on what I found in my experience or what is specifically mentioned when researching problems. This doesn’t mean the problems only impact one of these consoles as it more than likely impacts both.
Table of Contents
Look for the header that fits your problem and look at the listed information. I have the problem grouped the best I can. The Order of the Primary Headers goes as follows:
  • Boot Related Errors – Errors preventing the Console from Reaching the Main Menu.
    • Console Shows Little to No Sign of Life. No screen activity. Maybe some Lights turn on.
    • The Console Shows Some Signs of Life. Screens do Something and/or Lights Turn On.
  • Power/Charging Related Errors – Errors relating to Charging the Console or Power related issues. Console Boots but Doesn’t Charge Correctly/Powers Off Randomly.
    • Consoles Doesn’t Charge or Retain Power Properly.
    • Console Randomly Turns Off.
  • Software Errors - Errors that prevent the Console from Functionally Normally. This includes error codes or “An Error Has Occurred” messages.
    • Error Codes
    • “An Error has Occurred”
  • Screen Related Errors. Console is Fully Functional, but There are Errors in the Displays.
    • Color Related
    • Fading, Flickering, or Vignetting.
    • Artifacting, Dead Pixels, and Bleeding.
  • Non-Boot Essential System Errors. The Console Boots to the Main Menu and Functions, though has some Software or Hardware issues.
    • Software Errors. Errors that Appear in Software.
    • Physical Errors. Errors that Manifest in Hardware that Subsequently Impact Software.
    • Cosmetic and Other Errors
  • Console Information
  • Parts List and Any Relevant Information
    • Motherboard Parts (Components, Connectors, Etc.)
    • Screens and Digitizers
    • Good Shells and other Cosmetic pieces.
    • Other Pieces
  • Resources
    • Other Troubleshooting Posts/Websites of Note
    • Forums
    • Webpages
    • Marketplaces
    • Noteworthy Forum/Webpages Posts
    • Tips and Tricks
    • Homebrew and Flashcard Resources

Boot Related Errors – Errors preventing the Console from Reaching the Main Menu.
Console Shows Little to No Sign of Life. No screen activity. Maybe some Lights turn on.
Console Doesn’t Boot. No blue light or screen flashing. No Sign of Life
  • (1) (2) (Theoretical) Bad/Drained Battery
  • (0) No Solution Found
  • (Personal Story) Broken component on the motherboard. In one console with no sign of life, I ran across a component that just broke off of the motherboard. I wasn’t able to identify what it is (maybe a diode?), but when I resoldered it to the board, the console booted. For posterity, in case the photo becomes unavailable, it’s a component next to the Power Managing Chip with the label “8M” that sits perpendicular between two large surface mounted components (likely capacitors).
  • Blown F1 Fuse on Power Daughter Board
  • Cracked solder joints on power daughter board.
  • Fault in the power button or power board ribbon cable.
Console Doesn’t Boot. No Screen Flashing. Blue light comes on then switches off. (Charging status is unknown)
  • (5) (Theoretical) faulty or dead battery.
  • (1) (2) (3) (6) (7) No Solution found
  • (Personal Story) Bad or disconnected screens. Had a DSi that was worked on by someone, and the top screen ribbon was torn and the backlight for the bottom screen was not plugged it. When powered on, nether of the screens flash. Plugging in the bottom screen LCD ribbon caused the bottom screen to flash on boot revealing the problem to be the screens.
  • (4) (Information) In 3DS consoles, this is a symptom of a “critical failure in a main data line. Likely you accidentally broke off something small like a SMD resistor or capacitor (or even if not broke off completely, tapped it a little too hard and cracked the solder). This is a failure of a main data line and would need micro soldering motherboard repair under a microscope or replacing the motherboard.” Could be a blown fuse or broken capacitor.

Console Doesn’t Boot. Charge Light Flashes.
  • (2) (4) (Confirmed) Reseat the battery.
  • (2) (Confirmed) Bending the battery contacts to make better connection with the battery.
  • (2) (Confirmed) Cleaning dirty charge port.
  • (2) (Confirmed) Blown F1 fuse on the power daughter board. Comments suggest bridging the fuse, but it is always better to replace them.
  • (2) (Confirmed) Main power connector wires, the red and black wires from the power daughter board, were pinched, probably shorted together, and blew the F1 Fuse on the power daughter board.
  • (7) (0) (8) (3) (Theoretical) Blown F1 fuse on the Power Board.
  • (0) (Theoretical) Cracked solder joints on the power board. Could be the F1, the main battery connector, or the two wires.
  • (6) (5) No Solution Found.
  • (2) (Information) “On a DSi the orange charging light blinking indicates improper voltage. It can be the sign of a bad battery, improper battery or one not seated properly. Please try re-seating the battery then put the charger on to see if the charging light stays solid prior to replacing the battery cover.”
  • (1) (Information) User KleinesSinchen on GBATEMP provides a Process of Elimination protocol for this problem. Copying the information over for the sake of posterity.
My favorite method for finding the reason for such problems: The Process of Elimination:
  • Try your charger on another DSi(XL) or 2|3DS(XL) console to verify the charger is working
    • The other way round: Try another, known good, charger on your DSi
  • Charge your battery in another, known to be working, DSi to verify if your battery accepts charge
    • Provide a known to work battery in your DSi and see if it charges
After these tests you should know if the charger, the battery or the console has a problem.

For the case the trivial replacement of battery/charger doesn't help; Possible reasons for the console itself not charging (see photo below):
  • Charging port damaged or loose connection/bad solder joints
    • Measure voltage on the inner solder joints with charger connected. Gently push the connector in all directions to see if it starts charging when applying a little(!) force. Replace connector if needed
  • Fuse F1 blown
    • Measure continuity. If the fuse is blown, replace it (and hope it doesn't blow right away). Be warned this thing is tiny. Not an easy solder job. You can also bridge the fuse: Much easier, but dangerous for the board. I advise against bridging fuses.
  • Filter(?) EM1 defective
    • No idea how to check it. Measure voltages of a charging working unit and compare it to yours. I have no idea what part this is; I would use a donor board to get one
  • Power board not correctly connected (and I think the power board has a fuse as well)
    • See if you get battery voltage on the white connector at the bottom – the small metal points next to (+) and (-) markings on the mainboard.
  • Charging IC defective
    • Same as EM1. Last thing to do. If everything else is okay, I would suspect this little chip. Requires rework station (hot air)

F1 is right below the charging port, EM1 left to F1 and the charging IC is inside the red box in the following picture: (The photo is part of a blog entry I posted months ago, so ignore the text)
  • Faulty power board.
  • Faulty Battery
  • Faulty EM1
  • Faulty Charging IC (U11)
  • Battery Board became unseated (main positive and negative lead)
(DSi) Console doesn’t boot. Orange light blinks when charger is inserted, but the blinking stops when attempting to boot.
  • (0) (Confirmed) Replacing the F1 fuse on the power board fixed the issue.
(DSi) Console doesn’t boot, no signs of life, but the Orange Charge light is steady.
  • (0) No Solution Found
  • (Personal Story) Oddly enough, I had a console like that where the top screen was the problem. No life. No blue light at all. Unplugging the top screen and attempting the boot showed signs of life. There was nothing obvious about the top screen that points to a certain fault, but swapped it with a known good top screen allows the console to boot.
(DSi XL) Powers on, but both screens are black and there is no sound. The console is frozen and doesn’t turn off automatically. Battery needs to be pulled.
  • (4) (Confirmed) Removing and reseating the battery.
  • (5) (Confirmed) This was a known Homebrewed and Unlaunched console, but reseating the Wi-Fi board and using a smaller SD card worked. I expect more the former than the latter.
  • (1) (Theoretical) Loose or faulty Wi-Fi Board. Reseat Wifi Board and see what happens.
  • (2) (3) (Theoretical) Homebrewed Console where a mistake was made during the process. May need Hard Mod to restore NAND.
  • (4) (Information) Removing the battery clears the RAM.
  • Faulty Wifi card slot (needs reflow) and/or faulty resistor R134. Proven by pressing down on the WIFI board and trying to boot.
(DSi) Console does not boot. No signs of life. Screens flicker when the charger is plugged in.
  • (0) No Solution Found.
(DSi XL) Console was dropped and doesn’t turn on anymore. No Charging while in Sleep mode.
  • (0) No Solution Found.
The Console Shows Some Signs of Life. Screens do Something and/or Lights Turn On.
(DSI XL) Top Screen flashes and the console turns off immediately.
  • Faulty Bottom screen.
  • Loose or torn bottom LCD backlight ribbon.
(DSi XL) Bottom screen flashes once and the console turns off immediately.
  • (1) (2) (4) (Theoretical) Faulty or disconnected top screen.
  • (5) (Theoretical) Faulty top screen
  • (3) (6) No Solution Found
  • (3) (Information) “Holding L” allowed the Original Poster’s console to boot until the button was released. No known information on how that works. Tear in the top screen ribbon cable. Tears in the cable or broken contact points on the connector. A tear could be caused by the Wi-Fi and/or mic cable or where the cable meets the top shell’s plastics coming from the screen; where the ribbon begins to coil.

(DSi) Both Screens Flash and the Console Turns Off Immediately.
  • (0) No Solution Found
  • Could be a faulty battery or power board.
(DSi XL) Both Screens Flash and the Console Turn Off Immediately. Orange Charge Light Flashes when charger is plugged in.
  • (0) (Theoretical) Inspect battery contacts and clean.
  • (0) (Theoretical) Reseat Battery and check its voltage (should be about 3.7 volts)
  • Dead or faulty battery.
(DSi) Both Screens Flash, console turns off, but the blue light stays on.
  • (0) No Solution Found
  • May be a faulty or loose Wifi Board.
(DSi) Both Screens flash, console turns off. Console can turn on if brightness is low
  • (0) (Theoretical) Reseat and clean the ribbon cables for both screens.
  • (0) (Theoretical) Drained or faulty battery
  • I can only assume it is a short on the board. Maybe because changing the screen brightness caused it to turn on, maybe it has something to do with the potentiometers. Unknown at this time.
(DSi XL) On boot, screens turn on for a moment and the console turns off.
  • (0) (Theoretical) Drained or faulty battery
  • (Personal Story) The solution to this problem for one of my consoles was a faulty camera unit. Since the camera unit is a non-essential boot component, how it causes a fault in the boot is unknown, but swapping out the camera with a different camera fixed the issue. To expand, the console behaves as though it’s a failed self-check. Subjectively speaking, the screens seem to behave differently than the typical screen flashing you see; the screens were turned on for a little longer. It’s as if the console attempts to boot, freezes, and crashes.
(DSi) Console boots to a white screen and freezes.
  • (2) (Confirmed) Faulty Screen (In the original poster’s case, the top screen)
  • (2) (Confirmed) Loose ribbon cable connection (the connector(s) were not closed)
  • (0) (Theoretical) Console is known to be Homebrewed. The console is bricked. It may require a Hardmod to restore the NAND.
  • (1) (Theoretical) Try a hard reset: Press and hold down the power button for 10 seconds to turn off the console.
  • (1) (Theoretical) Try powering on the console without Gamecards or SD cards in the console.
  • (1) (Theoretical) Check for loose ribbon cables.
  • (2) (Theoretical) Loose or faulty wifi card.
  • (1) (Information) “Sometimes, faulty or incompatible game cartridges or SD cards can cause the DSi to display a white screen. Remove any game cartridges or SD cards from the console and see if the issue is resolved”.

(DSi XL) Console turns on to a white screen when certain games are inserted.
  • (0) (Theoretical) Gamecard slot, the specific game pins are dirty or the gamecard slot is damaged.
  • I’m not aware of a gamecard preventing boot, but, if the console is homebrewed, and is trying to boot straight into the gamecard, I'd assume that causes an issue. Access the Unlaunch Menu by Holding A+B when powering on the console.
(DSi) Console boots to White Screens, but the console is otherwise functional (can hear sounds of navigating menus and can even boot and “play games).
  • (0) (Theoretical) Original Poster reported the potentiometers were broken off or missing. Didn’t know that could happen. Replacing the shoulder button ribbon should fix it.
  • Screens have gone bad and need to be replaced.
(DSi) White screen after the health and safety screen. After replacing the Wi-Fi Card, the console refused to turn on. The charger light blinks.
  • (0) (Confirmed) Replacing the F1 fuse fixed the issues. It wasn’t specified, but I assume it was the F1 on the power daughterboard since the charge light blinked.
  • Not entirely sure how this order of events took place, but it could have started with a Wi-Fi Board issue which, in the process of pulling apart and putting the console back together, blew the fuse. Without seeing that process take place first-hand, it is possible that Wi-Fi board and the blowing of the F1 fuse were unrelated and was a matter of fixing one problem to create another.
(DSi XL) Console turns on, then off (Unknown what the behavior is beyond that).
  • (0) (Confirmed) Unplugging the Right Bumper ribbon cable fixed it? I have never heard of that.
  • Possible damage top screen ribbon connector? I really don’t know without inspecting the console.
(DSi XL) Console doesn’t boot. Blue light turns on, then off and some activity on the top screen (not flashing).
  • (0) No Solution Found
  • Faulty or Dead battery
(DSi) Console only boots with Gamecard inserted.
(DSi) Console boots to a black screen when SD card is inserted. Boots fine without it.
  • (0) (Theoretical) May be a custom menu error.

Power/Charging Related Errors – Errors relating to Charging the Console or Power related issues. Console Boots but Doesn’t Charge Correctly/Powers Off Randomly.
Consoles Doesn’t Charge or Retain Power Properly.
(DSi XL) Console doesn’t charge at all.
  • (0) No Solution Found
(DSi XL) Console doesn’t charge property. Charge port repair was very bad.
  • (0) (Confirmed) A new charge port fixed the problem.
(DSi XL) Charge Light Flashes. Console Turns On.
  • (0) (1) (Theoretical) Bad or defecting battery
(DSi XL) No charge light. No charge. The console powers up and plays games.
  • (2) (Confirmed) A new charger.
  • (0) (Theoretical) Faulty charging IC (EM1 or U11).
  • (1) (Theoretical) Bad or broken charge port
  • (3) No known solution
  • Faulty Charge Port or F1 Fuse downstream of the charge port.
  • Broken solder joints on the charger, F1 Fuse, and/or EM1.
  • Faulty charger

(DSI XL) Console drains the battery and dies very quickly with known good batteries. Changer doesn’t work.
  • (0) No solution found.
(DSi XL) Battery drains even when console is off.
  • (0) (Theoretical) Component U11 heats up and remains “hot” when the console is off. Possibly faulty.
  • (1) No Solution Found
(DSi XL) Charge light turns on for a few seconds, then turns off (not flashing)
  • (Personal Story) This happened on a console I had, and even with known drained batteries, this behavior was observed. I failed to note whether this console turned on or not.
  • Battery is full.
(DSi XL) Charge Light flickers erratically. Unknown if it charges.
  • (0) No Solution Found
  • Possible error in the power board. Reseating the ribbon cable for the board and cleaning the contacts may fix it.
  • Resolder battery contacts on Power Daughter Board
  • Bad Charger
(DSi XL) Charge port looks fine, but doesn’t charge unless the charge cable is pushed down (Cable is assumed fine)
  • Busted solder joints on F1 fuse, charge port, and/or component EM1. Reflow
  • Charge port is faulty or the pins bent.
(DSi XL) The Software based indicator (the icon) for Charging is on despite not being on a charger. No Orange Light.
  • (0) (1) No Solution Found
  • A different power board and battery didn’t change anything.
  • Maybe a faulty power management chip?

Console Randomly Turns Off.
(DSi XL) Console Shuts off without warning.
  • (0) (3) (Theoretical) Battery is not making good contact. Reseat.
  • (3) (Theoretical Bent or twisted gamecard slot pins.
  • (1) (Theoretical) Could be a faulty power board or battery.
  • (2) No Solution Found
  • (3) (Information) “Nintendo put circuitry in these (batteries) to detect improper current to help prevent 3rd party batteries from being used.”
  • Could be a faulty gamecard slot.
  • If it happens when playing a cartage game, it could be a dirty gamecard slot.
(DSi) Console turns off when the lid is closed.
  • (3) (Theoretical) Torn ribbon cable for the top screen.
  • (2) (Theoretical) OP mentions a freezing issue when tapping around the game cart slot, so I take that to mean the gamecards slot is dirty. This would only make sense if the game was being played when this happens, and the OP didn’t specify.
  • (0) (1) No Solution Found
  • If it happens when playing a cartage game, it could be a dirty gamecard slot.
(DSi XL) Console shuts off when shaken.
  • (0) (Theoretical) Torn display ribbon cable(s)
  • (0) (Theoretical) Loose battery and/or dirty battery contacts
  • If it happens when playing a cartage game, it could be a dirty gamecard slot.
(DSi) Console shuts off when the back is tapped.
Sources: (0)
  • Loose/ Faulty battery
  • Dirty/bent battery contacts.
  • (Personal Story) Could be a faulty/dirty gamecard slot and/or Pins. When tapping the back of one console I have, the gamecard would vanish from the main menu. While in the main menu, the console won’t turn off, but if a gamecard is being played, the console will think the gamecard was ejected. A similar effect can be observed when lightly pressing the gamecard and shifting it left and right in the gamecard slot. Might be the pins are pressed down overtime.
(DSi XL) Console shuts off when the bottom screen is pressed or bumped.
Sources: (0)
  • (0) The battery was faulty causing it to bulge. Couple that with the added stress of pressing the bottom screen caused the battery to disconnect.
(DSi XL) Console Powers off when D-Pad is pressed hard.
Source: (See Comments of this post)
  • Flipping the D-Pad Membrane solved the issue.
  • A battery or power board replacement didn’t fix it for one user.
(DSi XL) Pressure around the A and X button caused the console to soft reset or completely reboot.
  • (0) (Theoretical) OP points to a capacitor that seemed to have been knocked out of place Infront of the ZIF connector. May be the cause.
(DSi) Console turns off when brought out of standby (opened). Blue light is “breathing” normally while in standby, so the console doesn’t shut off when the lid is closed.
Sources: (0)
  • May be an issue with the card slot. Unknown.
(DSi) Console shuts off while in standby mode.
Sources: (0)
  • Possibly an issue with the gamecard or card slot.
(DSi) Console freezes on a white screen after about 30 seconds from boot.
  • (0) No solution found
(DSi XL) US system plugged into a 240 Australian plug and was fried?
Source: (0)
  • (0) The original poster didn’t explain enough to be helpful. Mostly likely, they are overacting, or one of the fuses popped in response.

Software Errors - Errors that prevent the Console from Functioning Normally. This includes error codes or “An Error Has Occurred” messages.
Error Codes
(DSi XL) Error 0000FE00
Sources: (0) (1)
  • The console shut off during a update.
  • “0000FE00 means there was an error when communicating with the NAND”
(DSi XL) Error 0000FEFE preventing boot.
Sources: (1) (2) (3)
  • Faulty NAND. “0000FEFE is "Boot sector integrity error (Sector 0x200 not valid), or error in NVRAM contents”. The console is bricked and requires a Hard Mod restore from backup.
  • Faulty Wifi Card
  • (4) You may be able to temporarily resurrect the console by clearing the RAM. This can be done by removing the battery and letting the console discharge overtime (A week, maybe). It may only be a temporary solution.
  • (Personal Story) In one case, I had a DSi XL with corrosion around the NAND that turned the FEFE error into an FE00 error. Could be unrelated. I need to try reflow the NAND chip and try a WIFI card on that console.
Error Message: The System Memory Has Been Corrupted
Sources: (0)
  • This is from the Nintendo Support page, and I haven’t seen this problem reported.
  • Due to a corrupted application. Deleting and reinstalling it should fix it.
Other Error Codes:
“An Error has Occurred”
An error has occured when booting up.
Sources: (0) (1) (2)
  • May be the sign of a corrupt NAND.
  • (1) Bad WIFI card. Replacing it fixed the problem.
  • (2) Might be that, during a homebrew attempt, a file was put into the wrong spot on the SD card.
  • (2) Try booting into Unlaunch with A+B + Power Button
(DSi XL) Known hacked DSi XL boots to a “An Error has Occurred”
Sources: (0)
  • A solution was not found. May require Hard Mod to restore the NAND.
  • Might also be a WIFI card.
(Dsi) Console goes black when Game Card is inserted.
Sources: (0)
  • This happened on a Japanese unit. The message that popped up read “An error has occurred. Press and hold the power button on the main unit to turn it off. Pleasure follow the instructions in the main unit’s instruction manual” via Google Translate.
(DSi) Console crashes when a gamecard is inserted. Gives an error message.
Sources: (0)
  • (Theory) it might be that the card slot is borked and two pins are shorting against each other. Might be worth testing on a junker console that needs a new card slot or pins.
(DSi) Console crashes when a Gamecard is launched. Gives “An error has occurred” message.
Sources: (0) (1) (2)
  • Loose or faulty Wifi card.
  • Possibly dirty or bent gamecard pins.
  • No known issue. May be a card slot issue.
(DSi) An error appears when opening any program.
Sources: (0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
  • Loose or faulty WIFI card. Try reseating it.
  • Faulty Wifi card plug. May need reflowing. Can confirm it by putting pressure on the WiFi board while trying to open a program.
  • (0) The problem is the Wifi board, but not the board itself, but the connection to the board. The solution was propping up the Wifi Card up with a bit of paper so that it could connect in the right position.
(DSi) Showing impossible date (00/00) and time (00:00) and error code when launching software
Sources: (0)
  • Known. May be a wifi board error. Similar relating to the latter issue.
(DSi) An Error has occurred after Helth and Safety screen on a known hacked console. OP admits doing something “really dumb”.
Sources: (0)
  • Console may be bricked and requires a Hard Mod to restore NAND

Screen Related Errors. Console is Fully Functional, but There are Errors in the Displays.
Color Related
(DSi) Colors are fine at first, but after about 20 minutes, the color invert on the top screen
Sources: (0)
  • Maybe related to potentiometer.
(DSi) Top screen colors are inverted
Sources: (0)
  • Adjusting the potentiometer fixed the issue.
(DSi XL) Color are inverted on the bottom screen
Sources: (0)
  • The author’s adjustment to the potentiometer didn’t change anything.
  • Unknown
(DSi XL) Yellowing Display remains even after a screen replacement.
  • A component on the board may be at fault. Without schematics, it’s impossible to say.
(DSI XL) Top screen colors washed out
Sources: (0)
  • May need a new screen since the potentiometers didn’t work
(Dsi) Top Screen has a Green Hue after replacing the screen.
Sources: (0)
  • If reseating the top screen ribbon cable and cleaning the contacts doesn’t work, the screen needs to be replaced.
  • (Personal Story) Now, I have experienced this with my test bench console that I use to test screens, and it was caused by the ribbon being creased too many times. That screen ribbon was toast.
(DSi) Top Screen has a red hue.
Sources: (0)
  • If reseating the top screen ribbon cable and cleaning the contacts doesn’t work, the screen needs to be replaced.
(DSi XL) Top and Bottom Screens have different Color Temperatures.
Sources: (0)
  • It is really hard to say as it is near impossible to photograph and could be entirely subjective. Swapping screens didn’t seem to impact the issue, so it may be a fault in the motherboard.
  • Issues can range from one display being more red or more blue than the opposite screen. The variation is so small, it is impossible to see on a non-matching or non-white display.
(DSi XL) Powers on and boots, but bottom screen is black.
Sources: (1)
  • Relating to the bottom screen. The bottom screen may be dysfunctional.
  • Loose or torn bottom screen LCD ribbon
  • Backlight connector may be damaged

Fading, Flickering, or Vignetting.
(DSi XL) Vignetting on one or both screens.
Sources: (0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
  • Possibly needs new screens. May be the screens are “burned”. Unknowns.
  • (2) Try adjusting potentiometers.
(DSi) Corners of DSi Screen are White.
Sources: (0)
  • Requires new screen
(DSi XL) Corners of the Top Screen are dark.
Sources: (0)
  • Not solved by manipulating the potentiometers.
  • May need a new screen
(DSi) Nintendo DSi Screen Flickering both screens.
Sources: (0) (1)
  • Fixed by one user who adjusted the potentiometers in the battery compartment.
(DSi XL) Bottom Screen fades to blank after some time.
Sources: (0) (1) (2)
  • Unknown.
  • May be potentiometer related.
  • On DSi consoles, it may be a faulty shoulder button ribbon cable.
(DSi) Top Screen fades with “Flickering Lines”
Sources: (0)
  • Potentiometer related issue.
(DSi) Top screen a tiny bit dimmer
Sources: (0) (1)
  • Maybe purely subjective. Could need new screens or adjusting the potentiometers.
Both Screen Faded.
Sources: (0) (1)
  • Adjusting potentiometers fixed it.
(DSi) Bottom Screen Faded
Sources: (0)
  • Adjust potentiometers
  • (0) (DSi) Potentiometer for the bottom screen broke, and was fixed by replacing the shoulder ribbon cable that had the potentiometers on it.
Top screen is darker than the bottom screen.
Sources: (0) (1) (2) (3)
  • Adjusting Potentiometers.
(DSi XL) Top screen only works at certain angles (angles in which the console are opened).
Sources: (0)
  • Replace the top screen.
(DSi XL) Image Retention/”Burn-in” on Settings, Soft Reset, other applications. Both Screens.
Sources: (0) (1) (2)
  • Replace Screens.
  • (0) Leaving the console off for a few days may fix it.
  • (Personal Story) A “Burn-in" appearing image can be seen in the Settings menu and camera app (could be more, but that was all I tried). It was not present in games. The image changed over time and static elements blended into it. Can see image on soft reset. The “Burn-in” survived a system format and System Update. Image Retention was most prominent on Bottom screen and

Artifacting, Dead Pixels, and Bleeding.
(DSi XL) Backlight bleed on the bottom screen.
Sources: (0)
  • Some of the bleed was lessened by “twisting” the shell. It could mean there needs to be more pressure behind the bottom screen. Maybe a pad or something.
(DSi XL) Top/Stuck Pixel after a drop.
Sources: (0)
  • Solution: The LCD Display was fine, but the screen lens had a scratch creating the appearance of a dead pixel.
(DSi) Top Screen artifacting.
Sources: (0 0)
  • Maybe caused by R4 card with a dodgy kernel according to the OP.
  • It was fixed when the console was left off overnight. Pulling the battery may also fix it.
(DSi) Parallel Lines on the Bottom Screen.
Sources: (0)
  • Could be potentiometer related.
  • Probably requires a new screen.
(DSi) Both Screens are “Glitchy” and unusable.
Sources: (0)
  • (0) Reseating the ribbon cables and adjusting the potentiometers didn’t do anything. I believe the should button ribbon is faulty, but the images on the screen are well beyond anything I've seen before in relation to potentiometer faults.

Non-Boot Essential System Errors. The Console Boots to the Main Menu and Functions, Though has some Software or Hardware issues.
Software Errors. Errors that Appear in Software.
(DSi) SD Card was no longer detected by the DS. SD Card was fine when plugged into the computer.
Sources: (0) (1)
  • The user was using a MicroSD card in an adapter to make it a full-sized SD Card. The adapter went bad/developed a fault which resulted in the console not being able to read it.
(DSi) Doesn’t read any SD (micro or full sized) card; even ones that work on another DSi
Sources: (0)
  • (0) Swapping the Card reader with a known working reader doesn’t work.
  • No known solution.
(DSi) “The Object Inserted in the SD Card Slot Isn’t Valid” Error message upon attempting to load content off of a SD card.
Source: (0)
  • Could be a faulty SD Card Adapter if using a Micro SD card.
  • Could be a faulty SD Card Slot.
(DSi XL) Volume buttons do not change the volume. The volume works, as indicated by the console, but the speakers remain at Level 2 Volume.
Sources: (0) (1) (2)
  • No Known solution.
  • May be a bad volume ribbon cables
(DSi) Hacked DSi cannot load normal Games.
Sources: (0) (1)
  • Insert game card and power on holding “A”. There should be an entry with the game.
(DSi) Downloaded Game Freezes.
Sources: (0)
  • Most likely a bad ROM. It was not mentioned if it was an official or non-official download.
Parental Locks
Sources: (0)
Videos: (0)
(DSi XL) No Data Management.
Sources: (0) (1)
  • Connect to the DSi Eshop (which probably isn’t available).
  • Homebrew
  • Update the console?
(DSi) Camera Application opens to a black screen
Sources: (0)
  • Maybe a faulty camera unit.
DSiWare Locks Up
Sources: (0)
  • (0) This is from Nintendo Support, and I haven’t heard of this problem being reported.
(DSi XL) Wifi Light is not on.
  • Wireless Communications was turned off in the settings.
(DSi) Cannot detect game cartridge after a card slot replacement
Sources: (0)
  • In one post, the OP accidently knocked the EM13 component off the board. It may be the problem.
(DSi) European or Japanese console doesn’t recognize my US DS game.
  • Check to see if the game is DSi enhanced. DSi enhanced games are region locked.
(DSi) Date and time doesn’t update.
Sources: (0)
  • No known solution
(DSi) Connecting to the internet causes the whole network to crash.
Source: (0)
  • I assume this is less of a DSi problem and more of a Faulty Router.
Physical Errors. Errors that Manifest in Hardware that Subsequently Impact Software.
(DSi) DSi Volume Buttons are changing brightness instead of Volume.
  • Check the Select Button for Faults. Holding Select and using the volume controls the brightness.
(DSi XL) Stuck right shoulder button
Sources: (0)
  • Required cleaning.
Unresponsive Shoulder Buttons
Sources: (0) (1)
  • “Mashing” and “Blowing” the shoulder buttons fixed the issue.
  • Cleaning the button with IPA can work.
  • Replace button
  • Faulty shoulder button ribbon cable(s).
D-pad feels “Crummy” and hard to do diagonal inputs.
Sources: (0) (1) (2)
  • Flipping the D-pad membrane over in the shell.
(DSi) Power button doesn’t soft reset the console.
Sources: (0)
  • Unknown. Issue fixed itself.
(DSi) Power Button is unresponsive most of the time. Takes multiple presses.
Sources: (0)
  • Power button may require cleaning
(DSi XL) Console powers on, but doesn’t power off.
Sources: (0)
  • Something about the wiring? I can only assume they mean the main power lines to the MOBO from the power daughter baord.
Mic doesn’t work. No response in the Sounds app.
Sources: (0)
  • (0) The two metal pins in the external mic slot, next to the 3.5mm jack, are stuck up. Bending the pins back down should fix it. The logic behind this is the two pins, while resting, short on a copper plate below them, relatively speaking. If the pins are flattened, and don’t make contact with the plate, and the console thinks an external mic was inserted.
  • Dirty mic slot (the slot next to the headphone jack)
  • Torn Cable.
  • Possible motherboard error. Good mics have been tested on these boards, and the mic doesn’t pick up any audio. The connector on the motherboard seems fine. Mic + line is supposed to have continuity between R92 and C31. HOW the positive line get to those points, I do not know. The Mic + line goes into a via and vanishes.
(DSi XL) Speakers “Buzzing”
Sources: (0) (1)
  • Unless there is damage, some amount of buzzing is normal
Sound Through Only One Speaker or One Side of Headphones
Sources: (0)
  • (0) This is from Nintendo support, and I have never heard of this problem being reported.
(DSi) Right Speaker is quiet compared to the Left Speaker.
Source: (0)
  • Might be the solder joints are failing. No solution was found.
No Volume or Sound Is Faint Through Speakers
Sources: (0)
  • (0) This is from Nintendo support, and I have never heard of this problem being reported.
(DSi XL) Console will not read games.
Sources: (0) (1)
  • (0) The pins in the Gamecard slot are bent. You can, very carefully, bend the pins back.
  • (1) Pins could be dirty, or these are bad solder joints on the Mother Board.
The system doesn’t read games normally but does when you hold the card down.
  • Dirty game slot pins
(DSi XL) Game is stuck in Gamecard slot.
Sources: (0)
  • Get a thin object to stick into the game card slot to light the metal flap within the gamecard slot. It is suspected the metal bar is bent.
(DS?) Gamecard doesn’t lock into the card slot.
Sources: (0)
  • A piece of the gamecard slot came loose and needs to be reset.
Game Locks Up or Freezes
Sources: (0)
  • (0) This is from Nintendo Support, and I have never heard of this issue reported.
(DSi) Camera looks “Crushed” and pictures only appear in a grey gradient.
Source: (0)
  • (0) Possible damage due to being left in sunlight. The Lens unit or Camera unit needs to be replaced.
(DSi XL) Touch Screen doesn’t work after replacement.
Sources: (0)
  • The connector may have been broken or the ribbon cable was damaged during installation.
(DSi) Bottom screen doesn’t have a backlight. Bottom screen is known good. Console works fine otherwise.
  • (0) (Theoretical) OP mentions corrosion around the backlight connector. Connector may need to be reflowed.
Power daughter board main connector ripped off.
  • (0) Resolder the connector back on
  • Replace with new connector. Part name: BM02B-ACHSS-GAN-ETF From Digikey.
  • Snip and solder the wires directly to the board.
(DSi XL) Charge port ripped off taking the + and – Pads with it.
  • (0) Solder the + To the EM1 (follow the + trace to see where to solder to) and the – to any ground pad like the game card shield.
Cosmetic and Other Errors
(DSi XL) Shell creaking near d-pad.
  • Unconfirmed hypothesis: D-pad membrane is keyed and was installed on the wrong side. May be millimeter differences in shell pieces, but that is unconfirmed.
(DSi XL) Shell Separation near face buttons.
  • Not related to bottom shell, shoulder button, SD card Slot, or Stylus holder. Seems to be some resistance between the motherboard and upper lower shell. May be related to the button membrane being too thick, suggesting an extremely minor variation in DSi XL consoles, or the membrane being misaligned. Could also be related to Wifi Antenna and Mic cable routing on the shell.
  • Possibly a warped shell due to damage.
(DSi XL) Replacing Top Screen Rubber Stoppers
Source: (0) (1)
  • Purchasing Original 3DS stoppers and cutting off 1mm would work in theory
(DSi) Weird marks on the top screen. Almost looks like dust underneath the top screen lens.
Sources: (0) (1)
  • Some weird fault in the top screen lens. Doesn’t appear to be impacting the LCD display. It doesn’t clean off, so replacing the lens is the next best thing.
  • Could be due to the lens making physical contact with the LCD display.
  • (0) Mold or some organism growing between the lens/digitizer on the LCD displays.
(DSi) Blue light is flickering when the console is on. No other reported issues.
Sources: (0)
  • (0) “Check your LED ribbon cable, the last time this happened to me it was my wireless icon not lighting up unless pressure was applied. Taking the LED cable out and reinserting it fixed the issue for me.”
(DSi) No Flipnote Studio
Sources: (0)
  • Updating the console, maybe?
  • Homebrew


Console Information
Components Needed to Boot
The absolute minimum components needed to reach the DSi Main Menu
  • Top Screen Ribbon Cable
  • Wifi Card (Antenna not needed).
  • Power Board (Ribbon and power connector)
  • Bottom Screen Backlight (Thin Cable above the thicker LCD Ribbon)
Bare Minimum Life Check
The absolute minimum components needed to check for a blue power light.
  • Mother Board
  • Power Daughter Board
  • Battery
Hardware similarities between DSi and DSi XL
Key Differences Between DSi and DSi XL
  • Screen potentiometers:
    • Located on the Motherboard for the DSi XL. Unless tampered to the point of destruction, I am not aware of them going bad, but it isn’t impossible.
    • For the DSi, they are located on the Ribbon Cable for the Shoulder Buttons and SD Card. These are known to be a point of failure and cause issues for the screens, shoulder buttons, and, potentially, the SD Card.
Additional Hardware information
  • (0) (Information) The Wi-Fi Daughter Board has the console’s bios

Parts List and Any Relevant Information
Motherboard Parts (Components, Connectors, ETc.)
Charge Slot
(DSi) Component DA5
Sources: (0)
(DSi XL) Component EM1
Sources: (0)
F1 Fuse
Game Card Slot
Power connector from Power Board to Motherboard
Sources: (0)

Screens and Digitizers
Digitizer/Backlight Connector
Top Screen and/or Bottom Screen
Good Shells and other Cosmetic pieces.
Other Pieces
  • (0) (Information) Nintendo DSi: battery model no. TWL-003
  • (0) (Information) Nintendo DSi XL: battery model no. UTL-003

If you have information about good quality Shell Kits, Lenses, and Top Screens for DSi and DSi XL consoles, I would be grateful if you shared them.

Other Troubleshooting Posts/Websites of Note
Noteworthy Forum/Webpages Posts
Tips and Tricks
  • To enter the Touch Screen Calibration without going through the menu: Power on the console holding L, R, Select and Start.
Homebrew and Flashcard Resources
Last edited by KIlly728,


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Nice list!

I also want to add (sorry if I missed it in your list), that some DSI XL's have issues with powering down when the Dpad is pressed hard, often combined with the right Dpad not working. Cleaning the board and flipping the membrane of the Dpad seems to fix it.


Active Member
May 2, 2024
United States
I also want to add (sorry if I missed it in your list), that some DSI XL's have issues with powering down when the Dpad is pressed hard, often combined with the right Dpad not working. Cleaning the board and flipping the membrane of the Dpad seems to fix it.

Oh, that's interesting. Sounds like a loose battery or faulty power board. I'll have to add that.

Thank you.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Oh, that's interesting. Sounds like a loose battery or faulty power board. I'll have to add that.

Thank you.

That was my though too. Replaced the battery and power board, still same issue. Cleaned it and flipped the membrame, not an issue ever since. I read some online that some people fixed it the same way. It's odd that a Nintendo console had such design flaws.


Active Member
May 2, 2024
United States
Cleaned it and flipped the membrame, not an issue ever since. I read some online that some people fixed it the same way.

I've seen that flipping the membrane fixing wonky D-Pad inputs (meaning it's easier to hit diagonal inputs), but never anything correlating with the D-Pad to powering off.

Interesting. I will have to see if there are any more references and sources for this issue.


New Member
Jul 3, 2024
United States
This actually helps me troubleshoot my Nintendo dsi. The orange charging indicator light flashes when I plug it in. It has a brand-new battery inserted into it since the old one died. My Nintendo dsi is 7 years old
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Active Member
May 2, 2024
United States
I have the issue where the volume wont change but the volume icon does show the clickers are working and my screen wont brighten or dimm.
So if I understand correctly, the console's volume remains the same, but, according to the console, it is increasing and decreasing?

I do not know of a solution if it's similar to this issue. My best guess is that the shoulder ribbon cable is faulty.


Paranoid Temper
May 10, 2014
Who wants to know?
United States
So if I understand correctly, the console's volume remains the same, but, according to the console, it is increasing and decreasing?

I do not know of a solution if it's similar to this issue. My best guess is that the shoulder ribbon cable is faulty.
yep same with brightness


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2018
Since you have a brightness and sound issue, I think you have a broken trace/ball on SCL1 and SDA1.
The volume buttons are directly connected to the BPTWL, so you can rule out the flex cable.
the speakers are connected to the aic3000d.
the volume is controlled by U7 (digital potentiometer) pin 5 and it goes to pin 17 of aic3000d. The volume is set by SCL1/SDA1
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Paranoid Temper
May 10, 2014
Who wants to know?
United States
Since you have a brightness and sound issue, I think you have a broken trace/ball on SCL1 and SDA1.
The volume buttons are directly connected to the BPTWL, so you can rule out the flex cable.
the speakers are connected to the aic3000d.
the volume is controlled by U7 (digital potentiometer) pin 5 and it goes to pin 17 of aic3000d. The volume is set by SCL1/SDA1
my only question is whats the repair price and difficulty of it?


Active Member
May 2, 2024
United States
CP4 is just a filtering cap on the 3.3v for the sd card flex cable.
SCL1 and SDA1 is i2c and that's how bptwl, pmic and the digital pot talk to each other.

I am unaware of any technical documentation that goes into this depth, do you know of any?

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