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[POLL] U.S. Presidential Election 2016

Whom will/would you vote for?

  • Laurence Kotlikoff (Independent)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tom Hoefling (America's Party)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Maturen (American Solidarity Party)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2012
United States
Why donald Trump hate me and the others mexicans :´)?
By the way... im not american, so, i cant vote...
He doesn't just hate mexicans he hates us all. back to burning coal?!?!. fuck trump and his hair and his "Hearing" idea's that new energy like solar is creating less "jobs" so we should go back to burning coal and working in mines. aaaand fuck Hilary and her email scandal with doing things she had no proper authority to do and then when told it was at risk she ignored it multiple times not just once and then got hacked.....

bernie still hasn't backed down from what I read recently if its true. so if I can I still will vote for bern.

edit: let's not forget Trump quoted the National enquirer........
Last edited by [^Blark^],
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Game Programmer
Nov 25, 2012
The United States of America
United States
To be honest, none of these candidates I agree with fully, although that is to be expected.
While I do like some of Trump's ideas concerning keeping America, well, America, he is not the most eloquent speaker.
Unfortunately, I can not support Hillary, as she seems determined to tear apart my freedoms. Not a fan of that. I mean, turning us into Australia? Who thinks this is a good idea?
I looked into Johnson, and I can say he's not too bad in my opinion. He seems a bit unsure of himself though, and I don't like his idea for a new drugs policy.
I tend to be more conservative, but really what I look for is not what to support, but what not to. So Trump may have to be my choice. I wish Cruz had stayed in the running...

Really, what we need here, in my opinion of course, is less Federal government control, and more to the States and people themselves.
That, and less of this whole "rights to special people groups" thing; it'll tear this country apart.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Jesus Christ, people actually support Bernie Sanders? The red menace is still doing well, apparently. None of my business, really, but any pick other than Sanders and Stein would be acceptable for the U.S.
Thank you. Someone else who sees this.
The main reason I find that some people I know would want him is the whole "free college" thing. Do people stop to wonder where that money will come from?

I remember a man I worked for during a short period years ago; he was an immigrant from Russia, and one thing he said I found interesting:
"I came to America because I didn't like Russia. Why are people wanting to make America more like Russia?"
Concering the above quote, I was not comparing Sanders to Russia directly per-se, I was just using it as an example for the overall mess we as Americans find ourselves in these days. America is supposed to be America, dangit!
Last edited by BLsquared,


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
I #FeelTheBern and will only vote for Bernie Sanders.

If the super delegates are truly serious about wanting to stop Trump, then they will pledge their support to Bernie, because Hillary is continuously losing in recent polls to Trump, whereas Bernie is beating him big time.

Even if Bernie does not win the nomination, he can still run as an independent, or voters could use write-in ballots to vote for him.
sources for continuously losing to trump and why would bernie win elections if he can't win pre-elections?

and you know just as well as i that sanders will throw himself behind clinton the moment his nomination is completely out of the picture.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I #FeelTheBern and will only vote for Bernie Sanders.

If the super delegates are truly serious about wanting to stop Trump, then they will pledge their support to Bernie, because Hillary is continuously losing in recent polls to Trump, whereas Bernie is beating him big time.

Even if Bernie does not win the nomination, he can still run as an independent, or voters could use write-in ballots to vote for him.
Superdelegates aren't going to subvert the popular vote and pledged delegate count to pick Bernie Sanders. I voted for Bernie in the primary, but Hillary won fair and square. Bernie will likely drop out and endorse Hillary in the coming days/weeks.

In addition, as already mentioned in this thread, Hillary and Bernie are roughly 95% in alignment when it comes to policy. For people who want to see whom they align with, I highly recommend the iSideWith test.
Last edited by Lacius,


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
on the cool side of the pillow
Trump is the best example why people without education in politics should not be allowed to be elected. Clinton has political experience since she was the state's secretary. Trump has nothing.
If he wouldn't be that rich I doubt he'd be a candidate.
In my point of view, if he wins, the IS also wins, because it's their goal to cleavage the USA. Also, he is just playing with the people's fears. For example he claims that the Afro Americans steal all the jobs (spreading fears). A few minutes later he complains that the Afro Americans are mostly unemployed.. like.. wtf :wtf:
Also spreading fear by mentioning the drug smuggle from Mexico to the USA. His solution is a wall. But don't we all know walls only cause damage? Remember the wall of Berlin and the wall between North- and South Korea.
A wall wouldn't reduce the smuggle in any way since a mentionable amount of them passes the border by ship or underground tunnels. If drug smuggle would really be his true reason for the wall, then he would also build one on the Canadian border. But he didn't say a word about it. So my conclusion is that this wall is just the product of racist insanity. I can't understand his hate against Mexico. If you don't think about the crime there, you will see they have a great culture, awesome food, last but not least Mexicans are very kind and hospital people.
Also his slogan "Make America great again"... Is he saying that the USA isn't great right now? I'd not want a president finding my country shitty.

I am shocked that so many people still vote for him. Even I don't live in the USA, the whole situation upsets me. I'm glad to see that many tempers don't go for Trump. If Clinton will become president, I'll be really relieved.
But right now... I can't assess myself who will win..
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AKA zooksman
Jun 6, 2013
United States
Who in the world is Jill Stein? I've never heard of her.

Anyway, I think that most of the current candidates would be a bad choice. They are mostly old farts (Bernie would likely kick the bucket while in office anyway).

The only reason Hilary has her success is because of the Democratic superdelegate system. The superdelegates committed to Clinton since they're all party insiders and Bernie isn't really a democrat. Hell, half of them committed even before Bernie announced his campaign, so even if he got the actual delegate lead Hilary still has it in the bag. She's also the go-to "not Trump" candidate as most people are too afraid to vote for Bernie due to the US's fear of socialism. I ask you this, when is the last time you have heard a positive thing about Clinton other than "she has political experience"? For me, it's been a while since I've heard anything other than scandals.

I think people are overreacting about what Trump can do, it's not like the president is some supreme dictator. He physically cannot do most of the things he says. There is a congress to worry about. I'd say his presidency would be the most entertaining of the bunch but ultimately would not get anything more done than the rest of them.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
The only reason Hilary has her success is because of the Democratic superdelegate system. The superdelegates committed to Clinton since they're all party insiders and Bernie isn't really a democrat. Hell, half of them committed even before Bernie announced his campaign, so even if he got the actual delegate lead Hilary still has it in the bag. She's also the go-to "not Trump" candidate as most people are too afraid to vote for Bernie due to the US's fear of socialism.
Hillary won because she earned a majority of the popular vote and a majority of the pledged delegates. The Democratic Primary system is designed so that a candidate must get at least some superdelegates to win the nomination (unless a candidate is somehow pulling in ~75% of the vote in every state). Clinton only needs roughly 25% of the superdelegates to support her. If Bernie had gotten the nomination, it would have been because of the superdelegate system subverting the will of the voters.

Edit: To be clear, if Bernie had won the nomination, it would have been because ~78% (555) superdelegates decided that they didn't care about the result of the primary elections and voted for him anyway, despite the fact that Hillary won.
Last edited by Lacius,


AKA zooksman
Jun 6, 2013
United States
Hillary won because she earned a majority of the popular vote and a majority of the pledged delegates. The Democratic Primary system is designed so that a candidate must get at least some superdelegates to win the nomination (unless a candidate is somehow pulling in ~75% of the vote in every state). Clinton only needs roughly 25% of the superdelegates to support her. If Bernie had gotten the nomination, it would have been because of the superdelegate system subverting the will of the voters.
But it's clear that the popular support between them is equal, since their regular delegates are almost even. The super delegates, being important democratic figures, are obviously more likely to go for the party insider is all I'm saying.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
But it's clear that the popular support between them is equal, since their regular delegates are almost even. The super delegates, being important democratic figures, are obviously more likely to go for the party insider is all I'm saying.
Hillary won the pledged delegates, 55% (2,203) to 45% (1,828). It wasn't that close.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I'm with @endoverend, anyone who thinks Trump will implement any of his so-called "insane" and "racist" ideas bought a publicity stunt hook, line and sinker. The man's a capitalist, he built his empire on international trade. He knows exactly what he's doing and there's no amount of liberal whining that can turn it around. In fact, it's putting more water on his mill - the only winning move would be not to play, but that's not an option. He's like a Wild Card - you don't know what you'll get, but at least it's not some lofty socialist utopia based on "free money" conjured up by fairies and good wishes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
To be honest, none of these candidates I agree with fully,

Unfortunately, I can not support Hillary, as she seems determined to tear apart my freedoms. Not a fan of that.
what I look for is not what to support, but what not to. So Trump may have to be my choice. I wish Cruz had stayed in the running...

Really, what we need here, in my opinion of course, is less Federal government control, and more to the States and people themselves.
That, and less of this whole "rights to special people groups" thing; it'll tear this country apart.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Thank you. Someone else who sees this.
The main reason I find that some people I know would want him is the whole "free college" thing. Do people stop to wonder where that money will come from?

I remember a man I worked for during a short period years ago; he was an immigrant from Russia, and one thing he said I found interesting:
"I came to America because I didn't like Russia. Why are people wanting to make America more like Russia?"

not sure if serious or trolling.
everything up until the auto merger seems rather idiotic. trump will absolutely not make america more american and he's sure as hell not going to give you any more freedoms. those'll go to to companies and employers etc. and when they wont have to pay any more taxes and don't have to pay you any more money, where will things go then?

and where might that money come from? maybe from the military budget you actually dont need. because even the biggest military will never prevent those rare terror attacks. sanders ideals and russia are two ridiculously different things. trump and putin have so much in common, among them that both will completely ruin their countries eventually.
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