I'm also not sure why you are cursing at me
Saying "fucking government" is not cursing at you. If I said **** you. That would count. when I swear it's generally because I'm getting tired/frustrated. Sorry but not sorry, that my speech somehow offends you that you think that I'm somehow swearing at you.
That's what I was told when I brought up Pfizer's sworn testimony in the EU.
Like here for example. I'm tired of your crap. You got told several times you took very specific parts out of context. And also would then refuse to listen. And now your trying to use a garbage point that was proven wrong in a separate form. and now your trying to use a reductive conclusion of that point, and apply it where it doesn't belong, or lacking a case.
Since I'm done, I'm going to break down everything in order. Here's your argument
I don't care for corporations, but only governments can create inflation since inflation is caused by bad monetary policy. That's why you are only able to use leftwing sources to support your view.
I then point out that you were trying to pointlessly dunk (I use dunk and attack interchangeably) on me. And I point out that companies are price gouging. And tell you that Biden caused some inflation.
Are you always going to attack me at every chance you get?
Regardless, your right, but the problem is Biden only caused some of that inflation (which we're seeing as costs going up)
The problem is however is that it's not proportional. We know this since inflation should generally hit everyone just as hard equally. Except it hasn't. Companies jacked up the prices higher than actual inflation, intentionally get more money. We're seeing it through them making record breaking profits.
Pannda brings up that literally everyone is suffering inflation.
NO one else...
no one else.......
In which you dishonestly respond with.
Explain where in my comment that I said nobody else is experiencing inflation. Learn to read, cupcake. You'll get farther in life.
The reason this is dishonest, is being your pointing exactly at one person/party, and saying "yup they're causing ALL inflation"
we know because you believe that the conservative party is somehow going to fix it. Purely from previous arguments we have had with you. And you even make the same argument, a response later.
The Democrats have caused all inflation. Who do you think controls Congress?
In which I didn't originally want to bother to go into discussing as to why your wrong, because it's a large off tangent, but here we are.
So let's make that detour. Simply put Republicans break the economy, don't fix anything during their office. And then all the shitty economic polices they've made kicks into high gear by the next president, purely because of how much time it takes for the ball to completely roll off the cliff. This doesn't mean Democrats are saints. It just purely means that they have better economic policy, not always worker policy, or let alone protections for them.
Additionally "control" is the wrong term. Considering Manchin and Sienima (I don't care to spell their names correctly) doing effectively what Republicans want within the senate. Republicans from a power point pretty much control it. Sure if we just go by a D or R, sure, Democrats "control" the senate, but when it comes to practically they don't.
We finally get to my response
(comment about you trying to attack me/dunk)
I guess I have to use baby words.
Biden did little inflation.
Big companies did big money grab while Biden did little inflation.
in which you gave this stupid response.
Companies do not control currencies.
I say stupid for the following:
1. I could be mean and say "well technically banks are companies, so therefore they do control currencies"
But you'd probably get your nickers in a twist over it.
2. Companies can control pricing, and there's nothing limiting that price. Companies raise prices when inflation happens to offset costs. However, there's nothing stopping them at all, from raising said prices higher than actual inflation. And using that "mask" to hide behind the newly increased cost.
My entire argument this entire time, is
"Biden caused some inflation, companies took advantage of it, by increasing prices more than actual inflation"
And instead of listening at all. You deflect, deflect and deflect. and then decide to finally strawman me
Inflation in 2020 = 1.7%
Inflation in 2022 = 8.2%
So what happened in 2020 to cause inflation to jump so much? You gonna blame the war in Ukraine? No, because you are smarter than other leftists on here. You know inflation started before Russia went into Ukraine.
I never at a single point said "Biden hasn't caused inflation" Every single time I've said "Biden has caused SOME inflation, HOWEVER (x point relating to corporations)"
and incase it's unclear as to why it's a strawman. I pointed out that companies "did big money grab, while Biden did little inflation"
Your response equates to
"CoMpanIEs dOn'T CoNtRoL INflAtIoN"
which is you trying to make it sound like I was arguing about companies causing inflation.
You blame companies for adjusting their prices to reflect the devaluing of the dollar. This happens every time inflation takes hold in an economy in every country. This is the reason why an ounce of gold has always bought you a very nice suit, whether it is 1905 or 2022. The value of goods is not changing, the value of the dollar is what is changing. This is why corporations can't cause inflation.
Then arguing back somewhat back to the original argument, except, ignoring the part where I point out that companies have been increasing prices higher than actual inflation. And by the way I doubt you'll read everything. secret word is reactive.
So at this point I ask myself "okay, he's clearly not going to listen to me. Let me go ahead and pull a source"
Since I heard that congress recently had advisors tell them that it's primarily companies jacking up prices. So I go look for that source.
next time, if your going to debate me, how about you actually goddamn listen instead of reactively responding just going "Your wrong"
Companies can still/and have price gouge. Instead of listening to me, and providing sources proving that companies are taking advantage of the increase in inflation.
I find it, but then think "they're probably not going to read the article" as you've demonstrated several times before you'll read the headline, and then just go "nah"
So I link a video version for your convince.
The result?
So you've gone from sourcing from the lying media to sourcing from politicians.
Which this statement is even more dishonest. prompting my frustration.
In fucking congress, during literally the senate debating about what the plans are, in the committee for banking.
I guess citing things that are happening in our own government is now also fake news?
Here's the reason your statement is dishonest. It's extremely reductive, reducing a government function to create policy as "sourcing from politicians"
If it was a politician who got to control "the show", then that argument would work. except the situation I provided isn't. What was there was during an official part of congress. Who's main goal is to assist with the economy, in which several economic advisors were present. All of this reduced to"sourcing from politician"
So here we are, there's your in look into my thinking and reasoning.