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[POLL] 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

For whom will/would you vote?

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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
It'll be a sad day if Biden wins as perverted people, illegal aliens, drug addicts and criminals will be allowed to run rampant in the country while collecting welfare meant for disabled or old people. The entire raising taxes to pay for the Green Deal will also not help. We'll also have what has happened to the Liberal cities happen the to entire country as it will get run down into the ground and cease to work correctly. The results will be very, very dark times. I hope to God Biden doesn't win.
  1. There's an 85% chance Biden is going to win the electoral college. If the polls are right, Biden is going to win the popular vote by a larger margin than Obama beat McCain by, and that was a blowout.
  2. Who do you mean by perverted people?
  3. Why shouldn't we offer illegal immigrants, particularly those who were brought here as children, a pathway to citizenship?
  4. Doesn't it make more sense to treat drug addiction rather than prosecute it?
  5. I don't know why you say criminals will be allowed to run rampant, since crime will still be illegal, by definition.
  6. Shouldn't welfare be available for the poor and anybody else who needs it?
  7. Why won't raising taxes on the rich to pay for the Green New Deal help? Shouldn't we be doing what he can to mitigate global warming and climate change? It's arguably the most important issue.

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They were almost all wrong in 2016 and people now are even more so not interested in sharing their opinions openly.

Did you see how telemundo deleted their poll after the VP debate. (Which Trump won based on Telemundo responses last time)

I find it more interesting that they deleted it.

View attachment 227843

I think this election is going to get very interesting.

Both sides are energized, and with all the screw ups they keep having with mail in voting that should fuel the fire in my opinion.
The polls were mostly accurate in 2016. Just because Clinton had an approximately 70% chance of winning and lost doesn't mean she didn't have a 70% chance of winning.

Edit: Also, Twitter polls are useless.
Last edited by Lacius,


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2013
United States
It'll be a sad day if Biden wins as perverted people, illegal aliens, drug addicts and criminals will be allowed to run rampant in the country while collecting welfare meant for disabled or old people. The entire raising taxes to pay for the Green Deal will also not help. The results will be very dark times. I hope to God Biden doesn't win.
Think of the bright side, a Trump victory would be yuuuge for you. It would be the biggest October turnaround in election history. It would represent a validation of Trump's personality and policies. MAGA would be here to stay. Low odds, but still a possibility for you. A lot can happen in three weeks.

Regarding the economy, Biden's plan is considered superior to Trump's by Moody's, Oxford Economics, and Goldman Sachs:

Oxford, Moody's: Biden's Economic Plan Would Create More Jobs, Growth Versus Trump's

Biden ‘blue wave’ would boost economy, says Goldman Sachs chief economist

So, even if you can't stand Biden's liberal social policies, I wouldn't lose sleep over his economic plan.
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Deleted User

It'll be a sad day if Biden wins as perverted people, illegal aliens, drug addicts and criminals will be allowed to run rampant in the country while collecting welfare meant for disabled or old people. The entire raising taxes to pay for the Green Deal will also not help. The results will be very dark times. I hope to God Biden doesn't win.
We already went over this. and it drives me insane.
illegal aliens don't get benefits. Please, explain to me how they would obtain it.
Second, explain to me what you mean by drug addicts and criminals to run rampant. Last time I checked that's already happening with Donald trump jr and his bloodshot eyes and him acting like he's on cocaine. And that's just one example.
It's already hell of fucking dark times. We have police brutality. A climate crisis we have to fix in about less than 8 years. A fucking pandemic that has gone out of control due to Trump constantly downplaying. And no it's not the states damn faults. If you want to get something done you unite, instead trump was constantly downplaying and then called it a hoax, and politicized the whole thing.
And ontop of that, him constantly downplaying it, makes you, the morons of this country, decide to follow his word, and not what the actual scientists think. And then now cases are exploding because multiple red states decided to re open schools. So now there is a generation of people who is going to have permanent damage for the rest of their life since some fucking moron of a president decided that people should die for the economy.

I'm so sick and tired of this shit. "what about hydroxychloroquine" I remembered one of you asking after trump got covid. After many months of us stating that it doesn't work. And then I pointed out, that trump wasn't on it for his covid treatment. Proving my point they know it doesn't fucking work. And then no response to my point.

We have extreme inequality issues, by race and by class. The richer are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, minimum wage has not gone up even though production has gone up nearly 200% so it's not keeping up for the modern day.
Black people have seen no improvement in equality issues, and now there is even studies showing we have lost money due to the racism in America.
And your telling me we aren't already in dark times? look the hell around yourself. We have one man who is crooked to living shit, who lies to protect his ass in office, money federal money being siphon into his businesses. And the other who can't remember shit. Meanwhile calling the one who can't remember shit a fucking communist, when they aren't even left at all compared to the real social political scale.
Last edited by ,


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
  1. There's an 85% chance Biden is going to win the electoral college. If the polls are right, Biden is going to win the popular vote by a larger margin than Obama beat McCain by, and that was a blowout.
  2. Who do you mean by perverted people?
  3. Why shouldn't we offer illegal immigrants, particularly those who were brought here as children, a pathway to citizenship?
  4. Doesn't it make more sense to treat drug addiction rather than prosecute it?
  5. I don't know why you say criminals will be allowed to run rampant, since crime will still be illegal, by definition.
  6. Shouldn't welfare be available for the poor and anybody else who needs it?
  7. Why won't raising taxes on the rich to pay for the Green New Deal help? Shouldn't we be doing what he can to mitigate global warming and climate change? It's arguably the most important issue.
--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

The polls were mostly accurate in 2016. Just because Clinton had an approximately 70% chance of winning and lost doesn't mean she didn't have a 70% chance of winning.

Edit: Also, Twitter polls are useless.

And that is why I specifically said I found it more interesting that they deleted it.

Will be interesting to see if your claims come anywhere close to reality. I am betting they won't.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
We already went over this. and it drives me insane.
illegal aliens don't get benefits. Please, explain to me how they would obtain it.
Second, explain to me what you mean by drug addicts and criminals to run rampant. Last time I checked that's already happening with Donald trump jr and his bloodshot eyes and him acting like he's on cocaine. And that's just one example.
It's already hell of fucking dark times. We have police brutality. A climate crisis we have to fix in about less than 8 years. A fucking pandemic that has gone out of control due to Trump constantly downplaying. And no it's not the states damn faults. If you want to get something done you unite, instead trump was constantly downplaying and then called it a hoax, and politicized the whole thing.
And ontop of that, him constantly downplaying it, makes you, the morons of this country, decide to follow his word, and not what the actual scientists think. And then now cases are exploding because multiple red states decided to re open schools. So now there is a generation of people who is going to have permanent damage for the rest of their life since some fucking moron of a president decided that people should die for the economy.

I'm so sick and tired of this shit. "what about hydroxychloroquine" I remembered one of you asking after trump got covid. After many months of us stating that it doesn't work. And then I pointed out, that trump wasn't on it for his covid treatment. Proving my point they know it doesn't fucking work. And then no response to my point.

We have extreme inequality issues, by race and by class. The richer are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, minimum wage has not gone up even though production has gone up nearly 200% so it's not keeping up for the modern day.
Black people have seen no improvement in equality issues, and now there is even studies showing we have lost money due to the racism in America.
And your telling me we aren't already in dark times? look the hell around yourself. We have one man who is crooked to living shit, who lies to protect his ass in office, money federal money being siphon into his businesses. And the other who can't remember shit. Meanwhile calling the one who can't remember shit a fucking communist, when they aren't even left at all compared to the real social scale.
You're right. The fact that Trump is running rampant means that at least one criminal is already running rampant.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

And that is why I specifically said I found it more interesting that they deleted it.

Will be interesting to see if your claims come anywhere close to reality. I am betting they won't.
I haven't said anything that isn't backed up by evidence.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
And that is why I specifically said I found it more interesting that they deleted it.

Will be interesting to see if your claims come anywhere close to reality. I am betting they won't.

maybe putting all your stock into a manipulable twitter poll is a bit disingenuous. Twitter doesn't have the ability to make sure voters of that poll are only telemundo subscribers. so when they figured out it was brigaded by maga heads they deleted it, as the poll lost its meaning.

fivethirtyeight's 2016 presidential stats had Hillary winning the popular vote at 99+%, which she did, but her winning the electoral college at 70%, which she lost. roll a 10 sided die, if it is 4 or higher she wins, 3 or lower she loses. that's how stats work. so far Biden has an 85% chance of winning the electoral college, so roll a 20 sided die 4 or higher Biden wins, 3 or lower, trump wins. same deal as last time, just better odds for Biden.
Last edited by omgcat,


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
maybe putting all your stock into a manipulable twitter poll is a bit disingenuous. Twitter doesn't have the ability to make sure voters of that poll are only telemundo subscribers. so when they figured out it was brigaded by maga heads they deleted it, as the poll lost its meaning.

Or it does not match what they want, guessing can go both ways.

Deleted User

Polls were wrong in 2016, we will see soon if they were wrong again.
they were correct regarding popular vote, Hillary did win the popular vote. But no one accounted for the fact we have an electoral collage. Which means it's possible to have the popular vote, and not get elected.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
they were correct regarding popular vote, Hillary did win the popular vote. But no one accounted for the fact we have an electoral collage. Which means it's possible to have the popular vote, and not get elected.

I just checked, in Mid October 2016 CBS released a poll showing Clinton leading Trump by 14 points nationally.

Did she win 14% more of the popular vote? I counted she got 2.09 % more in the popular vote.

What #'s are you going off of and who do you mean by they?
Last edited by crimpshrine,


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
I just checked, in Mid October 2016 CBS released a poll showing Clinton leading Trump by 14 points nationally.

Did she win 14% more of the popular vote? I counted she got 2.09 % more in the popular vote.

What #'s are you going off of and who do you mean by they?

mid-October was before the James Comey incident, which made the race a lot tighter than it should have been. by violating the hatch act, James Comey effectively steered all late voters to trump for what ended up being nothing at all.

one big thing that most people are not taking into consideration is the incumbent effect. it is so much harder to run a platform for change when you were the administration in control for the last 3+ years. the trump administration had control of government, the house, and the senate for like 1.8 years, and didn't do jack shit to make things better. no healthcare reform, we're all still waiting for infrastructure week, and the wall was never build, even with full control of both the house and the senate for all of 2017. where is trumps healthcare plan? it was supposed to be revealed months ago.
Last edited by omgcat,

Deleted User

I just checked, in Mid October 2016 CBS released a poll showing Clinton leading Trump by 14 points nationally.

Did she win 14% more of the popular vote?

What #'s are you going off of and who do you mean by they?
Let's comprehend why we went from a 14 point lead. to a four point lead. to then winning the popular vote by only 2.1%
First off, people disliked Hilary a lot. So as things narrowed up, her lead quickly eroded. Then we had another thing that happened, the 2016 debate. Which, with trump taking the anti establishment view helped him a lot. Since many people felt frustrated, and he claimed he would drain the swamp. (which he never did)
So that lead then dropped down to 4 points. (combined with what @omgcat stated about James Comey)
Now because only 50% of American's voted. combined with the electoral collage likely degrading some of the turnout. That is how Trump won 2016. Most polls didn't really consider the fact that we have a electoral collage. Not by popular vote.
Now will it happened again?
No. Trump fucked up bad. He's pulling advertising out of multiple places, he is the establishment. People are still pissed, we have covid and BLM going on. And he hasn't done anything that helps calm it. He just stated he won't be having any more talks of stimulus. Until he is reelected.
In other words, trump could of won. But at this point he severely lost.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I am not playing word games with you, you tried that earlier.

I will leave it with what I said.
I too would like to know your answer.
"Are you alleging Biden's up 10.1 points in aggregate polling because people aren't sharing their opinions openly? If so, please elaborate."
answer the question. I am actually curious.
Last edited by ,


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
Let's comprehend why we went from a 14 point lead. to a four point lead. to then winning the popular vote by only 2.1%
First off, people disliked Hilary a lot. So as things narrowed up, her lead quickly eroded. Then we had another thing that happened, the 2016 debate. Which, with trump taking the anti establishment view helped him a lot. Since many people felt frustrated, and he claimed he would drain the swamp. (which he never did)
So that lead then dropped down to 4 points. (combined with what @omgcat stated about James Comey)
Now because only 50% of American's voted. combined with the electoral collage likely degrading some of the turnout. That is how Trump won 2016. Most polls didn't really consider the fact that we have a electoral collage. Not by popular vote.
Now will it happened again?
No. Trump fucked up bad. He's pulling advertising out of multiple places, he is the establishment. People are still pissed, we have covid and BLM going on. And he hasn't done anything that helps calm it. He just stated he won't be having any more talks of stimulus. Until he is reelected.
In other words, trump could of won. But at this point he severely lost.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I too would like to know your answer.
"Are you alleging Biden's up 10.1 points in aggregate polling because people aren't sharing their opinions openly? If so, please elaborate."
answer the question. I am actually curious.

I will leave it at what I said. I think it is pretty clear.

Your response to me was me responding to you saying:

they were correct regarding popular vote, Hillary did win the popular vote. But no one accounted for the fact we have an electoral collage. Which means it's possible to have the popular vote, and not get elected.

What are you referring to them being correct on? Because if you are saying it was from the polling #'s from this time in 2016, they were not even close from what I can see.

Since we don't know what the polling will be before election, because it is in the future, not making sense of your orginal point where you said they were correct with polls matching the popular vote.

And me commenting originally on how I don't believe the polls, if we correlate that to this time in 2016, it seems to me there could be just as much of a chance of things not reflecting what occurs this election year.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

mid-October was before the James Comey incident, which made the race a lot tighter than it should have been. by violating the hatch act, James Comey effectively steered all late voters to trump for what ended up being nothing at all.
View attachment 227857

one big thing that most people are not taking into consideration is the incumbent effect. it is so much harder to run a platform for change when you were the administration in control for the last 3+ years. the trump administration had control of government, the house, and the senate for like 1.8 years, and didn't do jack shit to make things better. no healthcare reform, we're all still waiting for infrastructure week, and the wall was never build, even with full control of both the house and the senate for all of 2017. where is trumps healthcare plan? it was supposed to be revealed months ago.

I can only talk from my own families perspective. And what I have seen and how it has impact us, I do not feel that he did not do jack shit.

Trump has a long lists of accomplishments and for you to say he has done jack shit sound like another person with TDS. If you are unwilling to see any positives from him as an accomplishment does that not mean you are not being objective?
Last edited by crimpshrine,


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I will leave it at what I said. I think it is pretty clear.

Your response to me was me responding to you saying:

What are you referring to them being correct on? Because if you are saying it was from the polling #'s from this time in 2016, they were not even close from what I can see.

Since we don't know what the polling will be before election, because it is in the future, not making sense of your orginal point where you said they were correct with polls matching the popular vote.

And me commenting originally on how I don't believe the polls, if we correlate that to this time in 2016, it seems to me there could be just as much of a chance of things not reflecting what occurs this election year.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I can only talk from my own families perspective. And what I have seen and how it has impact us, I do not feel that he did not do jack shit.

Trump has a long lists of accomplishments and for you to say he has done jack shit sound like another person with TDS. If you are unwilling to see any positives from him as an accomplishment does that not mean you are not being objective?
In your opinion, what's Trump's single biggest accomplishment?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
In your opinion, what's Trump's single biggest accomplishment?

First Step Act of 2018 I think is a good one.

And ironically Biden who is running against him I think is responsible for one of the worst accomplishments. The Crime Bill.

There are others that come to mind. If I had to say that benefited me personally I would say another.
Last edited by crimpshrine,


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
First Step Act of 2018 I think is a good one.

And ironically Biden who is running against him I think is responsible for one of the worst accomplishments. The Crime Bill.

There are others that come to mind. If I had to say that benefited me personally I would say another.
Sure, but the act was bipartisan and would have been signed by any president, and Trump was originally against it before having to be convinced to sign it. The only opposition to the bill came from the political right, which makes this as an accomplishment an argument for electing Democrats, not Republicans.

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