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[POLL] 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

For whom will/would you vote?

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Big Man Tyrone2

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
United States
Expect election results by 1AM tonight.


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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2020
United States
That would not work. You Tax the Rich, they will just Raise Prices, Cut Jobs, and Pay Less. The People would still get stuck flipping the Bill.

What happened when they raised the minimum wage locally where I live? All of the prices went up and people's hours got cut. In the end the raise in minimum wage was cancelled out by the price increases and people working less hours. So it turns out they had less money in the end compared to before the wage increase.

I however think Biden will give the money he takes from the rich to the poor as I'm sure he'll sign a few executive orders himself, but like that kick ass song I linked to what happens when the people you're taxing don't have any more money because you took it all?

What happens then?

I think anyone from Cuba or Venezuela should chime in on this one.
Feb 17, 2017
What happened when they raised the minimum wage locally where I live? All of the prices went up and people's hours got cut. In the end the raise in minimum wage was cancelled out by the price increases and people working less hours. So it turns out they had less money in the end compared to before the wage increase.

I however think Biden will give the money he takes from the rich to the poor as I'm sure he'll sign a few executive orders himself, but like that kick ass song I linked to what happens when the people you're taxing don't have any more money because you took it all?

What happens then?

I think anyone from Cuba or Venezuela should chime in on this one.
acting like taxing people with billions of dollars a lot will bankrupt them is ignoring the sheer scale of money these people have

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Also, one way for Rich to get more Money is Automation. Get rid of Workers and have things Automated........like Self-Checkout
you're absolutely right about that but there are solutions, check out andrew yang's policies


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2015
United States
What happened when they raised the minimum wage locally where I live? All of the prices went up and people's hours got cut. In the end the raise in minimum wage was cancelled out by the price increases and people working less hours. So it turns out they had less money in the end compared to before the wage increase.

I however think Biden will give the money he takes from the rich to the poor as I'm sure he'll sign a few executive orders himself, but like that kick ass song I linked to what happens when the people you're taxing don't have any more money because you took it all?

What happens then?

I think anyone from Cuba or Venezuela should chime in on this one.
Prices will go up regardless. Rent here in Sacramento, CA is around $1100-$2000. But in the Bay Area, it is well over that. Into $3-4000. Yet the Minimum Wage is just $11 an Hour.

Big Man Tyrone2

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
United States
acting like taxing people with billions of dollars a lot will bankrupt them is ignoring the sheer scale of money these people have

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

you're absolutely right about that but there are solutions, check out andrew yang's policies
While I do agree with you, net worth does not equal actual money.


Dec 6, 2008
United States
SUPRA keeps impressing me with just how incredibly STUPID he (or she) is. What this dumb fuck just basically said is that technological progress has no, or should not have, any bearing on the economy. Also obviously unaware that most technological advances come from the scientific community. Science being something Trumpers don't believe in a whole lot.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2020
United States
SUPRA keeps impressing me with just how incredibly STUPID he (or she) is. What this dumb fuck just basically said is that technological progress has no, or should not have, any bearing on the economy. Also obviously unaware that most technological advances come from the scientific community. Science being something Trumpers don't believe in a whole lot.

I voted for Trump and I believe in science. I just happen to know just like fake news there's fake science, basically they completely ignore the scientific progress and then won't give you access to their data to check their results. Lots of the stuff on Wikipedia has been based on these sorts of fake findings and they share similarities with the fake news, such as only reporting what you want to report that helps prove a point, to selectively edit to mislead people, to only present what you agree with other than your actual findings, no source is given and sometimes it's just straight up fabrications based on guess work or wishful thinking and not the scientific process.

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Prices will go up regardless. Rent here in Sacramento, CA is around $1100-$2000. But in the Bay Area, it is well over that. Into $3-4000. Yet the Minimum Wage is just $11 an Hour.

Well, if Trump wins the prices won't go up because he's not about to raise taxes to +50% of people who make $400,000.00 a year or put the country into 4 trillion in debt for some fantasy new green deal. Then the people who are like "prices won't go up" are fucking dumb because what happens to your rent when suddenly the Government takes 50% of their profits away? Rent goes up! That's the same for everything across the board, like food, clothing, medicine, etc ... Biden wants to tax all of the people that provide us jobs, goods and services so of course prices are going to go up!
Last edited by gregory-samba,

Big Man Tyrone2

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
United States
I voted for Trump and I believe in science. I just happen to know just like fake news there's fake science, basically they completely ignore the scientific progress and then won't give you access to their data to check their results. Lots of the stuff on Wikipedia has been based on these sorts of fake findings and they share similarities with the fake news, such as only reporting what you want to report that helps prove a point, to selectively edit to mislead people, to only present what you agree with other than your actual findings, no source is given and sometimes it's just straight up fabrications based on guess work or wishful thinking and not the scientific process.
Such as...? I kinda agree with you, people do not understand the Scientific Process in 2020 and the importance of a peer review. A good example of this is the Vaccine and Autism debate. Social Media only makes this worst, as people do not actually read the articles and pivot to the headline/abstract. If you're referring to Climate Change, however, research has been pointing to the drastic impacts it could have in the next decade or two for a while, and has obviously been peer-reviewed/verified by journal publishers. I wouldn't call it, "Fake Science" though. There is no, "fake science" if you aren't fabricating data, and if you are, it isn't science. It's more, "Misleading Science".


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I voted for Trump and I believe in science. I just happen to know just like fake news there's fake science, basically they completely ignore the scientific progress and then won't give you access to their data to check their results. Lots of the stuff on Wikipedia has been based on these sorts of fake findings and they share similarities with the fake news, such as only reporting what you want to report that helps prove a point, to selectively edit to mislead people, to only present what you agree with other than your actual findings, no source is given and sometimes it's just straight up fabrications based on guess work or wishful thinking and not the scientific process.

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Well, if Trump wins the prices won't go up because he's not about to raise taxes to +50% of people who make $400,000.00 a year or put the country into 4 trillion in debt for some fantasy new green deal. Then the people who are like "prices won't go up" are fucking dumb because what happens to your rent when suddenly the Government takes 50% of their profits away? Rent goes up! That's the same for everything across the board, like food, clothing, medicine, etc ... Biden wants to tax all of the people that provide us jobs, goods and services so of course prices are going to go up!
Fact check: Trump consistently challenges science, including but not limited to climate change science and COVID-19 science.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2015
United States
I voted for Trump and I believe in science. I just happen to know just like fake news there's fake science, basically they completely ignore the scientific progress and then won't give you access to their data to check their results. Lots of the stuff on Wikipedia has been based on these sorts of fake findings and they share similarities with the fake news, such as only reporting what you want to report that helps prove a point, to selectively edit to mislead people, to only present what you agree with other than your actual findings, no source is given and sometimes it's just straight up fabrications based on guess work or wishful thinking and not the scientific process.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Well, if Trump wins the prices won't go up because he's not about to raise taxes to +50% of people who make $400,000.00 a year or put the country into 4 trillion in debt for some fantasy new green deal. Then the people who are like "prices won't go up" are fucking dumb because what happens to your rent when suddenly the Government takes 50% of their profits away? Rent goes up! That's the same for everything across the board, like food, clothing, medicine, etc ... Biden wants to tax all of the people that provide us jobs, goods and services so of course prices are going to go up!
Seriously, how is it in the People's interest to Pay ALL the Taxes??????
Also, Rent goes up every Year, regardless. How can People Pay for things and support the Economy if all their Money is going to Rent?????? Also, are Houses JUST for those who are Wealthy, and can shit Money when needed? Those Prices are in the $450k+
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2020
United States
Such as...? I kinda agree with you, people do not understand the Scientific Process in 2020 and the importance of a peer review. A good example of this is the Vaccine and Autism debate. Social Media only makes this worst, as people do not actually read the articles and pivot to the headline/abstract. If you're referring to Climate Change, however, research has been pointing to the drastic impacts it could have in the next decade or two for a while, and has obviously been peer-reviewed/verified by journal publishers. I wouldn't call it, "Fake Science" though. There is no, "fake science" if you aren't fabricating data, and if you are, it isn't science. It's more, "Misleading Science".

"Fake/Misleading/Inaccurate/Wrong" etc ... It's all the same, phoney made up garbage. Pollution does indeed effect the climate, but there's lots of misinformation floating around due to the issues I originally posted. Imagine excluding things like the sun, our rotation around it, solar storms, the moon and volcano's from the climate change debate. All of those things impact the climate and can cause heating, cooling or both. Right now actually the sun's power has lessened and will stay the same for some years which resulted in a 2c temperature decrease for the entire Earth. That's after scientists claimed we're going to see a 2c rise in temperature due to pollution. Sorta funny how nature worked the rise out all by itself.

It's just I don't like the fake stuff, especially the ones that won't give you the data that they used to come to their conclusions. It's like the PDF I linked to earlier, sure it's 1000+ pages, but it's the source for the claims coming from the right wing (as the left completely ignores the expected rise in taxes for everyone). You know a page is honest when they include the sources for their articles in them. However, people are just ignorant and there's nothing I could say or do to change that. I just gotta do the best I can with what I have and that includes not becoming a supporter of socialism and telling people what to do, how to act, what to think and what to say.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2016
The Game
What happened when they raised the minimum wage locally where I live? All of the prices went up and people's hours got cut. In the end the raise in minimum wage was cancelled out by the price increases and people working less hours. So it turns out they had less money in the end compared to before the wage increase.

I however think Biden will give the money he takes from the rich to the poor as I'm sure he'll sign a few executive orders himself, but like that kick ass song I linked to what happens when the people you're taxing don't have any more money because you took it all?

What happens then?

I think anyone from Cuba or Venezuela should chime in on this one.
The GOP has achieved the amazing feat of convincing its supporters that raising the minimum wage will negatively impact them.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
"Fake/Misleading/Inaccurate/Wrong" etc ... It's all the same, phoney made up garbage. Pollution does indeed effect the climate, but there's lots of misinformation floating around due to the issues I originally posted. Imagine excluding things like the sun, our rotation around it, solar storms, the moon and volcano's from the climate change debate. All of those things impact the climate and can cause heating, cooling or both. Right now actually the sun's power has lessened and will stay the same for some years which resulted in a 2c temperature decrease for the entire Earth. That's after scientists claimed we're going to see a 2c rise in temperature due to pollution. Sorta funny how nature worked the rise out all by itself.

It's just I don't like the fake stuff, especially the ones that won't give you the data that they used to come to their conclusions. It's like the PDF I linked to earlier, sure it's 1000+ pages, but it's the source for the claims coming from the right wing (as the left completely ignores the expected rise in taxes for everyone). You know a page is honest when they include the sources for their articles in them. However, people are just ignorant and there's nothing I could say or do to change that. I just gotta do the best I can with what I have and that includes not becoming a supporter of socialism and telling people what to do, how to act, what to think and what to say.
Fact check: Human-caused climate change is real, and we are warming the planet at an unprecedented rate. The predictive models have consistently been spot on.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

The GOP has achieved the amazing feat of convincing its supporters that raising the minimum wage will negatively impact them.
Republicans voting against their own interests is nothing new.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2020
United States
Seriously, how is it in the People's interest to Pay ALL the Taxes??????
Also, Rent goes up every Year, regardless. How can People Pay for things and support the Economy if all their Money is going to Rent?????? Also, are Houses JUST for those who are Wealthy, and can shit Money when needed? Those Prices are in the $450k+

Biden is on video promising tax increases and that includes 4 trillion in new debt that he'll use other peoples money to pay off. Sure, rent might go up yearly, but it's not going to increase like it will under Biden if Trump keeps his presidency. You throw on an additional 25-30% of taxes on business owners and those costs trickle down to the consumer. Everything you buy now or the services you use are from people who usually make $400,000 or more so prices are going to go up and go up drastically. The odd thing is that I'm sure once these liberals realize they can't afford nice shoes, a new phone, their daily coffee that they're going to think twice about what they've done to the country. I'm not sure about you, but having everyone be poor isn't my idea of a good time.

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The GOP has achieved the amazing feat of convincing its supporters that raising the minimum wage will negatively impact them.

Nope, I know it does because I experienced it. The wages went up around $2.00 and all of the prices suddenly went up around $2.00 and workers lost their full time status at their jobs. It's not a fantasy created by the GOP because I witnessed it first hand.

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