The video introduction doesn't hit all frames. Skipping around quite a bit.
After some testing and research I believe I hit on the problem.
I'm using a 16GB Class 6 MicroSDHC, and I don't believe the M3i Zero is very compatible with the higher end storage cards.
Anyone else have a good take on this? I'm going to pick up the AceKard 2i in hopes that it will remedy my problems. It seems its a better build.
I tested the same Micro on my CycloDS Evolution and it ran without a hiccup as always. So I'm positive it's the flash card having an issue in transferring.
Thanks all for your help!
After some testing and research I believe I hit on the problem.
I'm using a 16GB Class 6 MicroSDHC, and I don't believe the M3i Zero is very compatible with the higher end storage cards.
Anyone else have a good take on this? I'm going to pick up the AceKard 2i in hopes that it will remedy my problems. It seems its a better build.
I tested the same Micro on my CycloDS Evolution and it ran without a hiccup as always. So I'm positive it's the flash card having an issue in transferring.
Thanks all for your help!