Hello there, I'm a little videogame collector and I recently was searching the definitive way of enjoy NDS games and replace all my old flashcarts (some R4 and DSTT), that's why I decided to adquire the newest EZ Flash Parallel and play it on my DSi XL.
But I found out that my EZ Flash Parallel works on all my DS family except my DSi XL
Here all the evidence...
DS fat + DS Lite
DSi stock firmware (v1.4.5)
3DS + New 3DS XL with Luma CFW (v11.17.0)
In YT there are several videos of people using it on DSi XL's but I can't figure out why doesn't works on mine. First I tried with stock firmware v11.17.0, it didn't work
I was thinking that maybe my card slot was damaged, but it couldn't be because all my other games and falshcards work fine. So I decided to install Unlaunch and there I realized that my DSi XL is identifying the flashcard, but reading it properly.
With no card ->
But despite is identifying the EZ Flash Parallel, it doesn't boot.
The I tried with TWiLightMenu++... and the same, it didn't work...
My last hope was installing HiyaCFW but, the same... it isn't recognized... (I know that this last image is the same as one above, but basically is the same haha)
Is anyone else having the same problem as me with this new EZ Flash Parallel?