configure the ini of the wii 64 rice 1.3 of the game's graphics with notepad++, every game you run there and it doesn't have the ini configured, will appear in the last row of the list, configure it to have a better game graphics or even even fix many bugs.Hi guys,
Does anyone have some tips for me on how to get Perfect Dark working great with 4 players? I am using the overclock function and the newest version of NOT64 (20231102), but the music is playing slow in multiplayer and there are a lot of glitches while playing a game with 4. It seems that Wii64 Rice is a better option, but it's not perfect either.
Hope someone can give me some feedback.
Should I be using an older version of NOT64?
find the perfect dark ini there in the file (RICEVIDEOLINUX.INI) there may be several perfect dark there, because of the version, yours will probably be if you don't have an ini configured, it will be there at the end of the list, or close together with the games you played recent that does not have ini configured yet,
then the name of the game will appear with the id above example.
Name=Perfect Dark
Add below the name, the configurations look like this:
Name=Perfect Dark
you save.
Remember that the id I gave above {xxx212054xfdfdcdf} of the game is just an example and yours may be different depending on the version.