I have a supercard sd mini gba flashcart which is purple
The annoying part of this card is that i need to use supercards software to patch games so they can be played, because if i load a game without it being patched it will just stay on the white screen.
The patching is exactly my problem, i use the latest patch software thye have on their website which is version 2.71. The patch software probably only patches 25% of games with success the rest dont get patched and can't be played.
The silly thing is i once successfully patched 2 games, same 2 games that i can't patch anymore.
Is there a specific way to patch without problems? Because nearly every gba game that i try to patch comes out as ''fail''. Adding games to the sd without patching only results on a forever loading white screen so they never work.
gb/gbc and older games don't require patching .... but gba games always do or they never work.
The annoying part of this card is that i need to use supercards software to patch games so they can be played, because if i load a game without it being patched it will just stay on the white screen.
The patching is exactly my problem, i use the latest patch software thye have on their website which is version 2.71. The patch software probably only patches 25% of games with success the rest dont get patched and can't be played.
The silly thing is i once successfully patched 2 games, same 2 games that i can't patch anymore.
Is there a specific way to patch without problems? Because nearly every gba game that i try to patch comes out as ''fail''. Adding games to the sd without patching only results on a forever loading white screen so they never work.
gb/gbc and older games don't require patching .... but gba games always do or they never work.