.... Hello world! Hope you enjoy this little Video Review about the GBA CART from Aliexpress that it have a real RTC, perfect for Pokemon games and also works with solar sensor. Sadly, this is my First post here and I can't post the link video...
Hello! I recently bought the EZ Flash Omega Definitive Edition (like 3 weeks ago), and the psram and the nor flash work fine. But today suddenly when I started the ez flash, it gave me a warning telling me that there was an error. I restarted and...
With all the remakes and pixel remasters etc. What are some games that the best possible version for them is the one on the GBA? Any non RPG games that are also the best on the GBA? I know sometimes remakes can remove or add features or even...
This is GBALink, a new, easy-to-use GBA to GameCube library designed to make Link Cable development easier when using multiboot mode mode with GameCube homebrew. The goal for the project is to make it where GameCube homebrew can access the GBA...
I bought this flash card years ago and wanted to see if I could get it to work on my Game Boy Advance Sp, which driver do I need? Can anyone help me with this
I have some old save state files (.sgm) and regular save files (.sav and .sa1) from an older version of the Visual Boy Advance emulator. I want to convert them for use with more accurate and modern emulators. However, I’m unsure which version of...
After releasing my previous GBA game, Speed Rally! more than a month ago. I've been thinking about what my next GBA homebrew game should be. The first idea I had was to remake the game, and add a bit more content I initially wanted to add...
Screen GameBoy Color was cleaner and easier to see image than GBA. In addition, I have the impression that the GBA screen was darker. Do you agree with that?