The Real Jdbye
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  • CES bingo card, courtesy of Dall-E:
    Why is the free space so big? Also aren't bingo's sposed to be 5x5 not 6x6
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    Yes, but this isn't bingo. Its banngo. 6 letters. :P
    I swear, if I didn't know better, I would think that the AI did that intentionally.
    And I guess with 6x6 a single free space would make it too hard.
    Started playing Cassette Beasts. Having a bit of a "where the fuck do I go" problem because the areas I'm being pointed to seem to be unreachable.
    I just want the dash ability, damn it :( That would make running back and forth so much more enjoyable.
    • Sad
    Reactions: bonkmaykr
    Yup, that's how my set worked. It was Echolocation > Custom Starter > Wonderful 7 > the other Custom Starters to boost the odds.
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    It's a shame the sheep can't use Wonderful 7 or many other astral type moves despite being astral type.
    I have a severe lack of good ranged moves. There are so few with > 60 power.
    The Old 1-2 is my favorite move for dealing massive amounts of damage, but it's melee.
    Yeah I always used the two tapes that could use it, then switch around into a Khepri for big damage. Really fun way to play lol
    Huh, domain whois is about to stop existing.
    ICANN is in the process of transitioning registries and registrars from using WHOIS to provide domain registration data to a replacement protocol, RDAP. This could happen as soon as January 28, 2025.
    • Wow
    Reactions: IC_ and Veho
    Good, rdap provides the same data in a much more standardised way. whois has always been inconsistently implemented across registries such that parsing specific information from it is frustratingly complicated
    Yeah. And IPV6 is the facto protocol since 2004 but the transition took more than 20 years and originally shold be 2 months...

    We still use FTP
    Noticed an annoying bug with the status updates. If you manage to play a video by clicking on the preview then you have no way to pause it because the controls are cut off, tapping again doesn't work and opening the full status update doesn't help because it's actually a separate player.
    I don't think it's supposed to actually be possible to hit play on the status preview but I managed to do it on mobile just now.
    TIL that the k1 can shake itself apart. All 3 screws holding the tool head PCB in fell out this morning lol
    • Wow
    Reactions: The Real Jdbye
    Oh no! That screw should hold but have fun dealing with the headache when getting it back out

    I had to dremel both of those tiny extruder screws out of mine. It was not a fun time.
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    Getting it out isn't an issue. The screw head isn't stripped, but the threads on the metal plate it screws into. So it just spins forever instead of tightening.
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    That screw *shouldn't* be able to come out when everything is assembled, it might loosen but it will butt up against the hotend. So I'm just acting like nothing happened as I doubt it could cause any issues.
    My right JoyCon SL SR buttons weren't working and since my left JoyCon's plastic lock was chipped I went ahead and ordered replacement rails for both. Of course the exact flex cable I needed to replace arrived with a puncture in it from shipping, while the others were fine...
    • Sad
    Reactions: AncientBoi
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    Miraculously, none of the traces were torn, so it worked anyway.
    The old flex cable had hairline fractures all the way across right where the factory bend is, visible under a microscope. Seems like that is a common failure point as this is the third one I've seen just among myself and family and it's always in the same place.
    so is there a fake jdbye?
    Behold, the moment ChatGPT finally said something smart after me debugging all night and most of a day.
    My brain can't math. And neither can ChatGPT.
    Ah, sorry.

    What I meant to say, is that your code looks like linear interpolation (lerp), except you got the sides swapped.

    lerp(rightChange, leftChange, positionRatio);
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    • Like
    Reactions: Sono
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    That function will be useful for the future, I'm sure I'll need it again at some point. I thought I recognized the formula (having seen it used in code before), just didn't know what it was called.
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    Reactions: Sono
    Is it really necessary to have a push notification ad that appears on both the top and bottom of the page and you need to click no on both of them twice to make them go away? Once wasn't enough? I need to say no 4 times?
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    I had that problem at one pont. It gave me the ad once, and never again. And I did want the notifications. I just don't want them 8 times per device.
    Mama Looigi
    Mama Looigi
    you can just clear cookies if you want the prompt again
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    No thanks. I just want them once, on a single device. I don't want all of my devices subscribed to duplicate notifications. I've got enough things in my life going DING constantly.
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    Felt so overleveled the whole game but those last couple bosses made it necessary. I was "only" around lvl 32 for Mush, I found a crazy amount of Amazy Dayzee in the last 15 levels of that last Pit run. Like every other level had them, sometimes 2 of them.
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    Reactions: SylverReZ
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    Unlike Mush it could probably be beaten without superguarding if you're clever about how you attack (more damage per hit = better) and you stock up on life mushrooms. But it would not be easy. Thankfully his attacks are much slower than Mush's so superguarding is not too hard.
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    Reactions: SylverReZ
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The Real Jdbye

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    JollyBaker @ JollyBaker: Yeah probably AliExpress and Temu too