Mama Looigi
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  • when are they gonna start releasing houses in lego kit form, just let us build our own thing
    Back in the 70s you could order a house kit from Sears and it would be delivered by railway.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    >opens politics section

    >opens one thread

    >blatant idiocy akin to 5 year olds arguing

    some things never change
    Mama Looigi
    Mama Looigi
    reminder to prioritize your own mental health, this kinda stuff really shreds your mental state so much more than you realize when actively engaging
    Or... Just not interact with the political section at all to avoid having to deal with mental health problems connecting towards discussing to others at a highly debated section of the forums.
    But being in the politics forum is the only way I can be accepted ;-;
    can we get windows 12 now im tired of 11
    Mama Looigi
    Mama Looigi
    I've tried ubuntu and arch. I need an OS that can actually suit my needs for HDR and color grading video, and being able to play a wide variety of games without it requiring thoughts, prayers, and a custom launcher on a per game basis to find out why frogger 3 won't launch.
    Mama Looigi
    Mama Looigi
    I would much prefer to be mad at my PC because it has some extra annoying junk it didn't need or something is just being janky, over being mad at my PC because I haven't been able to get some random basic thing working in the first place for 5 days straight because it either has no documentation or it does and still just doesn't work anyways
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    Reactions: Quore
    Just give me the Aero look again!
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    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    tried swapping to arch linux (endeavourOS) and it was great until i hit the wall where none of the changes i wanted to make had a GUI option

    CLI is scary

    i'm back on windows again :cry:
    Mama Looigi
    Mama Looigi
    windows specializes in breaking random things for no reason while linux specializes in making it a hassle to get anything working in the first place :yayu: truly something for everyone
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    Reactions: SAIYAN48 and x65943
    Trust me linux is going to break random stuff too.
    I speak from experience lol
    Coincidentally, I just also made the switch over to Arch Linux today. Added layer of complexity is that I'm running it as a VM under Proxmox, with GPU passthrough lol
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    i have to admit, usually i can just keep on adapting and getting through things, but i don't think i made it out of 2024 totally unscathed
    Who did?
    • Like
    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    I'm sorry for what has happened to you. I still don't know much details about it, but I won't annoy you by asking further. But this is one of my biggest nightmares/fears, and I cannot imagine making it out of such a situation myself, so be glad that you managed to make it out of 2024 at all.
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    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    the way AlvRo is handling the hosting situation is deeply concerning, both putting the collection behind a paywall and simultaneously having it connected to their legal name... how can this end well
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    Reactions: CoolMe and Chary
    Did his collection feature anything in particular that made it special, or was it just the easy access that made the AlvRo stuff popular with noobs? Honestly hilarious choice. Sure will be a heck of a lawsuit...theyre gonna charge him per download, he's got downloads in the millions...
    Mama Looigi
    Mama Looigi
    it was the ease of access and sheer volume and variety that made it popular, but they've been pushing asking for donations for several months to help with the costs to keep it all up

    and has now just made it fully paywalled because people aren't very charitable to their own charities i guess :unsure:
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    Reactions: CoolMe
    Well they've been around since atleast '17 (in the Iso sites), and they expanded their library even further after those sites went under. So the fact that they kept it for years free of charge to everyone is commendable enough.
    As for putting their real name out there in connection to this, they must think they're truly invincible
    can i do a full transfer both my NAND and SD card info to a different N3DSXL somehow
    • Like
    Reactions: impeeza
    Sorry for late reply. We got craftsmen at the house again. I have very(!) limited work performance myself and can't possibly do much more than be depressed, in panic and desperation. There is so much to do with my computers and so little I can actually do at the moment.
    Run official transfer (PC based, it's the quickest).
    Simply injecting movable.sed from old → new isn't a good idea in my opinion.
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    Reactions: Mama Looigi and IC_
    If trying any fancy stuff be sure to backup the replacement device BEFORE experiments.

    To be honest the cleanest method short of official transfer is ditching NAND contents (step history, play history, Mii Maker, Face Raiders save… and all that useless nonsense), reinstalling the games and restoring save data with Checkpoint.
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    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    Damn, the GBAtemp server is lagging right now. Hope the messages went through. Got a whole lot of "unexpected database error"
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    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    bluesky is actually starting to seem promising
    Honestly for being around for only a couple days so far I have to say it is already really good.

    The massive influx of new users that joined recently makes it well worth it compared to Twitter that I would not miss using it anymore at this point.
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    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    The Catboy
    The Catboy
    I’ve been enjoying it. Not having my posts swarmed by people who hate me because the Twitter algorithm showed my posts to people who hate me, is quite nice
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    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    i love dark souls 2 as much as i hate dark souls 2, favorite of the triology
    Mama Looigi
    Mama Looigi
    -from fights and instead spend 5 hours on every single enemy you see, which is fine if you enjoy that, but so many people get turned off of this masterpiece of a game because some elitist says "this = souls game and souls game = hard bash your head against brick wall game"
    Mama Looigi
    Mama Looigi
    and it breaks my heart to see people who get overwhelmed and don't even learn the first lesson it tries to teach you, which is to come back to the horse guy later, and instead give up right there
    Mama Looigi
    Mama Looigi
    i should've made a blog for this i forgot how small 420 characters is
    echoes of wisdom is fun gameplay-wise but i find myself caring less and less about the game the more i see things from botw
    like the sheikah, gerudo designs etc
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    Me too. I've barely played TotK, it just feels too similar and I don't have the patience for the excessive amount of collectibles. I'll probably get through it eventually, but what I really want right now is a traditional 3D Zelda.
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    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    I would rather go back and replay OoT or Wind Waker right now than continue TotK. I hope the next Zelda game will be more traditional. BotW and TotK feel like a lot of quantity over quality, and I'd rather have a shorter more concise game with higher overall quality.
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    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    I wanna play it but no device I have can run it
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