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"It Depends": Trump on Violence regarding 2024 election


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2022
An important part of what he said was left out of the op.

“If everything’s honest, I’ll gladly accept the results. If it’s not, you have to fight for the right of the country.”

He's already commanding the Cult of Dotard. If Trump loses, this time preparations for a repeat of J6 will be in place and they'll hopefully all get what they deserve if they try to storm the capitol again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
Actually there was a confirmed Voter Fraud in a Local Election between 2 Dems back East somewhere, either in Mass, or Maine, forgot where. But someone was caught on Camera dumping Ballots in a Drop Box, and was not Certified to do that. So it can happen.
What about all the election interference by trump cults including voting fraud? Forgot about that?
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The Apathetical Atheist
Apr 1, 2018
Pacific Ocean
United States
Actually there was a confirmed Voter Fraud in a Local Election between 2 Dems back East somewhere, either in Mass, or Maine
Sir, with all due respect, you're a big fan of rambling nonspecific supportive examples for whatever point you're trying to make. It's possible that what you've said here is true, but it just as easily may not have happened. Without specific evidence for the points you're trying to make they will be worth nil and treated as such.

Actually there was a confirmed Voter Fraud in a Local Election between 2 Dems back East somewhere, either in Mass, or Maine, forgot where. But someone was caught on Camera dumping Ballots in a Drop Box, and was not Certified to do that. So it can happen.
Even if this did happen (which is, statistically speaking, reasonably possible) there's a massive difference between ballot-stuffing and actually successfully pulling off this amount of voter fraud. If this happened, and the person was caught on camera and made the news I guarantee those votes were not counted. The counting and references surrounding votes is an extremely specific and complex process that makes actual voter fraud extremely different.
Your point was that it can happen, and yes, it can. That doesn't mean it has, it definitely doesn't mean it happened in this case (2020, presumably), and it really isn't even a full thought.
But with how Technology is, you never know. It could be Fair, or it could not. With how they are in Office, you never know. But with Fraud, good luck Proving it.
Plus, with Voting, they could Nullify your Vote anytime they feel like it. Happened up in Washington State before. People overwhelmingly Voted to Approve a Measure, but then they said People did not know what they were Voting on, so they scrapped it. If they could do it with that, they could do it with anything.
This is more of the same babble that the wolf guy was talking about. This is nothing but baseless conspiracy and there isn't any reason to believe they're anything more than that. Just because the voting machine is a massive one does not mean it's fixed.
Actually there was a confirmed Voter Fraud in a Local Election between 2 Dems back East somewhere, either in Mass, or Maine
Happened up in Washington State before. People overwhelmingly Voted to Approve a Measure, but then they said People did not know what they were Voting on, so they scrapped it. If they could do it with that, they could do it with anything.
Sources, please.
Post automatically merged:

An important part of what he said was left out of the op.

“If everything’s honest, I’ll gladly accept the results. If it’s not, you have to fight for the right of the country.”
I missed this. Thanks for pointing it out.
Yes, it's really just more allusion to another January 6th should he lose. "If everything's honest" is a poorly masked "if I win". It's really frustrating to see such juvenile tactics infiltrate so much of the country.


The Coolest Bear Around
Jan 4, 2017
United States
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
and do you know who those false electoral counts were for? it wasn't biden iirc someone triend a ballot stuff scheme armed with guns to force the counters to tally the fake votes for you guessed it trump i wonder if the independant will get elected for the first time in history (my guess is no) but the majority dislikes both biden and trump so who knows?, Independant is basicly a throw away vote with a 1% chance becoming the winner
Independents haven't mattered since before 2016. It's purely voter rally/voter suppression since if either side gets even 10% more turnout it far outweighs the independents. It's the reason voter id laws are horseshit and the Republicans worry about vote by mail. The Republicans have basically maxed out their voterbase, so the only tactics left are to move their positions to the left or supress voter turnout. Look at laws passed so you can't hand out food or water in 5 hour lines. Look at where all of the voting centers were closed permanently.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2015
United States
Sir, with all due respect, you're a big fan of rambling nonspecific supportive examples for whatever point you're trying to make. It's possible that what you've said here is true, but it just as easily may not have happened. Without specific evidence for the points you're trying to make they will be worth nil and treated as such.

Even if this did happen (which is, statistically speaking, reasonably possible) there's a massive difference between ballot-stuffing and actually successfully pulling off this amount of voter fraud. If this happened, and the person was caught on camera and made the news I guarantee those votes were not counted. The counting and references surrounding votes is an extremely specific and complex process that makes actual voter fraud extremely different.
Your point was that it can happen, and yes, it can. That doesn't mean it has, it definitely doesn't mean it happened in this case (2020, presumably), and it really isn't even a full thought.

This is more of the same babble that the wolf guy was talking about. This is nothing but baseless conspiracy and there isn't any reason to believe they're anything more than that. Just because the voting machine is a massive one does not mean it's fixed.

Sources, please.
Post automatically merged:

I missed this. Thanks for pointing it out.
Yes, it's really just more allusion to another January 6th should he lose. "If everything's honest" is a poorly masked "if I win". It's really frustrating to see such juvenile tactics infiltrate so much of the country.
Voter Fraud Ballot Stuffing forcing a Re-vote (Dem)
===From a News Station

As for the WA State part, that happened early 2010s, so have to find that. Found it once last Year, or Year before. It was even on the Local News on King 5, and Q13. But at that time that it happened, I think it was a Republican as Governor.
But all I remember was, the Newscasters saying it was removed after a big Yes Vote for it, and saying that Voters did not know what they were Voting on.

But it seems like both Sides only enforce Laws/Rights when it suits their Agenda. If it does not, then Laws/Rights are wrong, or not Guaranteed, or Absolute. I dont go for one Side or the other. Both have their Good, but both have their Bad.
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The Apathetical Atheist
Apr 1, 2018
Pacific Ocean
United States
Fox news = invalid by default
This is unnecessary and immature. FOX news is a typical news network with a right lean bias. It's perfectly fine to read and digest FOX News articles with this bias in mind, just as one must do the inverse for sites like CNN. Most news sites have biases. Does that disqualify them as sources? Of course not. It just means one must be aware of the bias going into it.
Never mind that this isn't even the FOX News that you're thinking of, and it's a non-politicized report. Your immediate dismissal of a relatively mild source simply based on their lean is extremely counterproductive.
Voter Fraud Ballot Stuffing forcing a Re-vote (Dem)
===From a News Station

Thank you for this. As I anticipated, it does appear that the woman was apprehended and faced criminal charges for voter fraud. Attempts like this never make it very far--keep in mind that every voting center has heavy surveillance which makes successful fraud very difficult.

As for the WA State part, that happened early 2010s, so have to find that. Found it once last Year, or Year before. It was even on the Local News on King 5, and Q13. But at that time that it happened, I think it was a Republican as Governor.
But all I remember was, the Newscasters saying it was removed after a big Yes Vote for it, and saying that Voters did not know what they were Voting on.

Fine, but please keep in mind that without proper documentation I won't consider this to be actual fact. Our perception and opinions of news events can distort over time, and taking a personal recollection of a news story as fact isn't really a valid argument. But it seems like both Sides only enforce Laws/Rights when it suits their Agenda. If it does not, then Laws/Rights are wrong, or not Guaranteed, or Absolute. I dont go for one Side or the other. Both have their Good, but both have their Bad.
But it seems like both Sides only enforce Laws/Rights when it suits their Agenda. If it does not, then Laws/Rights are wrong, or not Guaranteed, or Absolute. I dont go for one Side or the other. Both have their Good, but both have their Bad.
Not sure where you're pulling this from. One example of ballot stuffing and another personal account is a far cry from evidence of selective enforcement of laws. By nature, Republicans/Democrats are more likely to pass laws that suit their agenda and less likely to pass ones that do not, but that doesn't mean there's any political corruption is taking place. At the end of the day, that's merely human nature.


Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
An important part of what he said was left out of the op.

“If everything’s honest, I’ll gladly accept the results. If it’s not, you have to fight for the right of the country.”

He's already commanding the Cult of Dotard. If Trump loses, this time preparations for a repeat of J6 will be in place and they'll hopefully all get what they deserve if they try to storm the capitol again.
hope they bring their own bags (you know what kind i mean)


Resident Rabbit.
Oct 2, 2015
Canada; Ontario
This is unnecessary and immature. FOX news is a typical news network with a right lean bias.
Biggest understatement I've seen today.
Trump is a selfish POS, the fact that Project 2025 is a thing is downright horrific, i fear for many lives if trump gets in charge and project 2025 does what it intends to.


Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
Biggest understatement I've seen today.
Trump is a selfish POS, the fact that Project 2025 is a thing is downright horrific, i fear for many lives if trump gets in charge and project 2025 does what it intends to.
i read wikipedia about it last night scared me sh*tless we might be going down this road (banning all porn, them fighting words) you know what screw fleeing the country like a pussy I'm gonna defends if need be i rather join a freedom fighter group than to run with my tail tucked like a scared puppy
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
It would be hilarious watching the paranoid far left grasp at straws and misquote things out of context like this if it wasn't so sad and pathetic. The other day a CNN anchor was even complaining about Trump not making any public appearances that day, and therefore not giving him anything to bitch about, lol. Previously they were picking at a comment he made somewhat jokingly about telling Russia to attack NATO members that aren't paid up. Granted, he probably should have just said something like "Hey, if you don't pay the electric bill, they shut your power off." knowing that anything he says can and will be misused against him. But it's an especially laughable double standard that they want Trump to concede gracefully if he loses. Oh, just like Hillary did? She went out and made the exact same "fight like Hell" speech when she lost (but of course, she received entirely different media coverage). And she actually lost.

What is truly frightening is that the frivolous lawsuits are emboldening companies like Nintendo. They didn't go after Yuzu last year because dragging someone into court just to harass them was not percieved to be a thing. Watching politicized attorney generals do it for the sole purpose of election interference has changed their way of thinking. Nintendo now realizes that having an actual case is irrelevant, and that our legal system has degraded into a weapon for corporations and politicians to punish their opponents with. The Citra thing happened right as I was setting it up on my Steam Deck for SBS use with my Xreal Air 2s. So that was especially inconvenient.


The Apathetical Atheist
Apr 1, 2018
Pacific Ocean
United States
It would be hilarious watching the paranoid far left grasp at straws and misquote things out of context like this if it wasn't so sad and pathetic.
I hope this isn't meant as an insult. I'm not far-left (or left at all, for that matter) and simply made the post because I found Mr. Trump's rhetoric interesting. I'm speaking primarily from an observational standpoint here.

The current situation (that is, a presidential candidate and ex-POTUS facing criminal charges) is unprecedented in our nation's history and as such I'm following the case with great interest. Laws and regulations are being challenged and interpreted in different ways for the first time, and I find it interesting to observe how said interpretations come to be.

Trump's words and actions in court are being followed by many, and it's expected that news outlets such as CNN would follow the case closely in order to negatively frame Trump (given CNN's consistent left-lean bias).

Oh, just like Hillary did? She went out and made the exact same "fight like Hell" speech when she lost (but of course, she received entirely different media coverage). And she actually lost.
I didn't know of any such speech until today. After researching it, the only relevant information I could find was from a campaign speech just before the 1992 primary where Clinton gave a "fight like hell" speech. Source.
Right away, the biggest differences I could think of were
a. This was before social media, and Hillary was not known for the same levels of lashing out and anger as Trump, and
b. Notably, this speech was before the actual election, implying that Clinton was talking about her own or her team's efforts to support/concentrate efforts for a Presidential bid--not overturning the results after the fact. Trump's "fight like hell" has largely been interpreted to have implied a forceful overturning of the election results--after all, it directly influenced the January 6th riot.

Still, you alluded to a speech Clinton gave after she lost (presumably in 2016). I didn't find anything like that, but if you know of such a speech and could provide a link/source of some sort, I'd like to check that out as well. If what you say is true then it's worth looking into.
What is truly frightening is that the frivolous lawsuits are emboldening companies like Nintendo.
This is a puzzling comment because Trump's case is
a. Not a lawsuit,
b. Not at all frivolous, and
c. Otherwise irrelevant to Nintendo's trigger-happy legal strategies.

This case is a criminal trial brought by the Manhattan D.A. and has sufficient legal reasoning and evidence to proceed. The link between the hush money payment and an attempt to undermine the U.S. election is admittedly somewhat far-fetched, but it's difficult to say to what degree until all evidence has been presented.

It is true that Nintendo has relied on legal intimidation recently to enforce their copyright claims, but the difference here is that they have that right.
In the Nintendo v. Yuzu case, there was abundant evidence that the Yuzu team was deliberately profiting off of piracy. Nintendo opted to play the long game, amassing evidence to create a rock-solid argument, hence Yuzu settling out of court. There's a difference between Yuzu and, say, Ryujinx, because the profiteering off of piracy argument is much harder to prove when you don't put that you had the game before release in writing.

I suggest reading the full suit for more information as it's very specific and helpful in explaining why the Yuzu team was in the wrong. It's not like Nintendo's independently saying "Take this down or we'll sue". THAT would be different. Nintendo always makes sure that they have legal precedent and reasoning to file a legal motion before doing so. That's why they basically never lose in court anymore.

I feel your pain with the Citra thing. Unlike Yuzu, which had Ryujinx as a viable alternative, Citra was really the only big 3DS emulator on the market, so that was a huge bummer.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I hope this isn't meant as an insult. I'm not far-left (or left at all, for that matter) and simply made the post because I found Mr. Trump's rhetoric interesting. I'm speaking primarily from an observational standpoint here.

The current situation (that is, a presidential candidate and ex-POTUS facing criminal charges) is unprecedented in our nation's history and as such I'm following the case with great interest. Laws and regulations are being challenged and interpreted in different ways for the first time, and I find it interesting to observe how said interpretations come to be.

Trump's words and actions in court are being followed by many, and it's expected that news outlets such as CNN would follow the case closely in order to negatively frame Trump (given CNN's consistent left-lean bias).

I didn't know of any such speech until today. After researching it, the only relevant information I could find was from a campaign speech just before the 1992 primary where Clinton gave a "fight like hell" speech. Source.
Right away, the biggest differences I could think of were
a. This was before social media, and Hillary was not known for the same levels of lashing out and anger as Trump, and
b. Notably, this speech was before the actual election, implying that Clinton was talking about her own or her team's efforts to support/concentrate efforts for a Presidential bid--not overturning the results after the fact. Trump's "fight like hell" has largely been interpreted to have implied a forceful overturning of the election results--after all, it directly influenced the January 6th riot.

Still, you alluded to a speech Clinton gave after she lost (presumably in 2016). I didn't find anything like that, but if you know of such a speech and could provide a link/source of some sort, I'd like to check that out as well. If what you say is true then it's worth looking into.

This is a puzzling comment because Trump's case is
a. Not a lawsuit,
b. Not at all frivolous, and
c. Otherwise irrelevant to Nintendo's trigger-happy legal strategies.

This case is a criminal trial brought by the Manhattan D.A. and has sufficient legal reasoning and evidence to proceed. The link between the hush money payment and an attempt to undermine the U.S. election is admittedly somewhat far-fetched, but it's difficult to say to what degree until all evidence has been presented.

It is true that Nintendo has relied on legal intimidation recently to enforce their copyright claims, but the difference here is that they have that right.
In the Nintendo v. Yuzu case, there was abundant evidence that the Yuzu team was deliberately profiting off of piracy. Nintendo opted to play the long game, amassing evidence to create a rock-solid argument, hence Yuzu settling out of court. There's a difference between Yuzu and, say, Ryujinx, because the profiteering off of piracy argument is much harder to prove when you don't put that you had the game before release in writing.

I suggest reading the full suit for more information as it's very specific and helpful in explaining why the Yuzu team was in the wrong. It's not like Nintendo's independently saying "Take this down or we'll sue". THAT would be different. Nintendo always makes sure that they have legal precedent and reasoning to file a legal motion before doing so. That's why they basically never lose in court anymore.

I feel your pain with the Citra thing. Unlike Yuzu, which had Ryujinx as a viable alternative, Citra was really the only big 3DS emulator on the market, so that was a huge bummer.

Well, it seems like people just want to attack him for whatever he says. Covid victims even died because Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel went on late night TV and falsely proclaimed that the President was recommending horse tranquilizers (Ivermectin is indeed an effective treatment, but it's a relatively inexpensive drug that big pharma can't get rich off of, so they saw a chance to kill two birds with one stone, took it, ran with it, and let thousands of people die as colatteral damage, hey, the planet's overcrowded anyway and the herd needed to be thinned).

If Trump said the earth revolves around the sun, the media would find and interview a white supremacist, ask him if he believes the earth revolves around the sun, and when he said yes, they would be like, "See, Trump is supporting a racist theory, support Democrats and their non-racist theory that the sun revolves around the earth." because they are just that rabid/desperate.

And yes, Hilary did give a speech when she lost, and she did say "fight like Hell" at one point during it. She did not concede gracefully -- the very thing they were whining about Trump not agreeing to. I could look it up, but it's a waste of my time. I am not naive enough to think that any of this is going to change minds. I watched the speech, and I remember what she said.

Do you really believe that they would be pursuing this if it wasn't an election year? It's not like this is anything special. Celebrities and political candidates pay hush money all the time. Quite often they do it to avoid putting their family through the humiliation of a public scandal, so it will be nearly impossible to prove that this was done solely to boost polling. Even if they do, if that qualifies as interference, then so should every single TV ad. Real election interference is obstruction of the actual process. For example, blocking poll doors with your vehicle, or filing multiple court cases against a candidate in an election year so they won't have time to campaign. If there was any legitimacy to any of these, they would have been filed as soon as he left office. They waited until election time to screw with said election.

There also seems to be a bit of a double standard here. It's interference to expose a liberal's dirty laundry (i.e Hillary's emails), whereas it's interference NOT to fully disclose a conservative's (i.e. paying Stormy for a one night stand). Hillary wiping her e-mail server and smashing phones, and Joe getting the prosecutor investigating Burisma fired seem like far more serious cover-ups to me. And the ultimate irony is, hiding this affair probably actually hurt Trump. Just look at what Monica did for Bill's numbers.
Last edited by Kazuma77,


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
Well, it seems like people just want to attack him for whatever he says. Covid victims even died because Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel went on late night TV and falsely proclaimed that the President was recommending horse tranquilizers (Ivermectin is indeed an effective treatment, but it's a relatively inexpensive drug that big pharma can't get rich off of, so they saw a chance to kill two birds with one stone, took it, ran with it, and let thousands of people die as colatteral damage, hey, the planet's overcrowded anyway and the herd needed to be thinned).
It's in fact what he did. And it's not a a tranquilliser, but a dewormer.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
It's in fact what he did. And it's not a a tranquilliser, but a dewormer.
You might want to recheck your facts. The FDA has been forced to retract their bogus claims recently and admit that it is an effective treatment. It has been prescribed to humans since 1987 for a wide variety of infestations. See for yourself:


Even the Democrats, like Chris Cuomo, are doing an about face on the subject now that the truth is out:


It looks like someone wanted to sell something more expensive, hurt the President's credibility, and kill thousands of people simultaneously. My bet is on Sorros (wouid not surprise me if he bankrolled the research in Wuhan and arranged that "leak" just in time for the 2020 election, either). Call me a conspiracy theorist, but, when the dice come up snake eyes several times in a row, one naturally starts to suspect that they are loaded.
Last edited by Kazuma77,


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2022
This the guy some of you think is the second coming of Christ. LMFAO! Apart from the obvious, what is he even congratulating him for in the first place? HAHAHA! What a complete effing MORON. I don't know who is dumber. Trump himself or his supporters.

Jimmy Connors? :lol:

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Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
This the guy some of you think is the second coming of Christ. LMFAO! Apart from the obvious, what is he even congratulating him for in the first place? HAHAHA! What a complete effing MORON. I don't know who is dumber. Trump himself or his supporters.

Jimmy Connors? :lol:

the people who believe he in the second coming of christ is obviously mentally ill like very, and should seek mental health help right away

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    now THAT made me laugh.
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    I cant see it @Xdqwerty
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    Its cause you guys are kids, that joke went over your heads, sorry I don't know too many kids jokes.
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    Civil? I mean this isn't really a kids chatroom, you are supposed to 15+, which you admitted that you are not even.
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    We should take a breather, I guess we all got a little excited there.
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    People get it their heads or so attached that some sites are like second life's to them that's where they get over emotional over something that doesn't even matter just don't care what others say online
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    and it's friday we should all be uploading GIFs or I have another temper tantrum
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    Almost October and it's still 95 out
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    this is a webp... from GIPHY. GIF-EE.
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    @K3Nv2 where are you, arizona?
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    @Xdqwerty I would appreciate if when you post a YouTube link/ picture you can provide context or a description
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    @Xdqwerty my browser doest let me see things at times
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