Its also to note that by the time you reach your 30's you are basically too jaded to see the world change in any better way even if you had the means to do so yourself.
Younger people are idealists and want to shake up the status quo for newer, better things. When you get older and see the same shit happen over and over again no matter what promises or crap they say but nothing changes for the better, you kinda just give up hope that it will ever get any better. As a result you become part of the system of problems just hoping to get by enough to survive it.
What is really needed is to have our current system be flushed out and replaced with newer components. The way it exists now the current system will always exist even when the old figures retire/die the ones that will replace them will likely hold the same/similar values as they did. Perpetuating the system for ages to come. It would also help if to become a politician it did not require you to have assloads of cash and already existing ties to power/cash to get your position secure. There's a difference between wanting to help and represent the people because you are one of those people, and the concept of selling yourself to people claiming to understand their needs but are simply scamming them to gain power in office and do fuck all to help anyone but themselves and those who they play "hide the bribes" with.