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U.S. Supreme Court set to overturn Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
I don’t think you’re a fascist just because your ancestors were fascist. You’re Italian, right? Am I wrong?
None of MY ancestors were fascists, and in fact my grandfather almost got caught in the Ardeatine massacre, so you can take that back. You can find monarchists if you go as far as the 1600.

What about YOUR ancestors, Mr Polish Libertarian, any Holocaust collaborationists? Death camps guards? I mean, since you're a PISs enthusiastic and a Duda simp, you'd feel right at home.

And yes, you're wrong, because as someone else told you, you think to be clever when in fact all you do is making strawman examples.
Appeal to authority always falls flat - you’re not qualified to measure my level of acumen
Heh, I beg to differ.
For the record, I have a degree in the humanities
Only one? Purchased degrees don't count BTW.
The story of Oedipus is inherently sexual in nature, you yourself admit as much. By extension, so are stories that depict versions of the Oedipus complex.
Again, lack of acumen. The way a story is delivered is significant. The Bible is quite sexual in nature, and yet versions for kids do exist.
Gale and Zemekis know what’s in their film better than you do, if you want to argue with them whether their story has sexual themes or not, you go on ahead and do that. I’m certainly not planning to waste time on it - you’re not going to admit you were wrong anyway, regardless of what *the creators of the film say about it*.
More falsehoods and gaslighting, like you always do, falsely attributing to others what you think they're doing rather than what they actually do.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
More falsehoods and gaslighting, like you always do, falsely attributing to others what you think they're doing rather than what they actually do.

More baseless attacks containing liberal buzzwords that you hold no grasp of. Such low energy. Why do all of you sound almost exactly the same?

Is that right? Appeal to authority always falls flat - you’re not qualified to measure my level of acumen. For the record, I have a degree in the humanities, I don’t lack “acumen”, not that one is required to analyse the scene in the first place considering this stuff is pretty obvious. Attacking me is not a substitute for an actual argument. The story of Oedipus is inherently sexual in nature, you yourself admit as much. By extension, so are stories that depict versions of the Oedipus complex. Gale and Zemekis know what’s in their film better than you do, if you want to argue with them whether their story has sexual themes or not, you go on ahead and do that. I’m certainly not planning to waste time on it - you’re not going to admit you were wrong anyway, regardless of what *the creators of the film say about it*.

I do view Marty going back in time and accidentally interfering with his parents relationship as a form of retroactive abortion. The movie is full of sexual references including Marty's mother being attracted to him while not knowing she was going to be his mother in the future.
Last edited by Deleted member 559230,


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
More baseless attacks containing liberal buzzwords that you hold no grasp of. Such low energy. Why do all of you sound almost exactly the same?
Projection eh, disgusting RepubliKKKunt? Low energy? Lmao this from you, one of the many Trumptard clones, and not even a particularly intelligent one?
I do view Marty going back in time and accidentally interfering with his parents relationship as a form of retroactive abortion
Nobody asked and nobody cares, you embarrassing pro-birther rape apologist.

The movie is full of sexual references including Marty's mother being attracted to him while not knowing she was going to be his mother in the future.
Reference? It's a literal PLOT POINT. You'd have to be blind to miss it.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
None of MY ancestors were fascists, and in fact my grandfather almost got caught in the Ardeatine massacre, so you can take that back. You can find monarchists if you go as far as the 1600.

What about YOUR ancestors, Mr Polish Libertarian, any Holocaust collaborationists? Death camps guards? I mean, since you're a PISs enthusiastic and a Duda simp, you'd feel right at home.

And yes, you're wrong, because as someone else told you, you think to be clever when in fact all you do is making strawman examples.
Why are you getting upsetti? You *just* said that the opinion of Americans is irrelevant based on their puritanical past. I said that’s ridiculous - we’re talking about many generations of separation, not to mention that not all Americans are descendants of the original settlers, in the same way as not all Italians are descendants of fascists. If you must know, my family distinctly remembers hiding jews in attics and basements, but that has no bearing on my opinion regarding BTTF, just like having puritan or fascist ancestors wouldn’t.
Heh, I beg to differ.
Keep begging?
Only one? Purchased degrees don't count BTW.
I didn’t have to pay for my degree - I got in to one of the leading universities in the country based on academic achievement. That’s irrelevant to the discussion, the “level of acumen” doesn’t change how poignant the argument is.
Again, lack of acumen. The way a story is delivered is significant. The Bible is quite sexual in nature, and yet versions for kids do exist.
There are child-friendly versions of a story with sexual themes. Do you have some kind of problem with sexual themes? You’re the one who’s starting to sound puritan.
More falsehoods and gaslighting, like you always do, falsely attributing to others what you think they're doing rather than what they actually do.
This is not a rebuttal. I’m not going to address marbles. The lead writer and the director told you what’s in the movie. If you disagree with them, that’s your problem. It doesn’t get more definitive than that, regardless of what you think.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2021
United States
Projection eh, disgusting RepubliKKKunt? Low energy? Lmao this from you, one of the many Trumptard clones, and not even a particularly intelligent one?
Ok, is there a need for name calling at this point? If you had valid points (which some of them are), you shouldn't have to revert to calling him names and questioning his intelligence.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
Why are you getting upsetti
It must be really convenient for you hiding behind your moderator status to throw veiled racist slurs at others.

You *just* said that the opinion of Americans is irrelevant based on their puritanical past.
Actually I was talking about their puritanical present, and said it wasn't surprising considering they are the descendants of the bigots of the empire, which were persecuted because they were seditious.
f you must know, my family distinctly remembers hiding jews in attics and basements
Then I guess you must be the black sheep of the family, being a simp for the modern age fascists.

didn’t have to pay for my degree - I got in to one of the leading universities in the country based on academic achievement. That’s irrelevant to the discussion, the “level of acumen” doesn’t change how poignant the argument is
Your argument isn't poignant, even if you had attended the Boston MIT. But if you didn't pay, then clearly you owe them money.

There are child-friendly versions of a story with sexual themes. Do you have some kind of problem with sexual themes? You’re the one who’s starting to sound puritan
I don't, as I am an adult.

This is not a rebuttal.
It's a declaration of your usual tactics of spouting nonsense and attributing it to others when it's actually only you.

The lead writer and the director told you what’s in the movie. If you disagree with them, that’s your problem. It doesn’t get more definitive than that, regardless of what you think.
Post the interview then and let's see exactly what they say, as opposed to your personal extract.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
Ok, is there a need for name calling at this point? If you had valid points (which some of them are), you shouldn't have to revert to calling him names and questioning his intelligence.
Yes, yes there is considering what he's written in this thread (and others). You'll actually notice that I don't simply throw name-calling. I didn't name call you, for example.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
Ok, is there a need for name calling at this point? If you had valid points (which some of them are), you shouldn't have to revert to calling him names and questioning his intelligence.

It's okay. He's going around using terms such as gaslighting that he holds no understanding of. Gaslighting is a serious thing and its victims suffer for years after having it happen to them. It's not something you can do in a few forum posts. Gaslighting takes months or years to perform. He's just pissy because I'm right and he sounds just like the countless other loser liberals that spout out the same nonsense.


Oh, I just noticed he's on ignore. I had been viewing and quoting to reply without being logged in. Oops. Back on ignore now. : )
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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
It's okay. He's going around using terms such as gaslighting that he holds no understanding of. Gaslighting is a serious thing and its victims suffer for years after having it happen to them. It's not something you can do in a few forum posts. Gaslighting takes months or years to perform. He's just pissy because I'm right and he sounds just like the countless other loser liberals that spout out the same nonsense.


Oh, I just noticed he's on ignore. I had been viewing and quoting to reply without being logged in. Oops. Back on ignore now. : )
Since I'm on ignore, I'm gonna be able to post this without repercussions: this is what gaslighting is:

" where the bully or abuser misleads the target, creating a false narrative and making them question their judgments and reality."

And it's perfectly possible to attempt it via forum posts. Look here: https://scubby.com/what-is-social-media-gaslighting/


Pissy? Lmao you make me vomit, and if you enough functioning brain to fill a teacup you would recognise it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Please explain how does one "consent to being pregnant"? If, while driving, you are taking risks and making mistakes, you are inviting the inevitable.
I was talking about pedestrians. They do not consent to being knocked over, even if they get distracted when crossing the road.

There are various signs that demonstrate a consent to being pregnant, not having an abortion if they get pregnant would be a clear sign. Having an abortion is a clear sign they didn't consent.

What you seem to want to do, is force consent onto someone.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
I do view Marty going back in time and accidentally interfering with his parents relationship as a form of retroactive abortion.

At the point where Marty interfered with the time line, Lorraine would never had became pregnant with Marty. The future Lorraine would already had have given birth.

Unless all murder is retroactive abortion.
Last edited by smf,
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
It must be really convenient for you hiding behind your moderator status to throw veiled racist slurs at others.
Complete projection. We’ve been over this.
Actually I was talking about their puritanical present, and said it wasn't surprising considering they are the descendants of the bigots of the empire, which were persecuted because they were seditious.
I can only base my responses on what you say, not what you think.
Then I guess you must be the black sheep of the family, being a simp for the modern age fascists.
I don’t support any specific political party in Poland, I don’t even reside in the country. Paranoid, much?
Your argument isn't poignant, even if you had attended the Boston MIT. But if you didn't pay, then clearly you owe them money.
It doesn’t matter who makes an argument and how many degrees they have - either it’s a good argument or it’s not. What I said is consistent with what the creators of the franchise have said about the film, your response is based in stubbornness.
I don't, as I am an adult.
Citation needed.
It's a declaration of your usual tactics of spouting nonsense and attributing it to others when it's actually only you.
More projection in lieu of an a rebuttal.
Post the interview then and let's see exactly what they say, as opposed to your personal extract.
I posted three links, including a direct one to the CNN interview. No wonder you’re confused, you didn’t even look at the source material.
At the point where Marty interfered with the time line, Lorraine would never had became pregnant with Marty. The future Lorraine would already had have given birth. Unless all murder is retroactive abortion.
From the perspective of a time traveler moving along a single contiguous timestream it absolutely is, as his mother’s pregnancy is an inevitability unless interfered with earlier in the stream. It’s a fixed point on the timeline that he’s retroactively tampering with. Marty is a pre-existing entity at risk of ceasing to exist. Marty’s mother is still pregnant within that timestream, just later along the path - that fixed point still exists, which is why Marty still exists. If it stopped existing, so would Marty. The difference between this and typical murder is pretty stark - Marty wouldn’t just die, he would disappear from the timestream altogether. His existence would be aborted, in a manner of speaking. Crude, but descriptive.
Last edited by Foxi4,


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
Complete projection. We’ve been over this
Not with me, I'm sure I'm not the only one who told you.

I can only base my responses on what you say, not what you think.
I did say it.

I don’t support any specific political party in Poland, I don’t even reside in the country. Paranoid, much?
More random words. Why would I be paranoid about that, of all things.

More projection in lieu of an a rebuttal.
I'm rebutting your nonsense.

It doesn’t matter who makes an argument and how many degrees they have - either it’s a good argument or it’s not. What I said is consistent with what the creators of the franchise have said about the film, your response is based in stubbornness.
I'm stubborn about you stopping your trolling tactics which poison the debate wherever you post - although here it was way beyond redemption already from page 1.

I posted three links, including a direct one to the CNN interview. No wonder you’re confused, you didn’t even look at the source material.
Not in any message directed to me or mentioning me?

From the perspective of a time traveler moving along a single contiguous timestream it absolutely is, as his mother’s pregnancy is an inevitability unless interfered with earlier in the stream. It’s a fixed point on the timeline that he’s retroactively tampering with. Marty is a pre-existing entity at risk of ceasing to exist. Marty’s mother is still pregnant within that timestream, just later along the path - that fixed point still exists, which is why Marty still exists. If it stopped existing, so would Marty.
More nonsensical interpretation with deliberate misdirection. The most moronic point is "mother is pregnant in the future" - - not even displayed in the media. Clearly no idea of what abortion and pregnancy mean.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Not with me, I'm sure I'm not the only one who told you. I did say it. More random words. Why would I be paranoid about that, of all things. I'm rebutting your nonsense. I'm stubborn about you stopping your trolling tactics which poison the debate wherever you post - although here it was way beyond redemption already from page 1. Not in any message directed to me or mentioning me? More nonsensical interpretation with deliberate misdirection. The most moronic point is "mother is pregnant in the future" - - not even displayed in the media. Clearly no idea of what abortion and pregnancy mean.
Get back to me when you decide to admit that Back to the Future has sexual themes in it, including ones relating to mother-son incest, since that’s what we were discussing. I’m not interested in any other clown business of yours anymore - you can keep spinning like a spinning top on your own time. The links are right there, grab your glasses and use your scroll wheel.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Marty’s mother is still pregnant within that timestream, just later along the path - that fixed point still exists, which is why Marty still exists. If it stopped existing, so would Marty.
That isn't how time travel worked in the film.

Marty prevented his Mother from ever having sex with George when he fell out of the tree. That is why his brother, sister and him started disappearing. He fully recovered when they danced as his birth was assured in the new time line.

He didn't disappear immediately because of the paradox, that if he was never born then he couldn't fall out of the tree.

Inevitable pregnancies that don't happen, aren't abortion.
Last edited by smf,
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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
Get back to me when you decide to admit that Back to the Future has sexual themes in it, including ones relating to mother-son incest, since that’s what we were discussing
I didn't say ever that there are no sexual themes, lying numbskull, as you well know. What I contest is the obscenity you and your compadres seem to attribute to it, when in fact in the movie it's displayed with comedic, rather than sexual, tones.

The only clowns here are you and your cabal of pro-birth hypocrites.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
That isn't how time travel worked in the film.

Marty prevented his Mother from becoming pregnant at the point when he fell out of the tree. That is why his brother, sister and him started disappearing. He fully recovered when they danced as it now happened again.

He didn't disappear immediately because of the paradox, that if he was never born then he couldn't fall out of the tree.

Inevitable pregnancies that don't happen, aren't abortion.
I’d call it Schrödinger's abortion (if I’m to pretend that this isn’t a joke premise, which it obviously is). You can easily support a theory like that. Marty’s fate was hanging in balance until the pendulum fully swung one way or the other, which is why the process was so gradual. It’s open to interpretation, but in my opinion Marty didn’t disappear instantly because a possibility of fixing the time disturbance existed in the timestream. There was a path Marty could take to revert the damage he’s done, and as long as that path existed, he existed along with it, in a state of temporal flux.
I didn't say ever that there are no sexual themes, lying numbskull, as you well know. What I contest is the obscenity you and your compadres seem to attribute to it, when in fact in the movie it's displayed with comedic, rather than sexual, tones.

The only clowns here are you and your cabal of pro-birth hypocrites.
I told you that the film is sexually charged regardless of what you think, you responded with indignation.
what ARE you talking about?
Am I to understand that you agree and we’re wasting time? This is a legitimate out for you - take it while you can.

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