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Everything wrong with the Texas Republican Party Platform


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Not inherently, no, but I've found that a lot of times when businesses get burned down it's not the fault of the original rioters, it's people using it as an excuse to cause mayhem or to discredit the movement as a whole.

I'm not sure where you're getting your figures from, but the closest I've seen is:


Which purports that only a few dozen were killed due to violent rioting over the course of the year; any other murders that happened during the time were separate issues not related to the riots themselves.

Yes, I did. You're singling out RINOs but you still primarily post pro Republican sentiments and attack all things Democrat. You try to claim that you're Independent and against big government/corporation, but your responses betray that with every post.

Did you not see where I pointed out how you whine when other people attack you despite you doing it as soon as you run out of arguments?
What do you think rioting is? It is the destruction of personal property. You trying to separate different groups of rioters looks silly.

You do know that a few dozen is 36 and I said over 30, right? :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

What does the R in RINO signifiy? If you were paying attention, I rail against corporations too.

It's hard for me to run out of arguments when I have the truth on my side. You wanna talk about people who run out of arguments, go talk to all the dorks who constantly call me a Nazi or a fascist. News flash, that's not an argument.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
What do you think rioting is? It is the destruction of personal property. You trying to separate different groups of rioters looks silly.

There's no trying. The people who burned down buildings were Republican stand-ins trying to discredit the movement because Republicans are racist, misogynistic, religious zealots who don't like change. Ever wondered why no Republican has fought for civil rights? Much less rioted, against the government, to gain those rights. Even though, the 2nd amendment gives us the right to bear arms against a tyrannical government, and therefore people technically have the right to do so, especially in the context I explained.

You do know that a few dozen is 36 and I said over 30, right? :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

You do realize your attempt at math only serves to deflect the fact that you clearly can't read, right? There were ~30 over the entire 365 day period, not exclusive to just the Floyd riots. If you're going to debate, you need to up your reading comprehension a bit, because you're failing severely.

What does the R in RINO signifiy? If you were paying attention, I rail against corporations too.

No, you don't. Not once have you mentioned anything about corporations in any post toward me unless you're denying climate change, and if you expect me to read everything you post, you're more crazy than you portray.

Also, RINOs? What are they, fake Republicans? You people desire to hate so much you're targeting your own political affiliation to hate. Is hating women, ethnic minorities, and the LGBT community not enough for you guys anymore? You're literally operating on cult status.

It's hard for me to run out of arguments when I have the truth on my side. You wanna talk about people who run out of arguments, go talk to all the dorks who constantly call me a Nazi or a fascist. News flash, that's not an argument.

Nothing you've presented has been truthful in any sense, and on the rare occasion you post something to supposedly back your claim, it's outdated and misrepresented data or overly biased, opinionated articles that fail to back up their own claims with any facts or statistics. You've added nothing to any conversation you've been a part of except another reason to dislike the Republican party as a whole because with you as a representative, they have even little saving grace to deal with.

You know what else isn't an argument? Your constant hypocritical statements and flame baiting. Don't you have an 8chan skinhead thread to moderate?


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
There's no trying. The people who burned down buildings were Republican stand-ins trying to discredit the movement because Republicans are racist, misogynistic, religious zealots who don't like change. Ever wondered why no Republican has fought for civil rights? Much less rioted, against the government, to gain those rights. Even though, the 2nd amendment gives us the right to bear arms against a tyrannical government, and therefore people technically have the right to do so, especially in the context I explained.

You do realize your attempt at math only serves to deflect the fact that you clearly can't read, right? There were ~30 over the entire 365 day period, not exclusive to just the Floyd riots. If you're going to debate, you need to up your reading comprehension a bit, because you're failing severely.

No, you don't. Not once have you mentioned anything about corporations in any post toward me unless you're denying climate change, and if you expect me to read everything you post, you're more crazy than you portray.

Also, RINOs? What are they, fake Republicans? You people desire to hate so much you're targeting your own political affiliation to hate. Is hating women, ethnic minorities, and the LGBT community not enough for you guys anymore? You're literally operating on cult status.

Nothing you've presented has been truthful in any sense, and on the rare occasion you post something to supposedly back your claim, it's outdated and misrepresented data or overly biased, opinionated articles that fail to back up their own claims with any facts or statistics. You've added nothing to any conversation you've been a part of except another reason to dislike the Republican party as a whole because with you as a representative, they have even little saving grace to deal with.

You know what else isn't an argument? Your constant hypocritical statements and flame baiting. Don't you have an 8chan skinhead thread to moderate?
So Republicans infiltrated the BLM protests? You really gonna go with that? You sound like the people who say that antifa infiltrated J6.

So you are saying there were only 30 murders in an entire year in the cities where the riots took place? Maybe if you learned how to write and convey your shitty ideas with clarity, we wouldn't have this problem.

I've never denied climate change. I'm very aware the Earth has been both warmer and colder throughout it's history. Try again.

Kyrsten Sinema and and Joe Manchin enter the chat.

I've presented evidence that your cult thinking cannot accept. You think facts you disagree with is overly bias because you can't think outside of your cult bubble.

It's funny that you get so mad. That's a key indicator that I am right. Every time you try to refute anything I say, you only have raw anger. Never any facts coming from you. All you have are insults. Each one of your responses are getting more and more pathetic.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
So Republicans infiltrated the BLM protests? You really gonna go with that? You sound like the people who say that antifa infiltrated J6.


Here's one article. We'll do them one at a time so you don't get ahead of yourself. Lemme know when you're ready for another.

So you are saying there were only 30 murders in an entire year in the cities where the riots took place? Maybe if you learned how to write and convey your shitty ideas with clarity, we wouldn't have this problem.

No, I posted an article that stated that. You're trying to argue that the George Floyd riots led to dozens of murders, to which you provided no backup for your claim, which I argued against and provided references.

You seem to be getting lost in your own arguments.

I've never denied climate change. I'm very aware the Earth has been both warmer and colder throughout it's history. Try again.

You called climate change believers a cult in another thread. Maybe you should try again.

I've presented evidence that your cult thinking cannot accept. You think facts you disagree with is overly bias because you can't think outside of your cult bubble.

What facts have you presented? When's the last time you shared an article? You spend post after post whining and trying to argue with people over things you don't understand. It's also funny you keep calling whatever you think I identify as a cult; even if I affiliated with the Democrat Party, that's still a larger entity than your conservative Republican "cult".

It's funny that you get so mad. That's a key indicator that I am right. Every time you try to refute anything I say, you only have raw anger. Never any facts coming from you. All you have are insults. Each one of your responses are getting more and more pathetic.

What anger?

What insults?

Facts? You mean aside from the numerous articles I've presented that you've blatantly ignored because they cause you to think for yourself?

You sure you're ok? Normally you're on par but this attempt at a response is kinda weak from your norm. Maybe take another day off or two and try to reformulate. I'll wait for you, buddy.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States

Here's one article. We'll do them one at a time so you don't get ahead of yourself. Lemme know when you're ready for another.

No, I posted an article that stated that. You're trying to argue that the George Floyd riots led to dozens of murders, to which you provided no backup for your claim, which I argued against and provided references.

You seem to be getting lost in your own arguments.

You called climate change believers a cult in another thread. Maybe you should try again.

What facts have you presented? When's the last time you shared an article? You spend post after post whining and trying to argue with people over things you don't understand. It's also funny you keep calling whatever you think I identify as a cult; even if I affiliated with the Democrat Party, that's still a larger entity than your conservative Republican "cult".

What anger?

What insults?

Facts? You mean aside from the numerous articles I've presented that you've blatantly ignored because they cause you to think for yourself?

You sure you're ok? Normally you're on par but this attempt at a response is kinda weak from your norm. Maybe take another day off or two and try to reformulate. I'll wait for you, buddy.
Those two sure are chummy.

Yeah, murders happen during riots. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. David Dorn is one of them and his killer, a BLM "protester", finally got convicted.

You are part of a climate cult because you believe SUV's cause climate change when the people you worship fly around in private jets and live in mansions right on the coasts. That's pretty cultish.

What anger and insults? How about calling me fascist, nazi, cult, racist, transphobe, whatever the hell that is, and whatever else the losers want to call me.

You present articles from hilariously leftwing biased websites and state news sources. With trust in them being at 11%, I'm not the only one by far who refuse to take them seriously.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
Yeah, murders happen during riots. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. David Dorn is one of them and his killer, a BLM "protester", finally got convicted.

Yes, murders do happen during riots. The number of murders you said happened during Floyd's riot was false. I corrected it. Quit trying to rewrite what you said because you, yet again, got proven wrong.

You are part of a climate cult because you believe SUV's cause climate change when the people you worship fly around in private jets and live in mansions right on the coasts. That's pretty cultish.

At what point did any of that come out of my posts? Have you gotten to the point where you're creating arguments for yourself to respond to?

What anger and insults? How about calling me fascist, nazi, cult, racist, transphobe, whatever the hell that is, and whatever else the losers want to call me.

Ok but what portion of that has come from our particular interaction? Don't accuse me of attacking when the others are calling you these names because that's how you portray yourself.

You present articles from hilariously leftwing biased websites and state news sources. With trust in them being at 11%, I'm not the only one by far who refuse to take them seriously.

At this point I could post Onion articles as fact and it's still far ahead of anything you've presented in any capacity to backup any claim you've made.

It's more gotten to the point where we're bickering over essentially nothing. You need to come up with a better, more on topic response if you want to continue having a "friendly" debate.

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