When is pirating ok? (discussion)

Just Another Gamer

星空のメモリア-Wish upon a shooting star- Fanboy
Feb 29, 2012
Watching Hibarigasaki's starry sky
Not to me its not. Aborting your own child is a lot worst than piracy, prostitution, or using drugs but the government says it is morally right. I don't look to my government for morals. Most of the time the government only cares about corporations and special interest groups.
No. Murder, rape and related is worse than piracy abortion isn't even close to that. I agree that the government only cares about corporations and rich people and thats exactly why I don't have a big moral or ethical problem about piracy. The other stuff is a different matter.


Creativity is Power
Nov 12, 2012
Lived in Florida
United States
I can't say I'm against it,because I do pirate.I only pirate when I'm sure I will not buy the game,or don't have any money.I will not go buy stuff on the VC as I can always get them free; waste of money.Pirating isn't as bad as they say.Companies still make a profit off of selling stuff; like Pokémon games.Renegade Kid will stop making games for the 3DS,huge mistake.


Creativity is Power
Nov 12, 2012
Lived in Florida
United States
Pirating is bad because you don't give companies money?Used games don't got a problem.What if I copy the data off my used disk and sold it online for cheap,lol.Either way not like it makes a HUGE difference

Senbei Norimaki

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2012
No. Murder, rape and related is worse than piracy abortion isn't even close to that. I agree that the government only cares about corporations and rich people and thats exactly why I don't have a big moral or ethical problem about piracy. The other stuff is a different matter.

Lol, abortion isn't murder. It is the most vile of murders a mother murdering her own child.

Just Another Gamer

星空のメモリア-Wish upon a shooting star- Fanboy
Feb 29, 2012
Watching Hibarigasaki's starry sky
Lol, abortion isn't murder. It is the most vile of murders a mother murdering her own child.
Since this is a piracy thread i'll keep this simple. Abortion isn't murder since your not killing anything in the first place and my post already highlighted that issue that abortion isn't murder and there are worse things than piracy in the world that the government should be focusing on. And no, banning abortion is not and never should be one of them.


Never sleeps
Chief Editor
Oct 2, 2012
United States
Since this is a piracy thread i'll keep this simple. Abortion isn't murder since your not killing anything in the first place and my post already highlighted that issue that abortion isn't murder and there are worse things than piracy in the world that the government should be focusing on. And no, banning abortion is not and never should be one of them.
While I hate myself for going off topic, I do have to say, abortion IS murder. No matter if its sentient yet or not, it's still something, that at one point, WILL grow into a human being.

But anyways, I do agree that piracy is not a major issue. So many people that I have talked to always, always, are freaked out when I tell them that I pirated something. The GOVT has hyped piracy up to the point where it's taboo.


Current "give a fuck" level: Honey Badger
Jul 29, 2010
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As long as you don't abandon/mistreat your nakamas and always work toward your dreams and...

Wait, what are y'all saying this thread isn't about One Piece? :ninja:

Srsly though... The opinion is that anything is ok if you don't get caught. This may or may not be strictly legal or moral, but hey, it's the interwebs so who cares?

Just Another Gamer

星空のメモリア-Wish upon a shooting star- Fanboy
Feb 29, 2012
Watching Hibarigasaki's starry sky
While I hate myself for going off topic, I do have to say, abortion IS murder. No matter if its sentient yet or not, it's still something, that at one point, WILL grow into a human being.

But anyways, I do agree that piracy is not a major issue. So many people that I have talked to always, always, are freaked out when I tell them that I pirated something. The GOVT has hyped piracy up to the point where it's taboo.
Not just the government but those big rich companies always exaggerating how much sales they "lost" to piracy.

Its not murder if its not a sentient being and if you think abortion is murder then I suppose you don't want to kill any insects that invade your house. Also by that logic if I go out and step on a seed or eat an egg its murder because it has the potential to become a sentient being, its not on topic but really the whole "abortion is murder" is just plain crap that is shat out by religious nutcases who want us to be living in the dark ages where they have power again.


Current "give a fuck" level: Honey Badger
Jul 29, 2010
Visit site
Its not murder if its not a sentient being and if you think abortion is murder then I suppose you don't want to kill any insects that invade your house. Also by that logic if I go out and step on a seed or eat an egg its murder because it has the potential to become a sentient being, its not on topic but really the whole "abortion is murder" is just plain crap that is shat out by religious nutcases who want us to be living in the dark ages where they have power again.

It is stupid to attribute the ideals of people to slanted religions. Some people just believe in the sanctity of life. Denying developing organisms a chance at life is bad, and that's my [scientific] take on it.

Also, please take this discussion elsewhere. I think the both of you agree on the piracy issue, anyways. Cheers.


Operation Decoded
Sep 14, 2008
As long as you don't abandon/mistreat your nakamas and always work toward your dreams and...

Wait, what are y'all saying this thread isn't about One Piece? :ninja:

Srsly though... The opinion is that anything is ok if you don't get caught. This may or may not be strictly legal or moral, but hey, it's the interwebs so who cares?

After all, Anime nowadays provide even better moral standards then most governments.

Thus being said, we all like Robin Hood right?

So basically every pirate (who shares) simply takes from the SUPER rich and shares it among the poor ones.

Among the government, Robin Hood wasn't that popular. But among the poor people sure as hell was.

So basically it's a matter of on which side are you? If you are rich you are on the side of the government, if not, you will pirate.

Sure you can admit you have high moral standards and pirating is bad and all (blabla) but in the end,

it is not the question whether pirating is ok or not, but the question is:

Are you rich or are you poor?

Yes, Movies and Games and Music are Entertainment. You could say someone could live without that. But what would be the point of living if you could do nothing to enjoy it?

I can expect answers like "so save up your money and buy it when you can". Yeah, enduring hunger and cutting off every fun in my life for a month just to pay
an overpaid company even more money?

Pirating isn't about being greedy our being lazy to buy the game. It is about priorities. There are more important things in life your money goes to.

So games should only be played by the rich guys? This is the only conclusion if pirating is a crime. I certainly don't think so.

Whether piracy is bad or not, this depends on your position. I don't want to wait 10 years till I get an awesome job where I can earn enough money to pay all my bills and get games.
By then it most likely won't even matter anymore.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Hi Guys,

I'm going to be rude but i don't give a f... to the editor point or some hackers that play with times or any piracy things.
So let me tell you something... i was a developper only few years ago working with one of the biggest company of video games, they show me that they don't even care at all about development game or customer complaign
what they want is making business, we are working less now than in the past with a minimum of budget to make more money and not anymore excitment of playing games... releasing games that is not even finish or DLC that was the part of the game in the beginning, making money is more important for us.

You should open your eyes and see what's going on, the editor control how you play, what that mean ?

The Control Editor Project
Make a max of money
Force people to buy games
push up the price of the games
stop the used game sell
connect the platform to the editor server
spy and log every customer action
force them to update
link every game to one console
no demo, only full game (Partial Game + DLC + SDLC, sell by part) available that you need to pay
even the game suck, you can't sell it because is locked to your own video game console
I stop to work and deal with that type of company when i start to know the real plan... so today you are not important, you are just stupid for them, so you make free commercial pub for them, you talk and battle for them and you pay them to make a worst game that was made in less than 2month with few budget and the rest for the boss that don't even know what is a game and what is a good game or good price.

You know that they don't care about piracy, they even play other backup game from another company that never authorize to them to play the game too...
so seriously stop with your fuc... piracy point or hacking point, you want a better world, boycott, stop following like a sheep and release your work when you can, don't wait that a editor or dev make action, do it before is late... that all.
i know the video game world as i know my pocket, so believe me, they don't care about what you saying or what you doing... they just care about money.

You know that they use same crappy code, old physic/3D Engine again and again (even use open source stuff to make game that cost more than 60$ for few work they did on it)
Script based on another game
Engine already exist (just port the map/character on it)
take some music from different artist
pay less few people to script everythings... (or use a pre script program that just point A->B)

same as music industry (take song from other or just pay less amateur song maker and put just few lyrics, you have a tube that cost 20$, take a bankable artist to push up the price for nothing)

I'm not going to complaign about the society but who you are to judge about piracy crap and co... you know that piracy make the best deal and make better the communication between editor/customer (one who talk to another one who talk with another one without making a commercial tv spot) piracy make access to different culture, they play with piracy and you defend them and say your piracy is not good... seriously grow up and stop thinking that the world is pink...
piracy was always everywhere and always existed, it's not from yesterday and it never made any problem, the problem came from the society (job, salary and co...) a dev don't win so much money.... everythings go to the boss and company... so what is your big deal about let save company by stopping piracy... even everybody around the world stop piracy it would change anything... because paying a high price with less work for a immaterial structure doesn't help your life at all.

For me a real piracy, it's selling a appartment 1000x the real value
what is piracy, it's play with the life of people, so people go to hospital, doesn't have paper can die just here in the front of the door ?...

It's funny because people talk about law.. when this law was made by human being... that all... stop defending human that write a law doesn't make any sense or was not good for the society...

Now be happy that many store close because of the editor that push the price up and try to attack the used game... be happy to live on the world of immaterial stuff that you use all you health to win money and try to buy a product that you can really have...

It's so stupid that so many people are so dumb and follow everything like i sheep, editor tell you piracy is not good or the law say it when other law say the inverse.. anyway you will go nowhere thinking like that and you forget about defending human liberty... no one on the earth can judge anyone, we are nothing and we are here temporary... so why losing time with stuff like that

Piracy is nothing good or bad... it doesn't exist.. we call that sharing not piracy.. if we want to share the product that we buy, like a law say, you can share it as the first license was already selled with the package.. and any company doesn't have the power to block you of doing that... also it doesn't make any sense as is part of the life and cultural share

If you like to defend wrong stuff it's hope to you by on my dev point that was working on the video game company and now movie company, so i know exactly what this world of business bring and what many company want from you... go understand why the euro money is going bad, why have many revolt...it's because nothing was working as a equitable share... so everybody will go poor everyday and that will have nothing to do with piracy ! remember that piracy = numeric share... numeric doesn't cost anything than time... you pay already everything, have nothing free and you even pay piracy by using bandwith and co...

Stop to be blind and wake up before is late... if you accept everything and buy game that cost and include no real work... they will continue like that and lock you into a new generation of support that you will never have the possibility to share...

A day they will sell free imagination kid game (already did)

It is at least funny how easily all of you just ignore the most important post of this thread... This guy presents you the true nature of the industry of gaming and all of you that were preaching to us about how bad piracy is don't even bother to comment on it... As I said you are at least funny... Keep buying games and get ass-f#$%cked by the companies that this guy mentions. It is your choice anyway. None is here to judge you, but hey... Don't judge us ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
United States
Pirating is ALWAYS okay!
*Hugs HDD with questionably illegal downloads.*
Sounds like my PC, I am a software pirate in a major way (although it is mainly due to lack of funds to buy said software) is moral objectionable yes, is it wrong in some ways yes, but do i really have a issue with it NO. plain and simple piracy doesn't bother me in the least bit (if it did i wouldn't be a regular on the suprbay but that is besides the point) I just ordered my first flash cart and one of the first things I plane on putting on it are some roms and some homebrew, but mainly roms
I also do it for political reasons....


Current "give a fuck" level: Honey Badger
Jul 29, 2010
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I am not sure if you mentioned an actual site there, so I'm not quoting you, but just in case... You're not allowed to even mention such sites [file sharing sites, torrent sites, etc] here.



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
United States

I am not sure if you mentioned an actual site there, so I'm not quoting you, but just in case... You're not allowed to even mention such sites [file sharing sites, torrent sites, etc] here.

I know its a forum site for a certain site related to piracy but they are merely forums that's all


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2009
It is at least funny how easily all of you just ignore the most important post of this thread... This guy presents you the true nature of the industry of gaming and all of you that were preaching to us about how bad piracy is don't even bother to comment on it... As I said you are at least funny... Keep buying games and get ass-f#$%cked by the companies that this guy mentions. It is your choice anyway. None is here to judge you, but hey... Don't judge us ;)

You talk as if anybody buying games is getting screwed over. That's not true, that's subjective, opinionated what you're spouting.

Games like Borderlands 2, Batman Arkham Asylum/Arkham City, Assassin's Creed 2 (not AC3), I will gladly pay for those games over and over and over again on different platforms even if I own them on other platforms. Those people put countless hours into a game for me that I get sooo much enjoyment from. Hours after hours after hours after hours of enjoyment. Hell Borderlands 2 has given me easily over 100 hours alone. I'm glad and proud that I pay for those games, they deserve it. Games like that alone are worth more than 60 bucks, but that's all they're asking for.

So say what you want, but not everybody is getting screwed over by companies as bad as you make it sound. And you know what, developers that give me countless hours of gameplay are always going to get my money, and I'm always going to support them, and I'm always going to pay full price, and guess what, years down the road, I'll have a car. a house, a wife (hopefully kids because I want a little bastard to call my own), just like you. And I'll be living happily just as much as you whether you saved money by stealing... excuse me, I mean pirating games or not.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
You talk as if anybody buying games is getting screwed over. That's not true, that's subjective, opinionated what you're spouting.

Games like Borderlands 2, Batman Arkham Asylum/Arkham City, Assassin's Creed 2 (not AC3), I will gladly pay for those games over and over and over again on different platforms even if I own them on other platforms. Those people put countless hours into a game for me that I get sooo much enjoyment from. Hours after hours after hours after hours of enjoyment. Hell Borderlands 2 has given me easily over 100 hours alone. I'm glad and proud that I pay for those games, they deserve it. Games like that alone are worth more than 60 bucks, but that's all they're asking for.

So say what you want, but not everybody is getting screwed over by companies as bad as you make it sound. And you know what, developers that give me countless hours of gameplay are always going to get my money, and I'm always going to support them, and I'm always going to pay full price, and guess what, years down the road, I'll have a car. a house, a wife (hopefully kids because I want a little bastard to call my own), just like you. And I'll be living happily just as much as you whether you saved money by stealing... excuse me, I mean pirating games or not.

Hahaha Ok man. As I said Your money, your call. Just let us pirates alone and don't judge us ;)
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    @Xdqwerty there is health behaviour you can add to your character, then to use a health bar is lil more complicated, google n watch a few tutorial video on it, be too hard to explain here.
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    @BigOnYa, the character has the health behavior
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    I know you have to create a health and health max variable. Then there is a calculation you use in code to subtract width size of the health bar. Google few vids.
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    @BigOnYa, the "greenflatbar" is one of the preset health bars btw
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    Yea you can use any bar/sprite. It will just change the width. Ok good luck and have fun. I'm off to go shoot some pool at the bar. Talk to you later.
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    @BigOnYa, I fixed it
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    @salazarcosplay, we just talked like 2 hours ago
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    I never used the mobile or online versions, just the pc version.
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    @BigOnYa, did you get drunk?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    No I don't drink much when i goto bar, cause I driving, or if/when I do, ill take a uber/cab home. But I'm working on it now tho I'm home, beer n whiskey shots today.
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