I recently installed atmoshphere onto my switch so I could install mods among other things. I specifically installed an SMT V mod from gamebanana to revert the element resistance symbols back to the text like the older games have. I enabled it in simple mod manager and everything, but the mod simply doesnt appear in my game. What am I doing wrong? Here's the directory I have the mod installed in:
/Root of sd card/mods/SMTV/NuDrRp(name of the mod)/contents/0x010063B012DC6000(title id)/romfs/Project/Content/Paks/~mods/NuDrRp.pak
/Root of sd card/mods/SMTV/NuDrRp(name of the mod)/contents/0x010063B012DC6000(title id)/romfs/Project/Content/Paks/~mods/NuDrRp.pak