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Forget "going green", Liberal cities have gone "brown"


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
Everyday, it seems that more and more Democrat ran cities are becoming way too liberal in their policies. These policies just so happen to reverse the positivity that the left is actually striving for such as cleaner oceans, no litter, less air pollution, and making sure everybody is given warm places to sleep/eat and keep them from getting sick (or falling through the cracks of society).

Unfortunately, with how these cities are ran, it almost seems like the progressives are more "regressive". If you just look at the homeless situation of cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland, you would think these cities, which happen to be some of the wealthiest cities in the US, are in 3rd world countries instead of the USA.

It's ironic that California has the toughest environmental and public health laws while its cities happen to be the biggest polluters of the ocean, have overwhelming amounts of trash on their streets, has a severe rodent problem, and are even re-introducing diseases such as the bubonic plague, typhus, and leprosy to American citizens. All this while preventing their police force from enforcing laws to keep people from urinating, defecating, sleeping, and doing drugs on the streets. It's a shame that people take the risk of getting infected with multiple diseases, bit, robbed, etc everyday while just trying to live their lives in a city they love too much to leave.

Here is a story about the issues Portland police are dealing with in their city:

Portland Police Say They’re Not Allowed to Stop People From Pooping in the Street

Source: Here
Portland has a serious poop problem. The Oregon city recently acknowledged that it removed 3,300 gallons of human waste from the streets in the past year alone.

However, the police say they’re powerless to stop homeless people from relieving themselves in public, even if it happens right in front of them.
Sgt. Kevin Allen, a public information officer with the Portland Police Bureau, told Pluralist: “It is a topic officers that work downtown hear about somewhat regularly.”

The complication, he said in an email exchange, is that an Oregon court last year barred authorities from using a state law in cases of public urination and defecation.
“I’m not aware of a legislative fix, so at this point we are unable to address the behavior from a law enforcement standpoint,” Allen said.

With the police paralyzed, Portland has resorted to expensive cleanup efforts after the fact.
According to a recent analysis by the city, as many as 450 reports of human waste are filed with Portland’s homeless complaint system every week. Each time a crew responds, it costs taxpayers $316.
Fearing urban blight or an outbreak of infectious disease, Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler and the Portland City Council agreed to spend some $900,000 on portable toilets and bathrooms for the homeless in the coming fiscal year, The Oregonian reported in June.

The larger issue, of course, is homelessness itself. As Portland has grown into a hipster mecca, the homeless population has become increasingly desperate and increasingly visible.
In 2015, Portland declared a state of emergency in hopes of securing additional federal and state funding to respond to its homeless crisis. Yet over the past two years, Multnomah County, where Portland is located, has recorded a nearly 40 percent increase in the number of “chronically homeless” people.
In a profile of the problem last month, Fox News found that conditions have “gotten so bad that it’s hardening even the most liberal of bleeding hearts.”
“I put blinders on a lot,” said a local bagel shop employee identified only as Shannon. “Like tunnel vision. I choose not to acknowledge it.”

A national homelessness crisis
Portlanders are not alone. While federal statistics show homelessness trending downward nationwide, a number of American cities have struggled with vagrancy ― and the attendant toll of human waste.
Bloomberg Businessweek reported in November that at least 10 West Coast cities, from Los Angeles to Seattle, have in recent years declared states of emergency because of out-of-control homelessness.

Every city is different, and diagnoses of the problem vary by ideology. Liberal wonks tend to blame rising costs of living, slow wage growth and lack of affordable housing. Conservatives point to over-generous welfare programs, cultural decay and liberals’ reluctance to crackdown on people they view as victims.
Earlier this month, business owners in one Seattle neighborhood told local media that a single homeless woman staying in a nearby illegal encampment has been terrorizing their block with her feces for months.
“It’s a health hazard,” grocer Mike Sandberg said to KOMO News. “It’s just something I can’t believe is allowed to happen. It seems like there is no law.”

Seattle police said they’re empowered to punish people for public defecation, but only if they catch the person in the act. They said no one on the block had been arrested or cited.
A spokesperson for Seattle’s Democratic Mayor Jenny Durkan said she was aware of the complaints and the city was trying to move the people living in the encampment to safer spaces. But any illegal dumping on private property is the responsibility of the owner, not the city, the mayor’s office said.

Why Portland police can’t stop people from pooping in the street
With the possible exception of San Francisco, no city embodies the conservative caricature of progressive administration more than Portland, where officials tolerate semi-regular clashes between antifa protestors and right-wing activists.

When it comes to public defecation, the Oregon Court of Appeals decided in State v. Corcilius that a 2017 state law against littering does not cover public urination. Alex Hamalian, a criminal defense attorney who works in the Portland area, told Pluralist that the Multnomah County Prosecutor’s Office may be wary of applying the law to cases of public defecation for fear of costly legal challenges based on the court’s ruling.

Similar calculations may also prevent enforcement of two Portland ordinances that directly prohibit urination and defecation in public, Hamalian said. He doubted, though, that the ruling actually applies to the municipal code, which “specifically addresses urination and defecation.”
Anyway, Hamalian said, the Oregon Legislative Assembly could easily pass a law to empower police to bust public defecators. But in his estimation, lawmakers are too busy fighting over “pie in the sky legislation,” so they “kind of let it hang.”
Others have blamed Portland’s liberal politics. Last July, Mayor Wheeler announced an investigation of the Portland Police Bureau based on activists’ claims that officers were systematically harassing homeless people. The probe by the police watchdog agency ultimately proved inconclusive.
The Portland Police Association responded at the time by slamming Wheeler for allegedly scapegoating hardworking officers for his own “failed policies” on homelessness while leaving the department underfunded.
As a result, “Our City has become a cesspool,” they charged.

Pluralist reached out to the Multnomah County Prosecutor’s Office, the Portland Mayor’s Office and the Portland Police Association for comment, but did not hear back by time of publication.

Hamalian, a registered Democrat, said that politics aside, the police union was right about the state of the city.
“The amount of public urination and defecation has risen to just a sickening and unhealthy level,” he said. “You see it. It’s just everyday.”
“I find it odd for somebody of my politics to be saying this,” Hamalian added. “There needs to be something done, either through the criminal justice system or through the social services program. I have an infant and it’s horrifying to me that I could let my infant walk down the street in Portland and they might step in pee or feces.”


Go touch grace
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
The complication, he said in an email exchange, is that an Oregon court last year barred authorities from using a state law in cases of public urination and defecation.
“I’m not aware of a legislative fix, so at this point we are unable to address the behavior from a law enforcement standpoint,” Allen said.
That does seem ridiculous, it's illegal in every other state that I'm aware of. Even in California, indecent exposure and public urination are both misdemeanors should you be caught.

That said, I'd still rather live anywhere in Oregon than some Republican stronghold like Alabama. The economic policies and the shallow gene pools have already turned those states into shitholes, so defecating in public there would just be redundant.
Last edited by Xzi,


Go touch grace
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
tell me more about how conservativism can solve this and all of our problems. I also am buying bridges if you got one to sell me.
Don't worry, trickle-down economics will DEFINITELY work this time, and it DEFINITELY won't generate even more homeless people, unlike the last hundred times it's been tried. /s
Last edited by Xzi,


Alcoholic Programmer
Dec 7, 2006
I don't really see the relation between public pooping and pollution? Human "bio" waste is 10000x more easier to get rid of then human plastic.
Also, the homeless problem is unrelated to public defecating laws. Why bother describing shit?
Last edited by KirovAir,


Not New Member
Nov 8, 2008
United States
All this while preventing their police force from enforcing laws to keep people from urinating, defecating, sleeping, and doing drugs on the streets.
I'd like to add I live in the bay area, yes there is a homeless problem, yes you see them sleeping in the street, but I've never seen anyone peeing or pooping, or saw random poop in the streets of San Francisco, the news is making it seem much worse then it is.


Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
Why do conservatives complain about homelessness in California when a.) Homelessness is in part caused by the economic inequalities that only the progressives seem willing to fix, and b.) The conservatives haven't offered a single plan to curb homelessness?
you have to do away the liberal establishment. duh!
we all need to wear suits and and become christians because we are not degenerates. Then we all root for good ole fashioned deregulation. I as a minority need to learn my place while de-regulation and little oversight does away with any chance i may have at a better future. oh well atleast, we all have bald eagles perched on our shoulders. :D
it will solve everything. Those who question otherwise are entitled crybabies.

By the way seriously talking though the bitter pill to swallow:
Housing market needs to devalue to solve this issue. Everyone likes their houses to be worth "theoretically hundreds of thousands of dollars" but then cry when markets bust and they go to what they should probably cost. good times.

Also helping the poor helps with this. Programs for jobs should be part of the solution as well obviously.

We should stop being divided and come together to try to fix these problems. There has to be some middle ground.

This shouldnt be partisan but the big queso in chief said that it was the liberals fault, so guess how helpful that ends up being?

I'd like to add I live in the bay area, yes there is a homeless problem, yes you see them sleeping in the street, but I've never seen anyone peeing or pooping, or saw random poop in the streets of San Francisco, the news is making it seem much worse then it is.
we live in an age where some loser complains about something on twitter and 10 news outlet runs with it as "news" so yeah not surprising.
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Go touch grace
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
We should stop being divided and come together to try to fix these problems. There has to be some middle ground.
There are no half-measures that will solve this problem. The solution is that we house the homeless.


Inb4, "hOw ArE yOu GoNnA pAy FoR iT?"

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Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
That does seem ridiculous, it's illegal in every other state that I'm aware of. Even in California, indecent exposure and public urination are both misdemeanors should you be caught.
Whoa.... mind blown! You didn't just blame this on corporate greed and boot licking.

tell me more about how conservativism can solve this and all of our problems. I also am buying bridges if you got one to sell me.
Look up "New York City Rudy Giuliani homeless". Also, read my other thread on this - here

*sees title and immediately thinks "not the trump dude again"*
The one and only.... who else would it be? I guess my avatar being right next to the title didn't give me away?

Don't worry, trickle-down economics will DEFINITELY work this time, and it DEFINITELY won't generate even more homeless people, unlike the last hundred times it's been tried. /s
Was the "/s" for the first part or the second part? I'm going with the "unlike the last hundred times it's been tried." part.

I don't really see the relation between public pooping and pollution? Human "bio" waste is 10000x more easier to get rid of then human plastic.
Also, the homeless problem is unrelated to public defecating laws. Why bother describing shit?
Seriously? Do you have poop all over your house because that isn't "being dirty"? Also, not only can public poop make you sick and is very nasty to step in, when you poop on the street, it gets washed into the drains that go straight to the ocean. This means if you go into the ocean to swim, you might find brown trout swimming with you. Besides the homeless, who else do you think is pooping on the streets? People with homes just go outside and defecate on the street because they are too lazy to go in their restroom? Ain't nobody got time for that! I would rather pick up 10000 plastic straws than one piece of human fecal matter.

Why do conservatives complain about homelessness in California when a.) Homelessness is in part caused by the economic inequalities that only the progressives seem willing to fix, and b.) The conservatives haven't offered a single plan to curb homelessness?
Yeah, tell that to the Trump admin going into California to actually do something about the homeless problem which the liberals have been unwilling to fix. You, obviously, missed my thread HERE that answers all your questions/concerns.

I'd like to add I live in the bay area, yes there is a homeless problem, yes you see them sleeping in the street, but I've never seen anyone peeing or pooping, or saw random poop in the streets of San Francisco, the news is making it seem much worse then it is.
I guess you didn't hear about this - HERE
Or this:

Inb4, "hOw ArE yOu GoNnA pAy FoR iT?"
hOw ArE yOu GoNnA pAy FoR iT?

Damn, too late! I bet you beat up little white kids for their bikes, cell phones, and money because "they stole it from minorities".
Last edited by morvoran,


Go touch grace
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Was the "/s" for the first part or the second part? I'm going with the "unlike the last hundred times it's been tried." part.
The entire sentence was sarcasm, with a bit of exaggeration there at the end. Between the national and state level, we're definitely up to double digits with the number of times trickle-down has been implemented and then failed, though.
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Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
Between the national and state level, we're definitely up to double digits with trickle-down being implemented and then failing, though.
Trickle-down works better than all democrat policies put together. Just ask me, I'll tell ya. Excuse me, Pa and me is making some shine in the back. Yee-haw.

If we get rid of the failing policies on the left, trickle-down will work. We can't expect business owners to invest into their business to hire more employees and give them raises when they are being taxed to death by the dems.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Whoa.... mind blown! You didn't just blame this on corporate greed and boot licking.

Look up "New York City Rudy Giuliani homeless". Also, read my other thread on this - here

The one and only.... who else would it be? I guess my avatar being right next to the title didn't give me away?

Was the "/s" for the first part or the second part? I'm going with the "unlike the last hundred times it's been tried." part.

Seriously? Do you have poop all over your house because that isn't "being dirty"? Also, not only can public poop make you sick and is very nasty to step in, when you poop on the street, it gets washed into the drains that go straight to the ocean. This means if you go into the ocean to swim, you might find brown trout swimming with you. Besides the homeless, who else do you think is pooping on the streets? People with homes just go outside and defecate on the street because they are too lazy to go in their restroom? Ain't nobody got time for that! I would rather pick up 10000 plastic straws than one piece of human fecal matter.

Yeah, tell that to the Trump admin going into California to actually do something about the homeless problem which the liberals have been unwilling to fix. You, obviously, missed my thread HERE that answers all your questions/concerns.

I guess you didn't hear about this - HERE
Or this:

hOw ArE yOu GoNnA pAy FoR iT?

Damn, too late! I bet you beat up little white kids for their bikes, cell phones, and money because "they stole it from minorities".
The Trump administration has not offered any viable way to curb homelessness in California or anywhere else. I saw your thread. It wasn't worth responding to too much.

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