14 reported dead, 20 injured in shooting at Dark Night Rises showing.


Just your friendly neighborhood Transbian.
Former Staff
Aug 29, 2008
Hiatus Hell
that guy must have liked the movie so badly that he wants to be an actual hero villain
Actually, that reminded me a hypothesis going on in the internet right now...
Basically, the guy(s) went to the theatre to create a real batman.
and the killer wiil be the joker

Actually the killer would be Joe Chill.

But seriously, where this theory falls apart is Wayne's parents were killed OUTSIDE the theater, not gunned down inside. Also, Wayne's parents were mugged, being shot in the process. This incident shares no similarity besides taking place in or around a movie theater.
maybe a victim will seek for revenge...

There will be no revenge. This psycho is going to die one of two ways.

1. By the hands of the state through Death Penalty OR
2. By the hands of a relative of one of the victims he's bound to meet in prison.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2010
United States
And yet, for all the legal guns in the US, these things always end with suicide or armed police, never some gun packin' patriot.
its not "gun packin' patriot"'s (what the fuck is that anyway, some southern hick?) duty to take down someone that is doing shit like that, its the police, because if someone else with a gun tried to help, the cops would try shooting him too, thinking he was helping the crazy fuck.

if the crazy fuck tried breaking into my home, on the other hand, blow his brains out.


Global Moderator
Jan 6, 2011
Canada,New Jersey
that guy must have liked the movie so badly that he wants to be an actual hero villain
Actually, that reminded me a hypothesis going on in the internet right now...
Basically, the guy(s) went to the theatre to create a real batman.
and the killer wiil be the joker

Actually the killer would be Joe Chill.

But seriously, where this theory falls apart is Wayne's parents were killed OUTSIDE the theater, not gunned down inside. Also, Wayne's parents were mugged, being shot in the process. This incident shares no similarity besides taking place in or around a movie theater.
maybe a victim will seek for revenge...

There will be no revenge. This psycho is going to die one of two ways.

1. By the hands of the state through Death Penalty OR
2. By the hands of a relative of one of the victims he's bound to meet in prison.
3. By committing suicide.
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2011
United Kingdom
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. People were fucked up in ancient times, people were still fucked up in medieval times, People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.
While i can sort of agree i can also disagree. I think some people deserve to rot in a cell for the crimes they committed. And others, the truly evil and demented human beings, truly deserve death. We cant seriously sit here, and think that the world would be better off without certain individuals in it. Just think, do you really think bin laden would have been able to keep his life had he not been gunned down?
I guess I can sort of agree with you on that.
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. People were fucked up in ancient times, people were still fucked up in medieval times, People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.
There is nothing that can be fixed about a criminal of this caliber, no amount of therapy will "fix" him, all it amounts to is feeding and clothing him for tax payer's money.
I disagree. Mental illnesses can almost always be fixed, provided the proper treatment is given.


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
While I'm all for trying to rehabilitate people who can genuinely be helped and most importantly WANT to be helped (and it has to be a genuine desire to be a better person, not just play acting to get away with it), there has to be a cut-off point. There has to be a point in the process where you recognise that some people are simply beyond all hope. They don't want help, they don't want to be decent members of society, they just want to act on animal instincts to kill and do whatever they want without consequence. People like that give the entire species a bad name. I say the law needs to be a LOT tougher on people like that. Not to the point of a death penalty, but hear me out on this.

My old man and I were watching one of those cop chase shows a few years back. We calculated the ammount of money incurred by your average joy riding prat teenager. We ran up the costs of every consequence of such an idiotic move, like fuel costs for the helicopter and police cars, wages, damages caused to the area and any cars he smashed along the way, etc. We came to a conservative estimate of £20K for a fifteen minute chase. The kid got a few hundred quid fine, a slapped wrist and sent on his merry way. FUCK THAT. Make them work doing the jobs too menial for upstanding members of society until they pay off every single penny. Kids would think twice about stealing cars if it meant spending months of their lives cleaning public urinals for no money.

And don't go bleating on about 'human rights' and 'respect for people who have lost their way'. No matter how bad your life is, there's always the choice to do something about it or just give up and turn to crime. Unless you suffer from a genuine and proven medical condition that robs you of your conscience, you should forfeight your human rights the moment you choose to endanger others just to satisfy your own selfish desires. Harsh, but it's the only real way to make things work. Right now the law is a limp-dicked waste of space that most serious criminals laugh at. Make the criminals fear what will come to them if they make the choice to turn to crime.
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Just your friendly neighborhood Transbian.
Former Staff
Aug 29, 2008
Hiatus Hell
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. People were fucked up in ancient times, people were still fucked up in medieval times, People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.
While i can sort of agree i can also disagree. I think some people deserve to rot in a cell for the crimes they committed. And others, the truly evil and demented human beings, truly deserve death. We cant seriously sit here, and think that the world would be better off without certain individuals in it. Just think, do you really think bin laden would have been able to keep his life had he not been gunned down?
I guess I can sort of agree with you on that.
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. People were fucked up in ancient times, people were still fucked up in medieval times, People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.
There is nothing that can be fixed about a criminal of this caliber, no amount of therapy will "fix" him, all it amounts to is feeding and clothing him for tax payer's money.
I disagree. Mental illnesses can almost always be fixed, provided the proper treatment is given.

And what would happen when and if this "fixed" individual decides to pull the same shit again? It it really worth the risk of putting more people in danger, no matter how small the chance?
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2011
United Kingdom
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. People were fucked up in ancient times, people were still fucked up in medieval times, People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.
While i can sort of agree i can also disagree. I think some people deserve to rot in a cell for the crimes they committed. And others, the truly evil and demented human beings, truly deserve death. We cant seriously sit here, and think that the world would be better off without certain individuals in it. Just think, do you really think bin laden would have been able to keep his life had he not been gunned down?
I guess I can sort of agree with you on that.
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. People were fucked up in ancient times, people were still fucked up in medieval times, People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.
There is nothing that can be fixed about a criminal of this caliber, no amount of therapy will "fix" him, all it amounts to is feeding and clothing him for tax payer's money.
I disagree. Mental illnesses can almost always be fixed, provided the proper treatment is given.

And what would happen when and if this "fixed" individual decides to pull the same shit again? It it really worth the risk of putting more people in danger, no matter how small the chance?
If they were truly "fixed" than they wouldn't do something like this again.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I disagree. Mental illnesses can almost always be fixed, provided the proper treatment is given.
If they were truly "fixed" than they wouldn't do something like this again.
Your naivety is baffling. Read Blaze's post - there's a lot of truths in it. Some people are beyond the reach of any "help", moreover, they don't even want it. Humans aren't special - they're animals like any other and sometimes they just "snap". There's nothing you can do to prevent it and nothing you can do to fix it, and prolonged therapy leads to one thing - those people "fake" their recovery - they tell the doctors what the doctors want to hear and in the event of being discharged they go right back to their old habbits.

Want to keep them alive just because it tickles your sense of morality? Alright, but make them work for their own food and shelter, because I sure as hell don't want to fund their paid vacation.
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Just your friendly neighborhood Transbian.
Former Staff
Aug 29, 2008
Hiatus Hell
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. People were fucked up in ancient times, people were still fucked up in medieval times, People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.
While i can sort of agree i can also disagree. I think some people deserve to rot in a cell for the crimes they committed. And others, the truly evil and demented human beings, truly deserve death. We cant seriously sit here, and think that the world would be better off without certain individuals in it. Just think, do you really think bin laden would have been able to keep his life had he not been gunned down?
I guess I can sort of agree with you on that.
If this guy gets off with an insanity plea that's when you know the justice system works okay. I don't care if you were insane or not in your right mind, you fucking kill someone, you deserve to either be sent to jail for life or put in a mental hospital. And no matter who you are, NOBODY has the right to choose whether or not someone lives or dies, you kill more then one person, you deserve worse. People were fucked up in ancient times, people were still fucked up in medieval times, People were getting better but still bad in the colonial and victorian age. That's Definaetly not how they should do it now.
fixed. I can't believe some people still believe in the death penalty.
There is nothing that can be fixed about a criminal of this caliber, no amount of therapy will "fix" him, all it amounts to is feeding and clothing him for tax payer's money.
I disagree. Mental illnesses can almost always be fixed, provided the proper treatment is given.

And what would happen when and if this "fixed" individual decides to pull the same shit again? It it really worth the risk of putting more people in danger, no matter how small the chance?
If they were truly "fixed" than they wouldn't do something like this again.

That's absurd. Mental health is not an exact science. Any doctor that tells you they know completely and without a doubt that an individual is "cured" is full of shit.
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Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
There are plenty of crimes that are borderline, and one could say these people should be rehabilitated, and can be.

This is not one of those cases. This is a pathetic and disgusting act, and I really hope this idiot is executed or killed in prison in a brutal fashion. Trash like him deserves it. There's absolutely no point wasting jail space with his presence.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I strongly agree with TwinRetro - this is not a guessing game, the stakes are far too high. You have a killer of 14 people on your hands (12? I didn't read the updated info yet) that injured 30, at whom he opened fire, he also detonated explosives in a public, crowded place.

Let's say he goes to rehab. Let's imagine for a moment that the rehab fails and he does it again. What do you do? Say "Oupsie! Well, he wasn't "fully cured", let's put him on some more rehab." and try again?

Are you willing to carry those 14 deaths and 30 injuries that may turn into a higher deathtoll in, say, 20 years on your conscience because you wanted to be noble and you value life?
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The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
There are plenty of crimes that are borderline, and one could say these people should be rehabilitated, and can be.

This is not one of those cases. This is a pathetic and disgusting act, and I really hope this idiot is executed or killed in prison in a brutal fashion. Trash like him deserves it. There's absolutely no point wasting jail space with his presence.

Exactly. How many times do we hear that prisons are overcrowded? There are always going to be people like this who take advantage of a lenient legal system. They're not afraid to do whatever they want whenever they damn well please because the consequences are so disproportional to the action. I did a project on this in college years ago, and while researching I found that in some countries you get less time for [censored] than you do for stealing a car. The law is fucked up, simple as that. Needs a total redesign from the ground up to remove all the loopholes that criminals abuse for a free ride. Make it a solid wall that you only get past by either obeying the rules or by having a genuine condition and wanting to deal with it so you can follow said rules in the future.
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2011
United Kingdom
I strongly agree with TwinRetro - this is not a guessing game, the stakes are far too high. You have a killer of 14 people on your hands (12? I didn't read the updated info yet) that injured 30, at whom he opened fire, he also detonated explosives in a public, crowded place.

Let's say he goes to rehab. Let's imagine for a moment that the rehab fails and he does it again. What do you do? Say "Oupsie! Well, he wasn't "fully cured", let's put him on some more rehab." and try again?

Are you willing to carry those 14 deaths and 30 injuries that may turn into a higher deathtoll in, say, 20 years on your conscience because you wanted to be noble and you value life?
Since I know this argument could go on forever, I'll end it now. you win.

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