Gaming Mario Kart profanity


Narcistic Deathfisaro Fan
Mar 16, 2007
Vancouver, BC
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One tip to anti-snakers, if you find a snaker, just leave your DS unattended for a while, go play few minesweepers or something. More than half the time you'll get a free win (from my experience)
They practice snaking to win, and whenever I give them an opportunity for free win, most of they refuse and leave.

One time in a 4 players game 2 were hardcore snakers, so I started racing backwards, and not long after both snakers left (I don't know why) and I enjoyed a normal game with the other dude, not to mention both of us got 2 free wins (I won though)

Probably many snakers are thinking "I'll kick your hard trying ass"?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2004
Louisville, KY
United States
^^Now that's amusing. So a lot of them when they can't get their egos stroked pulling that stuff, they bail out. Interesting as it kind of shows the mentality behind it for some.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2006
Snaker haters are scum

no you are scum as you make the game difficult for anyone else to enjoy, that's selfish on your part, why should someone who paid £30 and play online never be able to get a chance at winning because you keep "exploiting" the games mechanics, it's just the same as cheating as you can never win, the snaker will always win, you say the game is slow without snaking well the gba and snes version never had snaking and they were fun!

so what you're saying is, if you develop pro Korean starcraft skills, you become scum? and its selfish to do so? or if you can pull a tetris off really quickly, its "exploiting" game mechanics?
you complain that someone who pays the same amount for a game is never able to get a chance at winning?
did you ever consider that they have an equal opportunity at learning how to snake, or becoming good at a certain game.
isnt it more selfish of you to "force" everyone regardless of skill to drop down to your level?
i dont understand your logic.
of course the snaker will always win, he's the better player. if you are pissed about snaking in Mario Kart, don't blame the gamers who know how to use it, blame either yourself for not knowing how, or the developers for implementing it


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
United States
Yes exactly, it's not like there is much difference between the two. The two shoulder buttons could be the shifting gears, A B X or Y could be gas or brake or w/e. The D-pad would obviously control how you turn and crap, since I know some players with the PSP use the D-pad to play Initial D instead of the analog ma bob anyways. And for the map the Lower screen will do I guess.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2005
Trinidad and Tobago
^^Now that's amusing. So a lot of them when they can't get their egos stroked pulling that stuff, they bail out. Interesting as it kind of shows the mentality behind it for some.

So they don't care about getting a higher win record, but just want to actually race and compete against other players? Wow, what a bad mentality.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2007
I think Nintendo should make it Wi-Fi so that people cannot snake (powerslide delay every 5 seconds), but make it so in Single Player you could snake....


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2004
Louisville, KY
United States
of course the snaker will always win, he's the better exploiter. if you are pissed about snaking in Mario Kart, don't blame the gamers who know how to use it, blame either yourself for not knowing how, or the developers for implementing it

There corrected that for you. Even I found that quote out of NP mag saying it was an unintended thing overlooked when setting that game up and it is not in the spirit of the game. I'm going to stick with the quote from the company that produced the game. Sadly though, no matter who says what in this...those who exploit the overlook will usually win and defend their tactic to no end using any weak comparison needed, and those who can't or refuse to use it to make the game more interesting will give crap to those who exploit the system.

^^Now that's amusing. So a lot of them when they can't get their egos stroked pulling that stuff, they bail out. Interesting as it kind of shows the mentality behind it for some.

So they don't care about getting a higher win record, but just want to actually race and compete against other players? Wow, what a bad mentality.
Just going by what he said there. He says when those who won't put up with snaking just sit on the track for some points or leave causes the snaker to cut out obviously to me shows it was being done just to screw with people because if it really was the points they were after only they'd stick it out and grab some more points.


New Member
Jul 21, 2007
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Snaker haters are scum

no you are scum as you make the game difficult for anyone else to enjoy, that's selfish on your part, why should someone who paid £30 and play online never be able to get a chance at winning because you keep "exploiting" the games mechanics, it's just the same as cheating as you can never win, the snaker will always win, you say the game is slow without snaking well the gba and snes version never had snaking and they were fun!
Let me try to reverse that little quote of yours. Why should i (a snaker who knew of the abbilities from previous mariokarts and only bought it because i like the competetion this technique brings) who paid £30 and play online never be able to get a chance to race in a way i enjoy just because you refuse to do miniturbos and put up mental barriers on your own play? Forcing me to race differently as long as i race within the games own rules are selfish on your part.

@vampire hunter: Yes it's true that Miyamoto doesn't like snaking. But unlike you he doesn't act like it was unintended. And it is not an exploit either btw. Nintendo intended the abbility to do miniturbos on straightaways. As a matter of fact one of the staff ghosts does it to an extent. I also think you misunderstand madkatz99 when he said that snaking is impossible in MK64. Miniturbos on straights (AKA SSMTs) are possible and useful. It is only conecutive snakemoving patterns of SSMTs that aren't useful.

The main problem i see here is that most people don't understand snaking. You all consider it to eliminate all important "skill" factors, while it doesn't. It adds priorities in which skills that is the most powerful. However all skills can be used in conjunction and if you can snake as well as your opponent then your item, shortcut, tight turns (Tight turns = better snaker, but anyway) etc... will be the factor that decides who of you wins. The priorities are not even unfair because frankly the snaking is the skill that can be practiced and still be improved the most. The best snakers out there today have played the game almost since release and they are still improving their times in time trials. Breaking new barriers.

I didn't read everyones comments throughoutly yet, but here's something i made that usually covers every damn thing anti-snakers says. Please tell me if i'm missing something.

#1: Snaking is cheating.: This is the most used argument. However, it is just simply wrong. Snaking is in the game without the need of any cheat code or cheating/hacking device (e.g. Action replay) to be unlocked. It is available in all games and is merely a description of miniturbos used in a certain way.

#2:Snaking is cheap: This one is possibly used as much as the cheating argument. The word cheap means gaining an easy win in a way easier than the regular way. Making MTs on straights is in no way easier than not doing so. In fact, it is harder. If you still think it is cheap here, that is an opinion. I cannot prove you wrong, but I have yet to see someone show me a good reason on why it is right.

#3: It's an unfair advantage: This one is alot alike the previous one. I'll let a quote from a friend of mine (camster) answer this and the previous claim once more:

[Camster]: It is only an unfair advantage against someone who doesn't snake. If that's enough cause to call it cheap, then you must accept that all of the following are considered cheap (because they give you a definite advantage against someone who doesn't utilize them):

- Using items
- Turning left
- Accelerating with the A button

I think we can all agree that it would be preposterous to consider all the above techniques as cheap. You know what else would be preposterous? Someone racing you without pressing the A button and complaining about how cheap it is for you to press the A button after you completely blew him away in the race. That's basically the same thing as someone who doesn't snake and complains about how cheap it is to snake when he loses to a snaker. So what's the difference between those techniques and snaking? Everyone uses items, everyone turns left, and everyone presses the A button, but not everyone snakes. If everyone were snaking, this wouldn't be an issue.

So what can we conclude from this? Clearly, if the same argument that condones snaking also condones accepted techniques such as pressing the A button, how can that be enough to classify snaking as "cheap"? Just because everyone presses the A button and not everyone snakes is not enough of a reason to condemn snaking.

#4: Snakers are only good with snaking.: Where is the logic in this one? You have probably all heard the "It's harder than holding the a-button" reply already. I think you agree on this, right? Good. Thought so. Now you claim that it makes all other kind of skill useless? Why that is bull. Just look at the things camster listed earlier and add snaking/Miniturbos. All these things are required in conjunction with each other to race well. The only problem here really is that some of you refuse to adapt to snaking for this argument which i hope you now can see would actually be solved if you just started snaking and let everything else come to it's right again.

#5: Snakers only care about wins: This is an assumption and generalization. You have no proof of that. Now I am not saying all snakers don’t, because some probaly do (Just like some of the hackers uses hacks to win and some don't). Most snakers just want to have fun racing with people that they are equal with. Most snakers want to race snakers, just like non-snakers just want to race other non-snakers. When they get mixed there's no competetive racing for either because neither is really challenged. One is just helpless behind and one is so far ahead that he, as i already said, isn't challenged. Neither have control of who they are getting matched up with (except when using friends search), so you can blame that on Nintendo for not making a lounge.

Have you btw ever heard of the loss deletion glitch, and safe D/Cs? If a good record were all they cared about then they wouldn’t have any losses because i can assure you. The majority of snakers knows about those 2.

#6: Snaking is a glitch/bug!!!: Are the game developers so oblivious to this “bug” that they would have allowed it to “taint” three generations of Mario Kart? Or are you just ignorant to its history?

While you could easily MT around turns in MK64, performing them on straightaways was another story. As soon as you pressed R, you would veer so much to the other direction you could barely hold it without going off the road. SSMTs were only useful in Time Trials where they would shave off a few tenths of a second.

In MKDD, MTs were so easily pulled off you could essentially do them at every second in a race. Once you could MT around corners, just a little extra practice would help you to be able to MT on straightaways one after another. You would completely blow past someone just driving straight if you were SSMTing.

So Nintendo had two different “experiments” with SSMTs which they could refer to. In MK64, they were far from useful in competitive play. In MKDD, they were paramount to even an intermediate player. And yet, in their next generation of MK, they chose to keep it as it was in MKDD.

Clearly, not only was Nintendo aware of this “bug”, but they consciously designed MKDS with it in mind. A company as successful as them would have noticed such a thing if it weren't intended. Otherwise Nintendo would have fallen apart a long time ago as a business, since such obliviousness would have plundered through the business, a much more complex environment than simple game mechanics.

oh yeah. And here's a lovely quote from an NOA:

Need i say more? Feel free to mail nintendo and ask them yourself if you want to.

#7: MTs should ONLY be used in turns!!!: Where did you hear that? You just made that rule up yourself, didn’t you? There is no place in the instruction booklet/manual that says that MTs should be used strictly on turns. I do know that it says drifting is for taking turns without losing speed, but no anti-snaker has actually used that argument yet. I even argue for your cause better than most of you here. However, it doesn’t say that you should never drift on straights or that you shouldn’t MT. An instruction booklet rarely ever give you all info on a games mechanics, but leaves something open for the player. This means you also need to be a little creative in using the techniques given to you and not only use them in the way explained. It doesn't tell you to repeat them on turns either, does it? Well staff ghosts does that both in MKDD and MKDS. I actually believe they even do it in MK64. There's no logic in constantly repeating a drift (Unless you of course drifted too hard, but that wouldn't happen THAT often) so there goes your "drifting on straights isn't logical" argument.

#8: Snakers don’t race for fun.: That is just nonsense. Why would I play this game if I didn’t have fun? Just because you don’t have fun when snaking doesn’t mean someone else can’t.

To make it more understandable I made this comparison:

A little boy plays Crash Bandicoot. He just walks into the same lightning wall over and over again. He is not even trying to get further in the game. You would probably find that very boring.

In this case, as a non-snaker, you are simply the little boy who has fun without developing your “skills” in this game. A Snaker is the person who looks from the side and wouldn’t find it fun to play the game that way.

#9: You should race for fun and not to win: I know this is pretty much the same as the above. Or rather. A combination of the above and #5, but i thought i would put it here to make it easier.
In video games: Where does the fun come from? In my opinion/experience it comes from various factors. Gameplay, challenge and competetion is some of them. To me it seems like those who argues here forgets about the competetion and the challenge, and only focus on the gameplay. Yes, the game has to have a good gameplay to be fun. But the gameplay is built up by challenge and competetion (most of the time). If a snaker stops snaking these 2 things is lost. I think some people may find this hard to understand because they still feel there's plenty of challenge in racing normally, but go back and read the story in #8 you may get a better idea of what i'm getting at.

#10: Snaking unbalances the game and renders most karts useless.:

Uber Pokémon such as Mewtwo, Kyrogre, Latias/Latios, Deoxys, etc., completely unbalance the competitive game of Pokémon and are considered broken as ever. Yet, people still manage to play around that issue by specifying when and when not a broken pokémon can be used. If there weren't any rules around what pokémon you could use in a battle match, then it would definitely be a problem because almost everyone would be using nothing but Mewtwos and broken pokémon. And that's really where the problem is with Mario Kart- there are no rules or guidelines for online play, so you find people using the best karts. Blame the infrastructure, not the game mechanics.

Even so, racing games are hard to balance. You'll find that in all generations of Mario Kart this has been the case: The best karts have only included two or three or even just one kart. That's because racing games are different than other games. Whatever kart gets you to the finish the fastest is the best kart. It's as simple as that. That makes it difficult to add various karts with various stats because eventually people will work out which karts are best suited for competitive racing. And unless there's no variety with the karts, it's always narrowed down to just a few.

If you look at MKDS and compare it with older versions, they've actually done quite well. You'll find that although most world records are done with Egg-1, some are set with other karts like the ROB-BLS and ROB-LGS (Note: This argument is old and there's now a bigger split between egg1, BLS and even some other karts too). That's automatically better than MKDD, which had only one good kart. And it's as good as MK64, which had only three good karts (but you can even consider MKDS better than MK64 because the three karts in MK64 have no variety in stats, whereas they do in MKDS).

I think Nintendo has done considerably well with MKDS.

You should also know that all karts actually CAN snake so the balance is close to no different than before. It's just that the most competetive gamers go with the best absolutely best karts, and that's why you don't see someone snaking in the light tripper very often.

#11: Snaking ruins the game for everyone but hardcore gamers: False. Many other non-snakers still exist, and snakers still don’t want to race non-snakers. Instead of blaming it on the snakers, start looking at Nintendo. They decided not to make an advanced online system with a lounge, but instead to keep it simple.

As I have said in another argument, having the possibility to race advanced so the “hardcore” gamers can have fun, and still make the game simple and possible for anyone to pick up and play against people that are at your own level is a great thing. It can still be compared to difficulties in single player games.

This is why I have always admired SSBM. It has such incredibly simple controls and yet it is one of the most competitive Nintendo games out there and can be taken to a really high or advanced level. (If you want to see what I mean, then just search for words like “ken”, “Isai”, “Azen”, “Bombsoldier” and “ssbm” on YouTube).

Actually, without snaking and depth in a game, it would just be ruined for all hardcore gamers. Why would Nintendo want to ruin the game for the fans that buy most of their games and use Wi-Fi the most?


Parts of this is just copied from an old document i have on my PC so there might be some references that doesn't make sense. I edited in a couple of new things though, and did some other references too so don't just ignore references completely when reading them.
I would btw, like to thank __THAT__GUY__ for editing some of the previous work to more correct english. (Plus adding a few extra pointers i don't think i actually wrote myself )

Edit: Oh yeah about your NP quote: Who is the better source? NP or nintendo themselves? That NP article was just that writers opinion which isn't better than your own opinion and therefore doesn't back anything up. As i said in the long message above somewhere you can send a mail directly to nintendo. They will tell that it isn't a glitch, exploit etc... Besides even if it was a glitch or an exploit that is a fucking weak reason to start crying about it like espicially vampire hunter does. A glitch or an exploit is not an immediate reason for something to take skill or fun for that matter out of a game.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2007
^ All the anti snakers got owned so bad in the above post, hehe.

For the record... I agree that snaking is just part of the game, anyone who complains about it just can't snake worth a crap and has lost too often because of it.
Simple as that

Snaking adds a very interesting dynamic to Mario Kart DS, without it the game would be a little less deep.


fire walk with me
Feb 3, 2006
Big Appleu
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United States
Nintendo doesn't know how many online players they're losing because the Snaking. If it weren't the snakers, I would still play on Wi-Fi right now. Without the snaking, the game depends on more luck and real driving skills.

Non-Snakers may be in denial but Snakers are also as much as in denial as well =] They'll defend snaking for the rest of their life, because they know, they'd be losing with it ;]

And also think about it this way, this game is rated for E and there are 7 year-olds playing this game and 40 year-olds playing this game. How exactly a 10 year old kid could win against a snaker?


Mar 17, 2007
United States
Snaking... I don't see the problem, they don't have a huge advantage. I mean when i play online with a snaker they only manage to stay a little distance ahead of you. All you really should rely on is driving well enough to stay on the track and which item you get in the boxes.

The only problem I have with Mario Kart DS Wifi is the hackers.
One second your Owning a guy and all of a sudden he stops. I look on my map and i see him still there in the same spot, not moving. and just as you are about to cross the finish line in first place the guy standing still switches places with you and you find your self in the spot where he wasn't moving!OMG! WTF! And don't get me started on the hackers that can fly.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2004
Louisville, KY
United States
^^Wait a sec, there's hackers in MKDS online now too that can teleport?! G'damn glad I quit playing it like 9mo ago. Filozof up there made a great point in paragraph 1 and 2, 3 made no sense. Both sides are in denial and that's the real truth of it. Those who use the snaking exploit which the superpost above even addressed as an issue the game designer loathes can beat out those who try and just race the game 'normal' using precision driving and luck of the draw item boxes. The issue isn't so much the snakers, as the super post said, it's Nintendos fucking problem not giving a proper way to set the games up. Let's the exploiters play the game that way against each other and see who can shave off that extra second to win. AND let those who drive just based on the other skills and item luck have their races where it really is anyones game.

That would be the true solution to the mess as neither side is going to quit let alone win this sorry ass argument that's been going on since the day the damn game hit online and the bitching began to commence. That's the real fact of it... bad arguement between two sides, bad move leaving in that tactic, and worst move was Nintendo not having a real setup system to create your races. While historically it didn't work for black kids and school in the south decades ago, I do believe 'separate but equal' would shine in this arena as the whining would end from both parties.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2006
Nintendo doesn't know how many online players they're losing because the Snaking. If it weren't the snakers, I would still play on Wi-Fi right now. Without the snaking, the game depends on more luck and real driving skills.

Non-Snakers may be in denial but Snakers are also as much as in denial as well =] They'll defend snaking for the rest of their life, because they know, they'd be losing with it ;]

And also think about it this way, this game is rated for E and there are 7 year-olds playing this game and 40 year-olds playing this game. How exactly a 10 year old kid could win against a snaker?

snaking is so easy that a 10 year old can learn.
how hard is it to hold R and spam left+right+left+right then let go?
now its getting GOOD at snaking and knowing the course that will determine who wins. but if he's not skilled, why should he win? regardless of snaking or not.


fire walk with me
Feb 3, 2006
Big Appleu
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United States
Nintendo doesn't know how many online players they're losing because the Snaking. If it weren't the snakers, I would still play on Wi-Fi right now. Without the snaking, the game depends on more luck and real driving skills.

Non-Snakers may be in denial but Snakers are also as much as in denial as well =] They'll defend snaking for the rest of their life, because they know, they'd be losing with it ;]

And also think about it this way, this game is rated for E and there are 7 year-olds playing this game and 40 year-olds playing this game. How exactly a 10 year old kid could win against a snaker?

snaking is so easy that a 10 year old can learn.
how hard is it to hold R and spam left+right+left+right then let go?
now its getting GOOD at snaking and knowing the course that will determine who wins. but if he's not skilled, why should he win? regardless of snaking or not.
Because everyone deserves to win, that's why. It's not like there's a counter strategy. If there was one, I wouldn't mind, but the only way to beat a snaker is to snake yourself. That's pretty unbalanced and not fair imho. The game just isn't balanced, period. No one can disagree with that statement.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2005
Trinidad and Tobago
Because everyone deserves to win, that's why. It's not like there's a counter strategy. If there was one, I wouldn't mind, but the only way to beat a someone who presses the gas button is to press that button yourself. That's pretty unbalanced and not fair imho. The game just isn't balanced, period. No one can disagree with that statement.

Seriously, snaking is a basic gameplay mechanic of MK:DS, the CREATORS OF THE GAME SNAKED, LOOK AT THE DAMN TIME TRIAL GHOSTS. Anyone can pick up power-sliding if you just tell them how, it's not some elaborate secret, the single player mode teaches you how for christ's sake. This isn't even an argument, it's just a bunch of people whining "I should have a chance to win every race by luck no matter how bad a player or stupid I am.", and that's retarded. Yes a player who knows the tracks and knows how to power-slide properly should beat a player who just goes around the track holding A and hoping for good power-ups.

And people have been using trainers online in Mario Kart shortly after the game came out in the US; speed hacks, flying cars, winning after finishing one lap, etc. You just don't see them very often, as I imagine it's quite boring to just instantly win races without competing against other players. I mean if they just wanted to increase their win record, I'm pretty sure they can just hack that directly, since it's stored on your DS, not on a Nintendo server.

R-Unit 4

Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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U guys r n00bs and snaking?
Come on!
It takes skill!If a glitch takes skill, then u shouldn't complain about it because u dunno how to do it!Live with it u n00bs!


New Member
Jul 21, 2007
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Nintendo doesn't know how many online players they're losing because the Snaking. If it weren't the snakers, I would still play on Wi-Fi right now. Without the snaking, the game depends on more luck and real driving skills.

Non-Snakers may be in denial but Snakers are also as much as in denial as well =] They'll defend snaking for the rest of their life, because they know, they'd be losing with it ;]

And also think about it this way, this game is rated for E and there are 7 year-olds playing this game and 40 year-olds playing this game. How exactly a 10 year old kid could win against a snaker?

- Nintendo wi-fi would also loose players by removing snaking. Possibly more because, as i said in the other post, snakers (hardcore and competetive gamers) are the ones that plays wifi the most (and would be even without this "advantage") and i doubt they want to lose that group either. That is why i say a lobby is what is missing so people can create and join. But knowing nintendo that won't happen and therefore the majority of all nintendo online games will be controlled mainly by hardcore gamers and that is a shame, i agree, but i think it is wrong to blame them for something they are not actually at fault for. They just play the games like they always did.
Leave out the real driving skills another time btw. Do you have a car? What do you think is hardest? Driving a straight line or drifting from side to side all the time. I bet you would say a guy that could race that same straight line and also drift back and forth on the road had more driving skill than the other guy. It's a bit like stunts. Do you consider people that makes extreme stunts in vehicles people with bad driving skills? It's unlikely isn't it? Yeah it is. Because driving traditionally doesn't require anything extra. The same goes for non-snaking. As i said multiple times snaking is everything non-snaking is driving wise plus a little extra.
The luck eliminated is actually what many of us like to get rid of. Are those who likes random games more rightfull? I assume i don't have to mention that if everyone snakes equally all those factors are just as important as before. Perhaps even more? Good.

- Of course we defend snaking when people come with accusements of us doing things we disagree with. I really don't get how you expect us to just take hit after hit for playing and enjoying a game. Maybe we wouldn't act like that if you just stopped? I can agree that snaking against people like maybe a 10-year old beginner could be rude or mean, but you cannot compare online gaming to gaming with people IRL because you cannot see your opponent and they're total strangers. I usually give other people i play with IRL a chance and make the game closer if they are much younger than me and not very experienced at games, that doesn't only count for snaking though. That counts for everything, and that would mean you should start calling everything that gives advantage cheap against people who doesn't do it online. That would completely ruin competetion which some of us actually enjoy.
If you had left out the "They'll lose without it" part of your post it would've been so much better because you know that is not true. Snaking is everything non-snaking is. Plus miniturbos in more places. Come on. You know that is not harder. It is exactly the same at a faster and harder to control pace. I have actually slowed down against many non-snakers and stopped miniturboing at all because i know there won't be any competetion for me in the race anyway. 99% of the time i still beat them by a mile WITHOUT A SINGLE MINITURBO, and they often DC because of it which proves either 1) anti-snakers ARE sore losers or 2) they think i must be snaking because i race so fast and they think i cheat. You choose.

- And also think about how your lost part contradicts your second part. You just said that non-snaking is so much harder and know you say it is too much for a 7-year old to handle, but he should be able to handle non-snaking.

The 7-year old are not supposed to be matched up with the snaker to begin with. The balance between them are way uneven. But complete balance between all players would also make it quite boring. Wouldn't it? But as said the balance here is way uneven and they shouldn't have been matched up to begin with, but a game a 7-year old thinks is hard will most likely be easy for an experienced gamers that are just a few years older. (*points at lobby solution again* ... *also points at the friend codes*)
I actually know a couple of very good snakers in the 11-13 year old range which is not that far away from your 10-year old standard, but it is true that most competetive gamers are in the age group of 15-30 years (the fewest are 40, they usually play non-snaking too actually). Online gaming has never belonged to 7-year olds btw. The single player mode is rated 7-years and the gameplay is rated 7 years, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the people can't enjoy the game. Remember, it is 7 years AND UP. It is a pick up and play with debt which is a good thing and a thing i also mentioned. *also mentioned in one of the paragraphs*
May i suggest you try finding way of seperating the different gamers rather than eliminating one part? Removing competeviness (for hardcores) is not something that should be considered positive, just like removing the same for casuals isn't, and no snaker ever claimed it was.

The only problem I have with Mario Kart DS Wifi is the hackers.
One second your Owning a guy and all of a sudden he stops. I look on my map and i see him still there in the same spot, not moving. and just as you are about to cross the finish line in first place the guy standing still switches places with you and you find your self in the spot where he wasn't moving!OMG! WTF! And don't get me started on the hackers that can fly.
Don't be too sure about that being hacking. It sounds more like lag. I've never heard of a hack that makes you switch places. The only hack that reminds of it is the hack where an opponent finishes instantly, but then it wouldn't happen like you explained it


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2003
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Problem with people who use snaking technique instantly disconnect as soon as they see that they are losing. I do NOT snake but with enough luck with right items, you can take them out but then they disconnect because they do not want loss on their record.

BTW, they will keep playing you for as long as they keeping winning.

May be ninty should update the server so whoever disconnects would still count as a loser, 1 loss added to their record.

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