Huge Battlefield 3 Patch Detailed And Dated

Livin in a box

Livin' in a cardboard box
Jul 18, 2008

EA has detailed its huge patch for Battlefield 3, due across all formats on June 4th. Among the changes include a re-balance of the M26, reduced reload time on the 870 shotgun and a reduction in the suppressor effect.

See below for the full changelog.

Vehicle related changes

• Tweaked the F35 handling to more closely resemble that of the SU35.
• Jet & helicopter ECM Jammer should now deflect missiles more reliably when it is active.
• Fixed an issue where vehicles wouldn't spawn if their intended space was occupied by a deployable gadget. The vehicle will now spawn as intended and the gadget will be destroyed in the process.
• Fixed AA missiles not doing damage to vehicles moving at very high speeds.
• Reduced the direct damage from unguided Javelins to require better side hits for a 1 hit disable. This was previously too forgiving and easy to accomplish.
• Removed the direct damage from aircraft launched guided missiles. Players will need to have laser designated targets for full effectiveness.
• Adjusted the helicopter rockets to their original prepatch damage value against armored vehicles. This is a reduction; a revert of a knock on effect that was introduced accidentally.
• Fixed the US Tank Guided Shell doing the reverse damage values when guided and unguided.
• Adjusted the M224 mortar damage against vehicles. Some tweaks and adjustments in a previous update accidentally increased its effectiveness greater than intended.
• Increased the range on the AA guns so they can reach vehicles hovering at the maximum height in select maps.
• Replaced the VDV buggy on Gulf of Oman (Back to Karkand) with the DPV buggy for both teams at the City flag.
• Fixed a bug where some vehicle unlocks were still enabled after the player left the vehicle.
Soldier and gadget related changes
• Reduced the inaccuracy added when in suppression. There is still an enhanced suppression compared to the initial state in the game, but the effect is now less than it was in the last patch.
• Reduced input lag for gamepads/joysticks on all platforms. Aiming as a soldier when using a gamepad or joystick should now be more responsive.
• Tweaked the deploy times on gadgets to be faster to deploy in high stress combat situations.
• Greatly improved the responsiveness when deploying a bipod when going prone and shortly after moving. The bipod deploy should no longer abort if the player deploys the bipod immediately after stopping.
• Fixed bug where you couldn't deploy the mortar anywhere on Grand Bazaar.
• When changing the accessories of a weapon in the Customize screen, the weapon previously selected in the Deploy screen will now automatically be selected when entering the Accessories screen.
• Increased the effectiveness of the Aim Assist at close range. Testing in Close Quarters proved our current assist to be inadequate in tight quarters. This is a global change, and will improve the effectiveness of Aim Assist for all modes and maps. Aim Assist over distance is still significantly less effective. This is console only, as Aim Assist is not present on PC. If you prefer, you can also turn it off on console.
• Players will now spawn on the Radio Beacon looking in the same direction the Beacon is facing. The Beacon always faces in the direction the player is facing when it is planted. Previously the Beacon's direction had no impact on the player's spawn direction.
• The Spawn Preview camera on the Spawn Beacon has been updated to better reflect the direction the player will be looking when he spawns.
40mm smoke now stays longer again.
• Tweaked some tracers on sniper rounds to have better visibility at range (the tracers are smaller).
• Tweaked the flashlight so it is less blinding at the edge of the screen.
• Fixed bug where you couldn't pick up your deployed gadgets after being revived.

Weapons related changes

• Fixed a bug where Heavy Barrels and Underslung Shotguns could be over powered. (This is the so called M26 dart issue)
• All semi-automatic sniper rifles now properly have shorter range when using a suppressor.
• The L96 now properly shoots where the iron sights are aimed. The position was previously offset.
• The SKS now has the proper damage values when using a suppressor. The damage was previously too low at close range.
• Slightly reduced the suppression effect of SKS rounds.
• Decreased the long range damage of the SKS to highlight its close to medium range role.
• Slightly decreased the foregrip aimed accuracy penalty on the M4A1 to bring it in line with other guns.
• Slightly increased the foregrip aimed accuracy penalty on the SCAR-H to bring it in line with other guns.
• Reduced some of the vertical recoil and zoomed accuracy penalties added to the FAMAS in the previous update.
• F2000 foregrip accuracy penalty reduced and recoil reduction bonus increased.
• AEK971 foregrip recoil reduction bonus increased.
• SG553 foregrip recoil reduction bonus increased.
• FAMAS foregrip recoil reduction bonus increased.
• Fixed the M416's M26 with Flechettes not having a name in the kill log.
• Fixed so all clip based LMGs have Extended Mags as an available unlock.
• All semi-automatic shotguns now fire at 220rpm. There was previously simply a small difference between them, whereas now they have different pellet counts instead of rates of fire.
• Improved the recoil and accuracy of the M26 to match the 870.
• Reduced the impact suppression has on shotguns. Shotguns are still affected by Suppression but it should no longer significantly impact their accuracy from the hip as it previously did.
• The 870's pump speed has been increased slightly from 0.55 seconds to 0.48 seconds. The empty reload time for the 870 has also been reduced slightly.
• Improved the accuracy of aimed shotguns when on the move.
• The Saiga's recoil has been reduced.
• The M1014 now fires 10 projectiles. The other semi auto shotguns have nine pellets, and since the M1014 has a lower mag size and a slower reload it now fires 10 pellets to give it some edge.
• The USAS-12 now fires seven projectiles.
• The MK3A1 now fires eight projectiles.
• Fixed so the weapon's fire mode is saved between spawns.

Miscellaneous changes

• Added colorblind option for consoles.
• Added colorblind icon for squad leader (all formats).
• Added the option for console server admins to show a symbol in the server browser signifying custom rules are in effect.
• Fixed an issue where footsteps couldn't be heard behind you.
• Fixed so that the arming of an M-COM station will not be cancelled if you look at a dropped weapon.
• Fixed exploit where you could teleport to the AA gun on carriers by firing an EOD bot at its door.
• Fixed co-op ammo HUD not showing on first enter.
• Fixed so you get prompted if you really want to switch team when pressing the Switch team button.
• Fixed so that Assignments are being correctly sorted on the My Soldier\Assignments screen.
• Fixed issue with commorose not working on soldiers in vehicles (PC).
• Added blinking capture point icons in the 3D HUD, and added blinking neutral icons in objectives bar.
• Composed a more informative error message for when a console player attempts to rent a server in a location where there are currently no servers available.
• Fix for dog tag icons in the My Soldier/Assignments screen appearing slightly stretched.
• Fixed some tracers appearing behind the soldier or vehicle that fired them.
• Potential random audio crash fix.

:arrow: Source


Apr 7, 2010
United States
Has anyone else find the private servers make this game not enjoyable online since the lack or non existence regular servers? I guess it might not happen on the PC version. I hate long 5 hour matches, people kicking you because your to good or pretty much causing the player numbers to go against one team.
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Livin in a box

Livin' in a cardboard box
Jul 18, 2008
Eh? I wrote it myself GeekGuy, and since when was posting a changelog copyrighted? How does every single other publication get to do it then? And how is highlighting 2 of the same 3 points that Eurogamer mentioned, when they are some of the biggest points in the patch?
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Dec 2, 2007
United States
Has anyone else find the private servers make this game not enjoyable online since the lack or non existence regular servers? I guess it might not happen on the PC version. I hate long 5 hour matches, people kicking you because your to good or pretty much causing the player numbers to go against one team.
Yeah the servers are all run by queers and overactive 12 year olds.
"Metro:No shotguns or rpgs. You will be kicked" Lame. Also whats up with 500% ticket matches? thats no fun at all haha
And when it is, you get kicked for being one ticket away from winning.


Big Boss
Jun 16, 2008
Land of England
They've added an option for server admins who host a server with custom rules to have a little icon next to their server in the server list to show they have custom rules on, it's a start but I think it's something that should be mandatory instead of optional.


Posting when needed
Sep 25, 2008
The Pirate Homeworld
Visit site
Wait they are fixing joystick input lag now, while the support of joysticks is still very shitty, nice priorities here. Then again I have the game uninstalled not likely to reinstall it anytime soon, battlefield 3 kind of is the end of battlefield for me unless they somehow make it better again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
United Kingdom
Well that's a surprise. Put a patch out just before the dlc, to make it look like they actually give a damn about the game. Wonder what they will break this time as well, and then take months to fix.
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Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Well that's a surprise. Put a patch out just before the dlc, to make it look like they actually give a damn about the game. Wonder what they will break this time as well, and then take months to fix.

>Make major patch to fix aspects of the game
>Complains that it'll break the game.

Gamers: always bitching, never satisfied.


Resident Furvert™
Feb 4, 2010
Cave Entrance, Watching Cyan Write Letters
United States
Well that's a surprise. Put a patch out just before the dlc, to make it look like they actually give a damn about the game.
If this was a minor patch I might be inclined to let this slide... but I'm going to have to question if you even looked at the changelog.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
United Kingdom
Well that's a surprise. Put a patch out just before the dlc, to make it look like they actually give a damn about the game. Wonder what they will break this time as well, and then take months to fix.

>Make major patch to fix aspects of the game
>Complains that it'll break the game.

Gamers: always bitching, never satisfied.

It will break the game. Some of them Major issues where never in the game to begin with and DICE patched them in.

• Fixed AA missiles not doing damage to vehicles moving at very high speeds.

Was not in the game to start with. Dice broke it

• Reduced the direct damage from unguided Javelins to require better side hits for a 1 hit disable. This was previously too forgiving and easy to accomplish.

Side effect of them nerfing the tanks.

• Fixed bug where you couldn't deploy the mortar anywhere on Grand Bazaar.

Again, them,was fine before they made it so mortar could not be deployed in base.

M26 mass being bugged for one hit kill, again,Them, they broke it.

This is also after taking months for the previous patch, claiming that they don't want to do hotfixes because of the consoles and patches having to go through testing with sony/microsoft and don't one platform (pc) to get too far ahead. So patch is taking so long due to a long bug test so they would not have to do it. Yet they leave tons of bugs in.

Small ones, fine. The massive ones like the AA missiles, you can't miss it. Fire AA at jet, missile blows before it hits and does no damage. No special circumstances, they just let it roll out like that.

At least with BF2 they would roll out a hotfix when they left a game breaker in there or roll back a patch,but now they don't care. Game breaking bugs, that we introduced, who cares, we have their money. Ready to ask for more, then the patch comes.

Well that's a surprise. Put a patch out just before the dlc, to make it look like they actually give a damn about the game.
If this was a minor patch I might be inclined to let this slide... but I'm going to have to question if you even looked at the changelog.

Of course I looked at it and I stand by it. The only reason they are rolling out the patch is because of the dlc and asking for money.

Most of the patch is either balance tweaks or things they broke with the last patch, which also conveniently came out around the time they announced their dlc plans.

They ignore and lie to the community, and then when they want money, suddenly patches appear or they want community feedback. They've been doing it since the game came out

PC lead platform. Once they have every ones money, out it comes that focus was switched to console.
Biggest maps ever. Nope. There is nothing on the scale of zatar wetlands or dragon valley. All the flags are stuffed in the middle of maps and the outside area is out of bounds except for air vehicles.
PC owners ask for VIP slots for servers, told no plans for them. Consoles get private servers, get vip slots.
Won't roll back or do hotfix for game breakers, claiming they want all platforms to be the same. Give consoles Vip slots, ignore pc users.

They do not care for the community, they constantly lie and ignore them, until it's time to ask for money.

Next patch will be in August or when ever Armoured Kill comes out with it's biggest maps ever.


Apr 7, 2010
United States
This is EA one of the worst companies in America ethics wise. Probably the worst in the gaming industry ethics wise expect maybe Capcom or Activison but they still be close to the top. If your dealing with a company voted to be the worst in America and already do so many questionable things then don't surprised when they only patch the game when a new map pack is about to be released. Most if not all companies just want your money and EA just shows that more then most others.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
This is EA one of the worst companies in America ethics wise. Probably the worst in the gaming industry ethics wise expect maybe Capcom or Activison but they still be close to the top. If your dealing with a company voted to be the worst in America and already do so many questionable things then don't surprised when they only patch the game when a new map pack is about to be released. Most if not all companies just want your money and EA just shows that more then most others.

So releasing a free patch makes them bad? Would you rather them bundle this with the map pack so you'd have to pay for basic game fixing things?

EA is also the company throwing us free Mass Effect 3 DLC because I'm guessing they feel bad about the From Ashes DLC (since everyone was like "OMG IT'S ON DISC" even though that's only half true).

Like I know EA isn't perfect and they do their share of stupid things but blast them for what they're doing wrong, not what they're doing right. I mean I don't play BF3 so I don't really know what these patches entail but it shows the devs and EA are trying their best to make the game better and doing so at no cost to the gamers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
United Kingdom
This is EA one of the worst companies in America ethics wise. Probably the worst in the gaming industry ethics wise expect maybe Capcom or Activison but they still be close to the top. If your dealing with a company voted to be the worst in America and already do so many questionable things then don't surprised when they only patch the game when a new map pack is about to be released. Most if not all companies just want your money and EA just shows that more then most others.

I'm not surprised, it's been one constant stream of lies and crap since bf3 release. I was merely pointing it out :).

This is EA one of the worst companies in America ethics wise. Probably the worst in the gaming industry ethics wise expect maybe Capcom or Activison but they still be close to the top. If your dealing with a company voted to be the worst in America and already do so many questionable things then don't surprised when they only patch the game when a new map pack is about to be released. Most if not all companies just want your money and EA just shows that more then most others.

So releasing a free patch makes them bad? Would you rather them bundle this with the map pack so you'd have to pay for basic game fixing things?

Like I know EA isn't perfect and they do their share of stupid things but blast them for what they're doing wrong, not what they're doing right. I mean I don't play BF3 so I don't really know what these patches entail but it shows the devs and EA are trying their best to make the game better and doing so at no cost to the gamers.

No lying and ignoring the community, is what makes them bad. If they were really trying their best to make the game better, then they would listen to the community more and fix urgent stuff when needed. Not just release patches to paper over the crap and try and make us forget all the bad that has come before it, just before asking for money.

Console players ask for large variants of maps. These maps are no different to to the small versions that they already have, unlike BF2 where they actually put some effort in and instead are the same size map with one or two flags extra flags. Get told no as it won't be the game we designed. That's nice, telling the community you have to play it X way.

PC is the focus. Game comes out, clearly was not and was admitted to later.
Biggest maps ever. Again, not true. None of the maps can really cater to 64p as they are too small and designed for consoles.
PC community wants Voip, like consoles have and have been asking from the start. They refuse to do it claiming we can use the battlelog voip instead.
Told pc community we will have a commo-rose like bf2. The commo-rose is nothing like bf2 and does not work properly.
Even the patches being held back, no hotfixes, rollbacks etc as they want to keep everything equal, even to the detriment of the game is not true. PC got colour blind support ages back, consoles get it now. PC has no in game voip. Consoles have vip slots, even after pc users are told no plans for them. Would be much better for the game if they started to treat each platform separate and fix issues and balance stuff on a per platform basis. What's balanced for 64p on pc, is not necessarily the same on 24p consoles.

Compared to bf2, which while it was not perfect, had a decent stream of patches, not only when they were trying to sell you something. Actually listened to the community, for example adding infantry only mode and fixing game breaking bugs asap either with a roll back or a hot fix. There were even many free maps given in patches.

Just don't see why we should applaud them for doing the very minimum that you'd expect and only when they are getting ready to ask for some money. The battlefield series and the way the devs treat the community now has fallen so far.

Of course I looked at it and I stand by it. The only reason they are rolling out the patch is because of the dlc and asking for money.
You post seemed to be saying it's a small amount of work.

I didn't say it's small amount of work, just they do not care about fixing the game until it's time for money. Quite a few of those bugs are game breaking and were introduced with the last patch. A lot of the patch notes are balancing issues, they could have resolved the game breakers with a small patch earlier and then put the less important balancing out later. This is how they handled it with bf2, small hotfixes and when they really screwed up, a roll back. BF3 they are happy to leave the game to rot until it's dlc time.


Drops by occasionally
Sep 4, 2009
The Courtroom
United States
While I also think that EA is one of the worst gaming companies in the world, you can tell that people are bandwagoning when they complain about EA in a thread about them fixing their game. Yup, them fixing their game makes them a terrible company.


Apr 7, 2010
United States
So releasing a free patch makes them bad? Would you rather them bundle this with the map pack so you'd have to pay for basic game fixing things?

EA is also the company throwing us free Mass Effect 3 DLC because I'm guessing they feel bad about the From Ashes DLC (since everyone was like "OMG IT'S ON DISC" even though that's only half true).

Like I know EA isn't perfect and they do their share of stupid things but blast them for what they're doing wrong, not what they're doing right. I mean I don't play BF3 so I don't really know what these patches entail but it shows the devs and EA are trying their best to make the game better and doing so at no cost to the gamers.

Honestly their patches are hit and miss. some do more harm then good and the private servers piss me off as well as many other players(check forums it is true or above posts from Armadillo). I understand that they try to fix it but that is only to fix bad PR or generate more sales when they should of done something differently in the first place or done it earlier. Honestly I didn't mind the Mass Effect 3 ending and From Ashes DLC since it was included with the collectors edition but the amount of problems with BF3 online makes me angry. I'm pretty sure the free DLC was Bioware's idea not EA's they could probably care less. Plus they were one of the front runners with online passes and do a lot of shutting down of servers for old games. The server shutdowns haven't affected me but I find this to be terrible.

I get that you understand EA isn't perfect but EA seems to have ruined Battlefield 3 for some players since the latest patches.

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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    in that case, there is no such thing as homebrew launcher for aroma
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    you have to launch your homebrews directly from the wii u menu
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
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    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
    the player dies?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Carrying a PC or phone is so old school!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Squeeze your cheeks twice to answer calls!
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.