Homebrew Discussion ~Switch Ban Fear Attention~ (For those that fear bans)

Do you fear ban? (Select one from choice 1 and 2)

  • Choice 1: Yes (Before reading post)

    Votes: 53 47.3%
  • Choice 1: No (Before reading post)

    Votes: 54 48.2%
  • Choice 2: Yes (After reading post)

    Votes: 12 10.7%
  • Choice 2: No (After reading post)

    Votes: 23 20.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States
This post is for all of the little boys and girls who fear Nintendo Switch bans and that use any form of homebrew, CFW and otherwise any unsigned modifications to your Nintendo Switch.

First of all I was kind enough to give you all a link to a breakdown of the ban types and what they mean, etc.
Find that RIGHT HERE.

Now back to the point.
for those of you all that fear the risk of being banned, want to eliminate doing certain things and still want your "account" and "games" and "Save data" .... Stop. Stop right there. Not to be insulting, truly, but this is being a little whiny baby. It's like someone gives you a holy grail to get immortality... Yet you still try to "Eat Healthy" to have "A healthy life style" when as far as you're concerned (Or your status at least) none of this means anything and you don't even need to eat. Seriously, everyone. Just stop with the fear of being banned.

But this is NOT a complaining thread. This is NOT a rant or calling anyone out on their opinions or thoughts of being banned. This is actually to help those who fear it understand their fears and hopefully understand the precautions that come with modifications of your hardware in any form. This includes the idea that most of the ban-avoiding methods require you to basically pretend you are banned and you do not even realize it. (Being offline is equivalent to being banned.)
When using CFW or any form of unsigned modifications, we all know to ensure we block Nintendo services, turn off the internet, blabla yada yada to avoid a ban. This is reasonable. Maybe one day you want to go on the eShop without being banned (Yet) and whatever, right? All makes sense. But what COMES with running any of this software on your Nintendo Switch is the "POSSIBILITY" to be banned. I cannot stress this enough. Many of you do not seem to quite understand that RUNNING THE SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY CAN GET YOU BANNED. (Obviously if you ran the software for the first time offline and never connected to the internet since then there is a 0% chance you'll be officially banned... But as soon as you connect ONCE after running such software there is a 100% chance the possibility arrives. (Meaning even if the possibility is 2%, It is 100% certain that the possibility has now reached 2%.)
There're no "Ways to avoid a ban" (Quite yet at least) other than to not be connected to Nintendo. But if you aren't connected then you also can't use their things. Meaning you are basically banned as soon as you are offline until you reconnect to them. Do not ask how to 100% avoid a ban because there is only one answer to that.

The SHORT version:
(Everything in the short version is quoted from the long version. If you do not care for the long version, then please skip to the bottom when the long version begins. It is the blue area.)

Question: If I am banned, why should I NOT be upset?

Answer: Because you weren't using online features anyway because you were always offline with your modified Nintendo Switch in "Fear of ban"... Not realizing you're putting yourself in the position of someone's shoes that IS banned... Someone who can't use online features no matter the reason.

Question: But I have many bought eShop games. I don't want to lose them!

Answer: Because you weren't using online features anyway because you were always offline with your modified Nintendo Switch in "Fear of ban"... Not realizing you're putting yourself in the position of someone's shoes that IS banned... Someone who can't use online features no matter the reason.

Question. Nintendo doesn't like when you modify your Nintendo Switch. They do not approve of backups so this is wrong, right?

Answer: Nintendo isn't anyone to tell you how to use your things. Online services don't count since you're using THEIR things and they can tell you what and what not to do.

Question: So you're saying I should just recklessly use my Nintendo Switch since I'm essentially banned now just for running CFW? Bogus! I can still keep it while I have it!

Answer: Of course you can still not be banned. Don't connect to the internet after modifications ever. Or remove your profile... But at that point is there really a difference from being banned? Your profile is not even on your Switch and you are not connecting to the internet because if you do you will be banned... And if you don't that's equivalent to being banned since that is the only thing taken away from you.

Question: Ok fine. What if I DO throw away the fruitless thought of being banned... What should I do? Go pirate every game, play with 100 mods in every game and just rip open games and firmware from the inside out?

Answer: Do whatever you will but not while being in fear of something that hardly exist.

Question: I'm not about piracy. I actually LIKE to support the guys behind the video games I buy and getting CFW removes this ability I feel the need to have.

Answer: Having CFW doesn't guarantee a ban instantly. It's just best to assume you will be banned instantly. Stay offline to avoid a ban like mentioned many times in this post anyway. Buy your games from Nintendo's website. If you somehow get banned and care so much about supporting developers, make a new profile and purchase. Or simply delete your account from the Switch you are modifying and purchase.

Question: Online play?! I get NONE of it! This is not acceptable and you will NEVER convince me otherwise!

Answer: No online with CFW? Then good. The game probably wasn't worth it anyway if they did not use common-sense with the development and direction the game took it's multiplayer features. Just enjoy it offline or hope the developer used common sense to include local Switch-Switch play. BONUS ANSWER: If you support forcing people to go online to play a game then you probably support EA as well. XD

The LONG version.


If I am banned, why should I NOT be upset?

The reason you care about whether you are banned or not is because it's 2018, not < 2006. Meaning consoles connect to the internet. Some games require the internet. Nintendo's services are driven by the internet. Before all of this? A Gamecube never connected to the internet. You bought a game and the system and now it is YOURS. No one else's to tell you what and what not to do with the system. If you removed the internet feature of Nintendo Switch, then you'd have a Gameboy Advance that does not need a wire to play multiplayer games and can connect directly to other systems... Is this a problem? Is something wrong here? As far as I know the Gameboy Advance was amazing and this is just a step up with paying on the television and not needing a wire for connecting to other Nintendo Switchs.
Now obviously comparing it to a Gameboy Advance is quite a stretch and is only there for example purposes. But in reality? When you are banned the only thing that is taken away from you is how happy you feel from your own superficial thoughts of "Haven been restricted." MAny people get upset they "Feel restricted" even if physically they aren't. It happens. Now before I go on, this is NOT all people and some people actually have a good reason to not want to be banned. Example: If I was hosting servers for people and someone got the law involved and told me I cannot host the servers... Well that sucks, right? Now many people who were connected me is now stuck and I cannot offer my services. For anyone else that has servers and does not this... Who cares? You only hosted the servers because you wanted to keep your OWN files wherever you go. BUT you still have those files (For example. all of this is example's sake.) so you really didn't lose.. ANYTHING but convenience. See how this happens? Being banned = You lose nothing but convenience.

Answer: Because you weren't using online features anyway because you were always offline with your modified Nintendo Switch in "Fear of ban"... Not realizing you're putting yourself in the position of someone's shoes that IS banned... Someone who can't use online features no matter the reason.

  • But I have many bought eShop games. I don't want to lose them!

For many people this IS the case. Me included. I have about 80 Nintendo Switch games bought from the eShop along with about 15 cartridge-wise. Why would I want to lose access to what I bought? Well... Just like last time; this is you simply having this thought that you are "Being restricted" when in reality you aren't. At all. In any way, shape or form. You're only losing convenience: The ability to go on the eShop and press "Download." You are STILL able to get ALL of your .nsp files from another source and download them. And before all of you say "This is piracy and not allowed here." This is NOT piracy. The copyright law says specifically you are allowed to create backup software of what you personally own but cannot give that software to a relative or a friend and cannot distribute it. That is stealing. As far as I could see, you physically bought your games digitally from the Nintendo eShop and have you account along with proof of purchase. You can make a million backups if you want. Just like that eShop "redownload" button isn't going anywhere. (For a long time at least. Then later when eShop is down forever we are forced to pirate because digital game suck. XD ... But then at that point it isn't even piracy anymore because you aren't stealing it from anyone. LOL (I'm sure that last part is not it works, obviously. XD)) Or.. Maybe not a million... Either way now that you have CFW you can backup all of your .nsp files so in reality? You either: Aren't losing anything and you bought it. OR you wasted your money and can pirate now with every other game anyway. No matter which you decide to "Think", it's all just a thought you have in your head that is making you so reluctant to feel being banned is quite meaningless.

Answer: When you modify your CFW, you don't exactly lose your games. You have everything. You just lose the ability to get them.... From Nintendo. You can still get your games from your console. Download all of your games to different MicroSD cards to get ALL of them then backup all of your games you bought, DLC included in .nsp format... Or of course someone who has done this already can just give them to you and you have proof of purchase with your official eShop account's order history.

  • Nintendo doesn't like when you modify your Nintendo Switch. They do not approve of backups so this is wrong, right?

Well obviously they don't APPROVE. They feel if you broke a game, lost your account, etc.... Good. Now you're forced to buy another. LOL Doesn't change the rules and laws. Nintendo can't tell you what to do with your things unless you sign an agreement before buying. The only agreement you sign is using online services, in which then they'd take online services away when you breach their contracts. It's written. Black and white and we all know this. But it's not written your Nintendo Switch will be taken away by Nintendo because you created backups. So in this case? Who cares what Nintendo thinks. You use CFW, you don't even contact Nintendo internet-wise when in this mode.

Answer: Nintendo isn't anyone to tell you how to use your things. Online services don't count since you're using THEIR things and they can tell you what and what not to do.

  • So you're saying I should just recklessly use my Nintendo Switch since I'm essentially banned now just for running CFW? Bogus! I can still keep it while I have it!

No. No one is telling you to recklessly use ANYTHING. But as far as I am concerned, if you want it and the only thing that is stopping you is the fear of being banned... Then that is not a valid reason unless you have a legitimate reason for not wanting to be banned. Playing online is not legitimate in this case. "Losing your eShop games" is even less legitimate. Don't go breaking your Nintendo Switch but also don't restrict yourself from doing things OFFLINE because then you might get banned when you go online. Just don't go online. End of story. As soon as you modify your Nintendo Switch, you breached the contract YOU YOURSELF SIGNED and in this case, it'll just be a matter of time of you being on the run until they find out. If you were a wanted felon, are you going to call the cops because someone broke into your house? Of course not. Sure you can keep it while you have it but that doesn't mean throw away the fact you are not banned because you have no fear. You know the saying: Fearless doesn't mean sensefull... Or... Something?? I don't know but you get the point.

Answer: Of course you can still not be banned. Don't connect to the internet after modifications ever. Or remove your profile... But at that point is there really a difference from being banned? Your profile is not even on your Switch and you are not connecting to the internet because if you do you will be banned... And if you don't that's equivalent to being banned since that is the only thing taken away from you.

  • Ok fine. What if I DO throw away the fruitless thought of being banned... What should I do? Go pirate every game, play with 100 mods in every game and just rip open games and firmware from the inside out?

Well.... I guess if you wanted to you have the power but no. That's not the point. When you remove the thought, you will begin to understand you are now playing OFFLINE. No connection to Nintendo. No connection to the internet. You may find it odd your friends' list doesn't work... But it's how it has always been ANYWAY. It's not a step down. It's just removing the unnecessary things anyway. No one complained Gamecube didn't have online play until half a decade later when systems like XBOX 360 had it... But only kids said these things that never touched a device excluding their refrigerator that does not connect to the internet anyway. Are you one of them? Enjoy your Nintendo Switch and stop feeling like you need to "Be connected" and avoid a ban so much when you do something wrong like modify you system. You don't.

Answer: Do whatever you will but not while being in fear of something that hardly exists.

  • I'm not about piracy. I actually LIKE to support the guys behind the video games I buy and getting CFW removes this ability I feel the need to have.
If you feel the need to support developers, which you should feel that need of course, then no one is stopping you. Remove your NNID and make another for your offline Switch. OR stay offline and never reconnect in case you get User Banned. Then if you really feel the need to buy a game before getting it, go to Nintendo's website and buy it there... Then stealing it afterwards would be considered downloading what you bought and just making a backup of it. Got User Banned? Make a new account to buy these games if it means that much to you. (I don't see why you'd be customizing your firmware if it did care THAT much. Sure we all care but probably not enough to make a null system account to buy games you won't install directly from where you bought it.)

Answer: Having CFW doesn't guarantee a ban instantly. It's just best to assume you will be banned instantly. Stay offline to avoid a ban like mentioned many times in this post anyway. Buy your games from Nintendo's website. If you somehow get banned and care so much about supporting developers, make a new profile and purchase. Or simply delete your account from the Switch you are modifying and purchase.

  • Online play?! I get NONE of it! This is not acceptable and you will NEVER convince me otherwise!

Perhaps I won't convince you. Video games these days require online to use any multiplayer features. So when you buy a game that lacks offline content like Splatoon 2 an dodn't have the internet.... You're basically buying an incomplete DUMP that was just stopped at 20% and given to you.


Well that was a big red text that probably stood out more than anything else in this post. You may not understand it now but it's true. This should NOT be supported by any consumer and developers should never feel the need to make their video game require their own servers. Now obviously this is CONTROVERSIAL. Many people love Splatoon. Many people love online play. Online play is an amazing feature. Splatoon is (Not at all my opinion. >_>) an amazing game. When a video game does not support LAN/Local Switch-Switch connection play but supports ONLINE PLAY? How do you SKIP THE MOST IMPORTANT THING? If I don't have internet, I can still play Mario Kart with another Nintendo Switch because it connects directly to other Nintendo Switches. it does not go through some big buffer with connecting to the internet and return to the person directly in front of me. That's the most inefficient thing possible for someone directly in front of you. Far away? Yeah. Sure. RIGHT THERE? Get out of town. Can't even play RIGHT THERE when the servers are down for maintenance. -_- As for LAN play? I know almost no Nintendo Switch games support this. And that is actually good practice on Nintendo/random video game company's part. (Not my opinion again. But I can understand why they would not implement this in many things if at all.) Making your own server is quite a process and requires certain knowledge outside of just playing a video game on servers. Pressing "Connect to local Switch" is not very complicated at all and achieves very similar results.

You can't play online? Well the game should have local Switch-Switch play else it's inefficient and, despite how much you don't care and just want to play with your friend named Dusty, this should not be supported. Games like Fortnite? NO SUPPORT. Seriously. Whether the game is fun or not, whenever the Fortnite team just "Decides" to turn off their servers, the game now becaomes an expensive piece of trash that is good for nothing other than simply wasting space and time looking at. This goes for games that have a lot of online content but ONLY if you are connected to the internet and not local connection to other Switch owners. What if ALL games where like that? The more you support this literal retarded practice of not allowing us to make our own servers or have Switch-Switch connection, the more and more do developers think this retardation that lack simple common sense is acceptable when it isn't. This goes for the useless Nintendo Zone software we can't delete, the MiiVerse icon that simply wastes valuable screen-overlay space making buttons hard to press because they are so small because it needs to fit a useless icon like MiiVerse. This also goes for eShop and online services. This is why physical is always better. Sure you can lose and break it... But you shouldn't be losing and breaking your things.

Answer: No online with CFW? Then good. The game probably wasn't worth it anyway if they did not use common-sense with the development and direction the game took it's multiplayer features. Just enjoy it offline or hope the developer used common sense to include local Switch-Switch play.

BONUS ANSWER: If you support forcing people to go online to play a game then you probably support EA as well. XD


Phew that was long. Hopefully I explained everything well enough to get people to understand being banned is nothing. We didn't have it awhile ago and no one complained. These days we don't need it and should not be worried about things that don't mean anything. You can still play multiplayer and etc. as long as it's local Switch-Switch or split screen and of the like. With the 6.0.0 update, it only stresses my points up there far more.

So what can I do as a CFW user?

  • Go into Airplane mode.
  • Delete your Network connection.
  • Turn on "NFC" and other settings that are NOT "Internet Connection" from the Airplane mode settings.
  • Let's roleplay! Your play as the guy or girl that bought the Nintendo Switch from the store and online internet interactivity was never apart of the system in the first place! And you're as hype as you were when you bought your Super Nintendo that was no different as far as internet goes.
  • Accept the fact that the games you bought on the eShop don't mean anything anymore because you have access to all of them on the eShop outside of Nintendo's control. It's up to you to get them or not, though, obviously.
Have fun with your modded Nintendo Switch! :)

And remember: Using a mod that makes your hair different instead of the default is not cheating and does not make you a sore loser like people seem to somehow think.
Last edited by Grmmish,


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2017
New York City
United States
2 things.
  1. Thanks for linking to my thread but maybe move it towards a "Credits" section?
  2. I detailed the best way to avoid bans in a fraction of the size. Why go through the effort of also posting a long-winded discussion of how and why bans occur as well as if people should care or not?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States
The point of the post is not to explain what banning does or how it happens. Simply to help those who fear bans and not just enjoy their piece of entertainment in fear. That CFW is not made for anything but entertainment. When people fear bans and try to avoid them, why? If you don't want to be banned then don't modify your console and apparently people still don't seem to understand that simple phrase much. To break the phrase down is mainly the point of the post.

EDIT: It was at the beginning because first thing is someone modifying their console and knowing they can get band but not knowing the different types. That's more of a requirement FIRST.
Last edited by Grmmish,


Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Follow these five easy steps to avoid getting your Switch banned:

1. Don't play pirated games and go online. Ever.

Seriously. That's everything you need to know. Played a backup and went online with the console? That's it, you're up for a superban.
If you don't want to lose access to eshop, online play etc., stay legit. Done.
  • Like
Reactions: CatmanFan


Not New Member
Nov 8, 2008
United States
This post is for all of the little boys and girls who fear Nintendo Switch bans and that use any form of homebrew, CFW and otherwise any unsigned modifications to your Nintendo Switch.

First of all I was kind enough to give you all a link to a breakdown of the ban types and what they mean, etc.
Find that RIGHT HERE.

Now back to the point.
for those of you all that fear the risk of being banned, want to eliminate doing certain things and still want your "account" and "games" and "Save data" .... Stop. Stop right there. Not to be insulting, truly, but this is being a little whiny baby. It's like someone gives you a holy grail to get immortality... Yet you still try to "Eat Healthy" to have "A healthy life style" when as far as you're concerned (Or your status at least) none of this means anything and you don't even need to eat. Seriously, everyone. Just stop with the fear of being banned.

But this is NOT a complaining thread. This is NOT a rant or calling anyone out on their opinions or thoughts of being banned. This is actually to help those who fear it understand their fears and hopefully understand the precautions that come with modifications of your hardware in any form. This includes the idea that most of the ban-avoiding methods require you to basically pretend you are banned and you do not even realize it. (Being offline is equivalent to being banned.)
When using CFW or any form of unsigned modifications, we all know to ensure we block Nintendo services, turn off the internet, blabla yada yada to avoid a ban. This is reasonable. Maybe one day you want to go on the eShop without being banned (Yet) and whatever, right? All makes sense. But what COMES with running any of this software on your Nintendo Switch is the "POSSIBILITY" to be banned. I cannot stress this enough. Many of you do not seem to quite understand that RUNNING THE SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY CAN GET YOU BANNED. (Obviously if you ran the software for the first time offline and never connected to the internet since then there is a 0% chance you'll be officially banned... But as soon as you connect ONCE after running such software there is a 100% chance the possibility arrives. (Meaning even if the possibility is 2%, It is 100% certain that the possibility has now reached 2%.)
There're no "Ways to avoid a ban" (Quite yet at least) other than to not be connected to Nintendo. But if you aren't connected then you also can't use their things. Meaning you are basically banned as soon as you are offline until you reconnect to them. Do not ask how to 100% avoid a ban because there is only one answer to that.

The SHORT version:
(Everything in the short version is quoted from the long version. If you do not care for the long version, then please skip to the bottom when the long version begins.)

Question: If I am banned, why should I NOT be upset?

Answer: Because you weren't using online features anyway because you were always offline with your modified Nintendo Switch in "Fear of ban"... Not realizing you're putting yourself in the position of someone's shoes that IS banned... Someone who can't use online features no matter the reason.

Question: But I have many bought eShop games. I don't want to lose them!

Answer: When you modify your CFW, you don't exactly lose your games. You have everything. You just lose the ability to get them.... From Nintendo. You can still get your games from your console. Download all of your games to different MicroSD cards to get ALL of them then backup all of your games you bought, DLC included in .nsp format... Or of course someone who has done this already can just give them to you and you have proof of purchase with your official eShop account's order history.

Question. Nintendo doesn't like when you modify your Nintendo Switch. They do not approve of backups so this is wrong, right?

Answer: Nintendo isn't anyone to tell you how to use your things. Online services don't count since you're using THEIR things and they can tell you what and what not to do.

Question: So you're saying I should just recklessly use my Nintendo Switch since I'm essentially banned now just for running CFW? Bogus! I can still keep it while I have it!

Answer: Of course you can still not be banned. Don't connect to the internet after modifications ever. Or remove your profile... But at that point is there really a difference from being banned? Your profile is not even on your Switch and you are not connecting to the internet because if you do you will be banned... And if you don't that's equivalent to being banned since that is the only thing taken away from you.

Question: Ok fine. What if I DO throw away the fruitless thought of being banned... What should I do? Go pirate every game, play with 100 mods in every game and just rip open games and firmware from the inside out?

Answer: Do whatever you will but not while being in fear of something that hardly exist.

Question: I'm not about piracy. I actually LIKE to support the guys behind the video games I buy and getting CFW removes this ability I feel the need to have.

Answer: Having CFW doesn't guarantee a ban instantly. It's just best to assume you will be banned instantly. Stay offline to avoid a ban like mentioned many times in this post anyway. Buy your games from Nintendo's website. If you somehow get banned and care so much about supporting developers, make a new profile and purchase. Or simply delete your account from the Switch you are modifying and purchase.

Question: Online play?! I get NONE of it! This is not acceptable and you will NEVER convince me otherwise!

Answer: No online with CFW? Then good. The game probably wasn't worth it anyway if they did not use common-sense with the development and direction the game took it's multiplayer features. Just enjoy it offline or hope the developer used common sense to include local Switch-Switch play.
BONUS ANSWER: If you support forcing people to go online to play a game then you probably support EA as well. XD

The LONG version.

  • If I am banned, why should I NOT be upset?

The reason you care about whether you are banned or not is because it's 2018, not < 2006. Meaning consoles connect to the internet. Some games require the internet. Nintendo's services are driven by the internet. Before all of this? A Gamecube never connected to the internet. You bought a game and the system and now it is YOURS. No one else's to tell you what and what not to do with the system. If you removed the internet feature of Nintendo Switch, then you'd have a Gameboy Advance that does not need a wire to play multiplayer games and can connect directly to other systems... Is this a problem? Is something wrong here? As far as I know the Gameboy Advance was amazing and this is just a step up with paying on the television and not needing a wire for connecting to other Nintendo Switchs.
Now obviously comparing it to a Gameboy Advance is quite a stretch and is only there for example purposes. But in reality? When you are banned the only thing that is taken away from you is how happy you feel from your own superficial thoughts of "Haven been restricted." MAny people get upset they "Feel restricted" even if physically they aren't. It happens. Now before I go on, this is NOT all people and some people actually have a good reason to not want to be banned. Example: If I was hosting servers for people and someone got the law involved and told me I cannot host the servers... Well that sucks, right? Now many people who were connected me is now stuck and I cannot offer my services. For anyone else that has servers and does not this... Who cares? You only hosted the servers because you wanted to keep your OWN files wherever you go. BUT you still have those files (For example. all of this is example's sake.) so you really didn't lose.. ANYTHING but convenience. See how this happens? Being banned = You lose nothing but convenience.

Answer: Because you weren't using online features anyway because you were always offline with your modified Nintendo Switch in "Fear of ban"... Not realizing you're putting yourself in the position of someone's shoes that IS banned... Someone who can't use online features no matter the reason.

  • But I have many bought eShop games. I don't want to lose them!

For many people this IS the case. Me included. I have about 80 Nintendo Switch games bought from the eShop along with about 15 cartridge-wise. Why would I want to lose access to what I bought? Well... Just like last time; this is you simply having this thought that you are "Being restricted" when in reality you aren't. At all. In any way, shape or form. You're only losing convenience: The ability to go on the eShop and press "Download." You are STILL able to get ALL of your .nsp files from another source and download them. And before all of you say "This is piracy and not allowed here." This is NOT piracy. The copyright law says specifically you are allowed to create backup software of what you personally own but cannot give that software to a relative or a friend and cannot distribute it. That is stealing. As far as I could see, you physically bought your games digitally from the Nintendo eShop and have you account along with proof of purchase. You can make a million backups if you want. Just like that eShop "redownload" button isn't going anywhere. (For a long time at least. Then later when eShop is down forever we are forced to pirate because digital game suck. XD ... But then at that point it isn't even piracy anymore because you aren't stealing it from anyone. LOL (I'm sure that last part is not it works, obviously. XD)) Or.. Maybe not a million... Either way now that you have CFW you can backup all of your .nsp files so in reality? You either: Aren't losing anything and you bought it. OR you wasted your money and can pirate now with every other game anyway. No matter which you decide to "Think", it's all just a thought you have in your head that is making you so reluctant to feel being banned is quite meaningless.

Answer: When you modify your CFW, you don't exactly lose your games. You have everything. You just lose the ability to get them.... From Nintendo. You can still get your games from your console. Download all of your games to different MicroSD cards to get ALL of them then backup all of your games you bought, DLC included in .nsp format... Or of course someone who has done this already can just give them to you and you have proof of purchase with your official eShop account's order history.

  • Nintendo doesn't like when you modify your Nintendo Switch. They do not approve of backups so this is wrong, right?

Well obviously they don't APPROVE. They feel if you broke a game, lost your account, etc.... Good. Now you're forced to buy another. LOL Doesn't change the rules and laws. Nintendo can't tell you what to do with your things unless you sign an agreement before buying. The only agreement you sign is using online services, in which then they'd take online services away when you breach their contracts. It's written. Black and white and we all know this. But it's not written your Nintendo Switch will be taken away by Nintendo because you created backups. So in this case? Who cares what Nintendo thinks. You use CFW, you don't even contact Nintendo internet-wise when in this mode.

Answer: Nintendo isn't anyone to tell you how to use your things. Online services don't count since you're using THEIR things and they can tell you what and what not to do.

  • So you're saying I should just recklessly use my Nintendo Switch since I'm essentially banned now just for running CFW? Bogus! I can still keep it while I have it!

No. No one is telling you to recklessly use ANYTHING. But as far as I am concerned, if you want it and the only thing that is stopping you is the fear of being banned... Then that is not a valid reason unless you have a legitimate reason for not wanting to be banned. Playing online is not legitimate in this case. "Losing your eShop games" is even less legitimate. Don't go breaking your Nintendo Switch but also don't restrict yourself from doing things OFFLINE because then you might get banned when you go online. Just don't go online. End of story. As soon as you modify your Nintendo Switch, you breached the contract YOU YOURSELF SIGNED and in this case, it'll just be a matter of time of you being on the run until they find out. If you were a wanted felon, are you going to call the cops because someone broke into your house? Of course not. Sure you can keep it while you have it but that doesn't mean throw away the fact you are not banned because you have no fear. You know the saying: Fearless doesn't mean sensefull... Or... Something?? I don't know but you get the point.

Answer: Of course you can still not be banned. Don't connect to the internet after modifications ever. Or remove your profile... But at that point is there really a difference from being banned? Your profile is not even on your Switch and you are not connecting to the internet because if you do you will be banned... And if you don't that's equivalent to being banned since that is the only thing taken away from you.

  • Ok fine. What if I DO throw away the fruitless thought of being banned... What should I do? Go pirate every game, play with 100 mods in every game and just rip open games and firmware from the inside out?

Well.... I guess if you wanted to you have the power but no. That's not the point. When you remove the thought, you will begin to understand you are now playing OFFLINE. No connection to Nintendo. No connection to the internet. You may find it odd your friends' list doesn't work... But it's how it has always been ANYWAY. It's not a step down. It's just removing the unnecessary things anyway. No one complained Gamecube didn't have online play until half a decade later when systems like XBOX 360 had it... But only kids said these things that never touched a device excluding their refrigerator that does not connect to the internet anyway. Are you one of them? Enjoy your Nintendo Switch and stop feeling like you need to "Be connected" and avoid a ban so much when you do something wrong like modify you system. You don't.

Answer: Do whatever you will but not while being in fear of something that hardly exists.

  • I'm not about piracy. I actually LIKE to support the guys behind the video games I buy and getting CFW removes this ability I feel the need to have.
If you feel the need to support developers, which you should feel that need of course, then no one is stopping you. Remove your NNID and make another for your offline Switch. OR stay offline and never reconnect in case you get User Banned. Then if you really feel the need to buy a game before getting it, go to Nintendo's website and buy it there... Then stealing it afterwards would be considered downloading what you bought and just making a backup of it. Got User Banned? Make a new account to buy these games if it means that much to you. (I don't see why you'd be customizing your firmware if it did care THAT much. Sure we all care but probably not enough to make a null system account to buy games you won't install directly from where you bought it.)

Answer: Having CFW doesn't guarantee a ban instantly. It's just best to assume you will be banned instantly. Stay offline to avoid a ban like mentioned many times in this post anyway. Buy your games from Nintendo's website. If you somehow get banned and care so much about supporting developers, make a new profile and purchase. Or simply delete your account from the Switch you are modifying and purchase.

  • Online play?! I get NONE of it! This is not acceptable and you will NEVER convince me otherwise!

Perhaps I won't convince you. Video games these days require online to use any multiplayer features. So when you buy a game that lacks offline content like Splatoon 2 an dodn't have the internet.... You're basically buying an incomplete DUMP that was just stopped at 20% and given to you.


Well that was a big red text that probably stood out more than anything else in this post. You may not understand it now but it's true. This should NOT be supported by any consumer and developers should never feel the need to make their video game require their own servers. Now obviously this is CONTROVERSIAL. Many people love Splatoon. Many people love online play. Online play is an amazing feature. Splatoon is (Not at all my opinion. >_>) an amazing game. When a video game does not support LAN/Local Switch-Switch connection play but supports ONLINE PLAY? How do you SKIP THE MOST IMPORTANT THING? If I don't have internet, I can still play Mario Kart with another Nintendo Switch because it connects directly to other Nintendo Switches. it does not go through some big buffer with connecting to the internet and return to the person directly in front of me. That's the most inefficient thing possible for someone directly in front of you. Far away? Yeah. Sure. RIGHT THERE? Get out of town. Can't even play RIGHT THERE when the servers are down for maintenance. -_- As for LAN play? I know almost no Nintendo Switch games support this. And that is actually good practice on Nintendo/random video game company's part. (Not my opinion again. But I can understand why they would not implement this in many things if at all.) Making your own server is quite a process and requires certain knowledge outside of just playing a video game on servers. Pressing "Connect to local Switch" is not very complicated at all and achieves very similar results.

You can't play online? Well the game should have local Switch-Switch play else it's inefficient and, despite how much you don't care and just want to play with your friend named Dusty, this should not be supported. Games like Fortnite? NO SUPPORT. Seriously. Whether the game is fun or not, whenever the Fortnite team just "Decides" to turn off their servers, the game now becaomes an expensive piece of trash that is good for nothing other than simply wasting space and time looking at. This goes for games that have a lot of online content but ONLY if you are connected to the internet and not local connection to other Switch owners. What if ALL games where like that? The more you support this literal retarded practice of not allowing us to make our own servers or have Switch-Switch connection, the more and more do developers think this retardation that lack simple common sense is acceptable when it isn't. This goes for the useless Nintendo Zone software we can't delete, the MiiVerse icon that simply wastes valuable screen-overlay space making buttons hard to press because they are so small because it needs to fit a useless icon like MiiVerse. This also goes for eShop and online services. This is why physical is always better. Sure you can lose and break it... But you shouldn't be losing and breaking your things.

Answer: No online with CFW? Then good. The game probably wasn't worth it anyway if they did not use common-sense with the development and direction the game took it's multiplayer features. Just enjoy it offline or hope the developer used common sense to include local Switch-Switch play.

BONUS ANSWER: If you support forcing people to go online to play a game then you probably support EA as well. XD


Phew that was long. Hopefully I explained everything well enough to get people to understand being banned is nothing. We didn't have it awhile ago and no one complained. These days we don't need it and should not be worried about things that don't mean anything. You can still play multiplayer and etc. as long as it's local Switch-Switch or split screen and of the like. With the 6.0.0 update, it only stresses my points up there far more.

So what can I do as a CFW user?

  • Go into Airplane mode.
  • Delete your Network connection.
  • Turn on "NFC" and other settings that are NOT "Internet Connection" from the Airplane mode settings.
  • Let's roleplay! Your play as the guy or girl that bought the Nintendo Switch from the store and online internet interactivity was never apart of the system in the first place! And you're as hype as you were when you bought your Super Nintendo that was no different as far as internet goes.
  • Accept the fact that the games you bought on the eShop don't mean anything anymore because you have access to all of them on the eShop outside of Nintendo's control. It's up to you to get them or not, though, obviously.
Have fun with your modded Nintendo Switch! :)

And remember: Using a mod that makes your hair different instead of the default is not cheating and does not make you a sore loser like people seem to somehow think.
I was one of the first people to recommend we have a sticky about this, and I still feel the same, many kids watch a YouTube video or something (probably a few adults too), and don't know wtf theyer doing, they don't understand they will be banned, and are very sad if they cannot play Splatoon or especially smash bros online.
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Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States
Follow these five easy steps to avoid getting your Switch banned:

1. Don't play pirated games and go online. Ever.

Seriously. That's everything you need to know. Played a backup and went online with the console? That's it, you're up for a superban.
If you don't want to lose access to eshop, online play etc., stay legit. Done.
Well, that's wrong. Didn't play a pirated game and was still banned. Should just cover it with a blanket and say "Don't modify your system".


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States
I was one of the first people to recommend we have a sticky about this, and I still feel the same, many kids watch a YouTube video or something (probably a few adults too), and don't know wtf theyer doing, they don't understand they will be banned, and are very sad if they cannot play Splatoon or especially smash bros online.

This is the same with having a console bricked. BUT that is not a moral problem. That is not following directions and now you really just potentially lost money and time.

Well, that's wrong. Didn't play a pirated game and was still banned. Should just cover it with a blanket and say "Don't modify your system".

It should be covered with a blanket and put "Do not go online". Because you can modify your console OR NOT... and not get banned as long as you are offline.
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Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States
This is the same with having a console bricked. BUT that is not a moral problem. That is not following directions and now you really just potentially lost money and time.

It should be covered with a blanket and put "Do not go online". Because you can modify your console OR NOT... and not get banned as long as you are offline.
Of course we don't know for certain that you're 100% safe as those who are offline are staying offline. Unless this has been actually tested and proven?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States
You spent a lot of time on this post. I don't get it though

Please elaborate what you do not understand and I will try my best to explain.

Of course we don't know for certain that you're 100% safe as those who are offline are staying offline. Unless this has been actually tested and proven?

Interesting thought. But not really the point here. LOL If you are offline, even if your console is secretly connected to the internet at all times and they can ban you anytime, it won't be pushed and confirmed as a ban on your system yet until you "Officially" connect to the internet.

But I'm sure Nintendo Switch has no secret internet connection going on anyway. So physically you can't get banned by staying offline. And phsically Nintendo can't know if you modified your console offline. XD


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2018
Some very strange analogies used here.

Seems like you are trying to provide some sort of "ban" therapy to newbie console modders?


Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States
Please elaborate what you do not understand and I will try my best to explain.

Interesting thought. But not really the point here. LOL If you are offline, even if your console is secretly connected to the internet at all times and they can ban you anytime, it won't be pushed and confirmed as a ban on your system yet until you "Officially" connect to the internet.

But I'm sure Nintendo Switch has no secret internet connection going on anyway. So physically you can't get banned by staying offline. And phsically Nintendo can't know if you modified your console offline. XD
No, but that doesn't negate my point though. We don't know as it hasn't been tested. So many "if you do/don't do x" theories have already been proven wrong. So, that's all it is at this point.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2018
United States
"Nintendo isn't anyone to tell you how to use your things" "The only agreement you sign is using online service" wrong wrong wrong. Ever heard of EULA? Not to mention warranty etc.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States
Then again, staying offline has basically the same effect as being banned.

The spine of this post and what many (As Phonz called it) newbie modders don't seem to understand when someone says "No mod. No ban."

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

"Nintendo isn't anyone to tell you how to use your things" "The only agreement you sign is using online service" wrong wrong wrong. Ever heard of EULA? Not to mention warranty etc.

Those aren't Nintendo. XDD That's the first thing.
The second thing is I never said you were above the law. LOL
The third thing is a "Warranty" is buying services. If you breach that contract they won't take away your Nintendo Switch but take away the service you signed up for. I may nt have been specific on who you are signing up for BUT the user agreement works on everything.
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