Hey all. Just needing some support and people who will listen.


Bakayaro Banzai
Aug 5, 2011
United States
Do you support suicide? This isn't right. I don't wanna appease to his situation.

Calling someone who is suicidal "cowardly" is like calling a bedridden cancer patient "lazy".

Beyond being utterly disrespectful, it's flat out fucking wrong.

Maybe, just maybe, you should learn your shit before riding into a thread on a high horse and talking out of your ass. Just a suggestion.


Permanent GBAtemp Newbie
Jan 18, 2009
United States
I offer my sincere condolences to you, DeadlyFoez. Indeed, a loved one's unexpected passing is certainly a heavy burden to bear, and it's certainly understandable to be left reeling.

I really can't imagine the pain and confusion that you're going through, but you're most certainly not alone in this. I can't stress enough the importance of keeping your feelings out in the open at a time like this. You've got a loving circle of family and friends that are willing to give you all of their support, and to listen to everything you have to say. As such, there's no need to hold back your emotions that so desperately want to be expressed. And there's certainly no need to hold them back from folks that are more than willing to listen.

As someone who has struggled with suicidal thoughts in the past, I had often found myself bottling up my emotions because I thought people would be burdened or scared if I talked to them about it. I convinced myself that no good could come from telling people about what was causing me so much pain, and that keeping it to myself would make things easier for everyone. Honestly, there were times where I wanted to just let my emotions sit there inside me and fester, just because it seemed easier than talking to someone about it. But the moment I found someone to unload my feelings onto, my internal struggle, while still definitely there, was much easier to bear on a day-to-day basis.

Just like injuries, emotions can be treated now, and heal over time. Expressing your emotions will help day-to-day, while time will help long-term. And through it all, you'll come out stronger than ever! Strong enough to help your family and friends when they find themselves in a situation similar to yours.

Essentially, the most important thing to do now is to put your doubts, reluctance and worries behind you and take that first step: Talk to someone, and let nothing stop you.

I do hope I seem sincere by saying all of this. The last thing I want to do is insult you in any way. I'm truly there for you, as is the rest of the forum.

I'd say your decision to share your experience with GBAtemp is a splendid one. There's folks of all kinds and sorts here, and we're all there for you, and we all mean well, even if some don't quite put it elegantly! If there's anything else you'd like to get off your chest, please don't hold back! we'll certainly be willing to listen!

Suicide is cowardly. It's escapism. There has never been an incident where anybody could say "That person was brave for taking their own life out of their own will."

I don't care about your rationalizations or euphemisms that would justify abetting suicide. You're wrong. Your struggle is real, but your point of view is not. Become conscious of your life. Conscious of what can be changed, and what cannot be controlled. Now WATCH THIS.

It does apply to your situation. Your depression, aspergers, or mental illnesses don't need to be problems. Doctors and diagnoses are constantly wrong. You can change things, but that depends on how BADLY YOU WANT IT. How badly you want change. You want it, but you don't want it more than you wanna sleep tonight. More than you want to waste hours of your life on video games. More than you want to confine yourself to the comforts of luxury and avarice, instead of suffer for change.

Change your life.

I understand your point of view, but newfound aspiration and ambition doesn't simply come out of thin air. I know you mean well, but the last thing someone needs in a time like this, a time when their emotions are unpredictable, inexplicable, and ultimately volatile...

...The LAST thing they need is a bit of "tough-truth". By saying things like "JUST DON'T FUCKING DO IT", you're oversimplifying things to the point where it can't be interpreted as anything other than cold, unfeeling, and just downright insulting. I know you want to help, but you just aren't helping.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
Take your time.
I sent you a pm DeadlyFoez. I hope it will give you some comfort.

I'll check back later - it is late where I am so I'm going to sleep.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2011
When I went through the pain and agony you seem to omit right now, I nearly stopped it all.
But I didn't. why? Well, I felt as if the death of one was made to open my eyes.

You were put here for a reason. Be it just flat out coincidence, ets, the eyes, or a god.
If you need some anonymous talking send me a PM. I can be a rather good listener, my friend's dad took his own life when my friend was 11. I helped him through his struggle through understanding. At times you need to let yourself have an experience. May it be grief, happiness, pain even, or just blankness.

I suggest taking some time away from common issues in life, but not permanently.

My sincere condolences.
I wish you and your family the best.


Gamer Professional Deluxe
Apr 18, 2008
DS Scene
You have my sympathy man, I cant imagine what you are going through right now.

There is really nothing anyone can say to you here that will be more comforting to you or give you more strength than your two little girls. You need to stay strong for them it is a simple as that, it is your duty as a man. You say your father always had all the answers, I bet if he could speak to you now he would say "Don't you dare give up, my granddaughters need their daddy."

Don't sit in front of a computer looking for answers from strangers. Just spend time with your family. Play with your girls, read them a story, tuck them in at night, watch them grow. When they are older you can tell them about their grandfather so his spirit lives on in their memory.

That's what he would have wanted and you know this.


Jun 4, 2010
I've been questioned a lot of times because of my past actions, and that includes some "aggresive" behaviour and such because of problems i've always not bothered to take up and finish by myself... until a year or so.

That's part of life, and i've been criticized and pointed numerous times as an ill man, and such. That lead me to prove that such people (the shit ones), will be always there so you can't emerge, and be a strong man. That doesn't mean I was not wrong, I was for sure... I've been harsh on myself so many times i've lost the smile of my face, I couldn't feel love as you could perceive from others with ease , because that depressive feeling that you can't be nice and feel good with what you really have before your eyes have made me blind. For that i'm sure you regret some stuff you never said to your father.

What im doing now is to share to those who I really owe, and they've been always there for me, even if I neglected them from myself, by sharing love, and showing that i'm not pure computers, and coding, because i'm a human too.

It's sad to see this has happened, you know, anyone could be dead so life can't be taken for granted. So, from now on, the feeling must not be "i regret this, i wish i hadn't, i won't", but "my family needs me, i'll share the love they deserve even on these harsh times, even if I can't keep it up, there's nothing wrong with trying to try being happy at least once in this life".

What you're experiencing with the asperguer thing is, you prefer to stay away from the others as they bother you, but you don't know, that you need them. Don't turn your back on those who love you, I know that burden is still on your mind, so, you're still alive to break up with that stupid attitude. (I've been like this maybe, since my childhood.. so I know what i'm saying here)

TBH I was worried about you, because i've been silently lurking some posts you have written, and I know you're serious, but don't worry, i'm even feeling better now that i've been typing this.

I know english is not my main language, but believe me, this post had a lot of what I wanted to express since years.. I hope you feel better man, and for every shit out there bullshitting about suicide for pussies, if they were to decide their own life, they would piss on their pants.

The only way to prevent more suffering, is to ease and care of those you love. I'm sure.. even if I still do mistakes that I will regret later.. I'll be there for them..



Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
I'm sorry for your loss mate :c

I also had suicidal thoughts and been depressed for a while.
Even today I wake up and feel miserable, I just accept the fact that I can't change it and get on with it.
I figured, hey, if you accept the fact that you can't change it, you have nothing to get depressed about ;o

But yeh that's me ._.

I'm bad at expressing stuff >_>
But from what I know, you're a really nice decent fella ;o
Didn't even knew you had kids at all ;o
I knew about you before I joined the Temp and pretty much saw you as an example c:


Apr 10, 2013
United States
I actually can relate to how you felt. When I lost my grandfather it was the first death I experienced within the family, and the days before his passing, I remember sitting by his bedside and spending time with him, knowing that his time to be with God was near, and I as well as everyone just cherished his being. He was the epitome of a fantastic person, the most giving man with a ton of advice and knowledge that he passed on to us. Everyone felt connected to him, and I remember when he passed to be with God that I was lost and confused, and as a twenty year old, I just broke one day in the arms of an old friend, who was really quick to notice that something had happened. I think it's the most unguarded I've ever been with someone, and it was nice to be able to just open up to someone who actually genuinely cared, unlike one of my professors who thought it was okay to zero my test because I was unable to show up. Sometimes, bottling up the pain makes it worse in my experiences, and the way I fixed that was by telling a really close friend/confidant and just spending time with loved ones, because I realized that my grandfather suddenly was really appreciated when he was gone. It was something I and my family took for granted. We never really expected the loss to hit that hard, despite having some warning as to his time being up. :(

But yeah, like what everyone is saying, just spend a lot of time with your family, hug your kids tight, tell them that you love each of them. Life is too short, go spend it with those that you love. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2007
US of A
Visit site
United States
Foez, nearly a year ago my dad tried to kill himself, his heart had stopped but the doctors got it beating again. He was in a coma for a week and during that time I didn't know if he was going to live or die or be a vegetable or what. That week was the worst time in my life, I've struggled with depression and other psychological problems all my life, but I had never been so distraught as when he was in the hospital. My dad told us that he regretted what he had done and that he was so thankful to be alive, he thinks most people wouldn't do it again if they had a second chance like he did.

I have been dealing with schizophrenia, OCD, depression and social anxiety that is severe enough to have kept me from ever having a job or girlfriend in my 30 years. I've been through hell and I am very familiar with psychological pain. I have been depressed for years, many times very much so, and I had always thought to myself "if things don't get better eventually I'll just end it all oneday". But after going through the pain of my dads attempted suicide I can see now how horrible my family would've felt if I had killed myself. No matter how bad things get I know now I can never put them through that experience.

I used to listen to nine inch nails and marilyn manson and I wanted to become a satanic priest. I have lots of scars from when I would cut and burn myself, I would stick my hands in antbeds just so I could feel something besides my mental pain. I was tormented for years. But I came to know Jesus Christ and that has given me peace and comfort. I hope you could know him too, as he has made all the difference in my life.

Life isn't easy, and sometimes it is very painful, but it can get better. Don't kill yourself. Even if you can't go on living for yourself, do it for your daughters. Don't put them through what you are going through now. I know you love them, and you need to hang on for them.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. Your father may have lost the sense in life, but I'm sure he wouldn't want you to succumb to dispair. You have to be strong more so than ever before, Foez.
Sep 18, 2011
4:54 PM
OP, I'm really sorry, for your loss. But listen to me. No matter what, your father loves you. I just feel depressed now. But OP, I love you, and if you're sad this way, how are your daughters going to be feeling? You need to be strong. If your happy, your family is happy, and your father is happy, and that's what you want. Going through this is what everyone will going to go through. Death. Your father committed suicide, that's a really bad thing. R.I.P.

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