Rumor Education Stuff


The Dark Truth-Bringer
Jan 26, 2024
Czech Republic
I did have yesterday conversation about the different education systems in different countries.
For example we have a system where basically primary school and secondary/junior high are merged together unless you go in the middle into a "higher" level education like gymnasium which has two parts in "junior high" and normal high school part. Well its difficult to pin it down because the years often overlap like the actual high school years would in the US already go to college years etc. Its just different, the number of years required and all that and it's been changing over time too.

Anyways I did illustrate how I got very ill during my adolescent years and that I had problem attending school and had to switch several high schools, like at first I was at the "gymnasium", then I went to a biological lyceum until
finally decided to try a novelty school that at the time was brand new and used more technology within its system and interactive screens and what not instead of traditional black board. It was also sponsored by several corporations but I had no idea this would become more or less the norm. But I had been enlisted into distance learning as I was a bit older than your usual student at that point and I couldn't attend every day due to my health.
We had to pay a hefty entry fee and we had an agreement that I would get the study laptop (thinkpad) at later point than the other students because I wasn't in the daily studies and I need to first undergo some exams and what not and that I'm still supposed to pay for the laptop partially but that it will be mine fully once the school is over and I can keep it.
It seemed reasonable to I accepted those terms. But...then the cracks started to show. I saw how weird the students behaved compared to other students, they seemed brainwashed to me, they wrote letters of praise to the newspaper but it sounded like the headmaster's words. Columns by other students were much more free-spirited. I started to notice this more opressive atmosphere despite the school proclaiming to be futuristic....

And so I took issues with few things. I started to communicate over e-mail with the teachers, I had my own account/system there, they sent me materials to learn from...some of it seemed to be really mundane and things I already knew. Then I was coming for the necessary hours etc. And during the "IT" lesson the first thing I was lectured about was how to position my fingers over the keyboard. I told my teacher that I used computers since I was 5 years old and that I don't need this kind of lecturing and she seemed to grow in discomfort, like something was BUGGING her and she walked off at some point until she returned and we discussed things further. fateful day I had an exam, I came in slightly late because of my health problems but I called upfront and I was told the teacher would be there. This was also the day I was promised to get the thinkpad finally, which honestly would ease my work and I was looking forward to it.

Except...the teacher wasn't there suddenly. She left and was dismissed already. I was told the headmaster is waiting for me at the office.

I talked with him...he told me that my attitude towards these studies is unacceptable, that he dismissed the teacher because he didn't expect me to come anymore and that he is ending my term and officially expelling me...while he had the thinkpad next to him. I got angry with him and told him who does he think he is? We paid a lot of money to get into this school, he didn't give me all the tools and means like other students have, so he just wanted the money and then dismiss me so he won't bother with me?
I told him that he's a fraudster, a scammer...
I tried to reason with him first before I called him those names but he was an arrogant asshole that only cared for getting his pocket full.
I finally rushed out of his office, slamming the door on the way out, meeting a cleaner on the stairs who looked puzzled at me (I knew her from before) and I just gave her a cold look and walked down.

As I was exiting the building (which had shared hall between two schools actually as stuff was a bit rebuilt/organised there)...I exited through the door that had its glass cracked by students of the other school. It was like that for weeks at the very least or even months, they never bothered to repair that glass filling.

And well...I was walking off but then I noticed two guys in a car talking in a phone with someone, observing me. I realized they must be friends of the headmaster (and they were).
So I kicked an empty water bottle against that door and showed them middle finger as I walked off. I just straight flipped them off. Fucking creeps.

Then I had my grandfather drive me off as he was waiting in a car for me because he brought me there so I would be on time(and they still claimed I wasn't on time and the teacher for the exam wasn't there it might just have been an excuse).
So yea I couldn't switch any schools for a while because I was banned and then I ended up giving up on the schooling system and seeing schooling system now and even universities...which don't care about actual research but are sponsored by the same shady corporations that run thanks. Universities lost their prestige and are very shallow right now. Everyone can get in as long as they can conform. You don't need to be independant or have brains anymore. This is the truth and I am "blackpilled" on this.

But yea that wasn't all. They called the police after I left...apparently broke that door those two guys so the glass would actually shatter and they accused me of vandalism. The cleaner complained that I was "agressive" etc, even though I didn't speak a word to her and only looked at her.
They dismissed me in the end of charges because at that time police still cared about evidence unlike these days when enough "witnesses" is enough to pin you down for something no matter if it contradicts itself and statements of them.

So yea that was my first actual run-in with the police and I already knew zeur at that point in fact I was without him at that time but after he returned i was still in some legal court battle with my supposed father (pushed by my mom to be part of a process I wanted nothing to do with) I wasted years of my life waiting, already lost my best friend a year later who went missing and...then I finally moved in with zeur to the netherlands after it was all over but I had missed my chance to apply for something there and the rules have changed and I got duped and...well I'm not going to recount the rest.

I didn't get to tell this story in private but I might as well share this with everyone and how disgusted I was at the whole thing.

But yea if you don't realize, they wanted to extract from me money for repair of the glass so they broke it fully themselves so they have an excuse to replace it. I didn't shatter it and the bottle didn't do it either lol, it was empty besides.


The Dark Truth-Bringer
Jan 26, 2024
Czech Republic
The educational system as a whole is very broken. Throughout my years in secondary school, I've had been bullied, struggled a lot in my education, etc.
I wasn't bullied as such in my original school (the primary part) and the first bit of secondary school was absolute bless for me for the most part. Not that there weren't any conflicts but things usually got resolved. But it was only a year and half before I was forced by my mother to switch to a different school, due to bad grades some teachers gave me. If I had stayed those teachers would soon leave anyways, but they were biased against me and always cornered me with questions I couldn't answer despite me being prepared for the exams. They did it on purpose. And since my mom cared more about my grades than me being happy amongst people I like....then I had to switch and I was kind of threatened not to tell most of my classmates.

One of my best friends I ended up telling, decided to follow me to the new school also partially convinced by his mom. Because he was doing even worse than I was.
I often helped him before he switched to the new school. At first I was doing well at the new school, the grades/scoring I was getting indeed improved. But...I was sad and they noticed. And they started to bully me. There was also this long lasting school gang and we had one of their representatives in the classroom. They did real nasty stuff. Later on things even got medialized by someone using knuckleduster to beat someone up on the toilets, that was after I had left already though because yea after like a year being there I had left too and at one point they nearly killed me and I had collapsed psychologically, I was under antidepressives for like a half year. And my health was getting destroyed partially weakened by those pills as well.

Ultimately after I had switched school, that friend who switched got under influence of the gang(and a bad psychologist) and betrayed me very hard. He got convinced to record conversations with me in secret to get some kind of confession out of me...except he wanted to use that instead for his own goals (to get something out of me that he wanted in turn for him not turning over the tape but he didn't get what he wanted either way). I suppose he genuinly believed that I had sent someone after the gang leader as a revenge, even though that wasn't true. It is possible someone did it after I told them but I wasn't actively involved.

He used to play Plutonia Experiment btw I remember him first exposing me to it back in the day. The Final Doom "episode" I mean.

Maybe I should call this former friend "Nine Inch Nails Tails".

EDIT: (added part here)

*sigh*...well even before this full scale betrayal, he slowly started to blame things on me, like when we were on a bus at one point I remember him telling me/reminding me of the time that I told the teacher that he drifted off with a couple of friends and went the path of the backalleys all around instead of coming with the group.
I told him I was sorry but that I was worried about him and that's why I said it to the teacher. Perhaps I was a little too worried and in retrospect I shouldn't have done it but I didn't have bad intentions. But I should have seen this as the warning sign as obviously that psychologist got to him. The school conspired with the psychologist to discredit me in the end as they didn't want another scandal. My friend (not the lost one I keep talking about, I'm talking about this one that betrayed me). Of course in my naievety I told the psychologist myself who my best friend was. So in a way I betrayed him but I suppose I had trust in the system. All those events shook my belief to the core in the end. This is why I don't trust authority and more...
So yea that psychologist kept working with the kids and had visit to the school. Before I left the school everyone but the gang member stopped to mistreat me, but it was too late, the damage was done. I mean I did forgive most of them (and to think that my friend hated it so much at one point he was talking graphically about dropping a few grenades in the changin room and solving the problem for good) and they apologized to me, but yea...I was under those drugs at that point and I changed too.
But the eyes of that "friend", I was the one at fault, I and his mom was the reason he appeared there and indeed he didn't have a mental support of a good collective anymore, he had to put on facades to get along with them, and then I was the one to crumble and announce my plans to leave that school too? No way I could get away with that right? So he hatched a plan to make a revenge on me and basically interrogate/blackmail me over the tapes that he could "very easily" modify and leave out certain parts.
Last edited by LeoTCK,


The Dark Truth-Bringer
Jan 26, 2024
Czech Republic
My classmates always make fun of me.
My preschool and primary school teachers were always yelling at me.
I have anger attacks at school.
If they make fun of you, try to find a way to make fun of them instead. Show them what they're doing and I bet they won't like it.
Yell back at the teachers if its not justified by them.

I found often that it works. With some it might not, but then with them you will never do it right. But remember also one thing..believe in your abilities and yourself. Things might be better if you do, if you gain some more self confidence. Even if you might not realize yet. You might not be or need to be absolutely perfect in everything but you need to believe in what you do.
Last edited by LeoTCK,
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Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States
I think there are two larger issues.

One is the most difficult. You can train people all you want, but once someone is in a position of power they can go...lazy. corrupt. insincere. It's the hardest thing to account for people's moral compass. You can put rules into place, but you can't account for everything. How can we get people to think ethically and to do the right thing for students and faculty? I think every level of education should have some sort of ethical component. Maths, Health(Physical and mental), languages, sciences, arts, history/civics, technology, ethics. the big 8. It's disheartening it isn't already a core component of education.

Two is money and policy. Unfortunately, can't really separate the two. Schools should have people on staff for mental health, on staff for life-planning/home-planning, on staff for student advocacy, staff for instructional design, staff for student HR/safety, tech staff for ensuring teachers can teach without students constantly on their phone, etc., etc., etc. And teachers and those lower on the totem pole should get a far larger part of the budget as well, rather than the huge amount administrators (who never have to really do anything) get now. It's hard to implement quality policy and structure when all that education money tends to get sucked up by the higher ups, the people who do the least. People who can make unilaterally bad decisions which influence a person's entire life on a whim. And terrible parents who make the quality people in power suffer and get removed. I suspect this isn't a US only problem, though I am curious how other countries deal with this issue.

I don't know how to solve the issues you've had. If you don't have the people willing to do what's needed, you have to do it yourself. But as a kid, as a student, it's usually not possible. For future reference, I have found people like when you ask for their expertise. Rather than telling them exactly what you need, you tell them how your needs have been met in the past and what they think you need in addition to those. Butter them up. It can help.

Really, though, find any local or federal law that requires them to help with certain things, and let them know you know. And also tell them you are recording your conversations when you're talking about your situation/needs, and you advise them to do the same. That'll help them be a bit more...thoughtful in their approaches. But fixing cruel ain't easy.

For those in similar situations, I would highly recommend a student advocacy group or organization. Don't know your country's situation, but there are bound to be many non-profit student advocacy groups you can lean on. Preferably one as locally as possible.

Good luck.

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