Tough to be in situations so many times where I was left to die, that’s a lot of lemons, so therefore, I made loads of lemonade, and absolutely no one in the world of sports comes remotely close to my level of performance, all because I used the tough times as motivators.
I was in a situation where I was left to die, was coughing excessive blood from my lungs, and the nurse laughed at me as I called out for medical help with a fever well beyond 103.6 degrees and refused me service. I passed out of consciousness right before cracking a joke to myself about my predicament (Hur hur, my koffing became a wheezing!) in my mind because I was too weak to talk. Later, the doctor threw my x-ray to the floor screaming “I don’t believe it! There’s no damage, your lungs fully healed!” Later, I joked about it to someone in my family, and then they hung up after hearing my joke. He called me the next day, and said “If you can go though all of that and not complain, I can surely stop drinking.” He never became an alcoholic again.
Nothing says “In your face Satan.” quite like making positives out of negatives. “You tried to assault me at work with an elbow to the chest like that? You call that an elbow? Sir, I’ve been struck by members of the special forces at full strength with elbows, yours is in dire need of work. Here, let me show you how to properly do it.” And suddenly the assailant respected me form that day forwards.
Only two people trying to kill me out of road rage today? Where did everyone else go? How can you call yourselves Viet Cong with that kind of pathetic display?
You came all the way out here, put on your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gi, and now you say you cannot fight me after seeing me train for a mere few seconds beforehand in something that you mocked just a moment ago? Alright then, you forfeit. No worries, if you disagree, you’re welcome to challenge me with that loose tongue of yours. Nope? Alright then, I won instantly, and you are powerless despite being the bully. Whoops!
Hey there professor! Interesting Ph.D you have, but I have a question: why is someone with only a high school diploma telling me that they own almost twenty homes each one over a million dollars on average and saying their biggest regret was attempting college?
For anyone who might be struggling, just relax and take it easy. I've been in countless places where I've been assaulted, scoffed, left to die, and far worse, and because of making lemons out of lemonade, I reached the highest weightlifting for many categories beyond my weight class for at least one hundred fifty pounds, and my heart rate is now around eleven beats per minute this morning, thanks to exercising intensely _every_ time someone tried to make me angry for a very unfair and disturbing reason.
If you've got those lemons, make lemonade!
I was in a situation where I was left to die, was coughing excessive blood from my lungs, and the nurse laughed at me as I called out for medical help with a fever well beyond 103.6 degrees and refused me service. I passed out of consciousness right before cracking a joke to myself about my predicament (Hur hur, my koffing became a wheezing!) in my mind because I was too weak to talk. Later, the doctor threw my x-ray to the floor screaming “I don’t believe it! There’s no damage, your lungs fully healed!” Later, I joked about it to someone in my family, and then they hung up after hearing my joke. He called me the next day, and said “If you can go though all of that and not complain, I can surely stop drinking.” He never became an alcoholic again.
Nothing says “In your face Satan.” quite like making positives out of negatives. “You tried to assault me at work with an elbow to the chest like that? You call that an elbow? Sir, I’ve been struck by members of the special forces at full strength with elbows, yours is in dire need of work. Here, let me show you how to properly do it.” And suddenly the assailant respected me form that day forwards.
Only two people trying to kill me out of road rage today? Where did everyone else go? How can you call yourselves Viet Cong with that kind of pathetic display?
You came all the way out here, put on your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gi, and now you say you cannot fight me after seeing me train for a mere few seconds beforehand in something that you mocked just a moment ago? Alright then, you forfeit. No worries, if you disagree, you’re welcome to challenge me with that loose tongue of yours. Nope? Alright then, I won instantly, and you are powerless despite being the bully. Whoops!
Hey there professor! Interesting Ph.D you have, but I have a question: why is someone with only a high school diploma telling me that they own almost twenty homes each one over a million dollars on average and saying their biggest regret was attempting college?
For anyone who might be struggling, just relax and take it easy. I've been in countless places where I've been assaulted, scoffed, left to die, and far worse, and because of making lemons out of lemonade, I reached the highest weightlifting for many categories beyond my weight class for at least one hundred fifty pounds, and my heart rate is now around eleven beats per minute this morning, thanks to exercising intensely _every_ time someone tried to make me angry for a very unfair and disturbing reason.
If you've got those lemons, make lemonade!