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Weight Loss Is Positive, Being Overweight Isn't - One Man's Amazing Comeback


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
While you'll find a lot of Left learning sites and organizations trying to justify being overweight while the rest of the world, including doctors and personal trainers realize the dangers of being over weight and are trying to properly educate people about those dangers. So it's good to wake up and read a story about a man that went from eating enough calories for 6 people a day to 3,000 while also losing 280 lbs in a single year.

Being over weight isn't normal nor should people try to justify it as such a thing. It's not normal nor is the sexy skinny body images that Hollywood projects (no one should really care what Hollywood portrays). There's a median weight and being fat will literally kill you. I also think there's a thin line between fat shaming and simply trying to encourage someone to lose weight.

We need to see more of these types of positive stories in the media and not the crap that tries to be justify being lazy and fat (like you'll find on tabloid sites calling themselves news outlets, like CNN) or in social groups that consist of overweight, gluttonous and lazy people trying to justify their unhealthy life style choices.

Take a gander (You may not like the source, but the article does cover the five W's, like proper journalism should).


What do you think about being overweight? Do you believe it's healthy? Should the media be justifying it instead or trying to help people overcome it? Do you personally struggle with your weight? Do you believe that constructive fat shaming is wrong?


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
While you'll find a lot of Left learning sites and organizations trying to justify being overweight

While there is a very definite correlation between the screechers for the concept and colours of hair that would indicate poison in a frog or snake you are likely casting a far broader brush there than might be ideal.

While you'll find a lot of Left learning sites and organizations trying to justify being overweight while the rest of the world, including doctors and personal trainers realize the dangers of being over weight and are trying to properly educate people about those dangers. So it's good to wake up and read a story about a man that went from eating enough calories for 6 people a day to 3,000 while also losing 280 lbs in a single year.

Being over weight isn't normal nor should people try to justify it as such a thing. It's not normal nor is the sexy skinny body images that Hollywood projects (no one should really care what Hollywood portrays). There's a median weight and being fat will literally kill you. I also think there's a thin line between fat shaming and simply trying to encourage someone to lose weight.

We need to see more of these types of positive stories in the media and not the crap that tries to be justify being lazy and fat (like you'll find on tabloid sites calling themselves news outlets, like CNN) or in social groups that consist of overweight, gluttonous and lazy people trying to justify their unhealthy life style choices.

Take a gander (You may not like the source, but the article does cover the five W's, like proper journalism should).


What do you think about being overweight? Do you believe it's healthy? Should the media be justifying it instead or trying to help people overcome it? Do you personally struggle with your weight? Do you believe that constructive fat shaming is wrong?

Is 3000 calories a suitable amount? What the suggested amounts are varies (in Europe where people walk places then 2400 for men, 2000 for women is fairly common, when in the US where activity is less than that dropped to 2000 for men and less for women when reading the backs of packs, though I also don't know if that is more of a "set it low so if people overshoot"). 3000 is fairly hard physical work or activity levels for most around here. It can get way higher (I have done days where 6000 is about right) but it takes some considerable doing.

As for the questions.
Personal choice mostly, though it sucks when bad parenting and bad education gang up with worse diet choices (to say nothing of what I saw in US school cafeterias and it is not like the UK has a great history in recent times with that one) to make it happen. Can't get to it being a moral failing but I would consider it a personal one. It however has little bearing on technical skill or amiability as a person so in many things non factor.

Is there not a mountain of medical evidence (joints, cancer risks, heart attacks, strokes...) that it is not? So pending either a twist in evolution (it has only been a few decades/maybe two generations since everybody in a given population could afford* to be fat and much of evolution is a gradual process) or some serious new drugs and tech to mitigate the effects the duh?
*I would note however that the poorest in society if they are fat tend to be so because of different diet deficits of excesses to the rich folk.

I don't know if they have a duty to help people overcome it, do have a duty to truth though.

Since becoming an old man I have noticed I can gain weight (was nigh on impossible in my youth) if I really do nothing but I keep active as part of day to day stuff anyway, and cook decent food because it is tasty, cheap and easy, so can't say that I do. I certainly take no special measures (or even do any kind of gym type activity -- the thought alone bores me to tears) to monitor or control anything and my 10+ year old clothes still fit, or indeed require a belt.

Different people have different things that motivate them but as a general rule then if you or yours is having troubles there is now wrong with a push (assuming it is not into a pool and they can't swim). What efforts such things take though are not something that is widely known and things can be rather slow if done properly (which you do want to do -- shedding weight fast is also a dangerous activity) and may involve a fairly protracted period of diet (I believe the phrase of choice is you can't outrun your fork) and extremely light exercise.

I have read/watched a fair few fat people (or formerly fat people) detail their neuroses as well and there as some odd ones there -- one that stuck with me was time and time again the fat cunts assumed that if they spilled something that they would be deemed a slob where a skinny person would not be so deemed... I don't know that I have ever met that mindset though.

The most amusing, or possibly most alarming, one for me recently though was https://www.armytimes.com/news/your...ng-national-security-according-to-this-study/
While probably a bit clickbaity/hyperbolic it does make me wonder, though if we are pondering military stuff then mainly to be the one that links a ted talk


Dec 23, 2009
While you'll find a lot of Left learning sites and organizations trying to justify being overweight...
... Are you seriously trying to involve politics in freaking weight loss? :blink:

... On second thought : don't answer that. I realized i don't care which kind of moronic sites you can find and /or label it as being 'left'.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
... Are you seriously trying to involve politics in freaking weight loss? :blink:

... On second thought : don't answer that. I realized i don't care which kind of moronic sites you can find and /or label it as being 'left'.
While I have met my share of fat bastards that thump their bibles so hard I am surprised it does not count as exercise enough to not be fat, and to their mind the only choice they have in voting is whether they understand what Americans call primarying (before "the Squad" doing that game for left wing districts there was a bit of a history of right wing peeps being pushed out by even further right wing types, or having the vote split such that someone else got it), that simultaneously would proclaim it their god (or given the participants I suppose that would be the capital G God) given right to be fat cunts there is a streak within various whackaloon left wing types for so called fat acceptance, one that stands in stark defiance of... scientific reality but still there.
I used to find it somewhat apart from it (you would usually hear of it in phrases like "health at every size" or when they called doctors bigots for maybe suggesting that having the same mass as a small family car was possibly the reason for their knee pain, or also at doctors when they suggested losing some weight as a general suggestion (because whoever would have thought your general doctor would have cared about your health), and I think they might have even beaten anorexia types in odd maths for counting calories at one point) but they have got a bit more vocal of late and social constructivists, people that reckon intersectionality is a good plan and have no particular concept of nuance mean some charge of leftism is not entirely baseless as it has become something of a rallying point.


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
While you'll find a lot of Left learning sites and organizations trying to justify being overweight while the rest of the world, including doctors and personal trainers realize the dangers of being over weight and are trying to properly educate people about those dangers. So it's good to wake up and read a story about a man that went from eating enough calories for 6 people a day to 3,000 while also losing 280 lbs in a single year.

Being over weight isn't normal nor should people try to justify it as such a thing. It's not normal nor is the sexy skinny body images that Hollywood projects (no one should really care what Hollywood portrays). There's a median weight and being fat will literally kill you. I also think there's a thin line between fat shaming and simply trying to encourage someone to lose weight.
Did you also know that racism makes black women fat, too? See below....

... Are you seriously trying to involve politics in freaking weight los
No, the left is....

I couldn't find a website story on this, but in the video, this black lady says Trump made her fat when it's obvious she was fat for more than 3 years.
Last edited by morvoran,

Deleted User

Being fat is overall yes not good for your heath. However being fat, has more than calories as a factor. Genetics play a much stronger role, not saying exercise doesn't have a role (because it does). But just saying that people are fat because they keep making bad choices isn't entirely their fault (I'm not justifying they should be fat. Because again, health risk.) But genetics really does play a large role. For example, actually. myself. I have a ludicrous matbolism. I don't have exactly a very fit life style, it's very sedentary. and I don't even eat all that right. However because of that metabolism, it's not just difficult to gain weight. But it's also difficult to not be underweight. And it's a genetic thing, my grandfather and my mom had the same issues. Aka ludicrous metabolism, and therefore often being underweight. Which also means there could be people out there that really do make all the right choices, exercise and what not, and still struggle to keep off the pounds. Just saying eat less fatening foods (while that definitely should help) isn't really always the source. And this is exluding the fact that if you don't sleep well, weight gain is more prone. Same if your constantly under stress, or having high amounts of stress.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Did you also know that racism makes black women fat, too? See below....

No, the left is....

I couldn't find a website story on this, but in the video, this black lady says Trump made her fat when it's obvious she was fat for more than 3 years.

*Sigh* again, here you are generalizing. I'm going to leave since this is a joke at this point.
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Kid Icarus Uprising connoiseur
Aug 29, 2010
Somewhere in this Earth
While metabolism activity levels vary from person to person, no matter what kind of genetics are in play.

The things you eat play a very very large role in gaining weight.

And the main culprit for this, is the overconsumption of carbonhydrates.

Going low-carbs made me shed off 25 pounds of water weight in three weeks.

Not to mention that I no longer get and kind of food cravings and I am in the best shape of my life, since I have a much better endurance for normal tasks, I sleep extremely well, and my muscles joints no longer hurt when flexing them repeatedly, like bending my knees.

The Standard American Diet is a sham, and Sugar is the devil.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
... Are you seriously trying to involve politics in freaking weight loss? :blink:

... On second thought : don't answer that. I realized i don't care which kind of moronic sites you can find and /or label it as being 'left'.

It the entire "being obese is okay" garbage was coming from sites on the Right I would have pointed it out, but it's coming from the Left. It's about Left leaning sites trying to claim that being overweight is normal and that everyone should just accept your poor lifestyle choices and try to say that there's nothing you can do about it. That's just making excuses for being fat and lazy and not doing anything about it.

I'm looking at reasons why people are fat and the Leftist media is pushing "fat acceptance" on the general population so they are a leading cause of why people are over weight. If they would be telling the truth and weren't contributing to the epidemic then I would have not mentioned them. At least I'm not simply blaming the President for something he has no involvement in. The leftist media is a leading cause of why people think it's okay to be obese and I'm telling you it's not okay.

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Is 3000 calories a suitable amount? What the suggested amounts are varies (in Europe where people walk places then 2400 for men, 2000 for women is fairly common, when in the US where activity is less than that dropped to 2000 for men and less for women when reading the backs of packs, though I also don't know if that is more of a "set it low so if people overshoot"). 3000 is fairly hard physical work or activity levels for most around here. It can get way higher (I have done days where 6000 is about right) but it takes some considerable doing.

The news article also mentions that he's on a high exercise regime and burns 1,500 of those 3,000 calories a day. 3,000 is way too much if you're not working out afterwards.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

While metabolism activity levels vary from person to person, no matter what kind of genetics are in play.

The things you eat play a very very large role in gaining weight.

And the main culprit for this, is the overconsumption of carbonhydrates.

Going low-carbs made me shed off 25 pounds of water weight in three weeks.

Not to mention that I no longer get and kind of food cravings and I am in the best shape of my life, since I have a much better endurance for normal tasks, I sleep extremely well, and my muscles joints no longer hurt when flexing them repeatedly, like bending my knees.

The Standard American Diet is a sham, and Sugar is the devil.

You're referring to low carb in general or super low carb like Akins/Keto? Both can be done healthy and with Keto/Atkins you body stops using sugar (carbs) as fuel and actually uses your body fat to make energy with. It would be easy to lose 100 lbs in 3 months on Keto.

Also, about genetics. It's so rare to suffer from conditions that make you unable to lose weight by eating properly and exercising and I'm not talking about the 2 out of 10,000 here, I'm talking about the 9,998 other people. Genetics is an excuse, not a reason in this case. Excuses is why personal betterment goals are unaccomplished. Genetics has nothing to do with the majority or even the minority. If you don’t have ‘discipline’ nothing is accomplished, that applies to every goal (just not losing weight).
Last edited by billapong,
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Kid Icarus Uprising connoiseur
Aug 29, 2010
Somewhere in this Earth
It the entire "being obese is okay" garbage was coming from sites on the Right I would have pointed it out, but it's coming from the Left. It's about Left leaning sites trying to claim that being overweight is normal and that everyone should just accept your poor lifestyle choices and try to say that there's nothing you can do about it. That's just making excuses for being fat and lazy and not doing anything about it.

I'm looking at reasons why people are fat and the Leftist media is pushing "fat acceptance" on the general population so they are a leading cause of why people are over weight. If they would be telling the truth and weren't contributing to the epidemic then I would have not mentioned them. At least I'm not simply blaming the President for something he has no involvement in. The leftist media is a leading cause of why people think it's okay to be obese and I'm telling you it's not okay.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

The news article also mentions that he's on a high exercise regime and burns 1,500 of those 3,000 calories a day. 3,000 is way too much if you're not working out afterwards.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

You're referring to low carb in general or super low carb like Akins/Keto? Both can be done healthy and with Keto/Atkins you body stops using sugar (carbs) as fuel and actually uses your body fat to make energy with. It would be easy to lose 100 lbs in 3 months on Keto.

Also, about genetics. It's so rare to suffer from conditions that make you unable to lose weight by eating properly and exercising and I'm not talking about the 2 out of 10,000 here, I'm talking about the 9,998 other people. Genetics is an excuse, not a reason in this case. Excuses is why personal betterment goals are unaccomplished. Genetics has nothing to do with the majority or even the minority. If you don’t have ‘discipline’ nothing is accomplished, that applies to every goal (just not losing weight).
Well, keto/Atkins are technically low carbs, but super low carbs yes. Haha
And yes, I do keto, and indeed, you lose a lot, especially at the beginning. After that, you force your body to burn your excess body fat.

I do consider genetics as well, to be an excuse. It really does depend on the type of stuff you put in your body
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Deleted User

While metabolism activity levels vary from person to person, no matter what kind of genetics are in play.

The things you eat play a very very large role in gaining weight.

And the main culprit for this, is the overconsumption of carbonhydrates.

Going low-carbs made me shed off 25 pounds of water weight in three weeks.

Not to mention that I no longer get and kind of food cravings and I am in the best shape of my life, since I have a much better endurance for normal tasks, I sleep extremely well, and my muscles joints no longer hurt when flexing them repeatedly, like bending my knees.

The Standard American Diet is a sham, and Sugar is the devil.
Harvard would like to have a word with you. Genetics aren't the entire picture. But they still influence a fuck ton (what I'm saying is your missing the entire picture). I am not saying calories have no role, because they do. But genetics arguably have a larger factor.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
There is a small part in me that still believes unfalteringly, that the entire SJW and being very concerned with peoples feels movement, is just pushed by social media giants, so people do not get socially shamed on their platforms and therefore share more. ;)

So chinas social credit system, just with guilt trips and voluntary, but with extreme social media juice, because its emotional and controversial.. ;)

Edge opinion of the day.



Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
USA MTN timezone
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United States
While you'll find a lot of Left learning sites and organizations trying to justify being overweight while the rest of the world, including doctors and personal trainers realize the dangers of being over weight and are trying to properly educate people about those dangers. So it's good to wake up and read a story about a man that went from eating enough calories for 6 people a day to 3,000 while also losing 280 lbs in a single year.

Being over weight isn't normal nor should people try to justify it as such a thing. It's not normal nor is the sexy skinny body images that Hollywood projects (no one should really care what Hollywood portrays). There's a median weight and being fat will literally kill you. I also think there's a thin line between fat shaming and simply trying to encourage someone to lose weight.

We need to see more of these types of positive stories in the media and not the crap that tries to be justify being lazy and fat (like you'll find on tabloid sites calling themselves news outlets, like CNN) or in social groups that consist of overweight, gluttonous and lazy people trying to justify their unhealthy life style choices.

Take a gander (You may not like the source, but the article does cover the five W's, like proper journalism should).


What do you think about being overweight? Do you believe it's healthy? Should the media be justifying it instead or trying to help people overcome it? Do you personally struggle with your weight? Do you believe that constructive fat shaming is wrong?
oh ok so you THOUGHT you understood "freedom of speech," now you're giving a crack at being the thought police for fat people ROFLMAO What's next
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
I do consider genetics as well, to be an excuse. It really does depend on the type of stuff you put in your body

I wonder if all these people that claim genetics is the reason they are obese would lose weight if they stopped eating, drinking or ingesting anything at all. Surely if genetics the main contributor than not eating or drinking at all wouldn't produce any sort of significant weight loss.

I've watched a few videos produced by the fat acceptance supporters who (after cutting through the bullshit) basically claim that people are having a hard time losing weight because they have slow metabolisms, are taking certain medications to feel normal, eat processed foods/fast foods and don't get much exercise. Well folks these are all of these things you can control.

Certain foods will metabolize differently in your own body (so don't eat the ones that don't get processed quickly) and if you generally eat better (cut out the fast food, processed foods, food your body doesn't burn quickly and cook your own food), generally eat less or at least stay within your daily calorie limit and exercise you're going to feel better so you won't need to be taking medications that further slow down your body or make it harder to process foods. You'd be surprised how you can simply throw out those ADHD, anti-anxiety or anti-depression meds just because you're living a healthy active lifestyle (as your lifestyle was causing the problems you were taking them for).

Or you can do what you're doing and revert your bodies energy source back to fats. Science is all its glory now admits it was completely wrong about fats not being healthy (which, it claimed for the last 50 years). You're guaranteed to lose weight and keep it off using Atkin's/Keto type diets and all that takes is self control and self discipline. No more bread sucks at first, until you don't even want it anymore then it's trivial. That also makes you wonder what else science is currently getting wrong : ).

Now, there's the 2 people out of 10,000 that can't lose weight. So if you got out into public and look around at the 10 - 20 people you see in the store that are obese they aren't likely to be those 2 people and even if they were there'd only be 2 of them. The rest of the people in the store simply eat like shit and sit on their asses all day long.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Did you also know that racism makes black women fat, too? See below....
I couldn't find a website story on this, but in the video, this black lady says Trump made her fat when it's obvious she was fat for more than 3 years.

Saying someone is obese has nothing to do with their race or ethnicity. Fat cells do not discriminate and just because some people are obsessed with and blame the President for everything that happens in their lives he's not God. If you're obese it's your own fault (unless, you're 5 and then it's your parents fault).
Last edited by billapong,


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
Saying someone is obese has nothing to do with their race or ethnicity. Fat cells do not discriminate.
No, they don't and I should know. The issue is that people today have no personal responsibility for themselves and find anything to blame all their problems on as the lady blaming her weight problems on racism and Trump in the video I posted did, find acceptance in the fact they won't change themselves, or push an agenda to force other people to accept their issues as a new norm.

Even the guy in the link you posted just gave up and accepted his fate of staying obese even though he was able to change once his food choices were limited by the bans.

I, myself, could stand to lose a few pounds and have completely stopped eating at fast food places and drinking soda. My problem is that I'm still addicted to sugars and carbs, so I eat a lot of breads and sweets. I also don't exercise very much. While I am aware of what's causing my issues, I also know that I can only blame myself.
If I got as big as the guy in the story, I would hope that I'd snap out of my own self destruction and make more positive changes in my life.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
No, they don't and I should know. The issue is that people today have no personal responsibility for themselves and find anything to blame all their problems on as the lady blaming her weight problems on racism and Trump in the video I posted did, find acceptance in the fact they won't change themselves, or push an agenda to force other people to accept their issues as a new norm.

Even the guy in the link you posted just gave up and accepted his fate of staying obese even though he was able to change once his food choices were limited by the bans.

I, myself, could stand to lose a few pounds and have completely stopped eating at fast food places and drinking soda. My problem is that I'm still addicted to sugars and carbs, so I eat a lot of breads and sweets. I also don't exercise very much. While I am aware of what's causing my issues, I also know that I can only blame myself.
If I got as big as the guy in the story, I would hope that I'd snap out of my own self destruction and make more positive changes in my life.

As long as you realize you are the problem and the only one that can fix the problem is you and then you're trying to fix the problem then you're on the right track. Just don't fall off.

(You're not a Liberal so I think you can understand how you and you solely as responsible for your problems and won't get all emotionally scarred because I pointed out the factual truth. Plus, you may see that I'm actually trying to help even if I'm not being all sensitive to your feelings. Fat cells surely don't give a shit about them.)
Last edited by billapong,
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Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
(You're not a Liberal so I think you can understand how you and you solely as responsible for your problems and won't get all emotionally scarred because I pointed out the factual truth. Plus, you may see that I'm actually trying to help even if I'm not being all sensitive to your feelings. Fat cells surely don't give a shit about them.)
. In my original reply, I was going to say I should blame liberals for my weight problems. That sounded too much like something a liberal would do, so I refrained. A lot of problems, including weight issues, could be solved easier if people learned to not blame others for their problems or have others tell them that it's ok to not live a healthy lifestyle. (Sorry if I seem to be repeating things. I'm trying to stay on topic to keep this thread from being closed.)


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
If you're obese it's your own fault.
So what about the 10% of women in the world that have PCOS which a side effect of it is uncontrollable weight gain? Is it their fault they were born with something that makes them heavier than women that don't have it? Is it their fault that scientific studies state its upto 4 times harder for someone with PCOS to lose weight?
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Did you also know that racism makes black women fat, too? See below....

While I am not going to cry racism there is something to that.

If you go to a poor neighbourhood your chances of being able to find more than processed salty fat laden crap in shops there is hard, and poorer areas tend also to mean lesser profits (which makes it harder to stock quicker expiring stuff, and afford to power the chillers/freezers as opposed to boxes on shelves/palettes on the floor). Commence vicious circle, one that biology does not help with (if you get used to processed crap you crave processed crap -- microbiome if you want a search term there) and psychology not much better (psychologically speaking fatness is contagious). Guess which neighbourhoods are disproportionately poor?

Now if you ascribe to the world view that leads to the reparations nonsense you could plausibly blame racism. I don't consider that a particularly logical world view and US wise while it has now effectively been a few generations since either welfare was mishandled and trapped people in a cycle or they left the south with nothing and have not been able to claw their way up (or been kept down if you care to believe such things) that does mean consequences.

This then is something I probably would expect a government of some form to want to handle or work around. In my case because it is the right thing to do but if you want to go full bore pragmatist/libertarian and then some (but still live in the world we have now) then pragmatically it is also worth doing as being a fat cunt is fucking expensive on resources (healthcare, missed opportunities...).


Former Staff
Sep 23, 2013
oh ok so you THOUGHT you understood "freedom of speech," now you're giving a crack at being the thought police for fat people ROFLMAO What's next
i think the argument is "you can say "i can be healthy at any size" and someone else should be allowed to say "stop being a lazy shit, get off your arse more or eat less" without the lynch mob being drummed up demanding a boycott and/or demonetisation of any publication or person who dares to say it

freedom of speech is never about protecting the nice things from being said....who would object to that really, but about protecting the rights to speak the ugly truth that might hurt someones feelings

i mean i personally had gained a fair bit of weight, nobody really said anything to me about it, it wasn't until one person had the balls to say "wow you've put on quite a bit of weight" that i took the time to look and see "yeah i kinda have" that person wasn't trying to make me feel bad even if the realisation did (but even if they were who cares they were correct), they simply commented on the truth, i would prefer to live in a world where someone can tell me the truth than a world where everyone is so scared of being branded some sort of bigot that they just nod and say "you look great exactly how you are" funny enough all the people that had never said anything suddenly started saying " oh your looking better in yourself" once i started loosing weight, so its not like they couldn't see the issue, they just never want to be the person to speak it, so thanks to the guy who gave me the heads up to the issue, regardless of his motivations, i'm feeling better and looking better now, so why should i complain
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Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
So what about the 10% of women in the world that have PCOS which a side effect of it is uncontrollable weight gain? Is it their fault they were born with something that makes them heavier than women that don't have it? Is it their fault that scientific studies state its upto 4 times harder for someone with PCOS to lose weight?
Yes, it is still their fault. I can understand it being harder for these women to lose weight than others, which is not their fault, but they can still decrease their sugar and fat intake to lose weight while exercising more.
Body fat isn't just produced out of thin air and has to come from somewhere. If it's hard to lose weight, then only they can make themselves try harder.

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