gamefan5 Jan 10, 2015 And gateway delivers... With some caveats. A big FU to all the N3DS owners. DAAAAAAAAAMN
gamefan5 Jan 9, 2015 Supercard Team returning may be the best damn thing that ever happened to the 3DS XD
gamefan5 Jan 5, 2015 Seriously. Read a portion of the gateway update thread using gizoogle. You will LOL all the way. XD
gamefan5 Jan 2, 2015 Collecting buckets to contain the inevitable tears that are about to flood the Temp very soon. XD
gamefan5 Jan 2, 2015 Collecting buckets to contain the soon inevitable tears that are about the flooding the Temp.
gamefan5 Dec 21, 2014 20% of me says GBATemp will experience extreme happiness today. The 80%? Extreme disappointment and rage. Today will be interesting.
20% of me says GBATemp will experience extreme happiness today. The 80%? Extreme disappointment and rage. Today will be interesting.
gamefan5 Dec 12, 2014 Amazing how some GBATemp members freak out at irrelevant events for Gateway. Just chill, do something else, and it will come eventually.
Amazing how some GBATemp members freak out at irrelevant events for Gateway. Just chill, do something else, and it will come eventually.