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U.S. Supreme Court set to overturn Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
I wouldn't either. I didn't mention any such thing.

A healthy embryo is an organ of procreation. Removing it and discarding it is at least as ethically comparable as removing a healthy kidney to waste, despite the non-existence of human rights for the developing child.

And pregnancy can have have irreparable effects on the human body, and it can even kill you. What is your point?

I went a little off tangent. It was unrelated.

An embryo or fetus is not a person, and even if it were a person with rights, that wouldn't include the right to violate a person's right to bodily autonomy. A person shouldn't be able to force me to give them one of my kidneys, and a fetus shouldn't be able to force a woman to carry it to term (or more accurately, a state shouldn't be able to force either of these things).

It is a developing human life. Not a person by legal definition, and that is something people on the other side of the argument want to see changed.

If it was recognized as a person, it would be also recognized that it did not create the conditions of its indentured state-which was imposed onto it. You are reading it the other way around, as if the unborn was assaulting a woman.
Last edited by tabzer,


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
My conflict was about government involvement in abortions by being institutionalized and funded by tax dollars. Even though they are largely not, sharing the same failure in understanding, you responded with "it's a healthcare issue, stupid". Not only was that an admission that "yes, the government does institutionalize abortion and fund it with tax dollars" (even though that's inaccurate), you suggested that it was ridiculous to be a concern, avoiding direct confrontation with the fact that you are contradicting yourself. If you get moody every time someone points out an err in your rationale, then maybe you should stay off the internet until the thought police can finish installing all of the guardrails.

Seeing as your point was stupid, maybe we'd all have been better off if you had let him do the talking. If you are disappointed because I quoted Foxi but not in disagreement with the material of the quote, then I am okay with that. When solving for x, I would hope that we can arrive to the same conclusion. If you want to forfeit accuracy just to "make your own original point", then good for you--but we all lose.
Y'know, actually, I didn't call you stupid. I've implied or outright stated you're unoriginal, factually incorrect and often inconsistant with your own purported beliefs when convenient, belligerent, and unable to hold a proper conversation, but I genuinely try to bite my tongue and not resort to name calling despite how personal this topic is to me.

Planned Parenthood doesn't get federal money to pay for abortions, they get paid by medicaid in a few states and insurance providers or non profit fundraising to perform a health related service for women. It isn't "your tax dollars murdering babies" or what have you, it is good old capitalism running its course like it would for any other non-profit within the law. I notice you get confused about this point a lot, but Foxi tends to have a better grasp of things like relevant facts and scientific consensus. That was why I made my statement, but hey credit where it is due, I suppose I could have been clearer! You're even right that your post made me moody, because your antagonizing folks while speaking so confidently in ignorance is frustrating. Seeing your signature a bit lately has actually served to calm me down a bit, reminding me that you aren't a good faith actor so much as a troll, taking pride in the misfortune of others.

Full quote lives matter.
It really doesn't. Fun touhou fact, Zun actually states she was the one who made the scarlet mist that would have ruined her homeland just so her noblewoman friend could play outside any time she wanted. Also, she regards people as either pests, service animals, or if they're of noble birth, friends. Furthermore, she doesn't "squat" so much as Remilia regards her as a friend and guest who provides her a service with her education. Sorry dear, but I understand why you'd want to focus on your avatar so much, since your errors regarding abortion have been even more abundant thus far. Maybe quit while you're ahead on both fronts.
honestly, I understand both sides.

Women feel as if they're losing more rights with this, people feel as if this will get the ball rolling to ban gay people and trans people and such, and planned parenthood will no longer receive free tax dollars from americans. (that last part was a joke, but it is partially serious as well)

Pro Life people don't like seeing babies die, whether they're fetuses, embryos, or an actual baby.

Is there an obvious situation to this that will satisfy both sides? Unfortunately not. Repeal Roe V Wade, and the women and lgbtq+ get angry and upset. Keep Roe V Wade in place, and pro lifers are upset since babies are dying, or babies in their view at least.

Basically issues such as this are complex, cannot be discussed easily, and lead to flame wars such as this. I think we should all agree to disagree and get along, you know? Anger never helps anyone, kindness does.
I understand your intention, but as said elsewhere, this isn't the kind of issue that can be easily dropped. There are victims in this, people wounded for the rest of their lives or dead over these kinds of rulings, and the only meaningful reason to deny such a service to women is a manufactured religious fury of the minority. Nobody wants to use an abortion as birth control, nobody considers it even as a plan b, and nobody takes joy in snuffing out even a conceptual life that has yet to cross the threshold of any reasonably defined sentient existence. It serves a clear purpose to help the lives of women, and planned parenthood in particular actually does its best to educate women who rely on the service about alternatives should they even inquire about needing it. Even with all this in mind, it is made varying degrees of illegal in several states with no federal guidelines yet, but conservatives have been quite clear that it would be a future goal.

You can't slap someone in the face and then ask for peace in this, and riding the fence means you're watching abuse and failing to act. The only moral stance is to participate in objecting to the injustice, but I'd advise settling for not getting involved if your own moral guidelines can't navigate the issue clearly.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2013
Yep, those are two people anti-choice people have to thank. Also, the following:
  1. An unrepresentative Senate that skews Republican while the country doesn't.
  2. Mitch McConnell shamelessly and hypocritically stealing a Supreme Court seat.
  3. An undemocratic Electoral College that resulted in 5/6 of the Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices being appointed by presidents who didn't win the popular vote. (Side note: I'm in my 30s, and I've never seen a non-incumbent Republican candidate win the popular vote in a presidential election. I'm beginning to think it's never going to happen).
  4. James Comey publicizing Clinton investigations (and Clinton non-developments) while keeping more substantive Trump investigations private.
  5. Russian election meddling in 2016.
Sounds like excuses. Dems lost. Republicans won. That's politics. GG
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
Sounds like excuses. Dems lost. Republicans won. That's politics. GG
You do know that the Republicans lost, and that they haven't won via majority in almost 20 years, right? I'm sure it must be nice to be able to find comfort in a country losing its status as a beacon of democracy so long as your agenda gets passed, but it still puts conservatives in the minority.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Y'know, actually, I didn't call you stupid. I've implied or outright stated you're unoriginal, factually incorrect and often inconsistant with your own purported beliefs when convenient, belligerent, and unable to hold a proper conversation, but I genuinely try to bite my tongue and not resort to name calling despite how personal this topic is to me.

Planned Parenthood doesn't get federal money to pay for abortions, they get paid by medicaid in a few states and insurance providers or non profit fundraising to perform a health related service for women. It isn't "your tax dollars murdering babies" or what have you, it is good old capitalism running its course like it would for any other non-profit within the law. I notice you get confused about this point a lot, but Foxi tends to have a better grasp of things like relevant facts and scientific consensus. That was why I made my statement, but hey credit where it is due, I suppose I could have been clearer! You're even right that your post made me moody, because your antagonizing folks while speaking so confidently in ignorance is frustrating. Seeing your signature a bit lately has actually served to calm me down a bit, reminding me that you aren't a good faith actor so much as a troll, taking pride in the misfortune of others.

Glad you think you've figured it out. Medicaid is tax funded. It is also beside the point, as the conversation has progressed while you were trying to stew up reasons of why you were right in being wrong. Bite your tongue a little harder.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2013
You do know that the Republicans lost, and that they haven't won via majority in almost 20 years, right? I'm sure it must be nice to be able to find comfort in a country losing its status as a beacon of democracy so long as your agenda gets passed, but it still puts conservatives in the minority.
You can cry about the popular vote but that has never mattered. Saying the supreme court is therefore illegitimate is just absurd and factually incorrect, since both Bush 2 and Trump won their elections legitimately. McConnell holding up Merrick Garland was also his prerogative, and Democrats 100% would have done the same thing given the chance. Politics is all about winning and losing, and the Republicans won these battles. If you don't like the rules, change the rules when you have the mandate. This is what some Dems are already pushing for.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
Glad you think you've figured it out. Medicaid is tax funded. It is also beside the point, as the conversation has progressed while you were trying to stew up reasons of why you were right in being wrong. Bite your tongue a little harder.
Was working a job and handling kids until evening, but whatever. Medicade is tax funded at the state level with some amount of federal matching and has limitations on what it can be used on, yet PP actually still opts to pay out of pocket even when denied. As for what the topic has progressed to... you've moved on to asking for European countries that support full term abortions and comparing zygotes and embryos to kidneys for some reason. Real progress... sorry, but you've got nothing useful to offer and never have.
You can cry about the popular vote but that has never mattered. Saying the supreme court is therefore illegitimate is just absurd and factually incorrect, since both Bush 2 and Trump won their elections legitimately. McConnell holding up Merrick Garland was also his prerogative, and Democrats 100% would have done the same thing given the chance. Politics is all about winning and losing, and the Republicans won these battles. If you don't like the rules, change the rules when you have the mandate. This is what some Dems are already pushing for.
So you're saying that you don't care about democracy so much as victory towards a minority agenda? Interesting stuff. Sounds kinda totalitarian, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Also, Democrats have had full control and not done those sorts of things, so... no? I don't much care for the party myself, but they tend to at least make an effort to seem interested in compromise.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Was working a job and handling kids until evening, but whatever. Medicade is tax funded at the state level with some amount of federal matching and has limitations on what it can be used on, yet PP actually still opts to pay out of pocket even when denied. As for what the topic has progressed to... you've moved on to asking for European countries that support full term abortions and comparing zygotes and embryos to kidneys for some reason. Real progress... sorry, but you've got nothing useful to offer and never have.
I don't care why you are still beating a dead horse. You are being emotional and still wrong. Move on, Miss "everything looks the same to me".


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Sounds like excuses.
They're also facts, and many of them show the system isn't as democratic as people think.

That's politics. GG
Could you tell that to the majority of Republicans who continue to whine (incorrectly, I might add) the election was stolen in 2020? Thanks.

A healthy embryo is an organ of procreation.
An embryo/fetus is not an organ of the mother.

It is a developing human life. Not a person by legal definition, and that is something people on the other side of the argument want to see changed.

If it was recognized as a person, it would be also recognized that it did not create the conditions of its indentured state-which was imposed onto it. You are reading it the other way around, as if the unborn was assaulting a woman.
If I require a donation of one of your kidneys to survive, a.) I'm a sentient person with rights, and b.) I didn't create the condition of needing a new kidney. Does that mean the state gets to require you to donate your kidney to me? Does that mean it's murder if you don't?

By your logic here, you seem to suggest that the answers are "yes" and "yes."
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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
An embryo/fetus is not an organ of the mother.

It's a necessary organ of the human race and is unique to the maternal aspect of our species. It fulfills the definition of an organ even if the colloquialism does not exist. If you cannot see the sense in this type of thinking, then I doubt you are even trying.

If I require a donation of one of your kidneys to survive, a.) I'm a sentient person with rights, and b.) I didn't create the condition of needing a new kidney. Does that mean the state gets to require you to donate your kidney to me? Does that mean it's murder if you don't?

By your logic here, you seem to suggest that the answers are "yes" and "yes."

If you created a circumstance where I need something from you to survive, you can be liable for seeing that those needs are met. This is not an unfamiliar situation. A mother may procure child support and a divorcee may procure alimony. A squatter can even take the property they squat in some jurisdictions (semi-tangent). These are all regrettable situations, but they are established on similar rationale.

A mother created the embryo, the embryo didn't will itself and make demands (praise Jesus!). It is not a parasite. Bodily autonomy doesn't defy nature, and there is a reasonable precedence to establish expectations on these matters.

The only reason the abortion "right" works is because the embryo has none. You resort to language that dehumanizes it as much as possible to divorce it from the human condition.

You pretend that you are progressive, but you only inherited the name. If we were living in times of slavery (still there if you ask me), you'd be making the argument that slaves are "property" based on the facts the definition says they are, trying to not rock the boat and doing everything you can to maintain status quo.

Nothing you do suggests that you are trying to understand other people. You even think it is up to you to decide what rights are for who. That's why you are the little tyrant.
Last edited by tabzer,


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
I learned in high school 10 or more years ago that the United States isn't a democracy, but a post-democracy.
I learned that it was never a democracy and is incapable of becoming a democracy without an overhaul.

Also, I never learned the difference between mob rule and democracy. If you have something for me, it'd be appreciated.

I'd like to like a democracy.

But I wouldn't trust it if my own neighbors are assholes.


Master of Hounds
Dec 7, 2015
@tabzer a mob rule is disorderly, unruly, capricious. A democracy is a self-preserving, hierarchized system of order in which people can have a say in the conduct of the affairs of society. A post-democracy is a previous democracy whose system of order is being held by the crystalized presence of a social elite.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
@tabzer a mob rule is disorderly, unruly, capricious. A democracy is a self-preserving, hierarchized system of order in which people can have a say in the conduct of the affairs of society. A post-democracy is a previous democracy whose system of order is being held by the crystalized presence of a social elite.
Okay. I agree with 2/3rds. But a democracy isn't self-preserving just because you want it to be.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Lol. By agree, I mean I understood. If you aren't making the assessment that democracy actually works the way you described, then I misunderstood.

Deleted member 194275

Edson Arantes do Nascimento
Aug 19, 2009
@tabzer a mob rule is disorderly, unruly, capricious. A democracy is a self-preserving, hierarchized system of order in which people can have a say in the conduct of the affairs of society. A post-democracy is a previous democracy whose system of order is being held by the crystalized presence of a social elite.
It still is a democracy, a strong one. It is decaying tho, that's why USA citizens need to move to protect it. Most of World population is not under this degree of freedom, not even close of it.

(Out of their borders on other hand, USA is an ultra aggressive empire, but let's pretend they're cool so they keep buying the crap we produce and we don't starve)
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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
It still is a democracy, a strong one. It is decaying tho, that's why USA citizens need to move to protect it. Most of World population is not under this degree of freedom, not even close of it.

(Out of their borders on other hand, USA is an ultra aggressive empire, but let's pretend they're cool so they keep buying the crap we produce and we don't starve)
Afaik it is a symbiosis of a republic and a democracy. Never has it been a real democracy and the debate is whether that it is for better or worse. I'm not sure if we'd agree but America is ultra liberal about its say in the rest of the world.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
It's a necessary organ of the human race and is unique to the maternal aspect of our species. It fulfills the definition of an organ even if the colloquialism does not exist. If you cannot see the sense in this type of thinking, then I doubt you are even trying.
A fetus is not an organ by any scientific definition, and even if it were, it wouldn't matter. If I wanted to rip out my kidney and throw it away, I should have every legal right to do so.

If you created a circumstance where I need something from you to survive, you can be liable for seeing that those needs are met.
Not if the thing you need is a piece of my body. I have (and should have) a right to bodily autonomy.

A mother created the embryo, the embryo didn't will itself and make demands
And I didn't will myself into needing your kidney. That doesn't mean the state should be able to force the woman to carry the pregnancy to term, and it doesn't mean the state should be able to force you to give up your kidney.

The only reason the abortion "right" works is because the embryo has none. You resort to language that dehumanizes it as much as possible to divorce it from the human condition.
Wrong. I am a human with rights, but that doesn't mean I have a right to your kidney.

You pretend that you are progressive, but you only inherited the name. If we were living in times of slavery (still there if you ask me), you'd be making the argument that slaves are "property" based on the facts the definition says they are, trying to not rock the boat and doing everything you can to maintain status quo.
There's nothing about "bodily autonomy shall not be violated" that leads to slavery. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Nothing you do suggests that you are trying to understand other people.
Just because I disagree doesn't mean I don't understand, or don't try to understand, other people. You don't have to look farther than this thread to see me asking legitimate questions to people in order to better understand their point of view, lol.

You even think it is up to you to decide what rights are for who.
Nah, that's the anti-abortion side that's literally trying to do that.

That's why you are the little tyrant.
Nothing I've advocated for could reasonably be described as tyranny. If you're looking for "little tyrants," I suggest looking at the people who want to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies.

You don't appear to have thought this all through.
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