Homebrew Need a good name for an upcoming 3DS physics engine.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2010
Taipei, Taiwan
United States
UPDATE (Oct 19, 2016): After 2 long nights, the name has been picked. I'm going for Pica, because it matches the original intention of "extending" the graphics library (hinting "graphics"), as well as it being a reference to the PICA200 graphics chipset on the 3DS.

The "3D" are usually named for the "graphical technologies" in the library, however mine doesn't contain many graphical features. Only physics and math features. Citro3D is a 2-syllable word, tagged with a 3D, so it makes sense to have the 3D at the end. Pica, in the same sense, is a 2-syllable word without graphics.

Therefore, the winner is LinkBlaBla.

Thank you everyone for your contributions.

New permanent Github project repository:



UPDATE (Oct 16, 2016): [/B]Finalizing entries... You may continue to submit until midnight (12:00AM), Monday, Oct 17, 2016. Those entries will also be included, for fairness.

Going to practice and see how to add a poll in this thread.

You should expect to hear from me by the end of this week, Friday, Oct. 21, 2016 of the new name.

Top contenders thus far (going by ascending order of post numbers in this thread):
IRC #3dsdev suggestion:
  • Spectral - madk
Honorable Mentions:


UPDATE (Oct 14, 2016):
I have received constructive feedback on the naming scheme, and I felt it would be best not to force ourselves to use the "3DS" in the names.

Note that you can also use iQue. Because, this project is based on the original physics engine, qu3e, and iQue is a Nintendo brand name. iQue 3DS XL, which is Nintendo 3DS XL in North America, is marketed in China.

Feedback Source.


I'm asking for any name suggestions for an upcoming 3DS physics engine.

Right now, it's currently WIP, and nothing is done yet. I'm still figuring out how to separate the branch into its own repository, and to do this, I need a new name.

I do have some constraints though:
  • It must reference 3DS in some form in the name, but I discourage forcing yourself to use "3DS" in the name. CTR, KTR, 3D, etc., are the common ones, but I encourage creative names, which are nice to suggest. (madk's "Spectral" is one of many.)
  • It must hint the project is all about physics simulation, because it is a physics engine after all.
  • It would be better not to name it PhysX, Havok, Bullet, or any other proprietary/open-source/well-known physics engines out there. I don't want to get any troubles.

I'll read each and every post in this thread, and will pick out a winner by Sunday, October 16, 2016. Maybe having a deadline is better.

If you have any suggestions, please post right away. Comments, feedback, name feedback, and constructive criticisms are welcomed. If you think having a deadline is bad, please let me know if you wished to extend the deadline further.
Last edited by delete12345,
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Kupo for Kupo Nuts
Apr 14, 2010
United States
Citrus Blend :^)

Citrus (to reference the 3DS) and Blend to reference physic (such as blending things together etc)
Last edited by ArtemisM,

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