Hacking 3DS Flashcarts - News, Updates, and Support Thread


Jun 17, 2013
This is an attempt to condense the amount of threads containing questions like "Where's the update?","X Flashcard Just Released Update X", and "X Flashcart's Support is Dead" threads. This forum is congested as it is so lets try to fix that a bit.

You can post in this thread, if
  • You have a question regarding 3DS flashcarts that aren't answered in the FAQ below.
  • You need support regarding your 3DS flashcart.
  • You want to talk about upcoming updates about your flashcart. Don't overhype yourself by speculating features. (Like a PS4 emulator is coming to the 3DS. It's not.)
Actually, this thread is not for
  • Complaining about non-existing 5.X/6.X/7.X support.
  • Complaining about delayed updates or missing features.
  • Wild theories about X firmware being a hoax.
  • Fights between different 3DS flashcart owners.

Here is a quick video update to show we have nand-based saves working. We are still tweaking and optimizing multirom, so please be patient!


We wish a happy new year to all Gateway users around the world. 2014 will be a great year for us with a lot of things to come!

We have been working hard to release our final 2.0 firmware in 2013 as we know you are all highly expecting it. Because we want to make sure to offer a stable and fully tested product, we are slightly delaying our next update to the early days of 2014.

This is what our users will soon be able to enjoy on their Gateway system:

- Integrated menu system
- Emu-Nand with up to date compatibility
- Back up your own game cartridges
- Nand based titles compatibility
- Fat32 based drag & drop Multi-Rom
- New real time save system

Note: User feedback for GW2.0b2 has been overwhelmingly positive. The absolute stability of our beta menu system was an important milestone for us prior to pushing out the FPGA update required for some of the new features.

Happy New Year! We will be back soon with our new firmware.


Being one of our users’ most common request, we have added a complete video guide to Gateway 3DS in our Download section. This video was created by user iT0uchStuff, who is not part of our team. We would like to warmly thank him for this great video.

Click here to watch the video


First of all, thanks to everyone who has been testing our public beta.

We mentioned previously that we would have a solution against accidental updates, but we decided not to release this just yet. While we did succeed in preventing accidental updates for our test 3DS unit, it took trial and error to get it in that state, and we bricked the unit many times before succeeding. Ultimately we decided that it was too dangerous for public use right now.

For this release we have accumulated an insane amount of feedback after the initial release of Gateway v2.0b1 and have been hard at work the past weeks to further stabilize some of the new functionality. We are proud to present to you Gateway v2.0b2, the new public beta.

What's new?

* Many stability improvements over previous beta release
* Full support for firmware 7.1 (including saving and emunand GW3D indicator, etc.)

Please note emunand is not essential for latest title compatibility!
For the time being we advise only those with adequate knowledge to attempt to update emunand to latest firmware and make sure you always have at least a hard backup copy of the system nand.

Consider this release as a stop-gap release before the 2.0 final, which will bring exciting new features that are currently being heavily tweaked and optimized.

Merry X-mas from the GATEWAY 3DS Team!

And remember: support the innovators, not the imitators!


Firstly a warm thank you for all the feedback and suggestions regarding our recent public release of GW 2.0b1. GW 2.0b2 is a few days away from release and will be mainly emunand support for 7.0 and bug fixes together with an additional feature that will hopefully put an end to any accidental updates of consoles.

Public Beta release of GW 2.0b1

We thought posting yet another teaser video would anger rather than amaze our patient and loyal customers. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, we would like to show you all our sincere gratitude for your patience and support, by releasing a public beta early!

GW 2.0b1 enables up to date compatibility, barring only the 2 known NAND based titles (for which support is coming very soon), as well as the long awaited emuNAND feature. Complementing these great advancements is our new GUI menu system accessible by simply holding down the L button when tapping on the DS Profile button on the touchscreen. For this release we have tried to make the plethora of options as automated and intuitive as possible, and we welcome more feedback from our users regarding the menu, settings and other options for in the coming revisions.

So we left a few things out you say ? Well if it was so easy then others would have it already, or might falsely make videos of such claims .. anyway we digress .. Both nand saving, which will officially make us 100% compatible with all known roms, and FAT32 (drag and drop) based multirom support are now close to completion and entering into our internal beta testing. As you can imagine, both these features required a major revamp of our hardware's internal firmware, something we had known and planned for from day one so rest assured, unlike others, GW3DS is a fully featured and FULLY updatable hardware design. Our policy has and will always be to stick by our customers and ensure they get value for their money. We will be calling on our beta testers shortly to help us stress test our next big step !

Release notes:

Booting into Gateway mode will now automatically check for the emuNAND partition and emulate the system NAND using this partition. We have also included an option to boot into Classic mode that enables genuine retail gamecards and the emuNAND functionality, allowing it to run like a regular 3DS on latest firmware.

If the emuNAND partition is not found, we fall back to the system NAND and boot into Gateway mode as in 1.x


We have gone to great lengths to ensure the stability and reliability of emuNAND, even though emuNAND is not currently required to allow full game compatibility. For those wishing to have the latest system firmware running concurrently with our device, please follow these instructions carefully:

Safety preparation: Please ensure you are either fully charged or plugged in to the charger before beginning. It is also advisable to turn off WiFi, and remove any stored WiFi access settings before proceeding.

1) Launch the Gateway menu and select the "BACKUP SYSTEM NAND" option. Follow on screen instructions to start the backup operation. This requires a minimum of 1GB free space on the Nintendo 3DS SD card, and will take approximately 10 minutes. Every console has a unique NAND image and if you accidentally update the onboard system NAND then there is currently no known way to restore back to 4.5 through software means. The only recovery option is to restore via hardware using the backed up NAND image as a last resort. So please make sure you physically copy the file created by our tool from the SD card to your computers hard drive.

2) Make sure you have backed up any other files you may need from your Nintendo 3DS SD card or use a fresh new SD card to run the Format emuNAND step in the Gateway menu. Once this is done (approximately 5 minutes) and for as long as you use the specific SD card, GW will boot from the specially partitioned SD card and show the "GW3D" label in the system version number in the System Settings application.

Once you have entered into the System Settings application and clearly seeing the "GW3D" version number, enter into WiFi settings and set up a connection.

3) Update your emuNAND partition. Boot into Gateway mode, and enter into the System Settings application. CHECK to make sure you see the letters GW3D before the system version located in the bottom right hand corner of the top screen. If you only see a version number "Ver." please exit and perform step 2 again. With the "GW3D" X.XX.X version number verified proceed to update the console by going to Other Settings and scroll right to the last page and press the System Update button.

IMPORTANT !! .. ONLY ever update through System Settings and ONLY when you have double checked the "GW3D" lettering in front of the system version number !!

Click here to download Public Beta release of GW 2.0b1

2.0 release and clones

Our work is close to completion, but as our users know, we care very much about quality and we won't release our new firmware before it has been tested in depth and approved by our beta-testing team.
Besides better compatibility for the latest roms, we also have in the meanwhile started working on some new features that will surprise and please you all. There are many more good things to come in the future of Gateway 3DS and its users. The Future is Gateway 3DS !

On a side note, there has been a clone announced under various different brand names.

We want to advise people interested in this product that it is a simple clone based on our 1.0 firmware (with all its limitations), with cheap Chinese design and components. It will inevitably fail and brick over time with or without updates as it is using our software which was not designed for their hardware.

By purchasing this device, you face the certainty of an unsupported and dead product before long. Please keep in mind the short life span of such products before going through a purchase, you might end up thinking you have been scammed.

We provide support and innovative features unprecedented by any other team before, and we will continue doing so with firmware updates that everyone can enjoy.

We will be back soon with 2.0 firmware and more exciting news about the future of Gateway 3DS!

After receiving alot of emails with questions on our new 2.0 firmware update, we decided to answer some recurring questions :

- Are you working on multirom support? Yes, we are working on multirom support. We hope to have it ready for the 2.0 release.

- Are you working on nand savegame support for pokemon/animal crossing? Yes, we will have pokemon and animal crossing working for the 2.0 release, we will not stop until we have this working!

- What can I do with emunand? It will emulate the system's storage and redirect it to SD, which allows you to update the "emulated NAND" to latest firmware while still keeping your system's physical NAND storage to 4.5. This means you won't need to miss out on fun things like eShop and more.

- Will you support retail gamecards? Yes, we will add an option to launch the original firmware (with emunand support) so you can play retail gamecards.

- Will you support saving without needing to close the application? Yes, we are working on directly updating the savegame file on SD when the savegame chip is being updated. We hope to have it ready for the 2.0 release.

- Are you working on supporting online play? We will start working on this after the 2.0 release.

- Are you working on supporting 5.x and 6.x 3DS systems? Yes, we have still not given up hope to support these consoles. But please be patient.
Gateway 3DS 2.0 Sneak Peak 2 of 2

GW3DS Nand Emulation:

After a lot of brainstorming sessions we decided it was time to realise one of the revolutionary ideas that we have in store for you! We have been working very hard to bring you our 3DS console NAND emulation solution that will allow you to run up-to-date firmware, without the need for spoofing!

To accomplish this feature a part of the 3DS SD card is used as a fully mirrored NAND image while still being able to use the SD card like normal.

The first step is BACKING UP YOUR NAND! Second, run our SD formatter from within the GW GUI to format the SD card with a unique copy of your console's NAND. On the next Gateway boot, the console will automatically relaunch from the NAND image on SD, which means you can safely update to the latest firmware! Say hello to e-shop [;-)]

Ohh and MH4 is finally working [;-)] XY is officially WIP. Porting our patches from 4.5 to 6.3 is time-consuming and tedious so please bare with us for a little while longer, testing and safety is paramount for such a release. As always, we know you will ENJOY !!

P.S.: We have finally cleared all back-orders from the initial Gateway purchase rush. We are happy to announce that we are now fully in stock and that all new orders are shipped 'next day'.
Gateway 3DS 2.0 Sneak Peak 1 of 2

Sorry about the wait since last update. We are working hard on making Gateway better and better with every built. And the next one will be a major evolution.

As a quick preview here are some snapshots of what we have been working on to keep you waiting while we finalize this update.

Finally some visual feedback !!


Console NAND back up !


On screen diagnostics :-)


There is more to come, we are saving the best for last. So stay tuned for part 2 before the finale release 2.0

And thanks to all for your support!
Release 1.2: iQue and HK support

GW_Release 1.2: Support for iQue (China) and HK (Taiwan) region consoles has finally arrived !
The latest Blue card GW_Installer.nds will now prompt the user to select the correct region.
Consoles from the above regions will need to run the latest GW_Installer.nds.

Hardware Diagnostics and SPI reset:

Due to numerous issues primarily related to third party hardware, as of GW release 1.2 and onwards we have embedded a hardware diagnostics and verification routine into the Gateway Launcher.

This diagnostics mode is designed to:

1) Reset the GW onboard SPI FLASH. Should fix some "The game card has been removed" errors.
2) Sequentially test and verify the FPGA, SPI FLASH, and MicroSD functionality.
3) Stability verification of MicroSD cards. (Inserted into Red GW card)

For this reason we have provided a 1GB test file that should be written to the MicroSD card.
If this file is detected during the diagnostics test, the GW LED will flash a hue from blue to red depending on the detected read speed (Blue for fast and progressively changing towards Red for slow). The complete 1GB file will take up to 5 minutes to be verified, at which point the LED will turn constant green.

To enter into diagnostics mode, make sure you have the latest GW release build copied to your 3DS sd card. Hold down the "L" button while triggering the "Nintendo DS Profile" entry point. The 3ds will show black/gray screens with wifi / date and battery indicators on the top screen. Insert red GW card and press "L" to start the test.

Hardware Diagnostics sequence and LED colour meaning

Test 1. FPGA RED
Test 2. SPI write test YELLOW
Test 3. SPI read test TEAL
Test 4: SD
Blue = No valid SD data
White = Fat32 partition detected
Green = 3ds ROM header found (if you are still experiencing problems please download and write our GW_testrom to your micro SD, for a full read test)
When GW_testrom is detected on the micro SD, LED will flash hue from blue to red depending on the detected read speed, at the end of a full 1G successful read of the test file the LED should turn to constant Green.

If any test fails the diagnostics will halt on that test. (So if you start diagnostics and only see a constant RED, this means the FPGA is faulty and you should contact your reseller for a replacement. Constant RED,YELLOW or TEAL is idicative of a non user repairable fault)

Please note "The game card has been removed" error is most likely caused by rom data corruption, the diagnostics tools provided here were designed to offer the end user a way to verify his/her hardware setup, primarily rom writing, please ensure a full read test is performed using the GW_testrom file prior to contacting your reseller.

Check the download section HERE for all required files.
PUBLIC RELEASE OF Gateway 3DS V1.1a Region-free and Firm-Spoof

We would like to thank all our beta testers for their timely response and reporting.

Common minor issues we are aware of are:

1) The lack of upper screen banner for some titles which trigger both region and firmware spoof requirements.

2) Some expected issues related to language fonts

There have been some unique reports of issues related to title exit or first GW3DS entry after installing the update. We believe these are either related to file fragmentation of the 3DS SD card or some users trimming the titles to fit on the red card's micro SD. Please make sure to try a new SD card for the 3DS as well as micro SD for the Gateway card together with a known good un-modified title, where possible.

Installation of the update is simple, download our release HERE and simply replace the "Launcher.dat" file on the 3DS SD card. ENJOY !!
Unshackling The Shackled !

REGION-FREE and FIRMWARE SPOOFING released to beta testers !!! We are ecstatic to announce the beta release of our much awaited region liberator :-) All beta testers are kindly asked to feedback any issues in a timely manner so we can move the release to the wider public.

OSX fans :- We searched high and low for a suitable SD image writer and came up empty handed :-( therefore we decided to code our own tool for you :-) Please feel free to make use of our Mac OS 3DS SD Imager tool in place of the win 32 disk imager mentioned in our guides.

As always ENJOY !

Note: we are aware of compatibility issues with the iQue and HK units, rest assured work is in progress !
Firmware spoofing and Region Free - Homebrew now in the works

Server Down ! Our sincere apologies for the server downtime. Apparently due to power spike and subsequent hardware failure.

As most already know from our YouTube post we proudly announce 2 critical features "Firmware spoofing" allowing newer backups which force updates higher than 4.5 to be run safely in GW mode. And "Region Free" allowing any backup normally locked to a specific region console to be used freely.

As a development team we are especially excited to announce the start of our long term dream to enable 3DS home-brew. We have long awaited the time to be able to start working on opening up your 3DS to the amazing home-brew talent. This is not a trivial feat to accomplish and it will take time ! In the meanwhile we will of course continue to enhance the GW3DS with rich features.

Shout out to emo kid 68 for discovering an interesting fact about our Gateway installer inhibiting the update nagger ! ( If there are no apps awaiting installation (just delete them) then after running our blue card GW installer the update nagger disappears)
GATEWAY 3DS Manuals & Files

Please find in our downloads section links to .zip which includes V1.0 manuals and files for Gateway 3DS.

Currently it is not compatible with firmware above 4.5 but we are working on making it compatible as quickly as possible with 5.x and 6.x firmwares. It is most likely to happen in the weeks to come since we are now done with V1.0 of our product and can now fully concentrate on newer firmware and new functions.

Since the product is now released and soon in Nintendo's hands, anything above 6.2.0 will most likely never be compatible.

In any case: NEVER update, as we never know if we can make a fix for any update. Remove automatic updates by enabling parental control to prevent any accident.

We can't repeat it enough, do NOT update if you want to be able to enjoy the only solution for your 3DS: Gateway! You have been warned!

First units to ship this week !
And a quick note to update our FAQ regarding the use of the "blue" card and recent title releases:

Can the blue card run DS home brew ?
YES :- The bundled blue ds card, is in essence a standard DS cart capable of both DS backups and home brew for DS mode, tested to work on 6.1

Is the blue card required for every power cycle ?
No :- Our custom Gateway Installer DS app is only required to be run once to setup and thereafter any time the console is used in DS mode.

Does Gateway support all games:
No :- Animal Crossing uses unique NAND based save hardware in the cart, support will be added through a GW firmware update. Mario (released last week) is forcing 5.1 update. We have prioritised work on supporting all such future releases. Stay tuned.

Please NOTE the FAQ update was specifically speaking about our bundled BLUE DS card not the Gateway RED 3DS card ! as mentioned the Blue DS card is a standard DS card for DS mode. Gateway works on (4.1 -> 4.5) only for now.

The wait is over! The first ever backup device that enables playback of 3DS ROMS is now a reality. The device is in its final stages of design and production is just around the corner. Stay tuned and enjoy the show!

For reseller information please click here.
For media inquiries please click here

For full product demo video click here
Gateway 3DS Firmware v2.0b2 (12/23/2013)
-Stability improvements
-emuNAND support for 7.1 firmware

Gateway 3DS Firmware v2.0b1 (12/01/2013)
-Added GUI
-Added emuNAND
-Added NAND dumper
-Updated game compatibility

Gateway 3DS Firmware v1.2 (09/09/2013)
-Support for iQue (China) and HK (Taiwan) region consoles
-Hardware Diagnostics and SPI reset

Gateway 3DS Firmware v1.1a (08/21/2013)
-Added Region Free
-Added Firmware Spoofing

Gateway 3DS Firmware v1.0 (08/18/2013)
-Initial release
Firmware 3.2 Released
Deluxe Edition firmware 3.2 is released ! (2014-01-03)

change log:
1.fix the saver issue
2.please check readme.txt attached firstly
Firmware 3.1 Released

Deluxe Edition firmware 3.1 is released ! (2013-12-28)

Deluxe Edition firmware V3.1 is released with emuNAND 7.1

emuNAND 7.0 Support

Video for Deluxe Edition - "emuNAND V7.0" is released! (2013-12-16)

"emuNAND V7.0" feature will be coming with the new firmware V3.1 soon...

Firmware 3.0 Released

Deluxe Edition firmware 3.0 is released ! (2013-12-10)

Deluxe Edition firmware V3.0 is released with emuNAND feature, now you can play MH4,Legend of Zelda. but no pokemon x/y,Animal Crossing this time. Hopefully will work in the coming firmware V3.1(before Xmas) with multiROM feature and more surprises!

emuNAND Demonstration

The video for R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe Edition - "emuNAND" feature released! (2013-11-22)

This video demonstrate R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe card 's so called - "emuNAND" function!

Two new games - The Legend of Zelda - A Link Between Worlds / The Legend of Zelda - Kamigami no Triforce 2 (6.2.0E) andBatman - Arkham Origins Blackgate (5.1.0E) are running on 3DS "4.3.0-10 E" smoothly, and access eShop without any problem, at the end of video, 3DS console system is changed to "6.3.0-12 E"! yeah! We did it as promised! The new firmware V3.0 will be released very soon...

Again, one thing we would like to state it clearly: all coming new feature updates will come directly from our team(R4ids.cn) !

Firmware 2.0 Released

Hot news: Firmware 2.0 and Manuals Released!(2013-11-04)

Region Free Soon

Hot news: The Deluxe edition "Region Locked Free" feature will be released in updated firmware V2.0 later this week!(2013-11-03)

R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe Released

R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe Edtion for Playing 3DS Games is Officially Released!(2013-10-31)
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe v2.0 (01/03/2013)
-Fixed save issues

R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe v3.1 (12/28/2013)
-Support for 7.1 emuNAND

R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe v3.0 (12/10/2013)
-Adds GUI
-Adds emuNAND
-Adds NAND Dumper
-Updated game compatibility

R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe v2.0 (11/04/2013)
-Adds Region Free
-Adds Firmware Spoofing

R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe v1.0 (10/31/2013)
-Initial Release
Firmware 3.1 Release

3DSLink firmware V3.1 is released (12/28/2013)

3DSLink firmware V3.1 is released with emuNAND feature for 3DS V7.1.0-14.

Firmware 3.1 Demonstration

Video for 3DS V7.0.0 – “emuNAND V7.0″ is released! (12/16/2013)
“emuNAND V7.0″ feature will be coming with the new firmware V3.1 soon…

Firmware 3.0 Release
3DSLink Firmware V3.0 is released! (12/10/2013)

3DSLink firmware 3.0 is released , now you can play MH4,Legend of Zelda. but no pokemon x/y,Animal Crossing this time. Hopefully will work in the coming firmware V3.1(before Xmas) with multiROM feature and more surprises!
Firmware 3.0 Demonstration
3DSLink Firmware 3.0 Video (11/22/2013)

1. Switched to 3DS V6.3 system Successfully, Those two games <<The Legend of Zelda – A Link Between Worlds / The Legend of Zelda – Kamigami no Triforce 2 >> and << Batman – Arkham Origins Blackgate >> works perfectly on the 3ds console
2. <<The Legend of Zelda >> and << Batman>> are the latest games which are released two days before,and we will keep to update all new games.
3. We can enter into the ESHOP,and can play online game!

Region Lock
3DSLink game region unlock function (11/02/2013)
Now we already finish 3DSlink region unlock function. V2.0 firmware will be released in one week
In the video 3dslink card perfectly run USA version game in Japan version console
3DSLink Released
Update (10/29/2013)
After the hard work of the last few months, the 3dslink is now available for sale.
Update (10/28/2013)
Currently it is not compatible with firmware above 4.5 but we are working on making it compatible as quickly as possible with 5.x and 6.x firmwares.
It is a very hard work, we do not sure about when the 3dslink will work on the consoles(5.x and 6.x)

If some people said that the 6.x 3d card will coming soon , it must be a cheater.
But we believe that We will be the first one who can hack successfully
3DSLink Firmware 3.1 (12/10/2013)
-Support for emuNAND 7.1

3DSLink Firmware 3.0 (12/10/2013)
-Added GUI
-Added emuNAND
-Added NAND Dumper
-Updated game compatibility

3DSLink Firmware 2.01 (11/05/2013)
-Updated game compatibility

3DSLink Firmware 2.0 (11/04/2013)
-Added Firmware Spoofing
-Added Region Free

3DSLink Firmware 1.0 (10/29/2013)
-Initial Release
Look at the R4i Gold Deluxe spoilers. Same information.
MT card will be released in January 3, 2014 (01-02-2014)
The first batch of samples sent out today (12-28-2013)
The upcoming release of the product (12-16-2013)
A revolutionary new product (12-08-2013)
MT-Card Firmware v1.0
-Initial release
Q: What is a 3DS flashcart?
A: A 3DS flashcart is a device that enables the user to play 3DS roms downloaded from the internet. (There is currently no homebrew or a public rom dumping device.)

Q: What do I need to use a 3DS flashcart?
A: A Nintendo 3DS on firmware 4.1 - 4.5, microSD card, and a 3DS flashcart kit.

Q: What does a 3DS flashcart kit consist of?
A: It consists of two flashcarts. One of which is the actual 3DS flashcart which is the flashcart you'll be putting a microSD card flashed with your 3DS rom into. The second flashcart is a DS mode flashcart which is used to install the 3DS exploit required to make the 3DS flashcart function.

Q: What are the differences between the 3DS flashcarts?
A: Our very own Ryukouki created a thread dedicated to showing off the difference between the 3DS flashcart. Located here. Definitely check it out to see what 3DS flashcart best suites your needs/budget.

Q: My firmware is below 4.1, what can I do?
A: You may buy or rent a game that forces an update to 4.x. A full list of games and required firmware is found here or here. Note: Do not try to update via internet or your 3DS will be updated to 7.x!

Q: My firmware is above 4.5, what can I do?
A: If you have a backup of your NAND that has firmware 4.5 and below, you can flash it back to your console. There is a thread about it here.

Q: Actually, I haven't bought a Nintendo 3DS yet. Where do I get a 3DS with firmware 4.1 - 4.5?
A: Those Nintendo 3DS' with copyright 2012 have firmware 4.5 and below. There is a thread about this here and here is a picture of the copyright sign on the package.

Q: What about the compatibility?
A: There is a nice thread about the game compatibility here. Hopefully it gets updated frequently.

Q: What about eShop games? Can I run them while using a 3DS flashcart or on 4.X firmware?
A: Yes, if your 3DS is on 4.X firmware you'll be able to use a feature called emuNAND. You don't have to own a 3DS flashcart in order to use emuNAND but you do need a 3DS on 4.X firmware.

Q: What exactly is emuNAND?
A: emuNAND is a feature that makes it possible to backup the NAND of your console on your SD-Card and then emulate it from the SD-Card. You can then update this emulated NAND to the latest firmware, while the physical NAND on your console remains on 4.1 - 4.5. While running the updated emulated NAND it's possible to enter the eShop and reap all benefits of the new firmware. You can find a step by step tutorial on how to use emuNAND in the Gateway 3DS manual located on the Gateway 3DS website. (Note: Even if your emuNAND is on the latest firmware, games played using a 3DS flashcart won't connect online. This is know the the 3DS flashcart teams and is being worked on.)

Q: Where can I buy a 3DS flashcart?
A: This depends on the country you're living in. Find the official website for the 3DS flashcart you're looking for and on it you'll find an official list of retailers.

Q: Do 3DS flashcarts work on the Nintendo 2DS?
A: Since the Nintendo 2DS is shipped with firmware 6.x, 3DS flashcarts do not work.

Q: I have a question that isn't answered in this FAQ. Shall I create a new thread?
A: No. Don't. Post it in this thread and everything will be fine.
This post will be updated, if necessary. If you have information, which you think is important, let Devin know and he'll add it. Right now, this first post is not more than a rough draft. Hopefully it will grow when more information becomes available.


Oct 26, 2008
I have two questions.

- One regarding online functionality. If all's well, 2.0 will have the eShop working. Is there a difference (such as special AP checks) between eShop and games' online connectivity that would prevent games from working online? Also, would a game be able to use bought-in-eshop DLC offline or is there some other check along the way?

- The other question's about gateway mode launching. Sometimes, when selecting "Nintendo DS profile" to enter gateway mode, the console just crashes. Is it random or is there some system to it? I'm afraid of a freeze like that bricking my 3DS for good.


See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
What is the best way to get a new 3DS XL with 4.5 firmware or earlier?

I'd suggest going to a retailer, maybe one that doesn't sell a ton of units, and start looking at the boxes until you find one that has Copyright 2012 on it. You can always take the plunge and go on eBay or Amazon too. :)


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
Let's try to stick this thread and see if it serves its purpose. (users often don't even read stickied titles if there are too many stickied threads)

I would be happy if this thread could also be the place for complain that the website is offline, and that's a disaster, what will happen, etc.


Revenge is beneath me but accidents do happen.
Jun 20, 2013
The C Standard Library
United States
Let's try to stick this thread and see if it serves its purpose. (users often don't even read stickied titles if there are too many stickied threads)

I would be happy if this thread could also be the place for complain that the website is offline, and that's a disaster, what will happen, etc.

Speaking of Stickied threads, TJcool's original thread needs to be updated. It still says only Gateway plays 3DS roms and that it's still not out yet. Also link this thread at the top.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
I'll let tj_cool decide if he still wants to use "updates" to notify that there are new released flashcards or if he prefer to rewrite the entire post.
I added "clones" to the title until next update.
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Jun 17, 2013
I have two questions.

- One regarding online functionality. If all's well, 2.0 will have the eShop working. Is there a difference (such as special AP checks) between eShop and games' online connectivity that would prevent games from working online? Also, would a game be able to use bought-in-eshop DLC offline or is there some other check along the way?

- The other question's about gateway mode launching. Sometimes, when selecting "Nintendo DS profile" to enter gateway mode, the console just crashes. Is it random or is there some system to it? I'm afraid of a freeze like that bricking my 3DS for good.

The first one is a very tough question. Gateway Team said, they would work on online playing right after releasing 2.0. Since the eShop is available in 2.0, there has to be something more, which is preventing games from going online. Maybe you ask those questions in the official forum. After the release of 2.0 there will be someone from the Team itself answering question there. But right now they can't spare any resources.

Actually, I haven't encountered that problem myself. But I guess it is a random bug. Of course your 3DS can't be bricked by running Gateway mode. There is a theas about this here.

Would there ever be any way to play phoenix wright dual destinies from the eshop?

Currently there is no way to play Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies, because it's only available as eShop download. One way to play it, would be playing the japanese version, which was released as retail. But if you don't speak English this is of course a rather bad solution. There is no info from the Gateway Team, but I guess it won't be playable soon, so the only way to play it, would be waiting for 2.0 and buying it in the eShop.


GBAtemp's Official frill-necked lizard.
Oct 12, 2012
Sandy Eggo
United States
Eww, European date codes. At first I thought the last update was in January...

It's a good idea, but it won't do much. People will still make 1000 threads about the same stupid thing because they don't bother to read things like stickies. Like this one.

The Real Jdbye

*is birb*
Mar 17, 2010
I am confused. You are trying to canalize "Where's-the-update?-threads" and "Gateway'll-never-release-update-lol-threads" into a single thread yet you specifically mentioned this thread is not for such things.



Jun 17, 2013
I am confused. You are trying to canalize "Where's-the-update?-threads" and "Gateway'll-never-release-update-lol-threads" into a single thread yet you specifically mentioned this thread is not for such things.

Actually, you're right. Better we canalize all the garbage in this thread.


Jun 17, 2013
I'm not sure if that was sarcastic or not, I was just pointing out a contradiction.
But either way that's a valid point. Better to have one topic for those things than heaps of them spread everywhere.
That wasn't sarcasm, maybe it sounded like sarcasm, because I'm not a native speaker. And you're right, I made a contradiction there. I thought it might be possible to keep this thread clean, but if I forbid this topics in this thread, the flood of stupid gateway threads won't stop.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2013
I'm not sure but I think Gateway team is waiting until the release of legend of zelda a link between worlds as they surely know it'll be a major hit, I'm sure they want their linker to support it, still I wish they'd update their website, teasing people for their update is surely cool but it has to be well done, it's been more than a month we've been waiting with only a few updated from the team and now radio silence since more than two weeks, this is getting me nervous...


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2005
Maybe the team wants to release 2.0 with too many features at once. Of course that takes more time to develop and test.

I think it would be better that they release the features one by one, starting with NAND emulation which they obviously got already working. Then they could add multi-rom support and everything else later on.


Jun 17, 2013
I know this is just speculation, but I think they have trouble getting Pokemon to work. 3dsguy explained in a thread a while ago what exactly the difference between CARD1 and CARD2 games is. And since the save of a CARD2 game is on a writable partition of the chip, on which the ROM lies, it might be diffecult for Gateway Team to redirect this saving procedure. But I'm no expert, can't really tell. But it might fit. EmuNAND seemed to be working a while ago, and they said they won't release 2.0 before Pokemon is working.

But I guess either way they will release 2.0 around the time Zelda gets released, because this is really a mojor game and most likely a CARD1 game. In this case it could be possible that they release 2.0 without Pokemon support.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2005
If I were the Gateway team, I'd release 2.0 without Pokemon ROM support, but with emu NAND. That way all on 4.5 could at least buy and play the retail game. I wouldn't play it on ROM or retail :P

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