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  • I got an A285 thinkpad a little while ago. It was $30 because it had a corrupted BIOS (black screen + diagnostic sound). I'm glad I can solder because it was really easy to fix. This is by far the most powerful computer I own.
    No battery, the keyboard doesn't fully work, and I had to buy a new SSD. Still well worth the price and I can just treat it as a desktop.
    Are there any DSi emulators capable of booting different stage2 versions? The best I've found so far is melonDS, but the majority of proto stage2s don't boot. I especially have trouble with SDMC Launcher. I just want to emulate it so I can get a clean screenshot.
    Imagine using the release stage2 for DSi :shit:
    All my homies use v1935-7470 or v2665-9336.
    If any of you have bricked DSis and are able to use ntrboot, please get in touch! I'm working on a project and could really use your help.

    (any NANDs with errors are also good)
    I have marked 71 fruit trees and bushes on falling fruit this month. Hoping to reach 100 soon!

    Also my city has 153 plants marked in total. I'm almost at marking 50% of what's there.
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    Reactions: Rolfie
    Just reached 84 things marked this month. That's over 50%!
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    Reactions: Rolfie
    God damn... 166 edible trees and plants marked over 14 years. 84 of those are by me in less than a week. This is such a small area too with only a few roads and paths explored.
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    Reactions: Rolfie
    Trying to figure out how to do something specific. Had no idea how to do it, but then I found a program which does the exact thing I want. Yay. Look in the program annnnnd... all the code that actually does the thing is in a library which we'll never have access to.

    This is a certified Nintendo SDKs and leaks moment! AAAAAAAAAAAAA
    What exactly is needed, out of curiousity?
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    Reactions: rvtr
    A few things to do with title management and creating + signing all the system files on the DSi. Biggest thing I want is HWInfo since we've got everything for dev signing that.

    I guess thinking about it I could try looking at Twl SystemUpdater.
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    Reactions: VinsCool
    Probably could be reverse engineered from binaries that used those libraries, as suggested.
    Thankfully ARM/THUMB Assembly isn't the most difficult to understand from what I have seen so far.
    Assuming none of that is obfuscated, that is.
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    Reactions: rvtr
    If you ask for my help at a specific place and a specific time, I expect you to be there. Don't waste my time and not communicate if you have any changes in plan. Especially don't do it twice in a row.
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    Reactions: Rolfie
    I dropped my other plans for today, walked all the way out here because I don't want to leave my bike outside (we were going to carpool out of town), it's fucking hot out and I'm just tired. Super annoyed.

    30 minutes late and counting.
    Yeah if thats the second time then I'd call it off and say sorry but I won't be helping again since the last two times you haven't showed.. maybe they did have shit going on who knows, but there's no reason for you to knowingly waste your time so it's very understandable to stop offering them help.
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    Reactions: rvtr
    Normally I'd try to be understanding but I know for a fact that they're still doing the event. I can see their social media posts for it, and the event is indoors so weather is not an issue. I've reached out to a couple different people in case the one had a problem and I still didn't hear anything.
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    Reactions: Seriel
    What the fuck.
    I was just more shocked at the upload speed compared to download. I've never had a good upload speed anywhere except for a tech company office. Going to school and seeing this is wild to me.
    For me at home I have a asynchronous service so my upload speed is almost the same of download:

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    Reactions: AncientBoi and rvtr
    God damn that's fast. I've never had anything past 150 down and 90 up. At home I think I have 50 down and 20 up?
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    Reactions: impeeza
    The camera app for my iPhone 8 sucks. I had to buy another app with actual control over ISO, exposure, focus, etc. I shouldn't need to do that.

    @SylverReZ the 8 is lower quality imo. Good image processing but the camera itself is kinda terrible. Though maybe I'd have different views if you had control over the camera by default to make them good...
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    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    @impeeza Phones never include the stock app though. So it might as well not be stock.
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    Reactions: impeeza
    @SylverReZ played around with cymera and it looks like the default camera app but if there were more filters/"lens" types. Also lower quality photos.

    Camera M was worth paying for. I can set everything for the camera, I get control over my photo quality, there are tons of handy features like a level and lights to show focus, and it's just nice feeling to control.
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    Reactions: SylverReZ
    Back to transdsi.png. At some point I'll buy some spray paint and make one of my uncleanably dirty shells look like the image.
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    Reactions: impeeza
    Thank you Nintendo for a hundred copies of CardRomHeaderChecker spread across the gigaleaks. I really need to check my card's ROM header. I need all those hundreds of slightly different copies of the same app to check my card's ROM header. Thank you. Much appreciated.
    Finally got COVID-19! Had it from tuesday night until yesterday afternoon. It wasn't too bad except for the fact that I had a sore throat the entire time that made it painful to drink anything.

    I am really happy to be over it now though.
    I'm lucky with my immune system (plus had some help from Mr. Gates) so thankfully it wasn't terrible. I know plenty of other people who had it worse than me and it sounds like it's awful. I'm glad I don't get the full experience.
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    I had it just about a year ago. Was a rough week.
    • Sad
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    I am very glad was so mild with you. I hope next time will be the same. (remember you body will NOT develop immunity to that specifically bugger)
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    Reactions: rvtr
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