Hacking SWITCH NOOB PARADISE - Ask questions here


New Member
Jul 3, 2024
do a fresh install of latest atmosphere, hekate and sigpatchesand delete the themes, did you update everything before updating the firmware?
Nope, basically I tried to start Zelda BOTW and I got a pop-up saying something like "An update is available for your switch. Update it now / Play the game without downloading it". And as you could guess, I naively chose the "update" option, which led me to this issue. I'm going to re-install everything right now and I'll tell you if it got fixed.
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do a fresh install of latest atmosphere, hekate and sigpatchesand delete the themes, did you update everything before updating the firmware?
Just updated all the files and nothing changed, I'm still stuck on this stupid black screen
Last edited by noctiss,


The Treasure Tracker
Oct 19, 2022
Serbia, Republic of
Can I copy saves from an unhacked switch to my pc and then my hacked switch?
You can, however, transfer your save files from one Switch to another by using the Transfer Your Save Data option under System Settings > Data Management. Note that save data can only be transferred between user accounts on those Switches that are linked to the same NNID. If you've never connected your hacked Switch to the Internet, make sure that you have 90DNS or DNS MITM set up beforehand.

Just updated all the files and nothing changed, I'm still stuck on this stupid black screen
Did you update your payloads as well?


Professional GBAtemp Noob
Nov 4, 2015
New York
United States
what payload are you sending, can you go through your steps
ended up doing a full cfw reinstall but I'm still having issues. it worked for a day but my games all crashed and gave me error 0x4A2 (2162-0002) 0100000000001000. I'm using the latest heakte payload and have atmosphere cfw on the most recent fw and my switch v1 is also on the latest fw. I use tegra RCM GUI to send the payload and still have constant issues. Im not sure what else i could possibly do for switch cfw
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ended up doing a full cfw reinstall but I'm still having issues. it worked for a day but my games all crashed and gave me error 0x4A2 (2162-0002) 0100000000001000. I'm using the latest heakte payload and have atmosphere cfw on the most recent fw and my switch v1 is also on the latest fw. I use tegra RCM GUI to send the payload and still have constant issues. Im not sure what else i could possibly do for switch cfw
forgot to mention i have no overlays or no themes installed and most threads say that's what the problem is. this is after a full reset using a Samsung brand fat32 formatted micro sd card
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ended up doing a full cfw reinstall but I'm still having issues. it worked for a day but my games all crashed and gave me error 0x4A2 (2162-0002) 0100000000001000. I'm using the latest heakte payload and have atmosphere cfw on the most recent fw and my switch v1 is also on the latest fw. I use tegra RCM GUI to send the payload and still have constant issues. Im not sure what else i could possibly do for switch cfw
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forgot to mention i have no overlays or no themes installed and most threads say that's what the problem is. this is after a full reset using a Samsung brand fat32 formatted micro sd card
able to get back into CFW (by gods grace idk) only catch is that i have to start the console set up initialization screen each time i want to use cfw... it works though!!!
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ended up doing a full cfw reinstall but I'm still having issues. it worked for a day but my games all crashed and gave me error 0x4A2 (2162-0002) 0100000000001000. I'm using the latest heakte payload and have atmosphere cfw on the most recent fw and my switch v1 is also on the latest fw. I use tegra RCM GUI to send the payload and still have constant issues. Im not sure what else i could possibly do for switch cfw
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forgot to mention i have no overlays or no themes installed and most threads say that's what the problem is. this is after a full reset using a Samsung brand fat32 formatted micro sd card
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able to get back into CFW (by gods grace idk) only catch is that i have to start the console set up initialization screen each time i want to use cfw... it works though!!!
update for the update
it doesnt work again! same
0x4A2 (2162-0002) 0100000000001000C error
Last edited by reymas101,


Jun 21, 2024
United States


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2017
New York City
United States
I said myself that the past is hard to proof, and that I can only proof the present without a doubt. But still, me regularly switching the motherboard would be pretty expensive and what would the intention be, for me lying about it and wasting so much money for it.

About the xcis, you need to use sxos to do gamecard emulation, and there where some problems with sxos itself, that got probably not handled by most people, making it hard to actually identify whether it was game xcis or something else that banned them.
Main problem I remember is that it didn't include atmosheres creport, and I think at least for a while, it also didn't include fatal, through im unsure about the last part.
This means by default a lot of reports where generated, that can leak Info, that atmosphere didn't leak.
I think there where also some xci homebrew applications/mods, that used non existend titleids, and thus would lead to the same problem as nsp homebrew, logs of easy to identify invalid titles, that where only usable with signature patches.
Wherether xci emulation was actually safe enough or not, or if me buying the games shorty after release of early leaked games changed something, I have no idea. I only know, I never got banned for using them offline a few times this way, or for using my personal backups pre new card authentication online.

And for the questionnaire, I even gave you an explicit example of something the user will likely not understand in the same way, as long as they don't know and understand the intent behind it. Not sure if you worked in a job where you need to handle user reports, but users are often not an expert in the topic, their memory can be faulty and they even less can look into your head, so questions need to be as easy to understand as possible, and leave as little room of misunderstanding as possible. Just asking for a specific file format for example will likely be understood as just this format by many. That's why I often explain it differently in the list of likely unsafe things, where I describe it as installing something to the home menu for example nsp/xci files. This is likely still not foolproof, but likely easier to understand ( at least as long as the user understand what the home menu is, which most here probably do).

Also the difference to things like patched switches and the exfat problems is, that we didn't just left it at user reports, and instead we know why those problems happen on a technical level.
Same for unsafe to do things from the reswitched list, we know which traces are likely left behind, and know when those are send.
This means what reswitched says is mostly not just User reports, instead it's user reports confirmed by technical analysis.
So the data you collected is not completelly useless, but it also means it's not evidence in itself for the more generic stuff, like just using cfw with homebrew, leads to bans or your theory about random bans. User reports give us directions we can investigate deeper, and then verify or deny specific claims on a more technical level.
There is no such thing as foolproof and you cannot get any simpler than yes or no questions. Aside from theoretically impossible scenarios such as going to their house to check their console or a program that could track every action they performed their consoles, there are some things you just have to take at face value. Without any evidence that the users did not understand the questionnaire, everything you suggested is completely theoretical. Furthermore, if you are going to underestimate all users as such, they can still easily misunderstand what you suggest and still wind up getting banned because they may not see everything the same way you see it which is highly likely.

I don't see a repository of user reports that ReSwitched used to create their list. If they do have one, they should make it publicly accessible so that there is full transparency in the data they are using. Also, the telemetry they say is being sent are statements they themselves make. You might suggest that this telemetry is something that a person can dig up on their own. But for the vast majority of users, that task is nigh impossible so in essence, ReSwitched are creating the list of what Nintendo sees and doesn't see. The only authority who would make sense to disseminate that information should be Nintendo themselves because Nintendo are the ones who ban users, not ReSwitched. This is also why you cannot dismiss any user submitted claims until fully researching the user because there is always a chance that data is being sent which even ReSwitched are not aware of. I said it once and I shall say it again: ReSwitched are not gospel.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
There is no such thing as foolproof and you cannot get any simpler than yes or no questions. Aside from theoretically impossible scenarios such as going to their house to check their console or a program that could track every action they performed their consoles, there are some things you just have to take at face value. Without any evidence that the users did not understand the questionnaire, everything you suggested is completely theoretical. Furthermore, if you are going to underestimate all users as such, they can still easily misunderstand what you suggest and still wind up getting banned because they may not see everything the same way you see it which is highly likely.

I don't see a repository of user reports that ReSwitched used to create their list. If they do have one, they should make it publicly accessible so that there is full transparency in the data they are using. Also, the telemetry they say is being sent are statements they themselves make. You might suggest that this telemetry is something that a person can dig up on their own. But for the vast majority of users, that task is nigh impossible so in essence, ReSwitched are creating the list of what Nintendo sees and doesn't see. The only authority who would make sense to disseminate that information should be Nintendo themselves because Nintendo are the ones who ban users, not ReSwitched. This is also why you cannot dismiss any user submitted claims until fully researching the user because there is always a chance that data is being sent which even ReSwitched are not aware of. I said it once and I shall say it again: ReSwitched are not gospel.
I never suggested that everyone can go and check all telemetry alone, but that we as community can do that, and did it for some of the known ban problems in the past.
It's also not to hard for people with the know how, to check where things connect to, and if required also what they send. Because of the permission system of hos, it's also not to hard to track what a module has access to in terms of hardware, svcs and system services.
This means we can block all connections not required, which can happen normally without modding, and thus is not a ban reason, and we can analyse the rest of the traffic based on what we know about the system or user reports.
Atmosphere already does this by default, they block trafic not required for normal online use of the system.
For people who want to be extra save, for example because they want to install stuff to the home menu, we have emunand where we can completelly block all traffic via dns and atmospheres dns overwrite. We also have prodinfo blocking, which can be used as long as all relevant server for it are blocked.

Also atmosphere in its default already prevents all things related to accidentally installing things, and thus reduces the surface where people can make mistakes. If they don't use an all on one package, there is some degree of work they need to put into knowing what they are putting on there, which reduces the chance of them not understanding my general list of things that can lead to band.
This is why I normally recommend people to use a clean fresh atmosphere when they want to do cfw stuff online or on the online nand, it reduces the number of potential mistakes the user can make.

We also don't need a full list of bans they analysed from reswitched or a spreadsheet, that alone as I mentioned will not tell us everything, since it's just User reported data, and thus contains all biases comming with it.
From mistakes done by nut understanding things, to miss reports, because something like piracy feels like not socially acceptable, there is a lot that limits the accuracy of the result you can take away from it.
For the full picture, you would need to go after every report, that doesn't have a clear ban reason, talk to them, and best let them also submit a nand dump from the beginning and from the current system. Then Analyse what data there is, that the switch tries to send.
If you do this in the best case you come to one of two results: User mistake, or identifying something we missed.
But this requires a lot of knowledge and work, and is only worth it when there is a clear reason to suspect it to be something new, like a big wave of people getting banned, that did nothing problematic.
As far as I remember, some reswitched members did go after cases of bans early on, resulting in the current state of whats unsafe, and probably unsafe.

Also if you think most users will understand something like "did you install any nsp" as "did you install any application to the switches home menu, either from a ns*, xc* or via self installing" then you are actually delisional.
At least this point alone will 100% lead to errors in your data, since it's to specific for people to grasp all it should cover.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2022
Updated CFW, AMS, used sys-patch. Still no dice. Any other ideas I could possibly try? Pretty close to giving up on getting the DLC to work, not sure what else to try at this point.

You stated before that you couldn't get linkalho to work. Do you mean you didn't get linkalho to work, or that you got the app to work but it didn't fix the DLC issue?


Dec 17, 2023
@Hayato213 and @impeeza
I'm sorry to bother you guys specifically but since you helped a lot by the past about restoring nand and the risk of ban , i think it would be wiser to ask you first before doing anything.

Here's my problem. I got a hardware problem that makes my switch booting into ofw and cfw sysNAND a pain.The error is "your emmc is initialized in slower mode" and it happens after restoring a nand backup. Sometimes it crashes and sometimes not. The emuNAND is working flawlessly tho.

I did researches and I've found that it's either :
1-A nand problem
2-A sd card or a sd card reader problem
3-A picofly soldering problem

I replaced the sd card and the sd card reader and it still crashes randomly on ofw and cfw sysnand.Meaning that it's either the emmc chip that needs to be replaced or the picofly chip that needs to be soldered more properly.

So I'm gonna replace the emmc and if it doesn't work.I will have to pay a pro to solder my chip properly again.

So I was wondering.Since my emuNAND is working flawlessly,can't I just transfer my nand to a second emuNAND by restoring it and play online with it since it's clean ? The only problem is the fuses... I don't know if they burn or not in emuNAND if I update from nintendo servers directly.

(Apparently a guy made a clean emummc and went online and didnt get banned after 2 years : https://gbatemp.net/threads/multipl...restoring-a-clean-nand-for-online-use.562188/)


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2024
United States
So I was wondering.Since my emuNAND is working flawlessly,can't I just transfer my nand to a second emuNAND by restoring it and play online with it since it's clean ? The only problem is the fuses... I don't know if they burn or not in emuNAND if I update from nintendo servers directly.
Fuses only burn when booting with official nintendo bootloader. Because you'll be booting with hekate or fusee always, they will never burn. It doesnt really matter if fuses burn though (and it might be better to let them burn, nintendo could end up checking them one day)
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New Member
Jul 6, 2024
I have two related problems.
I am installing a lot of games through DBI, MTP responder and a lot of them, but not at all, fail. They show a program without and icon and it says "unable to start program". I have updated sigpatches and all of that.
The other related problem is that when I go to uninstall the programs from the Switch is says that they weight like a handful of MB, but in reality the weigh some GBs that I am not able to remove and they keep occupying space. Thank you in advance!


Dec 26, 2015
United States
@Hayato213 and @impeeza
I'm sorry to bother you guys specifically but since you helped a lot by the past about restoring nand and the risk of ban , i think it would be wiser to ask you first before doing anything.

Here's my problem. I got a hardware problem that makes my switch booting into ofw and cfw sysNAND a pain.The error is "your emmc is initialized in slower mode" and it happens after restoring a nand backup. Sometimes it crashes and sometimes not. The emuNAND is working flawlessly tho.

I did researches and I've found that it's either :
1-A nand problem
2-A sd card or a sd card reader problem
3-A picofly soldering problem

I replaced the sd card and the sd card reader and it still crashes randomly on ofw and cfw sysnand.Meaning that it's either the emmc chip that needs to be replaced or the picofly chip that needs to be soldered more properly.

So I'm gonna replace the emmc and if it doesn't work.I will have to pay a pro to solder my chip properly again.

So I was wondering.Since my emuNAND is working flawlessly,can't I just transfer my nand to a second emuNAND by restoring it and play online with it since it's clean ? The only problem is the fuses... I don't know if they burn or not in emuNAND if I update from nintendo servers directly.

(Apparently a guy made a clean emummc and went online and didnt get banned after 2 years : https://gbatemp.net/threads/multipl...restoring-a-clean-nand-for-online-use.562188/)

What brand emmc is it? Hynix, Samsung etc?


Dec 17, 2023
Fuses only burn when booting with official nintendo bootloader. Because you'll be booting with hekate or fusee always, they will never burn. It doesnt really matter if fuses burn though (and it might be better to let them burn, nintendo could end up checking them one day)
Oh so it means it’s safe to update through Nintendo servers in emuNAND ? And then boot one time to ofw just to burn fuses. That would be the “safe” spot ?


Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
@Hayato213 and @impeeza
I'm sorry to bother you guys specifically but since you helped a lot by the past about restoring nand and the risk of ban , i think it would be wiser to ask you first before doing anything.

Here's my problem. I got a hardware problem that makes my switch booting into ofw and cfw sysNAND a pain.The error is "your emmc is initialized in slower mode" and it happens after restoring a nand backup. Sometimes it crashes and sometimes not. The emuNAND is working flawlessly tho.

I did researches and I've found that it's either :
1-A nand problem
2-A sd card or a sd card reader problem
3-A picofly soldering problem

I replaced the sd card and the sd card reader and it still crashes randomly on ofw and cfw sysnand.Meaning that it's either the emmc chip that needs to be replaced or the picofly chip that needs to be soldered more properly.

So I'm gonna replace the emmc and if it doesn't work.I will have to pay a pro to solder my chip properly again.

So I was wondering.Since my emuNAND is working flawlessly,can't I just transfer my nand to a second emuNAND by restoring it and play online with it since it's clean ? The only problem is the fuses... I don't know if they burn or not in emuNAND if I update from nintendo servers directly.

(Apparently a guy made a clean emummc and went online and didnt get banned after 2 years : https://gbatemp.net/threads/multipl...restoring-a-clean-nand-for-online-use.562188/)
By the software side you must not go back in time for the Big N servers, read the


specially the post https://gbatemp.net/threads/nintendo-switch-banning-hub-warning.508710/post-10443235
Post automatically merged:

Also you an always take a backup of your nand chip and restore to a new one (there is a thread dedicated to that here, and even a Youtube video made by a temper about the issue)

But your error is normally a bad modchip installation issue, make your console inspected by someone with experience, normally is a shortcut or a damaged trace.
Last edited by impeeza,
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