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[POLL] 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

For whom will/would you vote?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2013
United States
Enthusiasm for Biden is almost non-existent. You can see the videos for the anti-communist Latinos for Trump caravan that occurred.

Can't say the same for Biden.

And as for news organizations and their bias, LOL.

Just today CNN skipped much live footage of the ACB hearing, can't have the people seeing anything they don't have the chance to cut out anything they don't want people to see.

If you are trying to argue CNN is more objective overall than Fox. Too funny.

Did CNN report on how Biden said that voters don't deserve to know his stance on court packing? Can't seem to find that.
If Trump's campaign is so exciting, then why is he lagging so far behind in fundraising and polling? Ask Bernie Sanders how far excitement gets you without public support. And do you honestly expect us to believe that you visit right-wing extremist websites for their unbiased reporting? Your crusade against media bias isn't fooling anyone.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2013
United States
it's the only talking points the republicans have right now. they are freaking out because they can't lie cheat and steal fast enough to win this election.

standard BS, "polls don't matter, unless it says good stuff about trump"

"you're not hearing the silent majority, even though Trumpers are close to vegans in self-identification"

"Joe biden blinked his left eye before his right eye, he must have ALS!"

"oh it's not ok for you guys to bring up the fly that sat on pence's head for 2 whole minutes, that's just rude!"
Imagine this scenario:

You were recently hired as an internal pollster for the Trump campaign. You didn't sleep all night as you were putting the finishing touches on your poll sampling methodology. You run the poll. The result of the poll shows Trump trailing Biden by 10 points!!!

wat do?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
If Trump's campaign is so exciting, then why is he lagging so far behind in fundraising and polling? Ask Bernie Sanders how far excitement gets you without public support. And do you honestly expect us to believe that you visit right-wing extremist websites for their unbiased reporting? Your crusade against media bias isn't fooling anyone.

I don't believe polls are accurate on this, and we will see soon who is right.

As for money Trump is not bringing in peanuts. So any difference does not mean anything without deeper inspection of the data. There are plenty of organizations that don't want Trump as president. That does not necessarily mean enthusiasm in Joe, it could just be as simple as not Trump.

Wherever Biden goes no one really seems to care. Biden handlers chose someone who did very terrible in the primaries who thinks her running mate sexually assaulted women, who also basically asked questions indicating he was a racist, but prefaced it with I don't think you are a racist. What a winning combo there. We will see what it truly translates to soon.

I am not trying to fool anyone, I call them like I see them. I think you are fooling yourself. You actually find someone like Biden and Harris a good team to run this country? I don't think Biden could handle running a lemonade stand by himself.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
Had to laugh at this.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—According to anonymous sources, local liberal man Penn Millikers proposed to his girlfriend but has refused to reveal his position on adultery until after the wedding is over.

The staunch Democrat said he wants the woman to marry him but won't reveal his position on adultery until the marriage is finalized.

"Listen, I love you, babe, but you don't deserve to know what I think about adultery until you say 'I do,'" he told her during a romantic dinner just after he proposed.

"No matter how many times his girlfriend asked, Millikers refused to give a straight answer," said the anonymous source. "He said something like: 'Lookie here, Jill! If I tell you right now whether or not I plan to remain faithful to you, that would become the story! This is just a distraction! I think it's better to just get married first with no prenup. Then I'll tell you what I plan to do.'"

Other things he refuses to reveal his position on include taking showers, putting socks in the hamper, going out drinking with the boys every night, and watching sports all day while he ignores his family.

"You'll find out my positions on these issues once we are married."


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2013
United States
I don't believe polls are accurate on this, and we will see soon who is right.
You don't believe in poll accuracy, yet you believed that a single freaking poll from an unknown source was proof that thousands of polls from reputable sources were wrong and then linked us to an article that built a strawman out of it.
As for money Trump is not bringing in peanuts. So any difference does not mean anything without deeper inspection of the data. There are plenty of organizations that don't want Trump as president. That does not necessarily mean enthusiasm in Joe, it could just be as simple as not Trump.

Wherever Biden goes no one really seems to care.
The Trump campaign raised only 58% of Biden's haul in August. Wherever Biden goes people care enough to donate money in record numbers -- shattering fundraising records in back to back months:

Biden campaign hauls in record $364M in August

AP sources: Biden shatters fundraising records in September
I am not trying to fool anyone, I call them like I see them. I think you are fooling yourself. You actually find someone like Biden and Harris a good team to run this country? I don't think Biden could handle running a lemonade stand by himself.
Anyone concerned with media bias isn't going to frequent the extremist websites you keep linking us to. Those websites are literally the rogues' gallery of nutter journalism.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
You don't believe in poll accuracy, yet you believed that a single freaking poll from an unknown source was proof that thousands of polls from reputable sources were wrong and then linked us to an article that built a strawman out of it.

The Trump campaign raised only 58% of Biden's haul in August. Wherever Biden goes people care enough to donate money in record numbers -- shattering fundraising records in back to back months:

Biden campaign hauls in record $364M in August

AP sources: Biden shatters fundraising records in September

Anyone concerned with media bias isn't going to frequent the extremist websites you keep linking us to. Those websites are literally the rogues' gallery of nutter journalism.

LOL Trump only raised 58% of Biden's haul in August. So what? They still had a lot of money come in. 58% of a lot is not a little.

It's not peanuts, and I would argue there are greater forces at play here and you think it indicates enthusiasm for Biden. That is the best the dems could come up with? A guy who has now 2 times stated in the last 8 months he is running for senate and often has no clue where is at. Before the 1st debate often ended his day of activities at 9:00 in the morning. (hmm) Often gets figures wrong, didn't he say half of America died from Covid awhile back? (200 Million back at the end of September) And in June he said 120 million dead from Covid-19.

So am I surprised they think they need to REALLY pump this guy full of money? NO LOL he needs it more than anyone if you ask me.

The liberal media coddles the guy for fear he will say the next extremely racist or offensive thing. Almost 0 pressure on anything.

Not even sure why you care what I think since you know you are so right. We will soon see how accurate you were.
Last edited by crimpshrine,


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
LOL, Biden does not do well off teleprompter does he? I hope they continue to let him speak freely.

Joe Biden was quick to dismiss voters who say they are better off now than they were in 2016.

A recent Gallup poll taken Sept. 14-28 made headlines after it revealed that 56 percent of voters said they were better off now than they were four years ago. Just 32 percent of them said they were worse off.

During an interview with Cincinnati's WKRC Local 12 on Monday, reporter Kyle Inskeep cited the Gallup poll and asked the Democratic nominee, "Why should people who feel that they're better off today under a Trump administration vote for you?"

"Well if they think that, they probably shouldn't," Biden responded.

"They think- 54 percent of the American people believe they're better off economically today than they were under our administration? Well, their memory is not very good, quite frankly," Biden told Inskeep.

So I guess that makes it 4 for today.

Forgot which state he was in. (Tweeted that he was in Pennsylvania when he was actually in Ohio)
Forgot Mitt Romney's name and instead referred to him as "a Mormon."
Forgot which office he was running for.
Lost 2% of a figure 15 seconds after it is told to him, and then tells the reporter the peoples memory is not very good.
Last edited by crimpshrine,


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2020
United States
The Liberal Media run polls are polling Liberals so of course Biden is showing an advantage. The entire media complex is almost all left wing so that explains that. If the non-Internet posting people who have jobs and value life all show up the results could be very different. Let's hope so as if Biden wins he's going to move us closer to the end times.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
fixed it for you, hopefully it's already been fixed multiple times though.

Please don't twist my words.

Name one good example of where extreme right is active and a real threat to Western society. Chances are, you don't even know the definition of it, and see Trump as extreme right.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2020
United States
Please don't twist my words.

Name one good example of where extreme right is active and a real threat to Western society. Chances are, you don't even know the definition of it, and see Trump as extreme right.

Indeed. "Far Right" is just another word for racist or phobic. It doesn't actually apply to the real far right, but only signals Liberals to close their eyes and mind when they hear it. Kinda sad.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Indeed. "Far Right" is just another word for racist or phobic. It doesn't actually apply to the real far right, but only signals Liberals to close their eyes and mind when they hear it. Kinda sad.

Same about the word racist. I believe it was in the 50s, that people of color weren't allowed in diners, or had to sit in a seperate corner. They got beaten up because they weren't white. They were raped and killed in their own houses... That's racism, that's far right.

Not allowing immigrants to illegaly enter the country, while there are legal methods to do so, is not racism. We have borders for a reason. Civilization has been around for a few thousand years, yet, not one first world country has open borders. Why is that? Because open borders don't work.

Deleted User

Please don't twist my words.

Name one good example of where extreme right is active and a real threat to Western society. Chances are, you don't even know the definition of it, and see Trump as extreme right.
the current GOP.
Well let's define extreme right then or in other words "alt-right." not even going to use it's euphemism everyone has grown accustom to using. Racism, xenophobic, fascism. Ultra nationalism, and classism, and authoritarianism.
Oh and for scale, let's look at political compass, to learn why I don't like Biden. this also gives a chance to look at the stunted political spectrum the states has and start thinking a little more dynamically here with politics. Since saying left or right is incredibly inadequate

here's our current candidates we have
Anyone noticing something?

okay perhaps this image might just make it clear.
Anyone seeing the issue?
Is it that we consider sanders as "too left" when he barely squeaks by and that biden is somehow left when he isn't even in the center of the fucking authoritarian right quadrant?
Also notice trump is muuuuch higher in authoritarian than everyone else... Oh wait you want other people to compare?

hmmmm. Hitler is pretty high up in authoritarianism.
And trump is too. That definitely can't be because you know, Trump being a racist, and saying that fucking concentration camps are okay when he met with the north Korean leader? (it's in bolton's book)
It also can't be that Hitler had his own base of people he would rile up, or state that jews are out to take your jobs. almost as if trump saying they are out to take your jobs or somehow illegally vote... that's a hmmm
Or perhaps you know with Trump saying that he wish he could kill the press or arrest them totally not similar to hitler's first concentration camps were for people who spoke ill of him or people that were against his political views
do you see the connections yet?
. Or trump stating that he wants a third term... just like how hilter bent the democracy that was left in Germany through just a couple of new laws that gave all power to him
Or what about trump telling people to be poll watchers illegally? You know, rile people up or get them spooked
Or how about the texas leader, deciding to reduce all mail in ballot boxes to one in each county. When that is already known it's going to disproportionately effect democrat voters if you reduce it to one. Since some of these gerrymandered counties are so big that box could be more than an hour a way.
as if they want to idk, try to rig the election just maaaaaybe
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GBAtemp's Resident Bastard
Aug 21, 2012
Penguin Village
United States
the current GOP.
Well let's define extreme right then or in other words "alt-right." not even going to use it's euphemism everyone has grown accustom to using. Racism, xenophobic, fascism. Ultra nationalism, and classism, and authoritarianism.
Oh and for scale, let's look at political compass, to learn why I don't like Biden. this also gives a chance to look at the stunted political spectrum the states has and start thinking a little more dynamically here with politics. Since saying left or right is incredibly inadequate
View attachment 229003
here's our current candidates we have
Anyone noticing something?
View attachment 229008
okay perhaps this image might just make it clear.
Anyone seeing the issue?
Is it that we consider sanders as "too left" when he barely squeaks by and that biden is somehow left when he isn't even in the center of the fucking authoritarian right quadrant?
Also notice trump is muuuuch higher in authoritarian than everyone else... Oh wait you want other people to compare?
View attachment 229009
hmmmm. Hitler is pretty high up in authoritarianism.
And trump is too. That definitely can't be because you know, Trump being a racist, and saying that fucking concentration camps are okay when he met with the north Korean leader? (it's in bolton's book)
It also can't be that Hitler had his own base of people he would rile up, or state that jews are out to take your jobs. almost as if trump saying they are out to take your jobs or somehow illegally vote... that's a hmmm
Or perhaps you know with Trump saying that he wish he could kill the press or arrest them totally not similar to hitler's first concentration camps were for people who spoke ill of him or people that were against his political views
do you see the connections yet?
. Or trump stating that he wants a third term... just like how hilter bent the democracy that was left in Germany through just a couple of new laws that gave all power to him
Or what about trump telling people to be poll watchers illegally? You know, rile people up or get them spooked
Or how about the texas leader, deciding to reduce all mail in ballot boxes to one in each county. When that is already known it's going to disproportionately effect democrat voters if you reduce it to one. Since some of these gerrymandered counties are so big that box could be more than an hour a way.
as if they want to idk, try to rig the election just maaaaaybe
Where do these graphs come from? Who made them and what is the justification for where everyone lies?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
Looks like he does not know how long Trump has been president. Or about the twenty-second amendment.

Biden: "Ohio and Florida are two critically important states that are very close that Trump won significantly the last two times."



Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2018
United States
It kind of helps when lawmakers know how to make laws
The idea behind term limits (among other things beyond the scope of this conversation) is to require lawmakers to live under the same laws they impose. It is a beautiful concept, I wish I could get you on board.

Secondly, the idea that "lawmaking" is some esoteric line of work, that the population could just not handle is just a lie. It's a lie the populace has bought for well over a thousand years, and the lie has kept a history of kings, dictators, parliaments in power to the detriment of that very populace.
Your mistake here is that you have really granted to much credit to any congress, as if it is made up with a series of ultra-intelligent individuals who are philosophers and hard-working at heart. The best and the brightest among us.
In reality, we have a series of individuals that spend 90% of their 'job' self-promoting, accruing bloated administrations, mastering hand-shakes with the lobbyists, expensive dinners for fundraising events, all while most of them struggle to empathize with the very public they are supposed to represent. It's a shame you endow these people with so much credit and admiration! It's a shame you believe that you or I or anyone could not comprehend how to say 'yay or nay' as it relates to a law and how it will impact our lives! It's a shame!

We must treat government as a public service not a career!
Last edited by 0x3000027E,

Deleted User

Where do these graphs come from? Who made them and what is the justification for where everyone lies?
for the first 2 color images
the last non colored one
The creator of it isn't entirely clear. As you can't really find out. Outside of them being most likely some way based in the UK. Which due to this does make some people criticizes it's validity. However if that were to be the case (if it was trying to make some skew) given how accurately everything is generally placed. It's hard to really argue that there could be a skew.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Source checking and context is everything.

Bolton really isn't a reliable source, given he didn't leave in the best of circumstances. Your ex probably won't shower you with roses either.

Those graphs also don't really show a lot of evidence to back up their claims. "We analyzed this and that" doesn't really count, unless you give an indepth details of how and who made it.

As for the 3th term, he also said he was entitled to a 4th turn and more. Info you would have known, if you actually saw the clip unbiased and saw he was clearly joking.

And comparing Trump to Hitler in any way, is a hit in the face of those who lived through the second World War. Trump is against illegal immigration, way different from killing millions of people, not just jews.

Deleted User

Source checking and context is everything.

Bolton really isn't a reliable source, given he didn't leave in the best of circumstances. Your ex probably won't shower you with roses either.

Those graphs also don't really show a lot of evidence to back up their claims. "We analyzed this and that" doesn't really count, unless you give an indepth details of how and who made it.

As for the 3th term, he also said he was entitled to a 4th turn and more. Info you would have known, if you actually saw the clip unbiased and saw he was clearly joking.

And comparing Trump to Hitler in any way, is a hit in the face of those who lived through the second World War. Trump is against illegal immigration, way different from killing millions of people, not just jews.
ah yes he must of joking just like how he asked if you could inject lysol into the body and that was a joke. What is the count of people he claims he doesn't know but hired, again in the white house? And how many of them have either been arrested or fired?
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