Hacking Wii U Hacking & Homebrew Discussion


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2012
The Everfree Forest
United States
Do you think that would be possible by comparing the nus updates of 4.00 and 4.10 to the current rop chains and offsets of the files in the userspace ? Then just doing a find and replace for 3.1?

That'd be how you do it, yes. I'm not sure how the system RPLs are created, but it should give you the address just from the RPL (since it's basically an ELF). ROP gadgets will most likely be different though, since there's no telling if you'll find multiple needed lines before a return or just one. If all gadgets were one line, then yeah it'd probably be easy.


Feb 1, 2008
Level 7
United States
That'd be how you do it, yes. I'm not sure how the system RPLs are created, but it should give you the address just from the RPL (since it's basically an ELF). ROP gadgets will most likely be different though, since there's no telling if you'll find multiple needed lines before a return or just one. If all gadgets were one line, then yeah it'd probably be easy.

i'll give it a shot, ive tried using that crediar nus thing to no avail.
i realize there is no point for this, other then self interest at this point. i forsee it not jumping out at me at it would need to be as i know nothing about anything. it even took me a good while to figure out to convert the ip into hex for that socket.c file, i did try the 4 browser exploit for kicks and the wiiu freezes but nothing shows up in the python shell.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2012
The Everfree Forest
United States
i'll give it a shot, ive tried using that crediar nus thing to no avail.
i realize there is no point for this, other then self interest at this point. i forsee it not jumping out at me at it would need to be as i know nothing about anything. it even took me a good while to figure out to convert the ip into hex for that socket.c file, i did try the 4 browser exploit for kicks and the wiiu freezes but nothing shows up in the python shell.

1) You need to first use the modified NUSD to download the binaries you want (with title-id and version, keep them encrypted), then redownload the tmd since it's glitched, and then use CDecrypt to extract.
2) Should just be a simple ipconfig -all to find the IPv4 needed, then convert that to hex using this, replacing the old hex in socket.h, compiling using cygwin or linux or w/e, then running the rpc file using IDLE, running the file on your Wii U, then entering commands like rpc.get_symbol()
Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Home
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 6C-71-D9-23-63-F9
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::1523:ef43:7383:10d7%12(Preferred)
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : < YOU WANT THIS
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Sunday, February 22, 2015 12:26:23 AM
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Tuesday, February 24, 2015 6:15:34 PM
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 258765273
DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-18-BC-B3-3D-6C-71-D9-23-63-F9
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
Side Note: You're basically using the router as the central access point. Both your computer and the Wii U need to be connected to it, and then it relays data across the network between your Wii U and computer. If everything is correct it should say it connected. It's kinda picky sometimes though :/
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Feb 1, 2008
Level 7
United States
1) You need to first use the modified NUSD to download the binaries you want (with title-id and version, keep them encrypted), then redownload the tmd since it's glitched, and then use CDecrypt to extract.
2) Should just be a simple ipconfig -all to find the IPv4 needed, then convert that to hex using this, replacing the old hex in socket.h, compiling using cygwin or linux or w/e, then running the rpc file using IDLE, running the file on your Wii U, then entering commands like rpc.get_symbol()
Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Home
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 6C-71-D9-23-63-F9
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::1523:ef43:7383:10d7%12(Preferred)
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : < YOU WANT THIS
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Sunday, February 22, 2015 12:26:23 AM
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Tuesday, February 24, 2015 6:15:34 PM
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 258765273
DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-18-BC-B3-3D-6C-71-D9-23-63-F9
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
Side Note: You're basically using the router as the central access point. Both your computer and the Wii U need to be connected to it, and then it relays data across the network between your Wii U and computer. If everything is correct it should say it connected. It's kinda picky sometimes though :/

well i'm not a total idiot i knew what my local ip, i just didn't recognize it was in hex at first and kept getting string errors.

i'll take a look at that convo you started. then ill figure out the right title id to download. i'd imagine there will be a lot of sifting through files just to find stuff relevant to the browser

i tried that windows iis thing and could not figure out jow to get the pages to load on other computers connected to the same network (so i guess i am a total idiot) but then i just figured screw it and uploaded everything to a site i have,


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2012
The Everfree Forest
United States
well i'm not a total idiot i knew what my local ip, i just didn't recognize it was in hex at first and kept getting string errors.

i'll take a look at that convo you started. then ill figure out the right title id to download. i'd imagine there will be a lot of sifting through files just to find stuff relevant to the browser

i tried that windows iis thing and could not figure out jow to get the pages to load on other computers connected to the same network (so i guess i am a total idiot) but then i just figured screw it and uploaded everything to a site i have,

That should work too, html files don't need to be local, you just need that router connection. I was also tailoring that towards everyone, not just you. I made a thread about it a while ago but it got buried, and I'm not sure how up to date it is. Any more questions? :P There's not much else to talk about since kernel exploit is still being worked on.


Feb 1, 2008
Level 7
United States
That should work too, html files don't need to be local, you just need that router connection. I was also tailoring that towards everyone, not just you. I made a thread about it a while ago but it got buried, and I'm not sure how up to date it is. Any more questions? :P There's not much else to talk about since kernel exploit is still being worked on.

not at the moment, but that could change in seconds so i do appreciate the help.

i heard whats holding up the kernel exploit is that they can't get the konami code to stick ... dumping/decrypting nes games can be cumbersome


On permanent leave
Dec 31, 2013
all seems a little cloak n dagger all of a sudden in here .. smoke and mirrors.
That's because the situation is convenient for NWPlayer123 right now. He avoids responsibility and says to go back "on topic" when there's really nothing to be discussed. He himself said that much already:
Any more questions? :P There's not much else to talk about since kernel exploit is still being worked on.
And so I feel it's at least relevant to talk about donations that go towards the development of this kernel exploit (at this point I'm actually questioning the progress made towards releasing it) just as much as it is relevant to talk about Wii U hacking in general in this thread. NWPlayer123's involvement in the project was stated more than once and not only about his role as "PR". Even though he said in our PM conversation that he doesn't want it to seem like donations are needed, Hykem in fact announced in this very thread that he is still looking for donations while also stating the role NWPlayer123 is in:
Still looking for donations. For now we're using NWPlayer123's Wii U remotely, while he has it available.
NWPlayer123 seems confident in just "taking back" his statement, which is unfair to me as I approached him via PM directing questions to the team and him as the PR of the project and he didn't correct me. Instead he went on to misrepresent the team as a whole, as I was still in belief that NWPlayer123 has a substantial role as actual PR for the team. He says afterwards I should go to Hykem:
Then I took back what I said in that post Besides, I would think it's common sense that if it's going to Hykem, then obviously you should talk to him and not someone who may be less informed. Never once was mentioned a fund for the entire team. As long as things are cleared up, I don't care if I make a mistake (I will admit to it though). Sorry for confusing you, can we get back on topic finally?
His tone in the PM was very different as he kept misrepresenting himself and spoke on behalf of the team involved, which in this case makes him obviously the first line to ask about donations directed to the project. A simple "Sorry for confusing you, can we get back on topic finally?" is just a convenient excuse for him. NWPlayer123 has misrepresented himself to me and is not taking responsibility. This is sad because I asked about the highest donation in the PM for one reason only and that was to double the highest donation. I believe donors should be credited and that's why I approhaced the "PR" of the team first before proceeding with the funds. I'm now leaning towards no longer supporting any project NWPlayer123 is involved in. That said, if another group needs funding and keeps me in the loop, I'm more than open to talk about donating.

I think this way because in 2004 I was myself approached by another gentleman offering donations and without him some parts of the GameCube scene would not have existed. "Free time" outside school is limited and we've seen it several times how many projects are discontinued due to lack of time and/or interest. Donations are just one way to effectively motivate the group working on a project and I'm currently in a good financial situation that I'm willing to give back to the community and scene. I felt like announcing this here because what NWPlayer123 has shown is unprofessional behavior and he is only trying to brush off this matter like it never happened.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2013
That's because the situation is convenient for NWPlayer123 right now. He avoids responsibility and says to go back "on topic" when there's really nothing to be discussed. He himself said that much already:And so I feel it's at least relevant to talk about donations that go towards the development of this kernel exploit (at this point I'm actually questioning the progress made towards releasing it) just as much as it is relevant to talk about Wii U hacking in general in this thread. NWPlayer123's involvement in the project was stated more than once and not only about his role as "PR". Even though he said in our PM conversation that he doesn't want it to seem like donations are needed, Hykem in fact announced in this very thread that he is still looking for donations while also stating the role NWPlayer123 is in:NWPlayer123 seems confident in just "taking back" his statement, which is unfair to me as I approached him via PM directing questions to the team and him as the PR of the project and he didn't correct me. Instead he went on to misrepresent the team as a whole, as I was still in belief that NWPlayer123 has a substantial role as actual PR for the team. He says afterwards I should go to Hykem:His tone in the PM was very different as he kept misrepresenting himself and spoke on behalf of the team involved, which in this case makes him obviously the first line to ask about donations directed to the project. A simple "Sorry for confusing you, can we get back on topic finally?" is just a convenient excuse for him. NWPlayer123 has misrepresented himself to me and is not taking responsibility. This is sad because I asked about the highest donation in the PM for one reason only and that was to double the highest donation. I believe donors should be credited and that's why I approhaced the "PR" of the team first before proceeding with the funds. I'm now leaning towards no longer supporting any project NWPlayer123 is involved in. That said, if another group needs funding and keeps me in the loop, I'm more than open to talk about donating.

I think this way because in 2004 I was myself approached by another gentleman offering donations and without him some parts of the GameCube scene would not have existed. "Free time" outside school is limited and we've seen it several times how many projects are discontinued due to lack of time and/or interest. Donations are just one way to effectively motivate the group working on a project and I'm currently in a good financial situation that I'm willing to give back to the community and scene. I felt like announcing this here because what NWPlayer123 has shown is unprofessional behavior and he is only trying to brush off this matter like it never happened.

I'm just going to keep this short and sweet. SHUT UP !!!! rambling on and on do you think it will change anything??. The only thing yourself and the rest of the whiners are doing is taking this thread off topic and boring people to death with one upsmanship between one another.

Just suck it up whether you are right or wrong!!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2012
The Everfree Forest
United States
Questioning my morals has no relevance whatsoever to hacking the Wii U (unless of course you want to accuse me of lying to everyone since the very beginning with the BootROM dumper :P I don't think very many people will side with you on that).
If you want to discuss funding someone, do it with the person whom it actually concerns, because as you can clearly tell nobody else gives a shit.
Now, I'm done arguing with you. I've ignored you and I don't plan to respond to any more of your posts in the near future.
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On permanent leave
Dec 31, 2013
I'm just going to keep this short and sweet. SHUT UP !!!! rambling on and on do you think it will change anything??. The only thing yourself and the rest of the whiners are doing is taking this thread off topic and boring people to death with one upsmanship between one another.

Just suck it up whether you are right or wrong!!

That's what I said: I'm shutting up. I also said I'm not donating any more, which I would've loved to do. This isn't the scene I grew up with.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2015
Questioning my morals has no relevance whatsoever to hacking the Wii U (unless of course you want to accuse me of lying to everyone since the very beginning with the BootROM dumper :P I don't think very many people will side with you on that).
If you want to discuss funding someone, do it with the person whom it actually concerns, because as you can clearly tell nobody else gives a shit.
Now, I'm done arguing with you. I've ignored you and I don't plan to respond to any more of your posts in the near future.

The first mistake you made was not forwarding shinkodachi's proposed donation and conditions of said donation to the relevant person. Your second mistake was disrespecting the highest donating party of the project so far. Why you would do either of these things is completely beyond me. You've alienated potential future donators, and have simultaneously exposed a serious lack of communication within the team. Equally, your tone is condescending at best and contradicting at the least; it's okay to discuss donations because it's 'on topic' but questioning the fruition of said donations is 'not relevant'? Yeah, alright then. I suggest you relinquish this self-professed 'role' and only communicate facts of progress at this point because you're only making it worse - ignoring somebody whom just donated $100 to your cause is absolutely ridiculous. Probably one of the most pompous things I've ever seen.
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Licensed Nintendo (indie) Game Developer
Apr 3, 2014
Planet Earth :P
United States
Okay, first of all any donations made to anyone should be taken up directly with the individual the donation would be made to. Did NWPlayer123 make a mistake in falsely stating the Hykem didn't need any more money for a Wii U? Yes, but he is not Hykem. Everybody is going to make mistakes at one time or another. As for the donation to Hykem, shinkodachi should've contacted him directly instead of contacting somebody else to get a straight answer.

I do appreciate what you've done Shin by donating to Hykem, because that's amazing and a good chunk of money to boot. That was a great thing you did, so don't misunderstand me :). Its just that NWP answered your inquiry to the best of his ability and if you wanted to know if Hykem needed more money you should've PM'd him directly instead of doing it by proxy is all.

This is a big misunderstanding, nothing more.

As for donations from myself, I'm willing to give some "in kind donations" once my new Wii U comes in. Its a brand new console (NSMBU + NSLBU bundle) from ebay. I have no idea what firmware is one it, because I don't know when the seller picked it up, but as soon as I get it and fire it on I will post back here. If its got a firmware above 5.1.0, I will help in the efforts for finding a new Webkit exploit (I don't know html5 or javascript or any of that fancy stuff, but I can certainly test things out for you).

If it turns out the console has a firmware that's compatible with the current Webkit exploit, I will be more than happy to beta test what you have thus far (for the kernel portion). I'm familiar with ASM (although I'm still learning the instruction set for PPC and ARM) and the MATLAB programming language (although I'm pretty sure MATLAB is useless for this XD, but figured you'd want some background in my programming skills). I also know very basic html3, but nothing modern. Marionumber1


On permanent leave
Dec 31, 2013
As for the donation to Hykem, shinkodachi should've contacted him directly instead of contacting somebody else to get a straight answer.
I have a question: if you want to be a partner/sponsor/donor to a project, do you talk to an "employee" or public relations? When I donated the initial $100, I asked the person in need of the money to personally approach me, which is what Hykem did. I wanted to donate more, however not necessarily directly to Hykem but the group as a whole, on the condition that I'm credited for donating to the project.

From what I gathered here in this thread, NWPlayer123 seemed like the party to talk to, not Hykem. I figured that Hykem doesn't have the authority or say in this matter, which is why I looked "higher up" in the chain and this is where NWPlayer123 came into play. If this is all a misunderstanding, NWPlayer123 should have corrected me on his definition of "PR" and told me to talk to Hykem directly, just like he has done here in the thread. Excuse me for being so stupid not to talk to Hykem in the first place, it seems it was a mistake to donate anything at all.
Are you going to cancel the transaction or declare it fradulent?

I've actually contacted Hykem now and want to hear his thoughts first before anything.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
I have a question: if you want to be a partner/sponsor/donor to a project, do you talk to an "employee" or public relations? When I donated the initial $100, I asked the person in need of the money to personally approach me, which is what Hykem did. I wanted to donate more, however not necessarily directly to Hykem but the group as a whole, on the condition that I'm credited for donating to the project.

From what I gathered here in this thread, NWPlayer123 seemed like the party to talk to, not Hykem. I figured that Hykem doesn't have the authority or say in this matter, which is why I looked "higher up" in the chain and this is where NWPlayer123 came into play. If this is all a misunderstanding, NWPlayer123 should have corrected me on his definition of "PR" and told me to talk to Hykem directly, just like he has done here in the thread. Excuse me for being so stupid not to talk to Hykem in the first place, it seems it was a mistake to donate anything at all.

I've actually contacted Hykem now and want to hear his thoughts first before anything.

Well he'll obviously say he doesn't want you to cancel it, but other than that I'm not the guy so I can't speak for him.
It's your decision, end of the day, but you better hurry, pretty sure there's a time limit on transactions or something.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2011
Well he'll obviously say he doesn't want you to cancel it, but other than that I'm not the guy so I can't speak for him.
It's your decision, end of the day, but you better hurry, pretty sure there's a time limit on transactions or something.

he got 60 or 90 days to chargeback with the bank, they always refund anyways
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