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  • You should use WordPress for your site ;)
    (but this is coming from someone who detests website building sites)
    I'm old school, I only know html3, I'm not really a web programmer tbh. It would look like absolute garbage if I tried to code it myself :P. That and where I'm going to running a shop on my website, I'd much rather not use wordpress as its too vulnerable to attacks
    Just received my CAT-DEV from Nintendo! Now I just gotta fix my laptop so I can use it XD
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    If you have the money to spend, it might be worth the risk. Which I don't.
    I would have taken the risk to bid on a cat-dev and then donate to mn1 or hykem
    lol, they would sue you into oblivion if caught, which wouldn't be hard as they have all your personal info including a copy of all contracts etc etc.
    Hey, I was asking in a thread in the WiiU Homebrew section if there is a way of getting support for the Gamecube Controller Adapter for Wii games in the Wii U's Wii Mode (or at least if such was or could be developed), and I was told to ask you about this. Any info. you could give? :)
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    Reactions: Margen67
    Maybe under trinux.... Idk how the gamecube adapter connects to the wii u tho, wifi or bluetooth. If its the latter it "should" be possible to write a driver for it. If its wifi, its not gonna happen until trinux gets ported over to cafeOS, which the kernel exploit will be needed for...
    The Gamecube controller adapter connects via USB. It was created for use for Super Smash Bros for Wii U, remember? It was quickly supported by Nintendon't for Gamecube games on the Wii U's Wii Mode, so I was surprised I couldn't find any information about anyone trying to get full support for Wii games in a similar fashion. xD
    maybe through some custom loader, but I imagine that would still be pretty difficult due to the nature of how Wii games are coded
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