I mean it just sux without it (life'd be boring without it), i mean you can make jokes/ laugh at yourself, others, what other's have said, your/ their wording, your/their experiences etc. in a sincere way, one of the purest forms of expression IMHO. Finding joy/ laughter in our misfortunes (not in a sadistic way), struggles, or even in genuinely funny moments. The message guise here is don't be too hard on yourselves, and i know life can be (/is) hard, and certainly it can be difficult to even smile (or forget what it's like to smile/laugh), our time is limited here on this earth, be friendly and live in the moment with people that you enjoy being with, and don't take life/ hardships too seriously.
This goes for you too Tempers, you guise make me smile, you guise are the best! I can't tell you how much i changed since i joined.. This year's def one of the most difficult years for me, tho you guys helped me go through it /& forget that shit..
This year is ending soon, so here's to many fruitful years with us all humoring each other. Cheers!

Note: This a serious post, and i think you get the theme here (humor). I added that latter part just for the hell of it.
You can share your thoughts/sentiments about the matter discussed here too if you want. It's okay if you don't.
This goes for you too Tempers, you guise make me smile, you guise are the best! I can't tell you how much i changed since i joined.. This year's def one of the most difficult years for me, tho you guys helped me go through it /& forget that shit..
This year is ending soon, so here's to many fruitful years with us all humoring each other. Cheers!

Note: This a serious post, and i think you get the theme here (humor). I added that latter part just for the hell of it.
You can share your thoughts/sentiments about the matter discussed here too if you want. It's okay if you don't.