NOTE! PLEASE READ EVERYTHING... I decided not to go into deep detail about the furries/human hybrids until part 3; because I do not want this to be A long read... Part 3 will only be about the furries which were the by-product of the Nephilim... in this post I will go into detail about animal hybrids but not the human-animal hybrids in this topic
Alright, everyone, I'm back with another topic, I don't want to make this too long or too deep so I am gonna keep this pretty straight to the point. We will talk again about the Preflood Nephilims, Furries, and the future of Genetics and of course, we will use the Bible scriptures to prove most of the things that we will talk about here. First, we will talk A bit more about the Preflood Nephilim, who were the original X-men, The Demigods/Greek gods of the Ancient world, AKA The children of the fallen angels in Genesis 6 and the book of Enoch. The Bible called them heroes and men of renown; renown meaning famous, due to their supernatural abilities that the mortals worshipped them as gods in the ancient world. The Nephilim were so renowned that even thousands of years after the flood, their characters such as Zeus, Hercules, Gilgamesh, Shiva, etc, are still talked about to this day. Let's get the scripture right quick ...
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
This makes sense of them being superhumans due to them being half human/ half angel. Think of the characters in X-Men they were super mutants due to having DNA mutation; mostly every superhero in these Hollywood movies got their powers from DNA mutation. That's why I keep telling you all these superhero movies are based on the Nephilim; The Elites have to condition us for the return of the False Christ and the Nephilims. Also, let me correct something from part 1; I meant to say the Preflood Nephilim were the demigods and not the post-flood Nephilim. Post-flood Nephilim did not have any angel DNA, they were just giant men like Goliath who came from Ham bloodline due to one of his kids finding the teaching of the fallen angels carved in stone but I'll talk about that later.
This 30-second YouTube video I randomly came across has this guy saying the same thing I told you guys in part 1, about how these superhero concepts are old and based on the Nephilim; keep in mind he posted this many weeks after I already posted part 1.
There are many more videos if you guys wanna check them out
Guys keep in mind I found out about this stuff randomly while studying Genesis 6 and Enoch back in 2016; during that time there were hardly any YouTube videos talking about this stuff. fast forward to the decade of the 2020s now A lot of people young and old are talking about this stuff because GOD is waking people up, why do you think the topic of Flat Earth, Nephilim, and the Book of Enoch is blowing up all of A sudden on youtube and social media? Keep in mind I found this stuff out back in 2016 and everyone used to call me crazy now fast forward to the present A lot of people on YouTube talking about this lol how ironic.
Now I will discuss why I say the Nephilim, Human-hybrid/Furries, and Perfected gene- engineering will come back in the future. We will get some scriptures from the standard Bible to prove all things because I know some Christians here want some proof. We will start with this scripture What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. This scripture tells us all things that were done and seen in the past; we will see them again but it will be nothing new. All this technology is nothing new they had Advanced tech in the pre-flood Era; stargates, Portals, Free energy, Anti-gravity vehicles that stuff is old. The Superhero stuff we see in our day and time is nothing new it's all based on the Nephilim; the fascination of humans wanting to be animals or wanting to have animal characteristics/ features isn't new since Human-animal Hybrids came from the Nephilim. Why do you think when you look at every Ancient civilization they all have Demigods, Furries and Hybrids all over their hieroglyphics, could it be because they were carving what they were actually seeing back then?
Nothing new is under the sun so with all the stuff they were doing in the pre-flood world we will see it all again in the next world great reset which is pretty close. The next scripture that proves we will see the Nephilm, Perfected Gene technology, and the Hybrids, is Jesus saying But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Jesus is saying all the things that were going on in Noah's days will be the same near the end of the world upon Jesus' return then God gonna destroy the whole world again. As many of you know the Elites have been conditioning us upon the Return of Perfected Gene Engineering in these Jurrasic Park movies. Now I know you all heard scientists are trying to bring back extinct animals with Gene gene-altering technology, the same thing the Elites continue to condition us with The Jurrasic Park Movies.
Now last thing let's talk about the Hybrid's animals and show proof of that was going on in the Era before the flood. I will not use the book of Enoch even though it tells us directly they were mixing/crossbreeding everything in sight, I'll use the standard Bible to show DNA engineering was going on. Many people read the flood story and missed the part about DNA altering due to it being hidden in the context; so it's pretty hard to catch. Here is the scripture And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth
Now let's break this scripture down! (Flesh)- has many meanings but in this context, it can easily mean DNA.. (Corrupted) in this context can easily mean contaminated/Altered... (His way) can easily mean one's course of action.. For Example, A cow's course of action is to graze the ground instead of having wings flying in the air. So Yes the Nephilim were taking God's Pure animals and were gene-mixing them into hybrid monsters, As a result, most of the animals became Violent radical creations. I'm pretty sure we all know some species shouldn't be mixed because the experiment will become radical!! This is why GOD said the earth was violent and evil 24/7
And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. [13] And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
So just imagine how crazy the earth was with these Large hybrids like the Trex, Raptors, and other radical hybrids running around. The Elites put this in movies all the time, remember the HULK? When the Hulk first got his DNA altered he couldn't control his anger and was full of rage until he blacked out. Remember amazing Spiderman the scientist who mixed his genetics with lizard DNA and went from A normal human being to A Violent supervillain?
This timeline above shows A possibility of how long the Nephilim ruled before the flood and the events that occurred. As you can see the First generation of Nephilim were the Titans, In the book of Enoch, GOD cursed the First generation into 500 Years of War when the Titans started going after God's creation the regular Humans. Hmm, The Titan Vs Titan War sounds a lot like Greek Mythology Clash of the Titans, once again we were programmed by the elite system from A young age to believe these Myths were fairytales but it was indeed real and happened. Anyway, after the first generation mostly died out during the war and the second generation who were the Demigods ruled in the days of Noah until the flood.
That's it for the Part 2. Part 3 will be about the furries' Human hybrids, Yes this will not be anything bad about the furry community so please don't think it will be A bad post talking bad about furries. Part 4 The Titans, Yes Titans existed and can still see their dead bodies till this day some of you will be mind-blown on how the Elites kept this hidden from us. Then I'll be done and will continue with part 2 of the Flat Earth series
Alright, everyone, I'm back with another topic, I don't want to make this too long or too deep so I am gonna keep this pretty straight to the point. We will talk again about the Preflood Nephilims, Furries, and the future of Genetics and of course, we will use the Bible scriptures to prove most of the things that we will talk about here. First, we will talk A bit more about the Preflood Nephilim, who were the original X-men, The Demigods/Greek gods of the Ancient world, AKA The children of the fallen angels in Genesis 6 and the book of Enoch. The Bible called them heroes and men of renown; renown meaning famous, due to their supernatural abilities that the mortals worshipped them as gods in the ancient world. The Nephilim were so renowned that even thousands of years after the flood, their characters such as Zeus, Hercules, Gilgamesh, Shiva, etc, are still talked about to this day. Let's get the scripture right quick ...
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
This makes sense of them being superhumans due to them being half human/ half angel. Think of the characters in X-Men they were super mutants due to having DNA mutation; mostly every superhero in these Hollywood movies got their powers from DNA mutation. That's why I keep telling you all these superhero movies are based on the Nephilim; The Elites have to condition us for the return of the False Christ and the Nephilims. Also, let me correct something from part 1; I meant to say the Preflood Nephilim were the demigods and not the post-flood Nephilim. Post-flood Nephilim did not have any angel DNA, they were just giant men like Goliath who came from Ham bloodline due to one of his kids finding the teaching of the fallen angels carved in stone but I'll talk about that later.
This 30-second YouTube video I randomly came across has this guy saying the same thing I told you guys in part 1, about how these superhero concepts are old and based on the Nephilim; keep in mind he posted this many weeks after I already posted part 1.
There are many more videos if you guys wanna check them out

Guys keep in mind I found out about this stuff randomly while studying Genesis 6 and Enoch back in 2016; during that time there were hardly any YouTube videos talking about this stuff. fast forward to the decade of the 2020s now A lot of people young and old are talking about this stuff because GOD is waking people up, why do you think the topic of Flat Earth, Nephilim, and the Book of Enoch is blowing up all of A sudden on youtube and social media? Keep in mind I found this stuff out back in 2016 and everyone used to call me crazy now fast forward to the present A lot of people on YouTube talking about this lol how ironic.
Now I will discuss why I say the Nephilim, Human-hybrid/Furries, and Perfected gene- engineering will come back in the future. We will get some scriptures from the standard Bible to prove all things because I know some Christians here want some proof. We will start with this scripture What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. This scripture tells us all things that were done and seen in the past; we will see them again but it will be nothing new. All this technology is nothing new they had Advanced tech in the pre-flood Era; stargates, Portals, Free energy, Anti-gravity vehicles that stuff is old. The Superhero stuff we see in our day and time is nothing new it's all based on the Nephilim; the fascination of humans wanting to be animals or wanting to have animal characteristics/ features isn't new since Human-animal Hybrids came from the Nephilim. Why do you think when you look at every Ancient civilization they all have Demigods, Furries and Hybrids all over their hieroglyphics, could it be because they were carving what they were actually seeing back then?
Nothing new is under the sun so with all the stuff they were doing in the pre-flood world we will see it all again in the next world great reset which is pretty close. The next scripture that proves we will see the Nephilm, Perfected Gene technology, and the Hybrids, is Jesus saying But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Jesus is saying all the things that were going on in Noah's days will be the same near the end of the world upon Jesus' return then God gonna destroy the whole world again. As many of you know the Elites have been conditioning us upon the Return of Perfected Gene Engineering in these Jurrasic Park movies. Now I know you all heard scientists are trying to bring back extinct animals with Gene gene-altering technology, the same thing the Elites continue to condition us with The Jurrasic Park Movies.
Now last thing let's talk about the Hybrid's animals and show proof of that was going on in the Era before the flood. I will not use the book of Enoch even though it tells us directly they were mixing/crossbreeding everything in sight, I'll use the standard Bible to show DNA engineering was going on. Many people read the flood story and missed the part about DNA altering due to it being hidden in the context; so it's pretty hard to catch. Here is the scripture And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth
Now let's break this scripture down! (Flesh)- has many meanings but in this context, it can easily mean DNA.. (Corrupted) in this context can easily mean contaminated/Altered... (His way) can easily mean one's course of action.. For Example, A cow's course of action is to graze the ground instead of having wings flying in the air. So Yes the Nephilim were taking God's Pure animals and were gene-mixing them into hybrid monsters, As a result, most of the animals became Violent radical creations. I'm pretty sure we all know some species shouldn't be mixed because the experiment will become radical!! This is why GOD said the earth was violent and evil 24/7
And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. [13] And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
So just imagine how crazy the earth was with these Large hybrids like the Trex, Raptors, and other radical hybrids running around. The Elites put this in movies all the time, remember the HULK? When the Hulk first got his DNA altered he couldn't control his anger and was full of rage until he blacked out. Remember amazing Spiderman the scientist who mixed his genetics with lizard DNA and went from A normal human being to A Violent supervillain?

This timeline above shows A possibility of how long the Nephilim ruled before the flood and the events that occurred. As you can see the First generation of Nephilim were the Titans, In the book of Enoch, GOD cursed the First generation into 500 Years of War when the Titans started going after God's creation the regular Humans. Hmm, The Titan Vs Titan War sounds a lot like Greek Mythology Clash of the Titans, once again we were programmed by the elite system from A young age to believe these Myths were fairytales but it was indeed real and happened. Anyway, after the first generation mostly died out during the war and the second generation who were the Demigods ruled in the days of Noah until the flood.
That's it for the Part 2. Part 3 will be about the furries' Human hybrids, Yes this will not be anything bad about the furry community so please don't think it will be A bad post talking bad about furries. Part 4 The Titans, Yes Titans existed and can still see their dead bodies till this day some of you will be mind-blown on how the Elites kept this hidden from us. Then I'll be done and will continue with part 2 of the Flat Earth series