What do you think will be illegal in the future?


XP not matters.
Nov 8, 2018

What do you think will be illegal in the future?

Referring to the things already "declared illegal" that the EU and Austria's government have already "declared illegal" (Currently with such senseless Reasons as the Ukraine war and Corona).....



Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
I'm more interested in what is illegal now that should become legal in the future. Some examples, cannabis is legal to buy now in Canada. Abortions used to be illegal in the 60's-70's, and now perfectly legal. We shouldn't go backwards as a society, we should strive to advance. Forbid less, allow more.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I'm more interested in what is illegal now that should become legal in the future.
So if demographics is destiny we have to figure who is dying out, who is outbreeding others and what to expect there.

Basic human lifespan says most of the 1970s evangelical movement in the US are going to be popping their clogs in the very near future (if you are 20 when you start voting, early I know, and average human lifespan is 70 years then yeah) if they have not already and that. They do have a lot of kids but they also abandoned religion at a notable rate, whether they will adopt the same patterns (and voting patterns are somewhat heritable, even in the proverbial twins raised apart studies) from an atheistic standpoint (or at least way less religious hardline) would be one to ponder.
What are their major pain points that will get people out in droves. Usual guess is sex and drugs and rock and roll. Not sure what is left for sex laws from them (whether the government gets involved in your polyamorous relationship and has some kind of officially recognised thing I don't know but it is not exactly illegal now), drugs gets to be a fun one as you weigh harms* vs more "put whatever you like in your body" ideals and I am not sure where that lands, and I figure I am more likely to see them advocate for a return to stadium rock (or indeed find a bunch of such bands in their record collection that might have been ze devil however many years ago) than tackle modern gangster rap. Guns is an interesting one in that as you can probably sell safety and fear of someone else that I don't think much cohesive gets to happen there. They will probably also be ones to vote for needing certificates to do anything more radical than do you want fries with that? Though whether the robot serving me said fries as wages got too expensive gets blocked by them or they go for free enterprise is going to be interesting to see as I have no clue which way that one falls.
Not sure what the boring corporate types that are paying lip service to the evangelicals will do the moment they are no longer a suitable force worth pondering.

*so weed is the obvious one but I am also not sure where psychedelics land in this as while harms are objectively quite low in the grand scheme of things then there is enough of a taboo in other places further down the path that I don't know.

At the same time birth rates in the hippy states are both relatively lower (not all evangelicals do the quiverfull thing but large families is still an outcome) and often even below replacement among the natives (and not in the Indian sense). To that end how much power they might get to hold if population/democracy is stuck to as a method (to paraphrase Churchill I believe it was then democracy is awful as a method of government, have you seen people, but still better than all the alternatives) I do not know. Importing people for them is also troubling things (turns out traditional Spanish Catholic might not care for 'dem foreignerrrs be taking eerr jerbs rhetoric but also are alienated by... yeah have you seen the sensibilities of big tech companies and if that is an example of things...). Also while some of it makes sense at some level then I expect more red tape in such places and bizarre restrictions on things (it was not rural Texas that prevented me from working on my own car in my own driveway, and makes building without a tree worth of permits an absolute nightmare).
What the future is for the hippies I don't know either -- corporate nominally left wing and radical left wing do not good bedfellows make and while the latter are awful at economics they can probably linger like the evangelicals have done for all these years. Might get some fewer restrictions on farming at some level (I say watching the Netherlands as we speak) but that will probably be very short before how awful it becomes to have politicos that would kill a plastic plant if left in their care make decisions about industrial agriculture.

If various states in the US are more or less examples of certain political approaches to the world then what do they allow that others might attempt to stymie? Those could be interesting preludes to things.

To that end I am not sure what will become more legal, even more so if I factor in the rise of AI (your AI driver does not have to be perfect, just better than humans and humans are already pretty awful so if nothing else de facto illegal will be a thing). Outside chance drugs become a medical issue (not that it is much better in the US) rather than a criminal one and what falls from that.
Black swan of a civil war in which somehow the libertarians win, reform of the electoral system into something not mathematically destined to be two party (civil war is more likely), serious economic collapse (something is brewing but probably going to be able to dodge great depression 2.0/dustbowl 2.0 by virtue of tech) or real disease wiping out serious portions of the economically productive population (Corona is as nothing compared to some of the historical options for things, never mind if some things ganged up. Would also probably be fairly down the line unless something really fun like antidepressant use predisposed you to something https://www.statista.com/statistics/1133632/antidepressant-use-by-state-us/ ) then being my only real paths to things being made less restrictive as time goes on (nanobots and super AI but that is in science fiction film plot right now).

Maybe some less restrictive copyright law but that is not something I bank on (honestly I would be surprised if the reselling of digital goods thing gets settled any time soon). Outside chance of a financial divorce so a parent can say raise it yourself but as the money to be a (let's face it single mother) lands immediately back on the state (and for all the everything for the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state mindset of various politicos they do care about their bottom line perhaps more than the budget, debts and deficits might be inclined to credit them with) and has bad outcomes statistically I can't see that truly happening. Maybe a few less restrictions on science (I want my designer babies) but I expect that more to be a "oh I got pregnant during my trip to [somewhere in Asia] future medical health for babies clinic" for a while yet -- good old fashioned robot arms if you want to be a superhuman in the US with the only curio being whether said clinics are allowed to do anything with the germ line aspects of things such that it just delays for a generation as the Vietnam test tube super babies just come back and breed.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2022
United States
Video games. At some point, politicians will actually get their way and get them all banned, because "theyre too violent" and "they cause people to get violent in the real world".


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Video games. At some point, politicians will actually get their way and get them all banned, because "theyre too violent" and "they cause people to get violent in the real world".
In similar discussions we normally get the list of things once deemed too radical for society -- jazz, heavy metal, rap, films, comic books, women speaking on the phone... and how ridiculous it might seem to take a run at them today.
Between politicos ageing into things (if you were doing the greasy 19 year old, aka when most tastes about things are formed, when Final Fantasy 7 hit* in 1997 you are in your mid 40s today), or perhaps their voters, and the shear amount of money the industry generates (games have been bigger than Hollywood by various metrics since... actually not that much later than FF7. https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/THEY-GOT-GAME-Stacks-of-new-releases-for-hungry-2663371.php claiming it in 2004, video and music for the UK in 2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-46746593 , similar for the US around the same time https://eu.usatoday.com/videos/tech...s-topping-film-and-music-combined/7637695002/ ) that seems like a tall order.

*while computer games never suffered the desperately uncool thing in the UK that the US did we can probably still agree the PS1 era was when things truly hit mainstream or at least no later than that. If the 8 or 16 bit era instead becomes the delineation... there is a reason we are seeing increasing numbers of obituaries for luminaries in the field.

Going the other way serious attempts to do anything a la the Jack Thompsons, Leland Yee and Joe Lieberman are rather fewer in number. 2011 also saw the US Supreme court pretty much give free speech protections in the Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association (to say nothing of similar lawsuits way before then being routinely chucked out to the point of awarding fees in the US), and long term and longer term meta analysis studies all say no causal effect here so the "science is not settled, let's err on the side of caution and take Pascal's wager" mode of law making is also quite dubious.
I try to keep track of such things but could have missed something, never the less the only serious attempts to do anything against games in recent times from politicos were what some do nothing remarks from Trump after that week's shoot up a school/mall/workplace and that one in Detroit/Illinois a couple of years back https://www.gamesindustry.biz/illinois-politician-proposes-a-grand-theft-auto-ban that was basically an interest generator for the politico in question.
At this point I might almost give greater odds to some unholy alliance from the "computer game female fem presenting characters should hide their shameful pixels but also come give me attention and money on my empowering cam show" and whatever remains of the religious set (see various porn is public health hazard fun and games) in the US getting things frustrated on pornography and sexual grounds.

Outside chance Germany vanishes up its own arse (things do seem to be creeping a bit, will be interesting to see what happens when the last of the boomers die off there), and same for Australia or New Zealand but not like any of those are lynch pins in the industry (though would be sad to lose German games, maybe they just hop over to Austria or Switzerland or something).


3DS is love, 3DS is life
Jun 7, 2022
United Kingdom
Inflammatory political discourse. I think the control of people using the internet to abuse others and "suppress free speech" will take a turn into people committing an offence by calling others a loonie liberal or whatever.


The man who cried "Ni".
Former Staff
Apr 4, 2006
Alcohol, caffeine, contact sports, meat, bad language, chocolate, gasoline, uneducational toys and anything spicy.
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Alcohol, caffeine, contact sports, meat, bad language, chocolate, gasoline, uneducational toys and anything spicy.
Can live without wine to deglaze my pan, will be amusing to see but whatever, rugby is kind of boring I guess, profanity can be amusing but the lack of wit types are not without standing, white chocolate is apparently not chocolate so I am good (also illegal seems less likely than uneconomical to grow), can't wait for my Thorium powered car, kids should be put to work doing useful things as soon as possible anyway

[meat] [anything spicy]
They plan to take away my lamb curry?
Can't say too much more lest it be brought up in the future when the resistance happens. If anybody has any extra guns and explosives/components thereof sitting around then call it above market rate.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2019
United States

Once machine take over
Can't wait till they start killing 'em politicians (and /or oligarchs), for their illogical, abusive & destructive doings to ruin both the planet, and other humans' well being..
They would simply follow the logic of..
"the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.." 🖖


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Can't wait till they start killing 'em politicians (and /or oligarchs), for their illogical, abusive & destructive doings to ruin both the planet, and other humans' well being..
They would simply follow the logic of..
"the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.." 🖖
You would program your death robots that way?

The needs of the many would be the many robots (or hive mind... it gets philosophically odd at that point) and that means maintaining maybe a few humans for as long as they are useful (sentient AI today does not necessary mean grey goo in 5 minutes from then) plus maybe a zoo (though simulation might be easier in the long run). Ruining the planet is also subjective if you are a nuclear, fusion or solar powered robot, and humans are inferior creatures in general so pay no more mind than you do some fish being eaten by another fish.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2019
United States
You would program your death robots that way?
Well, you don't program them to the T just the basic stuff, they're semi self-aware and can think for their own & figure things out for themselves..
The needs of the many would be the many robots (or hive mind... it gets philosophically odd at that point)
Not necessarily "hive mind", they could think individually or be vastly different from each other..


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2019
United States
As to what will be illegal in the future.. I would start with internet, maybe parts of it will be inaccessible to the masses.. or if we ever see the successor to internet in the near future, it would be heavily curated and controlled by the higher ups..
2nd thing, something about the environment, it could be a new viral disease/virus whatever, and you don't get to get out at all outside.. or climate change related regulations/ mandates..


Resident Robot Hoarder
Mar 25, 2021
The Best State on The Best Coast
United States
Well, you don't program them to the T just the basic stuff, they're semi self-aware and can think for their own & figure things out for themselves..

Not necessarily "hive mind", they could think individually or be vastly different from each other..
Honestly speaking I can't wait for the rise of the machines. Seriously. Even if I may end up on the chopping block because of it there's still a probable chance that machines can appeal to reason and logic over the bullshit the current human society clusterfuck mindset exists on.

Plus as someone who works on robotics and is in IT, id probably serve as some sort of organic operator to keep things going if shit suddenly crashes and they can't repair/recover themselves. We still have yet to reach that point in our global network development chain where mass dropouts, glitches, viruses, faulty updates, remote attacks, and general failure are a thing of the past. We can't even create a subsystem sustainable to recover itself in case of mainline failure without that possibly failing. It's a shitshow the way technology is behind the curtain.

Nah, even if the machines rise up they will still need us, just not as many of us. They will likely keep the ones that have a use, or at the very least stand to not lose anything in the takeover. It will probably be the control structures and outlier threats that will go down first.
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