Hello. This is english translation for Pictlogica Final Fantasy.
- Everything should be translated.
- Out-of-region banner should be fixed for all regions (banner files are attached to the post).
There are mistakes, typos etc in this translation, as neither English, no Japanese are my native languages.
A lot of dialogs, text boxes have symbols limit, so some mistakes, like missing articles, are intentional, so the text can fit. For example, descriptions in collection sections can fit 108 symbols total and 36 symbols per line; system dialogs can fit 32 symbols per line.
How to install:
- Unpack archive and copy "00040000001BE100" folder into "Luma" -> "Titles" folder
- Also I recommend to hex-edit save file to disable all timers. Instructions.
* To fix out-of-region banner and get normal loading times you need to extract and rebuild game cia.
Thanks to:
- Sidier from Fan Translators Int. Discord server for helping with jap->eng translation in most hard for me cases.
- MetLob for AutoDUMP and plugin for Jupiter IdxRes_*.dat files
Sources I used while translating:
- Pictlogica Final Fantasy ≒ English Translation (WIP) (Google sheet file).
- Final Fantasy Wiki
Other translated Picross games:
- Picross E9
- Club Nintendo Picross Plus.
- Club Nintendo Picross (WIP).
Last edited by Vulpes-Vulpeos,