This thread presents a prototype translation for DQM2SP based on Ich_73 work for DQM2 3D.
DQM2SP is a remake of DQM2 3DS released on August 2020 in Japan. They added 100 new monsters from DQ10, DQMJ3pro and DQ11. The remake shares a lot of contents with the original 3DS version. Such as the resources files used to deal with languages. One got the famous binJ and e formats but the trick is that the new file system is completely ciphered.
Translation Informations
This translation reused the DQM2 3DS translation for 80% of the total text lines. The other 20% are either new contents or modified lines contents which can not be used directly. To deal with them, automatic translation was used. The new monster name are based on the french version. (That was the only one I found)
Game Version
The translation uses the last version of the game : v1.0.5. To ensure game validity the obb files md5 checksum is:
To install the translation, a patch system is used (no legal contents shared). It uses Xdelta 3.1 on the obb file which is accessible from any Android devices from : Android/obb/com.square_enix.android_googleplay.DQM2SPjp/
To apply the patch use the following command from any terminal, replace [obb file name] with main.100510.com.square_enix.android_googleplay.DQM2SPjp :
Once the patch is applied, replace the original obb with the patched one in the DQM2SP data path (Android/obb/com.square_enix.android_googleplay.DQM2SPjp/).
To apply the patch use the following command from any terminal, replace [obb file name] with main.100510.com.square_enix.android_googleplay.DQM2SPjp :
xdelta3 -d -s [obb file name].obb [obb file name].patch [obb file name].obb
Patch Details
- Patch Version: 1.0.0 (April 2024)
- Release Date: On Going
- File Size: 83MB
PS: Square Enix teams have uncommon naming convention : "Abstention.png" is the name of the picture used to "give up".
- Ich_73 : thanks for the amazing translation (and tools) of the 3ds game.
- gerbtl : thanks for the help during livestream.
-Animefan8451 : thanks for the screenshots and alphatesting.
- AntinomySb : some scripts to decipher/recipher sp version files. Some automatic translation for the 20% new text. Some advanced GIMP for texture cleaning (mere placeholder).
Last edited by AntinomySb,