OK, I know there are so many that are against Weapons, and those who are for them.
OK, little bit of History:
Back in the Day, some good ole' boys, wanted to be Free from Europe, and have their own Laws, Rights, and whatnot. Europe, not wanting to lose Control of the People here, wanted to forceably have them under a iron fist of Control, Tax them to Death, and did not want them to be Armed so they came here in force, and demanded everyone here turn over Weapons. That is where those good ole' boys said come get em', and had a good Revolutionary War over our Rights. So after we sent those from Europe packing, those good ole' boys thought long and hard, and came up with a List of things that is called Constitutional Rights. Rights that no one has the Right or the Authority to say, yeah, ok, we will let you have these Rights.......kind of like the Super Bowl where that Vet stated "....Rights we are Allowed...."......seriously???? So our Government can allow us to have our Rights and Freedoms??? Unless we have broken the Law in some way, those are OUR Rights, and no one can tell us which ones we can and can not have.
Now, prior to the Revolutionary War, those good ole' boys all signed something called The Declaration of Independence. One part of it, the Preamble, clearly states a long List of Reasons, that if a Government, or Leadership goes against The People, strips The People of Rights, only Represents the Elite, or wants to establish a Dictatorship over The People, then the People not only have a Duty, but a Right, and a Obligation to take back said Government, for The People.......oh, and January 6th, was not a valid Reason for what they did, unless they have something called......PROOF. The 2nd Amendment, by the way, would give the People the Means to do so, by the way. Oh, but with Definitions being redone to fit a objective, that would be called, Insurrection.
Now....keep the above in mind. We are going to circle around back to that, and try to pay attention. My Mind is kind of a out of control Train Wreck, and got a lot rattling around upstairs. Stay out of the dark areas, and dont feed the wild Animals.
Anyhooty, the 2nd Amendment, makes it so that The People can keep their Rights, and Freedoms this Country is based and Founded upon. Now as it states, and we will break this down as it was back then......
"A Well Regulated Militia, being necessary to the Security of a Free State, the Right of The People to Keep and Bear Arms, shall not be Infringed."
Well Regulated : Meant well ready, Well Armed, Well Able
Militia : Back then, meant anyone able to stand up against Tyranny and Fight back to help Fight back.
The People : There is a Representative out of New Jersey claiming that means the Elite, the Rich. Really?????? So what does that make those like you, and me???? What are we, Dirt, Cheap-Slave-Labor??? No, that means ALL of THE PEOPLE!! What, the Rich are going to Fight for their Country???? To Quote Shao Khan from MK2, "Dont make me Laugh!" . You hardly ever hear about any Representatives these Days who has Served, let alone was an Enlisted Soldier, who worked hard, and earned their Rank like hell.
Shall not be Infringed : Restricted, Limited, Undermine, Weaken, go against, make Unaffordable......you get the idea.
Now the 2nd Amendment, does not only mean to be ready to help fight for the Country. Back then, it also was meant so you could Protect and Defend yourself, your Family, your Home, your Livelihood. With how some Police are, and how long it can take Police to get to you, the first few Minutes and Seconds are Crucial. In the time it takes for Police to get to your Location, what would stop the Criminal from Killing you so you wont give a Description??? Especially with Dems wanting Laws for you to have your Weapon in 1 place in your House, Locked up, and your Ammunition in a different place, Locked up as well. Highly doubt a Criminal will let you get both, get Ready, and Fight back, when they bust in your Home.
There is also the case of Carol M. Bowne (2015). She wanted to get a Weapon so she could protect herself from her crazy Ex-Boyfriend. Apparently she already had a Restraining Order against him, but that did not stop him from going after her. After the waiting period came and went, she still got no word on if she could get the Weapon or not. 4 Days later, she was Stabbed to Death by the Ex. Apparently in an Interview, Jon Stewart was saying she did not have a Valid enough reason for a Weapon. Seriously??? Well I bet when she was sent to the ME's Office, she had a good enough reason then, huh? Actually, with that back then, I am surprised they did not use that as a Title 18 US Code Subsection 241, Conspiracy against Rights, Case, especially the end part, where she was Denied her Constitutional Right, and it ended up with her being Harmed, ending in Death.
Some interesting items, however:
1: Former President Bill Clinton, was on MSNBC, where he said, "...People are compelled to let Children D** in order to keep Freedoms..." . Um, so if the 2nd Amendment is 1 Freedom, what other Freedoms should we also allow to get rid of????
2: President Biden going on TV claiming the People can not go against the Government with AR-15s, AKs.....you need Tanks, F-15s, Nukes. SO we should just allow the Government to strip The People of Rights, Freedoms, constantly tell us where we stand, and not be able to keep the Government in Check??? Also, if and when the People do get fed up with those in Government, and demand they be removed from Office, you would then use Tanks, F-15s, and Nukes on The People????
----Also, I saw what looked to be a Virtual Meeting Video on Tiktok between some Representatives. 1 Woman on one side, and a few on the other Side. The 1 Woman asked if the People could take back their Country for the People, and also asked if the 2nd Amendment gives the People the Means to do so. The Answer to both Questions, from the other Representatives, was NO. Really........so say our Government went to strip the People of Rights, Freedoms, telling us what we can and can not Say, Do, Eat, Drive, you know, like how it is in Kommiefornia.....I mean California,......how would the People go to secure their Rights and Freedoms back?????? Might have to search for that Video again. Just came up on my For You page.
3: For so long, especially in the early to Mid 1900s, People could get so many Firearms in the Mail, including Automatics, or able to convert Weapons to Automatic. Where were all those Mass Incidents???? You did not really hear about them until the end of the 1980s, early 1990s. My Parents and Uncle never heard about Mass Incidents when they were Kids, and growing up.
4: I find it odd, how the FBI did a Study, and concluded that more People are ended by Knives, Hammers, Pipes, other Blunt Objects, Hands and Feet, then Firearms. In Fact, apparently Handguns are used more than AR Type Rifles. Yet the GC Lobby and Dems want to go after AR Type Rifles.
----It should also make you wonder about the CDC Report that showed that 2.3 Million Firearm Related Incidents were in Self-Defense........but then they were pressured by a Gun Control Lobby Exec, to remove the Self-Defense part......wanted them to keep the 2.3 Million Incidents.......but remove the Self-Defense part. Fascinating, huh?
5: I also find it odd, how when there is a Mass Incident, it is always involving a AR Type Rifle. However, Handguns are easier to hide, you could carry more Magazines, and Reloading can be improved on than with a Rifle. There are a few other items that make it curious about the Incidents. But like that one Incident with the Transgender Guy, he had another Target, and the reason why he choose against it, was it was Guarded.
So with all that in place.......how do we know Dems, Far Left, and Gun Control Lobby are not somehow behind any of these Mass Incidents in order to push and Force People to be behind a Authoritarian Dictatorship, to make sure the People would not have the Means to Fight back against them????? Seriously could also be seen as another potential Title 18 US Code, Subsection 241 Case.
Besides, with how many Weapons there are here in the US, good luck getting all of them forceably turned in or found. Another example being, a Winters, CA Councilman, was apparently Arrested, who had some Weapons he should not have. He apparently had a few Handguns, and a couple AR-15 Type Rifles. But here's the most interesting part of those Weapons........a few Handguns, and I think 1 or 2 of the AR-15s did NOT have any Serial Numbers, or Markings of any kind, which is VERY highly Illegal. So where did those come from???? Highly doubt they were obtained Legally. Not to mention that 1 Incident at a Farm, where the Migrant used a Machine Pistol???? Um.....those have been Illegal for a long time in the US, and highly doubt that was obtained Legally.
Not to mention, most Crimes are done with Weapons Illegally Obtained, like Stolen, or obtained by other Illegal means.
You also hear People saying to Fight back if someone Breaks into your Home.....um......and if they are Armed???? How you plan to Fight a Machete, or large Knife, or a Bullet??? Some other response is, if someone breaks into your Home, get out of your Home. Seriously???? So just let the Criminals have their way, let them walk all over People???? Also love how, if someone Breaks into your Home, they are Armed, and either they Injure themselves, or you Defend yourself against them, Injuring them, they can apparently try to go after you with a Lawsuit???? Does not always work, but apparently there are a couple that have Won those Cases, which is seriously messed up. Plus, same Scenario, but they end up Dying because you Defended yourself......apparently the Family of said Criminal can then go after you with a Civil or Wrongful Death Lawsuit????? What gave that Criminal the Right to break into your Home??? What gave that Criminal the Right to potentially harm you????? Should just allow them to end you, and do what they want????? No one has the "Right" or "Authority" to tell People to let the Criminals do what they want, to be a good little Helpless, Defenseless Victim, and let the Criminals have their way.
OK, little bit of History:
Back in the Day, some good ole' boys, wanted to be Free from Europe, and have their own Laws, Rights, and whatnot. Europe, not wanting to lose Control of the People here, wanted to forceably have them under a iron fist of Control, Tax them to Death, and did not want them to be Armed so they came here in force, and demanded everyone here turn over Weapons. That is where those good ole' boys said come get em', and had a good Revolutionary War over our Rights. So after we sent those from Europe packing, those good ole' boys thought long and hard, and came up with a List of things that is called Constitutional Rights. Rights that no one has the Right or the Authority to say, yeah, ok, we will let you have these Rights.......kind of like the Super Bowl where that Vet stated "....Rights we are Allowed...."......seriously???? So our Government can allow us to have our Rights and Freedoms??? Unless we have broken the Law in some way, those are OUR Rights, and no one can tell us which ones we can and can not have.
Now, prior to the Revolutionary War, those good ole' boys all signed something called The Declaration of Independence. One part of it, the Preamble, clearly states a long List of Reasons, that if a Government, or Leadership goes against The People, strips The People of Rights, only Represents the Elite, or wants to establish a Dictatorship over The People, then the People not only have a Duty, but a Right, and a Obligation to take back said Government, for The People.......oh, and January 6th, was not a valid Reason for what they did, unless they have something called......PROOF. The 2nd Amendment, by the way, would give the People the Means to do so, by the way. Oh, but with Definitions being redone to fit a objective, that would be called, Insurrection.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Now....keep the above in mind. We are going to circle around back to that, and try to pay attention. My Mind is kind of a out of control Train Wreck, and got a lot rattling around upstairs. Stay out of the dark areas, and dont feed the wild Animals.
Anyhooty, the 2nd Amendment, makes it so that The People can keep their Rights, and Freedoms this Country is based and Founded upon. Now as it states, and we will break this down as it was back then......
"A Well Regulated Militia, being necessary to the Security of a Free State, the Right of The People to Keep and Bear Arms, shall not be Infringed."
Well Regulated : Meant well ready, Well Armed, Well Able
Militia : Back then, meant anyone able to stand up against Tyranny and Fight back to help Fight back.
The People : There is a Representative out of New Jersey claiming that means the Elite, the Rich. Really?????? So what does that make those like you, and me???? What are we, Dirt, Cheap-Slave-Labor??? No, that means ALL of THE PEOPLE!! What, the Rich are going to Fight for their Country???? To Quote Shao Khan from MK2, "Dont make me Laugh!" . You hardly ever hear about any Representatives these Days who has Served, let alone was an Enlisted Soldier, who worked hard, and earned their Rank like hell.
Shall not be Infringed : Restricted, Limited, Undermine, Weaken, go against, make Unaffordable......you get the idea.
Now the 2nd Amendment, does not only mean to be ready to help fight for the Country. Back then, it also was meant so you could Protect and Defend yourself, your Family, your Home, your Livelihood. With how some Police are, and how long it can take Police to get to you, the first few Minutes and Seconds are Crucial. In the time it takes for Police to get to your Location, what would stop the Criminal from Killing you so you wont give a Description??? Especially with Dems wanting Laws for you to have your Weapon in 1 place in your House, Locked up, and your Ammunition in a different place, Locked up as well. Highly doubt a Criminal will let you get both, get Ready, and Fight back, when they bust in your Home.
There is also the case of Carol M. Bowne (2015). She wanted to get a Weapon so she could protect herself from her crazy Ex-Boyfriend. Apparently she already had a Restraining Order against him, but that did not stop him from going after her. After the waiting period came and went, she still got no word on if she could get the Weapon or not. 4 Days later, she was Stabbed to Death by the Ex. Apparently in an Interview, Jon Stewart was saying she did not have a Valid enough reason for a Weapon. Seriously??? Well I bet when she was sent to the ME's Office, she had a good enough reason then, huh? Actually, with that back then, I am surprised they did not use that as a Title 18 US Code Subsection 241, Conspiracy against Rights, Case, especially the end part, where she was Denied her Constitutional Right, and it ended up with her being Harmed, ending in Death.
Some interesting items, however:
1: Former President Bill Clinton, was on MSNBC, where he said, "...People are compelled to let Children D** in order to keep Freedoms..." . Um, so if the 2nd Amendment is 1 Freedom, what other Freedoms should we also allow to get rid of????
2: President Biden going on TV claiming the People can not go against the Government with AR-15s, AKs.....you need Tanks, F-15s, Nukes. SO we should just allow the Government to strip The People of Rights, Freedoms, constantly tell us where we stand, and not be able to keep the Government in Check??? Also, if and when the People do get fed up with those in Government, and demand they be removed from Office, you would then use Tanks, F-15s, and Nukes on The People????
----Also, I saw what looked to be a Virtual Meeting Video on Tiktok between some Representatives. 1 Woman on one side, and a few on the other Side. The 1 Woman asked if the People could take back their Country for the People, and also asked if the 2nd Amendment gives the People the Means to do so. The Answer to both Questions, from the other Representatives, was NO. Really........so say our Government went to strip the People of Rights, Freedoms, telling us what we can and can not Say, Do, Eat, Drive, you know, like how it is in Kommiefornia.....I mean California,......how would the People go to secure their Rights and Freedoms back?????? Might have to search for that Video again. Just came up on my For You page.
3: For so long, especially in the early to Mid 1900s, People could get so many Firearms in the Mail, including Automatics, or able to convert Weapons to Automatic. Where were all those Mass Incidents???? You did not really hear about them until the end of the 1980s, early 1990s. My Parents and Uncle never heard about Mass Incidents when they were Kids, and growing up.
4: I find it odd, how the FBI did a Study, and concluded that more People are ended by Knives, Hammers, Pipes, other Blunt Objects, Hands and Feet, then Firearms. In Fact, apparently Handguns are used more than AR Type Rifles. Yet the GC Lobby and Dems want to go after AR Type Rifles.
----It should also make you wonder about the CDC Report that showed that 2.3 Million Firearm Related Incidents were in Self-Defense........but then they were pressured by a Gun Control Lobby Exec, to remove the Self-Defense part......wanted them to keep the 2.3 Million Incidents.......but remove the Self-Defense part. Fascinating, huh?
5: I also find it odd, how when there is a Mass Incident, it is always involving a AR Type Rifle. However, Handguns are easier to hide, you could carry more Magazines, and Reloading can be improved on than with a Rifle. There are a few other items that make it curious about the Incidents. But like that one Incident with the Transgender Guy, he had another Target, and the reason why he choose against it, was it was Guarded.
So with all that in place.......how do we know Dems, Far Left, and Gun Control Lobby are not somehow behind any of these Mass Incidents in order to push and Force People to be behind a Authoritarian Dictatorship, to make sure the People would not have the Means to Fight back against them????? Seriously could also be seen as another potential Title 18 US Code, Subsection 241 Case.
Besides, with how many Weapons there are here in the US, good luck getting all of them forceably turned in or found. Another example being, a Winters, CA Councilman, was apparently Arrested, who had some Weapons he should not have. He apparently had a few Handguns, and a couple AR-15 Type Rifles. But here's the most interesting part of those Weapons........a few Handguns, and I think 1 or 2 of the AR-15s did NOT have any Serial Numbers, or Markings of any kind, which is VERY highly Illegal. So where did those come from???? Highly doubt they were obtained Legally. Not to mention that 1 Incident at a Farm, where the Migrant used a Machine Pistol???? Um.....those have been Illegal for a long time in the US, and highly doubt that was obtained Legally.
Not to mention, most Crimes are done with Weapons Illegally Obtained, like Stolen, or obtained by other Illegal means.
You also hear People saying to Fight back if someone Breaks into your Home.....um......and if they are Armed???? How you plan to Fight a Machete, or large Knife, or a Bullet??? Some other response is, if someone breaks into your Home, get out of your Home. Seriously???? So just let the Criminals have their way, let them walk all over People???? Also love how, if someone Breaks into your Home, they are Armed, and either they Injure themselves, or you Defend yourself against them, Injuring them, they can apparently try to go after you with a Lawsuit???? Does not always work, but apparently there are a couple that have Won those Cases, which is seriously messed up. Plus, same Scenario, but they end up Dying because you Defended yourself......apparently the Family of said Criminal can then go after you with a Civil or Wrongful Death Lawsuit????? What gave that Criminal the Right to break into your Home??? What gave that Criminal the Right to potentially harm you????? Should just allow them to end you, and do what they want????? No one has the "Right" or "Authority" to tell People to let the Criminals do what they want, to be a good little Helpless, Defenseless Victim, and let the Criminals have their way.