I'm with Nephiel on this one.. and to answer, even though the question was posed to him, not me, As a new gateway user I'd still not recommend downgrading to 4.5 unless the person has understood some critical information about encrypted 6.x save files, and how downgrading could affect them..
I was a BRAND NEW gateway user (i had an r4i gold deluxe which i used a couple times back on system version 4 or something, before emunand was supported on that garbage cart), in fact my gateway hadn't arrived in the mail yet, but i was prepping, and I went ahead with the downgrade to 4.5 at many forum members' behest. ended up with emunand 9.0 (or something up there) and sysnand 4.5 . I had read about the 6.x save incompatibility with sysnand 4.1-4.5, but didn't realize how bad it was.. I didn't even intend to play my Zelda linkbetween worlds cart, I simply wanted to dump the save file, just to be safe, and for possible future importation into other region cart (for my EUR N3DS, which is a non-issue now that gateway supports N3DS, and i can now play in classic mode with my USA retail cart!)... anyway, somehow i guess i booted into sysnand, and my hard-earned save games were wiped out forever..
that alone made me begin to question the wisdom in downgrading.. i understand and appreciate that it simpifies some parts of the process, notably the exploit used in launching the gateway redcard. but with a growing number of games being developed with newer dev kits, and the browser exploit being very easy to pull off, it's worth at least considering not downgrading to 4.1-4.5. that being said, i was frustrated and stuck when i was flying across the pacific a week ago, and realized my plane had no wifi and i had no way of launching the browser exploit. I need to research hosting it locally on my intel tablet/laptop hybrid (windows 8.1) or, i heard there's an android method, and i have a few old android phones (not super old.. htc m8 and a xiaomi redmi note, and a fake iphone 6+ that runs android 4.4.2) that i could bring along for that purpose.. as long as it's hosted on ad-hoc 'hotspot' network..
sorry a bit off topic there