Just break my spring mechanism, removed the spring and found if the microsd is too deep inside dstwo will make 2 black screens.
Dive in! Anyone that can speak Mandarin (Chinese) is welcome, and willing to post in their BBS in chinese
Dive in! Anyone that can speak Mandarin (Chinese) is welcome, and willing to post in their BBS in chinese
First, we would to thank you for your superior product for this time, but we, GBATemp Members wanted to address something you missed.
1. Please remove spring mechanism from all your product
Many People complained spring mechanism will fail after some time, but some people don't experience this
Some people maybe forced remove the spring from card, but this will make some issues like, microsd cant pulled out, black screens, etc.
2. Better Build Quality
Your DSTWO build quality, i must admit, is not good as your competitor.
Such as, not enough screwdriver to hold card sturdy, at least each side (all 4) must be secured by screwdriver
More plastic pins to secure PCB from moving and making card doesn't contact with NDS pins.
3. More support for SDK
DSTWO has CPU inside, hasn't it?
We maybe has asked this, but please add more support to the SDK.
Well documented is a must.
4. Better Power Management for CPU.
This one is maybe tough, because for EOS to load, CPU must be active.
I have a suggestion, just turn on cpu when needed (On Demand)
And for emergency, an switch for turning cpu when it have contact with DS pins, so it can flash itself
And Optionaly an Light indicator when emergency switch is on.
5. Replacement for bad batch
I suggest this for good reputation amongst customers.
If you decided to replace the batch like we asked, give the customer replacement for exclusively:
Broken spring, Bad firmware flash from your buggy firmware.
Thank you for your time to read and (hopefully) fulfill our request
Sincerly, GBATemp Members
17:32 03/13/2012 (GMT +8)