Hardware Jack Tretton calls the 3DS a “babysitting tool”


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2009
Sacramento, California
United States
Argentum Vir said:
CherrySkitty said:
Umm, Sony is about hi-tech and getting the "mature" games. I think that guy is judging the 3DS by what it has achieved so far. Let's face it, right now the 3DS... uhm... kinda stinks?

Just wait until those "babysitting" games come out. Super Mario 3DS, being the "babysitting" game it is, is going to up the sales for the 3DS by a lot. Poor NGP =3

He's just mad, really. Plus the way he trash-talks Nintendo lets us see how immature he is.
He's mad because he knows that most of Nintendo's success has been achieved by targeting everyone. Not just the kewl guyz.
So, I think that if they don't put a lot of effort in offering a great, and innovative console with a gimmick other than "super uber kewl graphikz lolololol with back touch pad LOLOLO", and with a reasonable price, the NGP is going to die young, just like the PSP.

3D may not be the best gimmick, but at least it is something NEW, and sells well. The connectivity, the AR, almost everything from the 3DS is very good. And appeals to ALMOST EVERYONE.
However, NGP is just a beefed-up PSP IMO.

@Bolded #1: In terms of games, yes. the 3DS does suck. However, it's hardware is the amazing thing. One of their strategies is to let the hardware sell itself, which the stuff it has on it, does sell very well.

@Bolded #2: The "gimmick" of 3D is not only implemented very well, but is a major plus. I find that playing an already pretty game with 3D adds much needed depth to the game.

Yes, the launch line stinks, but it is nothing new, for Nintendo as well as Sony and Microsoft. Last generation consoles and handhelds all had pretty bad launch line-ups with a few decent games for each. It takes time for the really good games to appear.


GBAtemp's Flygon Fan
Oct 11, 2010
Don't forget that later in time, titles like resident evil, mario and zelda will be out in the market.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2009
Sacramento, California
United States
You know, this evening while sitting in the classroom waiting for my night class to start, I pulled out my 3DS to see if it could connect to the university's campus-wide network. One of the girls in the classroom, and I will say it was one of the attractive ones, came up to me asking if what I was playing with was the 3DS, for which I said yes. She asked if the 3D effect was real, so I closed the internet connection window, and loaded up Pilotwings Resort for her to see. She liked how she could see the depth. While we were talking, a couple classmates chimed in, saying that it was easy to find the sweet spot, like some of the built-in games, etc. The girl also noted that all she had was a DSi.

Wanna know something about this whole ordeal? Prior to this, I did feel a little embarrassed to bring my 3DS out of my bag (as I kept it in there in sleep mode for collecting coins and Streetpass tags while walking around the campus), but after reading this thread, I decided to just bring it out, and ignore all those who had their childish views about what I do. What ended up happening was not like that at all. They wanted to see it, and we talked about games and such. I even got a tag during class, though I don't know if it was from someone else in the class or someone walking just outside it as I haven't checked the Mii Plaza yet.

So, for people who are stuck with the 20th century thinking, you probably should put that thinking aside, because this is the 21st century, and opinions and ideas change. Yes, Mr. CEO, I'm looking at you as well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
QUOTE said:
So, for people who are stuck with the 20th century thinking, you probably should put that thinking aside, because this is the 21st century, and opinions and ideas change. Yes, Mr. CEO, I'm looking at you as well.

All I can say is: Wise Words...

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Why do people seem to get so incredibly hard over "NEW GIMMICKS" and stupid shit.

Remember last generation? Every console had a similar control layout (at least in terms of what buttons they used) and multiplatform titles were huge (not counting the Dreamcast). But I know I wouldn't really call any console last generation particularly bad. In the end they were just elaborating on the core ideas from last generation and making them better. Better controls, better graphics, better features. Of course now that Nintendo is just putting out touchscreens and motion controls and 3D (which isn't particularly new), people seem to think just improving on the core concepts of last generation is now just "being lazy". I don't want a new way to play games, I want the old way to play new games. Games that draw innovation not from using stupid motion controls or touchscreens but from introducing new concepts in the game. I have fun playing my Wii but there are a HUGE amount of times I just wished I could use your standard controller.

As for this "copycat" thing, who cares? The Move is a big Wiimote rip-off, whoop-de-do. It still uses it well and, if anything, lets the Wii titles that bombed (such as No More Heroes and Dead Space Extraction) get a second chance. I honestly don't care if one thing is a blatant rip off of another, as long as the rip off is a good product in the end.

I'd rather have a concept versed in the current generation's concepts instead of something that lags behind in last generation's concepts but with some "new controls" or something that makes it "new".


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2008
Guild McCommunist said:
Why do people seem to get so incredibly hard over "NEW GIMMICKS" and stupid shit.

Remember last generation? Every console had a similar control layout (at least in terms of what buttons they used) and multiplatform titles were huge (not counting the Dreamcast). But I know I wouldn't really call any console last generation particularly bad. In the end they were just elaborating on the core ideas from last generation and making them better. Better controls, better graphics, better features. Of course now that Nintendo is just putting out touchscreens and motion controls and 3D (which isn't particularly new), people seem to think just improving on the core concepts of last generation is now just "being lazy". I don't want a new way to play games
Then nothing is new in your view.
SNES wasn't new over nes since all they did was "add a newer processor. which wasn't particularly new"
N64's controller wasn't new since all they did was "add a new control stick, which wasn't particularly new"
PS1 wasn't new since all they did was "add a cd drive, which wasn't particularly new"

nothing is new to you so?
why do you bother buying new consoles?
why not hold on to your PS1?

Games are king. Doesn't matter how the hardware effects them, when they're fun to play, they're good.


GBAtemp's Flygon Fan
Oct 11, 2010
DiscostewSM said:
You know, this evening while sitting in the classroom waiting for my night class to start, I pulled out my 3DS to see if it could connect to the university's campus-wide network. One of the girls in the classroom, and I will say it was one of the attractive ones, came up to me asking if what I was playing with was the 3DS, for which I said yes. She asked if the 3D effect was real, so I closed the internet connection window, and loaded up Pilotwings Resort for her to see. She liked how she could see the depth. While we were talking, a couple classmates chimed in, saying that it was easy to find the sweet spot, like some of the built-in games, etc. The girl also noted that all she had was a DSi.

Wanna know something about this whole ordeal? Prior to this, I did feel a little embarrassed to bring my 3DS out of my bag (as I kept it in there in sleep mode for collecting coins and Streetpass tags while walking around the campus), but after reading this thread, I decided to just bring it out, and ignore all those who had their childish views about what I do. What ended up happening was not like that at all. They wanted to see it, and we talked about games and such. I even got a tag during class, though I don't know if it was from someone else in the class or someone walking just outside it as I haven't checked the Mii Plaza yet.

So, for people who are stuck with the 20th century thinking, you probably should put that thinking aside, because this is the 21st century, and opinions and ideas change. Yes, Mr. CEO, I'm looking at you as well.
People here are actually PROUD that they got themselves a 3DS. I was in the train one day when I saw a guy next to me playing with his cosmo black 3DS with that target shooting thingy (AR). He has his AR card on his laptop carrier bag. Everyone around him was fascinated by what the 3DS can do.


Sep 13, 2009
United States
Guild McCommunist said:
Why do people seem to get so incredibly hard over "NEW GIMMICKS" and stupid shit.

Remember last generation? Every console had a similar control layout (at least in terms of what buttons they used) and multiplatform titles were huge (not counting the Dreamcast). But I know I wouldn't really call any console last generation particularly bad. In the end they were just elaborating on the core ideas from last generation and making them better. Better controls, better graphics, better features. Of course now that Nintendo is just putting out touchscreens and motion controls and 3D (which isn't particularly new), people seem to think just improving on the core concepts of last generation is now just "being lazy". I don't want a new way to play games, I want the old way to play new games. Games that draw innovation not from using stupid motion controls or touchscreens but from introducing new concepts in the game. I have fun playing my Wii but there are a HUGE amount of times I just wished I could use your standard controller.

As for this "copycat" thing, who cares? The Move is a big Wiimote rip-off, whoop-de-do. It still uses it well and, if anything, lets the Wii titles that bombed (such as No More Heroes and Dead Space Extraction) get a second chance. I honestly don't care if one thing is a blatant rip off of another, as long as the rip off is a good product in the end.

I'd rather have a concept versed in the current generation's concepts instead of something that lags behind in last generation's concepts but with some "new controls" or something that makes it "new".
You do not want a new way to play games, you don't want change?

You do not want motion controls, but then it OK for Sony to outright copy.
You do not want touchscreens yet brag about the multi-touch on the NGP.
You say better features and better controls,but then call them gimmicks.

Maybe because these "gimmicks" (in a good sense) actually add to the game.
Maybe because there not so stupid?

Maybe people do not want to do or see the same thing with just better details.
Maybe doing different things bring more fun out of the games.

You know since fun is the most importance thing then just details.
You can have all the details you want, but without fun it nothing.

These new "gimmicks" can bring out more fun.

Looking at things in a new way and interact things in a new way.

Maybe these gimmicks no features well put together which is innovation can help add to the game.

If it was up to you with your precious details we wouldn't have any innovation.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
You do not want a new way to play games, you don't want change?: I said I want change in the games themselves, not how they're played.

You do not want motion controls, but then it OK for Sony to outright copy.: I'm talking about products in general.

You do not want touchscreens yet brag about the multi-touch on the NGP.: Because it's a fucking multitouch screen. Almost any device that has a touchscreen should have a multitouch screen. My phone has a multitouch screen. My iPod does too. If you're trying to make a modern multimedia capable device then a multitouch screen is a must. EDIT: Well, if you're having a touchscreen, using a stylus-based method is just stupid.

You say better features and better controls,but then call them gimmicks.: No I didn't. The new slew of stuff they're pushing is gimmicks. Improving upon the last generation's features which were thoroughly advancing such as online play, graphics (regardless of what anyone says, the graphics really do help push the gameplay), even the fucking storage space of a game (considering how space cramped CDs and carts were in the PSX/N64 era, moving to DVDs and eventually Blurays is a big plus).

Maybe because these "gimmicks" (in a good sense) actually add to the game.
Maybe because there not so stupid?
: No, they are. I don't find myself waggling my Wiimote to add a lot to a good portion of games. Some games, sure. Other games, not really.

Maybe people do not want to do or see the same thing with just better details.
Maybe doing different things bring more fun out of the games.
: I'm not just saying better graphics. I'm saying online functions. How I'm able to interact with my friends online seamlessly. See what they're playing, join their games, have a conversation while I'm playing a game, all that stuff. Nintendo isn't advancing really. Their online system on the Wii is worse than last generations. The graphics are only a small improvement. Instead they just added motion controls and expected it to compensate for the huge shortcomings. Sure, it sold well, but I'm sure many gamers will still see the Wii as a system that, for its time, was completely overpowered by its competition and only won in sales because they had a huge marketing campaign on the casual crowd.

You know since fun is the most importance thing then just details.
You can have all the details you want, but without fun it nothing.
: And it's not quite fun when I feel like I'm playing games that feel thoroughly dated because of the system. I played Red Dead Redemption and despite what seem people say, I was blown away. Same goes with Mass Effect or some other games this generation. There's been plenty of Wii games I enjoy. Hell, No More Heroes could easily be my favorite game. But they still don't blow me away in the sense of scale, quality, and yes, detail that those games have.

These new "gimmicks" can bring out more fun. But not nearly as much as just designing a game to be fun without having to rely on cheap tricks.

Looking at things in a new way and interact things in a new way. Or I could look at things in the old way and play something completely new. It's like the difference between seeing an old movie in 3D (not really a jab at 3D, it's just the "new thing" nowadays at movies) or just seeing a new movie that's not in 3D.

Maybe these gimmicks no features well put together which is innovation can help add to the game.: I usually consider innovation to be a concept that's groundbreaking enough that it can easily be applied to all games of the future. There are certainly some older games that added features that we see today. Shaking my Wiimote to attack doesn't.

If it was up to you with your precious details we wouldn't have any innovation.: Then you didn't read my fucking argument.

Seriously, do you read a line of my arguments and just go off on that or do you actually read them? My whole point was to not having innovation in the ways we play games, but have innovation in the games themselves. Introduce new, bold concepts that advance a genre, not rely on waving around my hands to make it new. I'll be more blown away if a game can innovate the way we play a genre using the same controls and ways we've played them since yesteryear than a game that just "innovates" (I use that term loosely in this sense) by adding a bunch of stupid motion controls.


Welcome to the Machine
Oct 10, 2009
United States
the problem is that sony always spins bs by saying things like: "the ps3 is first...as long as u don't count the 360 or wii." they really need to change their entire business model. raw power does not equate a better console nor does it mean more sales. if it costs more for the consumer, fewer consumers will buy it; if it's harder to develop for and thus more expensive to the developer, fewer developers will develop for it. unless sony realizes this they will always be in last place. Such a thing should be common sense, but it is sony we're talking about...

and, I think their motto "make believe" is most fitting as sony has been in a fantasy world ever since the announcement of the ps3.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
New England
United States
erm....who cares?

Why do you guys care? An opinion is an opinion - the President of the United States could say the thing sucked horse dick, but that doesn't make it true. Since when is it new for two competing companies to talk down/against each other? I mean, sure, it might not be good for public image (as the past 10 pages have made evidently clear), but what does it matter? Formulate your own opinion, accept others opinions as just that, opinions, and move on.


Welcome to the Machine
Oct 10, 2009
United States
it's not his opinion I have a problem with, but rather him insulting potential customers to make his company seem better than it is. I rarely, if ever, see similar statements from microsoft or nintendo in regards to sony. they're lucky microsoft and nintendo exist or they'd have to find someone else to steal ideas from...maybe sony should change its name to xerox since they copy everything anyway.


Sep 13, 2009
United States
Guild McCommunist said:
Because it's a fucking multitouch screen. Almost any device that has a touchscreen should have a multitouch screen. My phone has a multitouch screen. My iPod does too. If you're trying to make a modern multimedia capable device then a multitouch screen is a must. EDIT: Well, if you're having a touchscreen, using a stylus-based method is just stupid.
I'm not the only one who says a stylus is more precise. Plus it keep less fingerprints on the screen.

No I didn't. The new slew of stuff they're pushing is gimmicks. Improving upon the last generation's features which were thoroughly advancing such as online play, graphics (regardless of what anyone says, the graphics really do help push the gameplay), even the fucking storage space of a game (considering how space cramped CDs and carts were in the PSX/N64 era, moving to DVDs and eventually Blurays is a big plus).
How does graphics, but not 3... Know what not going to go there.
How much graphics well you need 'till you satisfied? How long can graphics "push gameplay". More graphics force more space.

No, they are. I don't find myself waggling my Wiimote to add a lot to a good portion of games. Some games, sure. Other games, not really.
Now did you say some games? Then I do not see how they are so stupid.
Why can't use the word moving? Waggling sounds like you doing just to do despite the game.

I'm not just saying better graphics. I'm saying online functions. How I'm able to interact with my friends online seamlessly. See what they're playing, join their games, have a conversation while I'm playing a game, all that stuff. Nintendo isn't advancing really. Their online system on the Wii is worse than last generations. The graphics are only a small improvement. Instead they just added motion controls and expected it to compensate for the huge shortcomings. Sure, it sold well, but I'm sure many gamers will still see the Wii as a system that, for its time, was completely overpowered by its competition and only won in sales because they had a huge marketing campaign on the casual crowd.
Nintendo just treat online differently and tries to make it safe like.
How you know the sell wasn't good because of a broad section of customers?
They seem like they working on it well with the 3DS.

And it's not quite fun when I feel like I'm playing games that feel thoroughly dated because of the system. I played Red Dead Redemption and despite what seem people say, I was blown away. Same goes with Mass Effect or some other games this generation. There's been plenty of Wii games I enjoy. Hell, No More Heroes could easily be my favorite game. But they still don't blow me away in the sense of scale, quality, and yes, detail that those games have.

You might be thinking about graphics to much then the actually game. So as long a game blow you way it good then?

I don't play No more Heroes, then be like "Hey this game doesn't blow me away in terms of graphics. Let me buy 4 times the price for a system because that make the game "much better" because of graphics ".

Or say "this has bad gameplay and feel boring",but it a must buy because of graphics.

Or even when comparing similar games, this game was made portable, but because of graphics it not good enough to buy.

But not nearly as much as just designing a game to be fun without having to rely on cheap tricks.
That why I said add on not rely on.

Or I could look at things in the old way and play something completely new. It's like the difference between seeing an old movie in 3D (not really a jab at 3D, it's just the "new thing" nowadays at movies) or just seeing a new movie that's not in 3D.
Or have both, see a new movie with 3D.

I usually consider innovation to be a concept that's groundbreaking enough that it can easily be applied to all games of the future. There are certainly some older games that added features that we see today. Shaking my Wiimote to attack doesn't.

So you saying if a innovation doesn't apply to everything in it subject it not innovation? That doesn't make any sense.

Like saying some medicine isn't really innovation because it doesn't apply to everyone.

If it was up to you with your precious details we wouldn't have any innovation.: Then you didn't read my fucking argument.

Seriously, do you read a line of my arguments and just go off on that or do you actually read them? My whole point was to not having innovation in the ways we play games, but have innovation in the games themselves. Introduce new, bold concepts that advance a genre, not rely on waving around my hands to make it new. I'll be more blown away if a game can innovate the way we play a genre using the same controls and ways we've played them since yesteryear than a game that just "innovates" (I use that term loosely in this sense) by adding a bunch of stupid motion controls.

At the same time I do not see why we can't have innovation in both ways we play games and have innovation in the games themselves.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
I'm not the only one who says a stylus is more precise. Plus it keep less fingerprints on the screen. : But the abilities of multitouch and stylus-less screens far outweigh a stylus and single touch screen.

How does graphics, but not 3... Know what not going to go there.
How much graphics well you need 'till you satisfied? How long can graphics "push gameplay". More graphics force more space.
: But we have more space so why not use better graphics? We have gone up to being able to fit like what, 50GB on a single dual layered Bluray? And the amount of space used is irrelevant, storage capacity has evolved with the times. And graphics have been pushing gameplay since we started getting new consoles, I don't see why it can't go any further.

Now did you say some games? Then I do not see how they are so stupid.
Why can't use the word moving? Waggling sounds like you doing just to do despite the game.
: Waggle, moving, same thing. Even then, without the WM+, most of the "movements" are just shaking the Wiimote. And yeah, some games use it well, but I don't think we should say that motion controls are the best thing since sliced bread because a few games use it well.

Nintendo just treat online differently and tries to make it safe like.
How you know the sell wasn't good because of a broad section of customers?
They seem like they working on it well with the 3DS.
: You're REALLY defending Nintendo's shitty online system? That's fucking sad. That's fanboy bias to the extreme. They have offered the worst online system I've seen in a long time. If parents want their kids to be safe online then teach them properly or don't let them play online. I know kids much younger than you that play online on their Xbox and their PS3 and they're sensible enough to not give MrKidFriendly69 their personal information. Friend Codes are a terrible idea and just create a giant nuisance and kill part of online gaming (which is one part being able to play with people online, another part being able to connect with people online). There's almost no voice chat outside of a few games (which even then, is incredibly limited). Trying to play with friends involves a bunch of annoying set-up compared to the simple "jump in there" aspects of modern systems. It's an awful online system. There is absolutely no way to justify it.

You might be thinking about graphics to much then the actually game. So as long a game blow you way it good then?: Um, yeah. Good games blow me away because they're good. That's kinda what they're supposed to do. And honestly, yeah, Mass Effect, RDR, whatever all have great core gameplay, but the game wouldn't be worth playing if it looked shitty. The quality of their graphics really help bring the game to life. You obviously haven't played any of those titles so I guess you have no clue on the caliber of those games anyway.

I don't play No more Heroes then be like "Hey this game doesn't blow me away in terms of graphics. Let me buy 4 times the price for a system because that make the game "much better" because of graphics ".: The Xbox 360 and the Wii are now the same exact price. And it's not like both the Wii's competition also offer broader game libraries (mainly because of the multiplats they get but the Wii doesn't), superior functionality, superior online, and a wealth of other features. You seem to get the worst case of tunnel syndrome when analyzing everything.

Or say "this has bad gameplay and feel boring",but it a must buy because of graphics.: Except that's not really the case. Call of Duty looks great, I can't lie about that, but I've never felt compelled to buy it. And there's games for the system (like Lost Odyssey, which isn't terrible but compared to other big console RPGs like FFXIII is completely spanked graphically) that don't look the best but are still awesome (like Lost Odyssey, which isn't terrible but compared to other big console RPGs like FFXIII is completely spanked graphically).

Or even when comparing similar games, this game was made portable, but because of graphics it not good enough to buy.: That's not the case either.

That why I said add on not rely on. : My point was that the Wii relies on "cheap tricks" to fill in its shortcomings but honestly, it doesn't get it that far.

Or have both, see a new movie with 3D.: And you missed the point completely. That Nintendo's new policy of just putting out new gimmicks while not really advancing the core aspects of it. That you can't "see a new movie with 3D" in my metaphorical terms.

So you saying if a innovation doesn't apply to everything in it subject it not innovation? That doesn't make any sense.

Like saying some medicine isn't really innovation because it doesn't apply to everyone.
: Let's say I make a game based around defecation. There's been no game that's done this before, so it must be innovative! It's a new design, completely original! But no one will use it or think "Wow, that's a genius concept, let me apply it to my game!" And that medicine metaphor makes fucking no sense at all.

At the same time I do not see why we can't have innovation in both ways we play games and have innovation in the games themselves.: Because that's not happening at this point. My entire argument was that this isn't happening.


See ya suckers
Oct 15, 2008
Soviet Slyakin
United States
Windaga said:
erm....who cares?

Why do you guys care? An opinion is an opinion - the President of the United States could say the thing sucked horse dick, but that doesn't make it true. Since when is it new for two competing companies to talk down/against each other? I mean, sure, it might not be good for public image (as the past 10 pages have made evidently clear), but what does it matter? Formulate your own opinion, accept others opinions as just that, opinions, and move on.
Cause every single person in this entire forum is a Nintendo fanboy.

The first person to agree with this guy will get his ass flamed off.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
In front of my Computer
Visit site
I dont understand why ppl still care about other ppl they dont know and that theyl probably never see again in their lives thinks of them.... I do what i wanna do in life, my friends and my gf are open as well and we dont all have the same interest but we dont hide what we are or what we like to do lol.

Anyways, im close to 30 and i play with my blue colored (Yeah i didnt pick it it was free
) DSi in public when im waiting for something even though im a firefighter so who cares lol.


Sep 13, 2009
United States
Not saying I agree or disagree, but I'm not arguing every single point because we just be going around in circles and this need to end quicker.

Never said Nintendo wifi was the best or it wasn't the worst so come down.
I say differently how does that translated to that?

It cheap tricks because it give us something differently?

All the good games on the wii, all the good Nintendo games period and you saying they not keeping with the core aspects of it.
I guess it just be better if Nintendo work on little iphone games/app?

Expect motion controls and 3D with games are innovation and adds to the games.

And we are having that now.

Nintendo fanboy or not doesn't mean I didn't have true views.

Yes because I do not have counterpoints. All you counterpoints are right and you didn't repeat yourself.

Does that make you feel good?

Oh didn't get me wrong I have nothing against Guild himself.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Slyakin said:
Cause every single person in this entire forum is a Nintendo fanboy.

The first person to agree with this guy will get his ass flamed off.
Though it may not convince many, I can assure you that I'm not one of them.

No offense bro, but I usually don't see you here for the video games.

And KingVamp, restating your point over and over again without any support isn't a counterpoint. I don't feel like filling up this thread though.

Also, if this forum didn't feature people disputing others' opinions, then this wouldn't really be a forum. The whole point of a forum is to discuss stuff, argue about it, challenge it.

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  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @Xdqwerty what was it like
    Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs: @Xdqwerty what was it like