Far right libertarian candidate Milei has won the Argentinian presidential election.
Famous for vowing to slash spending (wielding a chainsaw at rallies), dissolve the central bank and balance budgets - this student of the Austrian school of economics is an unknown quantity and political outsider in Argentina - and will soon hold its highest office.
But that's what Argentinians have shown they want - in a hotly contested runoff election between Milei and his peronist rival (whose faction has held the presidency for 16 of the last 20 years), Milei came out squarely on top. Economic woes are at the center of most voter's concerns as the once thriving nation now has a 40% poverty rate and has experienced crushing inflation this year.
Trump, Bolsonaro and other far right political figures have voiced their support and congratulations. Left leaning Latin American leaders have voiced worries about the direction of Argentina moving forward.
Elon Musk, for his part, xeeted his support and confidence that Argentina will have a bright future under Milei.
Financial markets are bracing for market volatility and people will be watching to see if Milei makes good on his promise to dollarize the economy.
Famous for vowing to slash spending (wielding a chainsaw at rallies), dissolve the central bank and balance budgets - this student of the Austrian school of economics is an unknown quantity and political outsider in Argentina - and will soon hold its highest office.
But that's what Argentinians have shown they want - in a hotly contested runoff election between Milei and his peronist rival (whose faction has held the presidency for 16 of the last 20 years), Milei came out squarely on top. Economic woes are at the center of most voter's concerns as the once thriving nation now has a 40% poverty rate and has experienced crushing inflation this year.
Trump, Bolsonaro and other far right political figures have voiced their support and congratulations. Left leaning Latin American leaders have voiced worries about the direction of Argentina moving forward.
Elon Musk, for his part, xeeted his support and confidence that Argentina will have a bright future under Milei.
Financial markets are bracing for market volatility and people will be watching to see if Milei makes good on his promise to dollarize the economy.