Homebrew [DS(i)/3DS] TWiLight Menu++ - GUI for DS(i) games, and DS(i) Menu replacement


Stylish TWiLight Hero
Oct 1, 2010
United States
Includes nds-bootstrap v2.0.1 (GBATemp thread)

What's new?​

  • The AP-fix for SaGa 3 has been fixed to work on nds-bootstrap! (pinging @ExData7 for this, as it's been an update he's waiting for)
    • The AP-fix (by RetroGameFan) was not working due to nds-bootstrap's patch code. The fixed version of the AP-fix relocates the branching code to an area where it's not affected by nds-bootstrap's patch code.
  • Added AP-fix for Okamiden (Spanish translation)!
  • If a corrupt `.nds` file has been detected, it'll now show a message saying that either the title and/or SD card is corrupted, and prevent it from launching.
    • Please note the detection system isn't perfect, and certain corrupt `.nds` files could still be launched.
  • The original DSi Menu scroll speed has been restored for the DSi theme!
  • Custom icons can now be assigned to individual argv files!
  • For faster booting of old DS homebrew (as well as GBARunner2), the `Load Bootloader` setting is now set to `Direct` by default.
  • Removed `Slot-1 Touch Mode` setting.
    • Due to the improvements made to sound frequency changing, DSi touch mode has caused very low quality sound output when nds-bootstrap switches to DS touch mode.
    • This unfortunately means that games running in DSi mode via SCFG access for Slot-1 can no longer use camera features. Attempting to use camera features will now cause the game to crash.

Bug fixes​

  • Fixed misdetection of Harvest Moon DS Cute as homebrew.
  • 3DS theme: Fixed bottom `START` button on the touch screen not doing anything.
  • DSi theme: Fixed drop down animation playing 5 frames behind a white screen.
  • DSi theme: Fixed top screen appearing with white tint.
  • Fixed low quality sound output on DSi/3DS consoles.
Last edited by RocketRobz,

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    babycomingsh @ babycomingsh: 最好换一个新的SD卡