Tutorial  Updated

Complete 3DS/2DS Customization Guide


WARNING: This can and will cause your device to BRICK if you do something wrong. Always make a NAND backup before attempting to make any modifications to your device!

EUR uses 11.3 Menu on 11.4!

  • Modifying Your Home Menu
  • More coming...
Modifying Your Home Menu

1. Download 3DSNUS 1.9
You are going to want to find the Home Menu version that is compatible with your Device's Firmware & Region. You can find this on the Nintendo Update Title List

Once you have the Title ID and Version put those into 3DSNUS 1.9 & Download it as a .cia file. Then, rename it to "HomeMenu.cia"


2. Decrypting the .cia on your 3DS/2DS

You can do this with GodMode9 or Decrypt9, whichever suits your fancy. Make sure your HomeMenu.cia is on your SDCard in your device. Boot up your 3DS/2DS while pressing START to enter GodMode9, Decrypt9. If you are on Luma3DS you will enter the chainloader to choose any of them if you have multiple installed.

For Decrypt9 make sure your HomeMenu.cia is in /files9 on your SDCard

Once you booted into the method of choice you can now decrypt your .cia file.

GodMode9 - SDCARD > Find your HomeMenu.cia > CIA Image Options > Decrypt file > Decrypt Inplace > Done!
Decrypt9 - Content Decryptor Options > CIA File Options > CIA Decryptor (Deep) > Done!

3. Decompressing your HomeMenu.cia

For this step you are going to want to use DeKay's Rebuilding Tool.

Once downloaded extract the contents to a folder on your desktop. Open it and drag your HomeMenu.cia inside it.


You can now run the Home Menu Rebuilding Tool.bat file. It should open and give you a list of options to choose from. Go ahead and choose Full Rebuild. It should now decompress everything and give you new files in that folder.


4. Actually Modifying the Home Menu

Things you will need:
  1. HxD
  2. Every File Explorer
  3. MSBT Editor Reloaded
  4. Cheat Engine 6.6
  5. Cheat Engine Table (By DeKay)
  6. Color Hex's
  7. Offsets & Hex Codes (By the guys over at http://www.homemenu.co/)
  8. Knowledge of how Coordinates works

Home Menu Modding Index:
  • Text on the Sleep Screen
  • Colors on the Sleep Screen
  • Icons on the Home Menu (Notes, Friends, Notifications, etc.)
  • Home Menu Status Bar (Time, Date, Battery, etc.)

  • Modifying the Text on the Sleep Screen
Go ahead and open up MSBT Editor Reloaded that you downloaded from the bullet points above. You will need to Open within MSBT, "menu_msbt.LZ"



This is where the Text on the Sleep Screen will be located.

  • lau_b_shutdown
  • lau_press_pow_u0
  • lau_press_pow_u1
  • lau_press_pow0
  • lau_press_pow1
  • lau_press_pow2
  • lau_press_pow3
  • lau_press_pow4
  • lau_press_pow5
  • lau_press_pow5_flw
Let's say you want to change, "In Sleep Mode, the system can..." to something different. Simply, goto lau_press_pow_u0. Then, change the text in the left box to whatever you would like it to say.


You can do this for each of the bullet points noted above. Once you are done click File then Save.

  • Modifying the Colors on the Sleep Screen
This is the point where you will need either HxD or Cheat Engine to modify the Colors on the Sleep Screen. HxD is a bit more tedious as to where Cheat Engine thanks to DeKay is very straight forward. All up to you. I will be showing the HxD method.

First lets open up HxD then drag sleep.LZ inside HxD.



Offsets for each asset,


  • Background - 0x00001CD4
  • Background Glow - 0x00001CD8
  • Background Stripes - 0x00001CD0
  • Header Color - 0x00001D70
  • Text Color - 0x00001DA4
  • Footer Color - 0x00001EA8
  • Line Color - 0x00001E24


  • Button Text Color - 0x000014D4
  • Button Text Mask - 0x000014A0
  • Button Color - 0x0000132C 0x000013E4
  • Button Glow - 0x00001330 0x000013E8
  • Background - 0x00001260
  • Background Glow - 0x00001264
  • Background Stripes - 0x0000125C
  • Mask - 0x00001508
  • Text Color - 0x000012FC
  • Footer Color - 0x0000122C
  • Line Color - 0x00001554
I am going to show you how to edit the background color of the Sleep Screen. Then, you can follow those steps for changing the other assets and text colors of the Sleep Screen.

We are going to be changing the Sleep Screen background to a pitch black. That way you don't have any of those white lines making it in my opinion a bit ugly.

Start off by press CTRL+G then going to the the offset of Background Glow for the Top Screen.


You will be brought to the bytes, "3C 3C 3C." To make this black change the bytes to, "00 00 00." If you would like to change it to another color you can get the color of your choice on http://www.color-hex.com/


Now lets do the same thing for Top Screen Background, Stripes, Bottom Screen Background, Glow, and Stripes.

Top Screen,

Bottom Screen,

Now we should have made the background pitch black with no white lines on the Sleep Screen. You can now click File then Save and close HxD.

  • Modifying the Icons on the Home Menu (Notes, Friends, Notifications, etc.)
Start off by doing the same thing as we did previously by dragging this time launcher.LZ into HxD. Most of the stuff located on the bottom screen can be found in the launcher.LZ file.

We are going to be changing the Miiverse, Internet, Notifications, Friends, and Game Notes icons all to Blue with a white background for a nice minimal look. Like before you are free to change things up a bit and use different colors than I am for this tutorial.

Offsets for each asset,
  • Miiverse Icon - 0x00031DA8 0x00031DAC
  • Internet Browser Icon - 0x00031E84 0x00031E88
  • Notifications Icon - 0x00031F60 0x00031F54
  • Friend List Icon - 0x0003203C 0x00032040
  • Game Notes Icon - 0x00032118 0x0003211C

Color Hexes we will use,

I will show you how to modify the Miiverse Icon then you can try changing the others by yourself without my help step by step.

Go ahead and CTRL+G then goto the offset, "0x00031DA8" You should have been brought to the bytes, "30 B7 0E" Change that to the Dark Blue, which is, "03 39 6C"

You should see the next set of bytes one byte over, which is where we will replace the Light Green with Light Blue. Change the bytes, "49 E4 15" to, "00 5B 96"


Just do the same thing for each of the other Icons and they should be successfully modified! We are not done yet though. We need to change the banners that go with them.

The Banners are located in the 3D folder inside ExtractedRomFS.


Offsets for each banner asset,

Main Color (Light Color)
  • Friend - 0x00001D80
  • Game Notes - 0x00001D80
  • Miiverse - 0x00001D80
  • Notifications - 0x00001D80
  • Internet Browser - 0x00001D80
Secondary Color (Dark Color)
  • Friend - 0x00001D7C
  • Game Notes - 0x00001D7C
  • Miiverse - 0x00001D7C
  • Notifications - 0x00001D7C
  • Internet Browser - 0x00001D7C

Color Hexes we will use,
For each of the banners you will have to goto the offset in the designated .LZ file.

Let's open up BannerAppletFriend.LZ in HxD then goto the offset, "0x00001D80" for the Main Color. Should bring you to the bytes, "FF 84 00" Change those to, "00 5B 96" Now, let's goto the offset, "0x00001D7C" for the Secondary Color. Go ahead and change those bytes to, "03 39 6C"


Now, just do the same thing for each of the BannerApplet*.LZ files using the given offsets. Just like like the previous parts of this tutorial feel free to use other colors! Get creative! Make it unique!

  • Modifying the Home Menu Status Bar (Time, Date, Battery, etc.)
This part will be pretty trivial, because we will be using Cheat Engine. The two separate screens on the 3DS & 2DS have separate coordinates. Instead of 0x,0y being in the middle of the hinge of the device each screen has its on center. Use this picture as a guideline when changing the positions of the assets.


Lets go ahead and open up Cheat engine then load the Cheat Table inside it. Cheat Engine and the Table can both be found at the beginning of Step 4 in the bullet points.


Make sure to press, "Yes," when it asks you to keep the current address list/code list. Once you have hud.LZ opened up click on HUD down in the Table View.

You should see; Playcoin, Steps, Net, Battery, Time, and Date. I am going to show you how to center the Clock in this tutorial and you can try the rest of the modifications for yourself so you can get the hang of it.

Expand the Time category and you will notice that the coordinates are in the Value section following their respective description. All of the assets are in the perfect Y coordinate, so unless you want the clock somewhere other than in the Status bar it is best not to mess with the Y coordinates.

This part took me a lot of trial and error when I was experimenting with it, and it will probably take you a lot of trial and error as well if you want to get it in the perfect position you want it.

The 2DS, 3DS, and XL Variants will have different sizes. That means perfect positions for the 2DS will be way off from a 3DSXL

Go ahead and double click on the value for, "Hours X." We are going to want to start off by putting the value at a, "-27" Now, lets change the, ": X" value to a, "-8" Finally, lets set the value of, "Minutes X" to a, "5" Hopefully that will be somewhat center. If not you can change them little by little after you follow Step 5 learning on how to Compress, Encrypt & Install your modified Home Menu.


If you would like to remove assets you can either make them invisible by changing the color alpha or you can just do like I did and move them off of the screen. That is how I got rid of the Date, Steps, Playcoins, and Internet Bar.



5. Decompressing, Encrypting, and Installing your Modified Home Menu


We are now back at the HMRT Folder and the Rebuilding Tool bat file. You can now press any key to continue with re-compressing and rebuilding the HomeMenu.cia file.

Once you get to the following message just press any key again to close the Rebuilding Tool and finish compiling everything.


You should be left to your HMRT Folder with a new file titled, "HomeMenu_edited.cia" That is the modified Home Menu with all the modifications you just made. You will want to move that onto the SDCard of your 3DS/2DS.

With the edited Home Menu on your SDCard boot up your device into either GodMode9 or Decrypt9 and encrypt the HomeMenu_edited.cia file, so you can safely install it with FBI.

Once you have it encrypted open up FBI and navigate to the now encrypted HomeMenu_edited.cia file. Click it and install it. You MAY or MAY NOT get a black screen with an error. It is okay! Just reboot your device and you can enjoy your new custom Home Menu!

To install an updated version of your modified Home Menu you will have to install the original Home Menu over the modified version you already installed, so always keep a encrypted original copy on your SDCard.

More will be added to this guide...I have work in 5 hours and need some sleep. Sorry if there are grammar errors. I was half asleep writing this. Enjoy! Need any help just visit my discord or post a comment.

Last edited by xXPaulMCXx,


(⌐◥▶◀◤) girl - noirscape
Oct 26, 2015
Site 19
Very interesting guide. Will be trying this one out myself soon. Just three questions:
  1. Credits. You keep claiming they are in the post, but all you have is a credit for the Cheat Engine file and a link to homemenu.co (which is dead).
  2. Isn't it possible to dump the CIA directly from the system itself using Godmode9?
  3. Would it at some point be feasible for someone to create a nicer GUI for this? At the moment it still requires some knowledge of hex editing, which not everyone may be comfortable with.


Feb 20, 2016
Melbourne, Australia
Very interesting guide. Will be trying this one out myself soon. Just three questions:
  1. Credits. You keep claiming they are in the post, but all you have is a credit for the Cheat Engine file and a link to homemenu.co (which is dead).
  2. Isn't it possible to dump the CIA directly from the system itself using Godmode9?
  3. Would it at some point be feasible for someone to create a nicer GUI for this? At the moment it still requires some knowledge of hex editing, which not everyone may be comfortable with.

1. You're not wrong -- OP did more or less not credit anybody for helping him; which was essentially some 3-5+ people on the Discord server in my signature. Basically took the information there and on a documentation table and redid the guide here. I approve of the guide, it's nice, straightforward and well presented, but those who helped should definitely have been credited or more evidently credited.

2. Yes! That is completely possible; but OP isn't/wasn't aware that is an option.

3. I assume you mean an application? Sure, that's completely possible. The Home Menu's .lz archives use a particular file structure which is documented on 3DBrew, albeit, it seemingly goes against its own conventions from what I have discovered through raw hex editing. Writing up an updated Cheat Table would be better, in my opinion.
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Deleted User

Can't find the safe offsets in the files (maybe because i have a eur 3ds)
I'm working on my own, better guide for this subject. The OP left a week after they posted this because others were getting frustrated he wasn't crediting them. Just stay tuned and I will link my guide once it is finished.
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New Member
Dec 27, 2017
The title was a lie anyway. There is sadly still no complete customization:
- You can't really add new elements.
- You can't really change what elements do.
Also it is not easy to change things like colors and position anyways. Cheat Engine is somewhat a help, but not every aspect is there and try to customize the look of the sleep mode screen and you will see that this is very hard without any preview to get what you want, cause there are many elements influencing the look of it. E.g. you may waste a lot of time changing the fogs colour.
But yeah..
At most I want to add parts of the system settings app Wifi settings to the home menu so that I could change networks while beeing in the home menu. Sadly this is still not possible at the moment.

Things which are possible can be found Dungeonfire's page: dungeonfire.tk
It got linked a few times in the past (according to search results on gbatemp) so I guess it's okay that I link to it. Also it may helps the customizing community.
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Jun 5, 2015
Gambia, The
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