Tutorial  Updated

Setting up Gateway + Luma3DS on 11.17 (Guide)

Setting up Gateway with Luma3DS on 11.17 Firmware (Guide)​


Please do not follow this guide if you are booting into Gateway mode through SysNAND. If your console is on firmware 11.3 and onwards, you will lose B9S and be reverted back to stock firmware. If this ever happens, recover by re-installing B9S using ntrboot or MSET9. In addition, this can increase the risks of bricks.

Never use older versions of Gateway. Please stick with v4.2 Private which is the latest and final version of the Gateway launcher. Using older versions such as v2.0b1 can result in unwarranted bricks. SuperCard DSTWO+ only works with the Gateway v3.4.1 launcher, ANY version below or higher will either brick your console or bring up a 'fake card' error. Clones of Gateway will not work with the official launcher!SuperCard DSTWO+ or clones of Gateway will NOT work with the original Launcher!SuperCard DSTWO+ or clones of Gateway will NOT work with the original Launcher!

Do not proceed with the guide if you have a region changed system.


I am not held liable for any unexpected damages to your console. You are held responsible for what modifications you perform.

This thread was made for Gateway discussions, regarding the hardware and anything Gateway-related in general. Noob questions should always go here and not this thread.

If you're booting from Gateway mode, you can still retain homebrew functionality, which means that homebrew applications and games that you had installed prior to making an EmuNAND will boot fine, just as if you're booting into Luma3DS normally.

- Any modded new/old 3DS/2DS with the latest CFW. (follow this guide if you haven't).
- SD card (8GB or above, formatted to FAT32 32kb cluster).
- Method of reading SD cards on a PC (e.g., an external SD card reader).

(1) Downgrade Guide (11.17 -> 4.5/9.2)
This step is totally optional, but is used to sanitize the NAND so to speak if you have any issues with installing the patches.

Getting the firmware
I will not be providing links to download the system firmware since that breaks the GBAtemp TOS.

If you are using an Old 3DS (3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS), you will need to download "4.5.0-10x(Full).zip" for the downgrade.
If you are using a New 3DS (N3DS, N3DS XL/LL, N2DS XL/LL), you will need to download "9.2.0-20x(Full).zip" for the downgrade.

Alternatively, use 3DNUS to download the firmware for your corresponding console.

('X' corresponds to your system's region.)

Preparing the SD card

- Make a new folder on the root of your SD card called "updates".
- Extract the downgrade (.CIA) files from the ZIP archive into the "updates" folder. It should look something like this:

Downgrading the 3DS
You will need to download "sysUpdater" in order to downgrade your 3DS. Either boot the application from HBL or install the CIA file using FBI or GodMode9.

Softmod Method
- Boot into your SysNAND through Luma3DS. Your system will need to be updated through the "System Settings" if your console is not on firmware 11.17.0-50.
- Launch "sysUpdater". Once the application has started, press (Y) to downgrade your system.
- Once it has finished, within your luck, it should reboot you into the downgraded firmware.

Note for O2DS users: If you are using a 2DS, you will notice that the top screen is stretched. This is not a console fault; rather, the older firmware is forced to render the top-screen in 3D mode instead of 2D; later system versions starting from 6.2 support the 2DS in 2D mode.

(2) Creating a GW EmuNAND
Preparing the SD card

- Download the latest release of GodMode9: https://github.com/d0k3/GodMode9/releases/latest
- Copy the "GodMode9.firm" file from the ZIP archive to the "luma/payloads" folder on the root of your SD card.
- Copy the "gm9" folder from the ZIP archive to the root of your SD card.
- Download the "gw_b9s_package.zip" archive below this post.
- Extract the contents of the ZIP archive to the root of your console's SD card.
- Download the latest Gateway "Launcher.dat", you can find this in "the usual places".
- Copy the latest "Launcher.dat" file onto the root of your SD card.
- Make a new folder on your computer and call it "3DS backup" or something else. Then, copy all of the files and folders from the root of your SD card to the folder that you have just created.
- Insert the SD card back into your 3DS.

Formatting the EmuNAND

- Hold down (Start) whilst powering on the console. From the chainloader menu, select "GodMode9" and press (A).
- When GodMode9 has loaded, press the (HOME) button to bring up the action context menu.
- Select "More..." > "SD format menu" > "GW EmuNAND size (full)".
- Select the cluster size as "Auto".
- Using the touch-screen, enter the name of your EmuNAND (i.e., "GATEWAYNAND"). This, however, is totally optional.
- Press (A), and enter the button prompt you see on-screen to proceed.
- When the format has finished, hold down (R) and (B) at the same time, then safely eject the SD card from your console.
- Insert the SD card back into your computer.
- Copy all of your backup files back onto your SD card, re-insert it back into your 3DS and press (A) to re-mount the card.
Preparing the SD card

- Download the "gw_b9s_package.zip" archive below this post.
- Extract the contents of the ZIP archive to the root of your console's SD card.
- Download the latest Gateway "Launcher.dat", you can find this in "the usual places".
- Copy the latest "Launcher.dat" file onto the root of your SD card.
- Make a new folder on your computer and call it "3DS backup" or something else. Then, copy all of the files and folders from the root of your SD card to the folder that you have just created.
- Insert the SD card back into your 3DS.
- Re-insert your SD card back into your 3DS.

Formatting the EmuNAND
- Hold down the (Down) button whilst powering on the console.
- When you see a grey screen, release both buttons and quickly hold down (L) and (Select).
- In the Gateway menu, navigate to "Format EmuNAND" and press (A).
- When asked if you want to format the card, press (Start) to proceed.

  • If the progress bar is not idle after 5 or 10 minutes, power off the console and try again.
- Press (A) to return to the menu, then hold (Down) and (B) to power off.
  • If the format was successful, but you cannot press (A) to return to the menu, hold down the (Power) button until the console turns off.
- Safely remove your SD card and insert it back into your computer.
- Copy all of your backup files onto your SD card, and re-insert the card back into your 3DS.

(3) Updating your GW EmuNAND

Getting the Firmware
I will not be providing links to download the system firmware since that breaks the GBAtemp TOS.
Alternatively, use 3DNUS to download the 11.17 firmware for your corresponding console.

Preparing the SD card
- Download the correct "11.17.0-50x(Full).zip" firmware package for the correct model that you have ('X' corresponds to your console region).
  • If you install a firmware for the wrong model (i.e., O3DS firmware on a N3DS), it can brick your console.
- Download 123ab's GW patch files for your corresponding region and model. They can be found with a quick Google search.
- Copy only the "updates" folder from the GW patch ZIP archive to the root of your SD card, rename the folder to "patches".

  • If the "updates" folder already exists on your SD card, remove it before transferring the folder containing the patches.
- Make a new folder on the root of your SD card called "updates".
- Extract the update (.cia) files into the "updates" folder. The end result should look something like this:
Updating your EmuNAND
You will need to download "sysUpdater" in order to downgrade your 3DS. Either boot the application from HBL or install the CIA file using FBI or GodMode9.

- Boot into your EmuNAND through Luma3DS. Your EmuNAND should be on a downgraded firmware, this can be checked via the "System Settings" or noticing differences on the "HOME Menu".
- Launch "sysUpdater". Once the application has started, press (A) to update your system to 11.17.
- Once it has finished, you will boot into your updated 11.17 EmuNAND. This can be confirmed by opening the "System Settings".

Patching your EmuNAND

- Power off your 3DS and insert the SD card into your computer.
- Delete the "updates" folder from the root of your SD card.
- Rename the "patches" folder to "updates".
- Re-insert your SD card back into your 3DS, and boot into your EmuNAND through Luma3DS.
- Launch "sysUpdater". Once the application has started, press (Y) to apply the GW patches.
- Once the patches have successfully installed, hold down the (Power) button until the system turns off.
Getting the Firmware
I will not be providing links to download the system firmware since that breaks the GBAtemp TOS.
Alternatively, use 3DNUS to download the 11.17 firmware for your corresponding console.

Preparing the SD card
- Download the latest release of GodMode9: https://github.com/d0k3/GodMode9/releases/latest
- Copy the "GodMode9.firm" file from the ZIP archive to the "luma/payloads" folder on the root of your SD card.
- Copy the "gm9" folder from the ZIP archive to the root of your SD card.
- Download the correct "11.17.0-50x(Full).zip" firmware package for the correct model that you have ('X' corresponds to your console region).

  • If you install a firmware for the wrong model (i.e., O3DS firmware on a N3DS), it can brick your console.
- Download 123ab's GW patch files for your corresponding region and model. They can be found with a quick Google search.
- Copy only the "updates" folder from the GW patch ZIP archive to the root of your SD card, rename the folder to "patches".

  • If the "updates" folder already exists on your SD card, remove it before transferring the folder containing the patches.
- Make a new folder on the root of your SD card called "updates".
- Extract the update (.cia) files into the "updates" folder. The end result should look something like this:

Updating your EmuNAND

- Hold down (Start) whilst powering on the console. From the chainloader menu, select "GodMode9" and press (A).
- Navigate to "[0:] SDCARD" > "updates".
- Highlight the first file then hold (L) and (Right) to select all of the (.cia) files.
- Press (A) to select the first file.
- In the context menu, select "CIA image options" > "Install game image" > "Install to EmuNAND".
- Enter the button combination provided to proceed with the update.
- When asked to relock the write permissions, press (B).
- Press (B) to go back.
- Navigate to the "patches" folder.
- Highlight the first file then hold (L) and (Right) to select all of the (.cia) files.
- Press (A) to select the first file.
- In the context menu, select "CIA image options" > "Install game image" > "Install to EmuNAND".
- Enter the button combination provided to install the patches.
- Press (B) twice then hold down (R) and (Start) to power off the system.

(4) Booting into Gateway (with or w/o card)

- Power on the console whilst holding (Down).
- If you see a grey screen, release all buttons and hold (L) and (Select).
- Navigate to "Classic Mode" then press (A).
- Press (X).
- Insert the Gateway red card into your 3DS.
- Power on the console whilst holding (Down).
- Your 3DS will auto-boot into GW mode.


Q: How do I boot into the GW menu?
A: Hold down (L)+(Select) when the Gateway logo appears.

Q: I get a boot rom BSOD (blue screen of death).
A: Your NAND most likely got corrupted or that you're using a older version of the GW launcher (aka Brickway). Restore a working NAND backup using GM9, and download the latest "Launcher.dat".

Q: Does my GW blue card work on 11.17?
A: Yes. The blue card can still be used to play games in DS-mode, even on the latest firmware.

Q: How do I download the latest "Launcher.dat"?
A: Google is your friend.

Q: When I boot into GW/Classic mode, I get a black screen.
A: There are multiple reasons as to why this might be happening:

  • Modified SecureInfo_A - The GW launcher does not patch this. You will need to restore this from your donor NAND backup.
  • HOME Menu cache/management info - Navigate to "Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/000000**/00000000/" [USA = 8F][EUR = 98][JPN = 82], then delete the "00000005" folder.
  • SysNAND setup - You may have not properly setup a GW EmuNAND or that you're using a RedNAND. Format your SD card using GodMode9.
  • Modified HOME Menu or fonts - Restore a clean NAND backup that does not contain modifications to the firmware.
  • Other issue that isn't disclosed here - Feel free to mention it.


@Temptress Cerise for the help with patching EmuNAND.
@RednaxelaNnamtra for BootCTR9.
@Hayleia for creating the "v2gw.bin" payload.
@nedron92 for discovering the GW B9S method.
123ab for his GW firmware compatibility patches.


  • Gateway_B9S_Package.zip
    78.2 KB · Views: 14
Last edited by SylverReZ,


Dec 26, 2015
United States
Cool! Can't wait for the thousands of comments saying "OMG I GOT A BOOTROM BRICK :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:" because they restored a version of gateway that bricks your 3DS and they're too dumb to make a NAND backup.

Ain't a big deal with NTRboothax these day, you need a hardmod with NAND backup back in the days to disaster recovery. I might mess with this method if I can ever find the cards for cheap.
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Well-Known Member
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 13, 2022
The Wired
United Kingdom
Ain't a big deal with NTRboothax these day, you need a hardmod with NAND backup back in the days to disaster recovery. I might mess with this method if I can ever find the cards for cheap.
Yes, like I mentioned, you can use NTRboot to recover your NAND in-case it gets bricked. Hardmod is only required if it is unrecoverable with said method.

Cool! Can't wait for the thousands of comments saying "OMG I GOT A BOOTROM BRICK :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:" because they restored a version of gateway that bricks your 3DS and they're too dumb to make a NAND backup.
The latest version of Gateway does not brick your console. It only happens if you use v2.0b2 OMEGA up to 3.x that it does brick your NAND.

If they don't have the reading comprehension and begins complaining that their 3DS doesn't work, then I can't do anything about it, they didn't read the disclaimer or steps thoroughly.
Last edited by SylverReZ,


Well-Hated Member (Also)
Apr 22, 2023
gbatemp. where do you think you are
United States
The latest version of Gateway does not seem to brick your console, its only versions 2.0b2 up to 3.x that supposedly bricks your NAND. If some 10-year old starts crying over their bricked 3DS in the comments, tough shit, they didn't read the disclaimer.
That's the joke. They never read disclaimers.
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Well-Known Member
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 13, 2022
The Wired
United Kingdom
what is the benefit compared to nds-bootstrap/twilight menu++?
Not to be rude, but I'm not 100% certain what your main intent in regards to this. I'm pretty sure I've seen other people ask the same question, go on the same bandwagon as many on Reddit to post the same answers. People are allowed to use whichever method they desire to modify their systems. I find it pretty ridiculous that people can have a say on what they should and shouldn't do to their consoles.

nds-bootstrap and TWiLight Menu++ is for booting NDS ROMs from an SD card with custom firmware or older flashcarts in DS-Mode. Gateway 3DS cannot boot NDS ROMs.
Last edited by SylverReZ,


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2021
what is the benefit compared to nds-bootstrap/twilight menu++?
I'm not 100% certain what your main intent is to ask that question, but pretty much I've seen other people, from internet forums to YouTube comments, go on the same bandwagon to post the same answers. People are allowed to use whichever method they desire to modify their systems. I find it pretty ridiculous that people can have a say on what they should and shouldn't do to their consoles.
They just asked a simple question, the same question lingering on my own mind not completely getting why someone would wanna use Gateway, and you took it personally, geewhiz you people....


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
They just asked a simple question, the same question lingering on my own mind not completely getting why someone would wanna use Gateway, and you took it personally, geewhiz you people....
the problem i see between these is that gateway is a 3ds flashcart and runs 3ds only. ndsbootstrap tho is something with nds only. Had it been 3ds to a 3ds id see that differently. but its not
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2021
the problem i see between these is that gateway is a 3ds flashcart and runs 3ds only. ndsbootstrap tho is something with nds only. Had it been 3ds to a 3ds id see that differently. but its not
Thanks for ellaborating and not being a dick like the person above you.
I just recently acquired a O2DS and ain't well-versed in all the terminology and what which thing does and all that.

So yeah sorry for asking a stupid question although as we all know there are no stupid questions, only aforementioned stupid answers.


Well-Known Member
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 13, 2022
The Wired
United Kingdom
the problem i see between these is that gateway is a 3ds flashcart and runs 3ds only. ndsbootstrap tho is something with nds only. Had it been 3ds to a 3ds id see that differently. but its not
The Gateway cart is more of a novel accessory, its proprietary CFW is used to access the cartridge.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
Thanks for ellaborating and not being a dick like the person above you.
I just recently acquired a O2DS and ain't well-versed in all the terminology and what which thing does and all that.

So yeah sorry for asking a stupid question although as we all know there are no stupid questions, only aforementioned stupid answers.
Nowadays there's not really a reason to use gateway. But back in 2014-2015 when it was one of the only way to play 3ds roms it was pretty popular. Then some people modified gateway's launcher and you could downgrade from 9.2 to 4,5 which was the golden firmware for cfw. One of the bad things about 4.5 or 9.2 was that you needed to activate the hack each time you rebooted or turned on the console. Like goldhen for ps4 you might say. In those days you made a special partition on the sd card, an emunand or emulated nand, so every rom installed on the 3ds would be installed in the emunand and sysnand(the normal menu of the 3ds) would remain untouched. If something happened to emunand you could just delete it and redo it, you could even have a copy of the emunand and just restore it and voila, everything back to normal. So to answer your question, some people do it for nostalgia, others because they can experiment more freely and some might think it's safer.
Me personally, I don't see the appeal nowadays but this tutorial is very well done. Didn't think it would be possible.
Sorry for the long comment


Well-Known Member
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 13, 2022
The Wired
United Kingdom
Nowadays there's not really a reason to use gateway. But back in 2014-2015 when it was one of the only way to play 3ds roms it was pretty popular. Then some people modified gateway's launcher and you could downgrade from 9.2 to 4,5 which was the golden firmware for cfw. One of the bad things about 4.5 or 9.2 was that you needed to activate the hack each time you rebooted or turned on the console. Like goldhen for ps4 you might say. In those days you made a special partition on the sd card, an emunand or emulated nand, so every rom installed on the 3ds would be installed in the emunand and sysnand(the normal menu of the 3ds) would remain untouched. If something happened to emunand you could just delete it and redo it, you could even have a copy of the emunand and just restore it and voila, everything back to normal. So to answer your question, some people do it for nostalgia, others because they can experiment more freely and some might think it's safer.
Me personally, I don't see the appeal nowadays but this tutorial is very well done. Didn't think it would be possible.
Sorry for the long comment
I still like to use anything that's old and new, hence why I made this tutorial not only for people like me, but also to give insight on the hardware and ways to access it for the near future. One use for Gateway would be to expand the storage on your 3DS, say if you don't have another larger SD card to add a bunch of games, then GW could be a solution.

Also, thank you for the compliment on this tutorial. This took me a while to put together.
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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
I still like to use anything that's old and new, hence why I made this tutorial not only for people like me, but also to give insight on the hardware and ways to access it for the near future. One use for Gateway would be to expand the storage on your 3DS, say if you don't have another larger SD card to add a bunch of games, then GW could be a solution.

Also, thank you for the compliment on this tutorial. This took me a while to put together.
I imagine it took a while since knowing the 3ds scene how it was and how it is today, I suppose you didn't have that much information and had to research it thoroughly. Did you have any brick at any point while putting this together?

Didn't think about that since nowadays sd cards can be pretty cheap compared to before (I use a 64 gb card in mine and it's enough for me) but yeah, for some it might be quite useful, I still remember when gateway released that launcher software that was bricking 3ds'
Real scumbags
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Well-Known Member
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 13, 2022
The Wired
United Kingdom
the problem i see between these is that gateway is a 3ds flashcart and runs 3ds only. ndsbootstrap tho is something with nds only. Had it been 3ds to a 3ds id see that differently. but its not
I was thinking that too. nds-bootstrap is more of a DS/DSi-type thing for booting DS ROMs.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
It's an extra SD slot. If you have a Gateway, you can use it. Almost all the games are compatable. You can have a whole seperate SD. Some people like the gateway cheat system better.

Why not?

It's just like running SXOS.

Did you look at the franken firmware for your EmuNAND? Might as well. Can't hurt. Then it will be compatible with all but 3 games. IIRC. There was a more robust tutorial floating around here...

Just saw the firmware number. Cool.
Last edited by mikefor20,


Well-Known Member
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 13, 2022
The Wired
United Kingdom
I imagine it took a while since knowing the 3ds scene how it was and how it is today, I suppose you didn't have that much information and had to research it thoroughly. Did you have any brick at any point while putting this together?
Not at all. The latest private beta that I used, being v4.2, does not contain brick code so its 100% safe. Keep in mind that booting GW on SysNAND will remove boot9strap/A9LH and revert you to stock firmware, so make sure you make an EmuNAND.

I've been in the 3DS scene long enough to know this, even at the time when RxTools and Pasta CFW was around.

Didn't think about that since nowadays sd cards can be pretty cheap compared to before (I use a 64 gb card in mine and it's enough for me) but yeah, for some it might be quite useful, I still remember when gateway released that launcher software that was bricking 3ds'
Real scumbags
It was very scummy of Xecuter to purposely cause damage to someone's property without their knowledge. They not only did this to Gateway but also SX OS.

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