Review Axew gone wild with the iPhone 4S


GBAtemp's Flygon Fan
Oct 11, 2010
It's about time I did my next review. In fact, I'm kinda rusty. I have nothing much to write on, until my Uncle (who is working in Japan) bought an iPhone 4S and stayed with us for two whole weeks (he's a cheapy). I managed to have some 'quality' experience with it so now... tada.

Keep in mind that this review is all opinion-based.

Doing a review on this new V3 is tough. Sorry if the layout is crap. I spent a long time handling it.
It's fixed. :P

Oh at the same time, let this review celebrate the new GBAtemp update. :toot:

In this review, I will add a special section for all present iPhone users with regards to my go on whether is it worth upgrading or not.​

Built quality and screen


The iPhone 4S still has it - The Retina Display and the fabulous design

Like its predecessor, the iPhone 4S retains the same sleek and elegant looks together with it's highly acclaimed IPS Retina Display, displaying visuals at 960 X 640 resolution at 326 pixels per inch. Sure enough, it is beautiful. There have been several issues of washed-out colors, but I have not seen any particular difference when compared to my iPhone 4. The built is 99% similar, just that now there is another black bar above the silent mode switch (although CDMA iPhone 4 has it as well). The iPhone 4S retains the same 3.5" screen and aeroglass back. You can read more about it in my iPhone 4 review.

More on the display? Well, it is simply beautiful at times. Words are crisp sharp and there is hardly any pixelation. Colors are not as vibrant as the one in OLED screens, but there is sure enough detail. However when brought out, the display is 'horrible' and your brightness settings must be at an atrociously high level so that you can read the words. IPS certainly doesn't work well under broad daylight. This also happens with the iPhone 4, but it's a bit worse with the 4S. (This is up to the user though)

What's new then?


Behold, the A5 chip

iPhone 4S, marketed by Apple, is old on the outside but new in the inside. It features the very same dual core A5 chip used in the iPad 2. It is also marketed being twice as fast and 70% faster graphics. Well, is it all true?

Based on use, it certainly is faster than iPhone 4, but not twice as fast. There is a noticeable increase in speed when opening apps and when using the browser, but browser speeds relatively depend on internet connectivity as well. Running at 10 Mbps Wi-Fi, the browser loads pages about 25% - 45% faster than the iPhone 4. There is no particular lag when using the phone, much better than an iPhone 4 running iOS 5 that is. iOS 5 seems to be truly designed for the iPhone 4S, and it seems certainly flawless.

Wait what's that? iOS 5? Yes. The massive Apple firmware update. There are certain software in iOS 5 which are exclusive for the iPhone 4S. Not exactly massive features but hey, it's nice. There is a little lag when using iOS 5 on the 4 but there isn't much issue.

Basically these noticeable features are shared between all iOS devices:
  • Notification Center
  • Dictionary
  • Twitter Integration
  • Camera Key while snapping photos
  • Camera Icon while at lock screen
  • Newsstand
  • iCloud, 5GB free storage

Hoho, iPhone 4S exclusives?


Siri is decent, but not fantastic.

Siri brings voice commands to a whole new level as marketed. It makes use of the A5 chip and simultaneously connect between Wi-Fi and 3G to quickly answer your burning questions/tasks. Well, is it really true? Siri is really good in performing tasks and decent in tracking accents. So far, Siri works well with my voice (I didn't have to tweak it) and performs decently well. Siri is pretty limited right now, but in 2012 it will come more language options such as Chinese and Japanese. I didn't encounter any server problem while using it, but my uncle did mention that when he tried it on day one, it did have them. Siri as seen in this video is server-based, so I wouldn't be too shocked if it crashes at times. However, Siri does have it flaws too. It's a beta version, and maps support (for now, possibly) is not available outside of the US. When I ask for some nice fast food, it only tells me that the feature is only available in the United States. Tracking of words can at times be inaccurate, and my reminders can have very funny word substitutions. Still, it is still in beta. So I won't pretty much jump to conclusions.

What others? There's AirPlay, also available in the iPad 2. Well, I don't own an Apple TV so I can't really say much about it. But what it is? Bring your gaems and content up to the big screen. A 'dual antenna' which resolves Antennagate (previously a huge issue with the iPhone 4) and provides faster and better download speeds/call quality etc. I didn't notice much actually, although the signal bar is pretty much constant. (My 4 goes from 1 to 3 bars at certain places) t. No dropped calls. Clear and good reception and being a world phone. It is all GSM/UMTS/CDMA in one. Not exactly useful for me, but it should be great for CDMA users going overseas.


The iPhone 4S battery is somewhat the same as the 4. I still charge quite frequently and there seems to be no particular difference. It lasts about 4 hours with Wi-Fi on, 3G off with constant sessions of web browsing and games till the battery hits 50%. Brightness is less than half, which isn't really good.


The iPhone 4S cameras are simply brilliant

I always enjoyed the iPhone 4 camera. The picture quality is top-notch and I simply love it. The 4S just brings it to a whole new league. It's photos are crisp sharp and rich in detail and the flash is also decent. The zoom however is still digital and there is room for improvement in taking low-light snaps.

Is it worth the upgrade?

The iPhone 4S is definitely a good iPhone. But if you already own an iPhone, is it worth the jump? Personally, after using it, I find that my iPhone 4 is good enough and the 4S isn't really worth of an upgrade. The 4S is faster and boasts more exclusive features and a better camera, but still the 4 has many of what Apple offers such as the beautiful Retina display and the holiness of iOS 5. It's fast enough as well. The 4S is getting some software (GTA III) which are exclusive, but it's not worth getting a phone just for it. As seen in that previous video, Siri is being ported to the 4 as well (although it may sap a ton of battery). Hence, IMO, it's just not worth it from a 4 to a 4S, unless you're offered a very high trade-in price.

If you own a 3GS, the 4S is a pretty decent choice. It is much faster (it should be) and has a much better camera and display. Still, 3GS has the iOS 5 love. But it's still considerable.

If you want an iPhone, definitely go with the 4S (of course if you have the $). At $199 with a contract (in the US), you get 16GB of storage, 5GB more with iCloud and a phone with dual core processor. Still, there are other options if you are not a dying for an iPhone. The Samsung Galaxy S II (my review) is another great choice with Super AMOLED Plus display and a 4.3" touchscreen.

To sum it all up:
  1. It's not worth upgrading if you have an iPhone 4

  2. You might consider if you have an iPhone 3GS

  3. If you want an iPhone, this is the one you should go for

Final Verdict


The iPhone 4S is a solid phone and a great addition to the dual core phone list. It has many various stuff with iOS 5 and certain exclusives such as Siri. At $199 for the 16GB, and now with a 64GB edition, Apple certainly wants you to get one.

  • Great Build Quality and screen
  • Siri is really a helpful assistant
  • Faster than the iPhone 4, iOS 5 on it is flawless
  • Awesome camera
  • Too many features shared with iPhone 4
  • Aeroglass still vulnerable to breakage
Overall Verdict: 8/10

P.S. RIP Steve Jobs.


Mwa ha ha ha!
Sep 1, 2008
GBAtemp ↑↑↓↓← → ← →BA
iPhone 4S is marketed as having 7x faster graphics then iPhone 4. Doesn't that mean it is 700% faster (you mentioned it as 70%)? :unsure:

And that looks like an iPhone 4 in the first picture (no black bar at the top) :P

I'm assuming the 'S' in iPhone 4S stands for 'Siri' and not for 'speed'?


GBAtemp's Flygon Fan
Oct 11, 2010
iPhone 4S is marketed as having 7x faster graphics then iPhone 4. Doesn't that mean it is 700% faster (you mentioned it as 70%)? :unsure:

And that looks like an iPhone 4 in the first picture (no black bar at the top) :P

I'm assuming the 'S' in iPhone 4S stands for 'Siri' and not for 'speed'?
Oh, my bad. Yeah 7X.

My photos are from the web. I can't really take photos at my house (my cams are horrid and the house is just so dark!) so I have not much choice. Besides, most 4S images are focusing on Siri.

4S... yeah, you can say so :x

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